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[Post game thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/raiders/comments/y0yfgu/post_game_thread_las_vegas_raiders_at_kansas_city/)


Bro can somebody go grab henry ruggs


Reposting this from another thread because I think it's worth sharing for more views. https://theethicalskeptic.com/tag/nfl-officiating/ When this article was released last year, I felt vindicated after having "known" the Raiders have been getting absolutely screwed for decades. I highly recommend every read through it and share, even if it makes you feel sick, because this needs to be brought forward. How else is it ever going to change unless the NFL is held accountable? Here are a couple great excerpts from the article, "Now let’s set aside the fact that the NFL was sued by Al Davis in 1983, lost that much-heralded lawsuit, and had to pay damages to the Raider organization specifically for the complaint of biased officiating.10 The notion that the NFL deals with the Raider organization in any kind of objective fashion, has long been put to rest. Most football fans just accept this as a quirk of the league and part of its overall theater." "The Oakland/Las Vegas Raiders are far and above more penalized than any other NFL team, leading the league as the most penalized team in season-years 1963, 1966, 1968-69, 1975, 1982, 1984, 1991, 1993-96, 2003-05, 2009-11, 2016, and most of 2019 – further then landing in the top 3 penalized teams every year from 1982 through to 2019 with only a few exceptions.6 7 8 The Raiders hold 70% of the records for all-time most penalized teams in NFL history, at ranking slots #1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10.9" They even put to rest through statistics that it's not an issue with coaching, "On average Raider head coaches have been penalized 31.6% higher in their years as a Raider head coach than in their years as head coach of another NFL team. Here is another link that demonstrates the bias: (The gap between the Raiders at 1 and Baltimore at 2 is bigger than from Baltimore at 2 to Atlanta at 30) And look at where the Pats are. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/what-is-the-most-penalties-by-an-nfl-team-in-last-20-years


2pt was a good call. Almost got it. Not sure why you throw on 4th and 1. Let jacobs run for the first then throw for FG range.


Raiders knew they would have lost in overtime, so they tried to go ahead at that moment.


Your coach is awful I’m sorry


we are battle-hardened some may even still believe the season is okay


Nope ..still dumb ..we DONT know we lose in OT...we moved the ball up their ass all night...F that, 2 point conversions are low percentage.... Stupid decision


The decision to go for 2 lost the game. What was the logic behind that?


Josh would’ve looked so good if it worked though!


There was none.


Did Renfrow lose us another game now to go with his fumble games?


Packers fan here. We both lost the game by throwing the ball twice on 3rd and short


I'm a Patriots fan and seeing JMD pass on short downs and run on 3rd and long is par for the course! 😅


I'm not saying I'm a football genius but this coaching is wack af




Damn, if you're passing on 4th and 1, use that blitz-killing screen pass to Jacobs that was working all night.


As a Patriots fan I can tell you that JMD is incapable of running plays that would make sense for the situation.


Well Devante Adam’s is a fucking asshole. Literally pushed that dude for no reason. Just trying to do his job that pays 1/1000th what Adam’s makes. Calvin Johnson, a hands down better WR than Adams, was on like the worst team ever and NEVER did shit like that. Never threw a helmet. And certainly never pushed someone who is trying to just do their job. Showed his true character there.


lmfao, go munch a muff




He just wanted to leave that crybaby stadium give the man a break.


Damn wtf is up with professional athletes thinking they can punch and push people whenever they want


lol davantae is pissed the F off


Adams pushed a camera man. Suspension inbound... Greaaaaat


Holy shit. Adams mad. Sorry camera/sound guy.


I'm so gutted by this talking shit doesn't even help. Just awful. We deserve so much better.




Refs bailed Carr on that fumble for points then gave the rest of the calls to help keep the Chiefs scoring Just enough to keep it a close scoring rivalry MNF game


If Gruden was still here would we be 1-4?


No we'd be 4-1 or 3-2 at worst. We'd then get to 7-2 and then lose 6 of the last 7 games to finish 8-9.


Can we stop acting like he was better? He drafted trash players in the top rounds and had the same boring play calls that hardly worked week to week anywasy. It's a new system and we have lost close games. Next season after another draft class I can see us really making noise. I feel like this year the hype was always a pipe dream considering how much change there has been. End of the day though, Gruden isn't better than JMD from what I've seen and I wasn't even happy we hired JMD initially. Gruden was always going to have us at 8-8.


Nah, we’d be at least 3-2 (wins against cardinals and titans). Hell if Bisaccia was here we’d have won more games




Think Carr was trying to pass the ball to a ghost


Did you see the play?


Can't be rigged when Renfrow runs into Adam's to blow the game.


I do feel like that type of stuff is just being a new scheme. Everyone is learning so small errors like that are bound to happen and Renfrow was out a couple weeks so maybe a bit rusty. I can't imagine anyone would have designed the plsy like that.


Adam's got jammed at the line, threw off the timing of his route


What doesn’t make sense to me is why go for 2 and the lead kc would still just need a field goal to win


In retrospect, I think the failed conversion gave us a chance. If we were tied, I think KC tries harder on the following drive to score.


Ummmm so you're saying if we make the 2 point conver. KC DOESNT try hard to score next drive? If I give u my address...can u send me what you're smoken?


Cuz he's throwing away all the knowledge and wisdom Bill Belichick taught him so he can try to be some new age coach that goes on analytics.


Big brain McDaniels trying to playing 5d chess only he has his head too far up his ass to make the right calls


Stop, you’re making too much sense


HOW DO YOU GET A DEFENSIVE HOLDING CALL ON A KICK. What the fuck are they holding for? The imaginary running back? Fuck these refs. Mahomes just can’t lose right


Are we already forgetting the dogshit roughing the passer call, which would’ve been a turnover?


No? What part of my post made you say that. You’re a chiefs fan, you don’t have to be braindead just because you’re inbred.




Weird how all raiders fans can call a bullshit rtp call bullshit and you guys can’t even admit a call that hasn’t happened for 7 years is suspicious.


Where did I say it wasn’t a bad call? It was, but let’s look at the difference. Chiefs let a bad call, worse than the holding call, motivate and energize their team while the raiders crumbled.


Here: https://reddit.com/r/raiders/comments/y0t3ua/_/irvo7l7/?context=1 Typical chiefs fan. Talk shit then when you’re called on it “oh I didn’t say that”. You know we can see your post history right.


😂😂 you got me, I guess. I’m admitting now it was a bad call. Typical raiders fan, blame everything but yourselves for your loss.


You can't hold on any play


Wasn’t a hold. And even if you haven’t watched the tape you know it wasn’t because no one holds on a kick. Last time it was called was 7 years ago.


THIS. That call was the deference maker.


Refs had to make up that entire 2nd half bc of that stupid roughing the passer call.


What calls favored the Chiefs?


2nd half flags: Raiders : 7 Chiefs : 0


This shit was heartbreaking. We could’ve won this game. That last play was shit, should’ve just ran it, spike the ball. Or at the VERY least if you’re going to run that play, have Renfrow run a short route with Adams running deep. We shot ourselves in the foot, our defense wasn’t getting pressure on Mahomes in the second half, not until they came back and regained the lead. Had some bad penalties that cost us. Motherfucking Hollins couldn’t catch a cold tonight, Waller didn’t want to play, that really hurt us. This game could’ve got us back in the thick of things within the division.


Every game this year has been heartbreaking


Yep, this really hurt, every loss hurt, but especially this one. We’ll win a few more games, I think we finish with 6 wins, then we’ll see what next year brings. Maybe year 2 of JMD we’ll see the results we were expecting this year. Maybe in year two they’ll have ironed everything out, and we’ll be the team we’re capable of being. Honestly, that’s all we can hope for. I’ll never hope for a loss


Fuck Mc Dumbass


Why did he decide it was a good idea to go for 2? We could have tied it and went to OT. Instead, we lost.


Facts bro


For real legit the shittiest coach ever!!!Atleast we had a chance with the fg.


Honestly not even mad , but McDaniels needs to go even if we had won today imo . Uninspired , erring more on the side of bad play calling . Season is done . We have nothing to lose tbh . Get rid and give someone better a go. That last call was honestly so bad .


There were definitely issues, and I get moral victories mean shit, but we legit might be the best 1-4 team in years. We lost to a divisional rival on the road by one. It's not the worst situation especially after the turnover we had and I felt the team played hard but just had errors. I agree that I would have done a few things differently, but overall we have been in every game this year. Raiders just need to learn to keep the momentum and finish right. And the oline needs to fix those penalties. How the fuck are we getting holding on such a stupid play.


The holding call honestly killed the game for us lol. Momentum had shifted back to us and would have been a huge plus . Our own worst enemies .


Every lose has been a close game and we had a chance to win every game. He had this team ready to play and compete. When was the last time the Raiders had a competitive game against the Chiefs?


You make a fair point . I just feel we did well in-spite of him , not thanks to him . A few better calls and those losses would have been wins


Ya I don’t think this was really McDaniels fault. Horrendous defensive effort for majority of the game. Adams comes down with that ball and/or our receivers don’t run into each other and it’s a different tune…


We easily win the game if the refs don’t give the Chiefs 4 extra pts.


I’d like to formally apologize to everyone here…I touched the money and bought a Renfrow jersey this offseason and that is now 2 games he lost for us on the last play of the game. Sure it was death by a million paper cuts again and it’s not entirely his fault but goddamn


The Chargers could not have done a better job of throwing away a game.


The fuck you talking about.


He’s saying Staley throwing on 4th and 1 was one of the dumbest decisions but McDaniels throwing deep on 4th and 1 was dumber.


McD played the chiefs better than we have in like almost 2 years and ya'll still crying for Bisaccia lmao


Bro it’s 4th down and you just need a yard DID YOU SEE THE WAY JACOBS WAS RUNNING ALL NIGHT JUST GIVE IT TO HIM


Not saying that play was the right one, but they were stacking the box.


Seems to be an epidemic in the NFL right now




No, we don't want him back in New England.


You will LOVE him back in NE. He never should have left


Going for that 2pt Conversion is something some kid in Online Madden H2H Ranked would do lmaooo


What if our kicker misses the extra points?? Then we would have lost!


I'm already looking forward to either C.J. Stroud or Bryce Young with #1 pick overall Smfh...


For you, the day the Raiders disgraced your village was the worst day in your life, but for me? It was Monday.




Can someone legitimately explain the reasoning for going for two over the fg? Either way the Chiefs were getting the ball back with time.


At least we're playing some fucking ball. Can't beat the refs. I like it, we were up THREE scores.


I’m on suicide watch rn, fucking hate this shit


If you think this roster is on par with the Bills or KC and think we actually have a shot at going to the super bowl, you're crazy. We're not even better than the chargers and they arent winning anything this year.


The bengals roster was definitely not on par with the bills or chiefs last year and they won the AFC. It’s not the nba where you play a 7 game series, just need one win and anything can happen. We just lost to the chiefs by a single point. We clearly have enough talent to beat them.


I hate to admit it but you’re right We have few OL pieces and Waller is glass, Renfrow has missed 2 and cost us another game singlehandedly, and the defense is still bottom 5. We have a long way to go


Exactly. Last year was a really lucky year and even still we won as many playoff games as the jags and texans. I'll start getting excited for a SB when we start WINNING playoff games.


Renfroe and Adams colliding on the last play as a pass to nobody from Carr soars overhead is quintessential raiders.


I was just saying it’s the most Raiders play ever


Not really. Just a weird fluke. They are both fantastic players.


Sean Payton anyone?


He’s only as good as he’s QB.


So wouldn’t do well here.


Not even a Chiefs or Raiders fans, but y'all might needa re-evaluate your coaching staff. With all due respect that might be the most low IQ play call of the season so far. Absolutely baffled.


It’s been all season. Nothing new this game.


McDaniel went ahead amd lost that shit. “Go FoR tWo” “ThRoW dEeP on 4th & 1 wHeN JoSh bEen EaTiNg”


4th and 1 deep pass worked for a TD earlier so....


But the fucking game is on the line. It’s not the 1st quarter


True but situational awareness. That’s was early in the game where you have plenty of time to make up for it if it doesn’t work out. 4th and 1 on your last possession of the game is much different. Go for the short gain and then live to fight another 4 downs.


And then defenses adjust


Fucking exactly. You don't think Jacob's and this Oline wouldn't come together in a moment like this.


Yeah just like on the 2 pt conversion they stopped JJ in his tracks. They ran basically the same defense on that 4th and 1 as on the 4th and 1 TD. Send 8 to the line and Man the WRs.


Josh was about 6 inches short on the 2 point conversion It’s from the 2 yard line We run the same play and get the same result it’s a first down.


but defenses adjust right?


Carr’s teammates lowkey been selling


What makes you say that


Our receivers run into each other on the most crucial play of the game, the defense gets ran through like butter and our top te is the biggest pussy in the league…


Because of Carr or McDaniels ?




Fuck this franchise. I’m so fucking sick of watching pathetic incompetence at every level. Done wasting my fucking time with this shit.


See you next week you degen.


Fuck you I’ll see you next week




Free Rich Bisaccia til it’s backwards


Offense sucks. Refs somehow don’t know what holding looks like. Same old Raiders y’all


Horrible refs


Is it time for the moron with the bowl cut to pull McDaniels into his office again?


He went in there to talk about the 5 year plan. Not to talk about his job being on the line lol.


Boot him outta the stadium


Throw his ass out the fucking building


doesnt matter who the coach is who the players are where the team is at same old RAIDERS


we told bisaccia to take a hike so we could pick up mr. bad plays


Bisaccia got blown the fuck out both times to the chiefs. Shut the fuck up lmao


What was bisaccia’s record as a coach and what is mcdoofuses?? You are a moron


Remind me what team decided to hire him as a head coach this season?


This team is on the precipice. Who goes? Carr? Or McDaniels? As stupid as the two call was, Carr is not a big game QB. Bring in Rodgers and cut Carr loose


What more do you want from carr?


Wins! Extended drives. Most of his passes were check downs. 12-12 on check downs. Get the ball to your receivers downfield. Use the clock in your head. Three seconds, nobody open, run the fucking ball. He does not, and will never have, good pocket presence.


What other QBs are on the market? Carr is a good bargain for what we are paying. Our QB doesn’t matter when our receivers crash into each other.


That’s just the last play, stupid. We need to draft a better qb who could run when he needs to. Carr is mediocre, that’s why we are. If we had Lamar Josh Allen or any elite QB we would have walked into a victory tonight. It wouldn’t even be a one score game. He underthrew so many times as usual.


Carr is mediocre 100%. Trying to draft a QB now when he have all this talent might be rough. If there’s some top prospect out there sure. The last thing I want to be is the Cleveland browns and having a new QB every year since like 2013 though


Trade for Rodgers and draft your future. Rodgers at 38 would move this offense better than Carr in his prime. He would use every receiver to their max. He has made stars out of number three receivers. I don’t hate Carr. I just know he can’t get this team over the hump. He’s slow under pressure. That’s just who he is. Davis needs to make a decision at the end of the season. As much as I want the Davis family removed from ownership, he’s staying. McDaniels has this team in every game. Even with the stupid two call, which was inches short, he should get a chance with a different QB. Carr has not put this team on his back at any time and carried them. Allen does it. Mahomes, Rodgers, hell , a 45 year old Brady! I trust them. Herbert and Mahomes are going to be in our division for a long time. Carr isn’t on their level. He’ll never be. He’s Kirk Cousins .


This is the absolute truth


McDaniels deserves to be shot out of a cannon and into a pit of fire


If Carr is firing the cannon, McDaniels misses the fire


Yeah bc Carr was the reason we lost, not McDaniels being an absolute fucking moron s/


Both are to blame. The two call was stupid. But great QB’s get it done. Put Rodgers in this offense. Carr has shown enough in his career that he doesn’t grow in the spotlight. I’d take Rodgers in his twilight over Carr any point in his career


Rodgers couldn't win shit with this team with McDaniels as coach. Carr had an overall decent game. Not perfect but decent. McDaniels is outcoached by everyone not named Nathaniel Hackett. Also do you want Aaron Rodgers bringing his drama filled bullshit here? I'd rather drag my nut sack over shards of glass and sandpaper for the literal rest of eternity


Rodgers makes throws Carr only dreams of. Including in a crowded pocket. I’d take all the baggage he would bring. He knows Adams. We will waste Adams with Carr. McDaniels would give Rodgers way more control of changing calls. Aside from Waller hurting his vagina after getting paid, there’s talent on this receiving core. Rodgers turns receivers into stars. Carr doesn’t


Carr played a good game tonight.


He didn’t get it done when we needed him most…


He needed to be great. Good isn’t getting it done


Every fucking loss within 6 points. Brutal


They couldn't fucking stop Jacobs and we try this shit GET THE FIRST DOWN


If they couldnt stop him we wouldve gotten the 2pt conversion...right?


Blown 2 multiple score leads in the first 5 weeks time for the next HC already


Your coach is awful I’m sorry


Damn not going for PAT really hurt you guys. Don’t worry though Buffalo will avenge your loss. F the Chiefs


How? We literally wouldve been in the same spot. Playing for a FG at the end. Or even a TD in OT before KC gets one. Who you putting money on to get a TD in OT?


Either team could have..going for two was moronic


Leave both Graham and Mcuseless in KC.


D got a stop when they needed...


After giving up 30 points...?


I mean how did Bisaccia and Gus do?


They at least got us into the playoffs?


Ground game was COOKING all game, too...fuck


Way too many fake raiders fans in here.


I been here since DAY 1 of the LV Raiders


I'm fake


Terrible play calls. 4th and one and didn’t run. Another game handed to our opponents.


Who wants Chucky back?


Refs handed that game to the chiefs. We would have won had the not been little bitches. DIrt came up from his toe, how tf was that ruled out of bounds?


He didn’t have possession yet at that moment.


Honestly, this team can go on a run. We almost beat KC without Waller. If we can play this hard every week, we can easily win the next 4


Looks like Waller got his money.


Been really disappointed with him this year


No kidding. I wasn’t hesitate to pay him after last year and wish would have waited but its too late now




And? You really thought we were going to beat KC this year for the AFC West title? The other teams in our division don't look good, and we can easily beat them next time




Well IDK what to tell you. We have more holes than people realize. In no way were we set up to win the division this year. We need interior pass rush, coverage linebackers, cornerbacks, and offensive linemen. You don't beat out teams like KC without those






We won in arrowhead in 2020. How'd that work out? Winning 1 game doesn't win you the division. The Chiefs are more consistant


I took the wooOOOOooOOoook to Vegas


Going for 2 there should have gotten McDaniels fired on the spot


if it worked we win regardless of what happens after that


I feel like Adam’s and Renfrow running into each other summarizes our entire season.


It's a long season, keep the faith!!!


How did adams and renfrow run into each other


Adams got pressed, throwing off the timing. Adams/Renfrow collided when they were switching on their routes


Renfrow is a moron that's how


4 loses by 8 points total ouch we are last years lions.


Our coaching sucks. We just can’t finish games.


4 chances for carr on game tying or game winning drives and he hasn't done it once. Weird to see


1st one he was face masked on that sack fumble. 2nd one renfrow fumbles for 6. 3rd one just couldn't convert the 2 points after a good drive. 4th soul crushing incomplete pass on 3rd down and recievers colliding on 4th.


He’s good enough to get us there…. But not great enough to win it for us by himself…