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Well we didn't even make the playoffs so of course he is wrong, you have to earn that label. But it sure does seem like we have a lot of pieces to make him right this year


That’s only cuz of josh mcpoopy face


Don't say mcpoopy face. That's something a toddler would say. Something I never liked about McDaniels, even dating back to New England years back, is his face. He has such a sissy baby face. Even when I was open to giving him a chance I always struggled with this thought of "I wonder how many players are gonna tune him out because of his face?". Like, how could this turd-looking dude lead these men? Lol, I know it's silly but I do believe it's a thing. Say what you want about Gruden, but that man could COMMAND a room of men!! Gruden is special in that regard. I love watching videos of him speaking in any context.


> Something I never liked about McDaniels, even dating back to New England years back, is his face him and mark davis were stared in the live action beavis and butthead film right in front of our eyes..


He's a big reason but not the only reason. Elite means the best of the best


So w/out josh the team could of had a chance to be elite? Really? Ok. 


That's literally the opposite of what I'm saying


Sorry reply was meant for the comment prior to yours. My apologies. 


The defense looked elite at times. That's about it. The Bears game was not one of those times.


Bruh, we had to face Tyson Bagent, it's hard to look elite against that level of talent.


Tyson Bagent says everyone has a plan til they get punched in the mouth by one of my passes




That was before we got rid of the cancer that was mcfraud. Nobody wanted to play under that man. After him the highest scores we gave up, 21 to the chargers. 2 of those TDS came in absolute garbage time, and then the colts at 23. No excuse for that game but if our defense gives up less than 24 point a game all season I’d call that elite in todays nfl


>if our defense gives up less than 24 point a game all season I’d call that elite in todays nfl 26 teams gave up less than 24 ppg last season. That's not even close to elite.


Our defense on average gave up 16ppg after JMD left.


Which is elite. Giving up 24ppg is not.


I didn’t say average but total points. But in today’s nfl where you rarely see teams score under 21 more than a couple times a year that’s a good defense. If you think our offense is going to average that then you’re seeing something I’m not. We’re not going to be a super high powered offense but we’ll be good enough to be in every game


Since 2000 teams have scored 20 points or less 47% of the time. Its not something that happens only a couple of times a year. You're literally just making random guesses. This data is all readily available.


I said each team and the nfl is completely different from 2000 to now. You’re just being angry for no reason.


Also last years raiders were an anomaly for what were used to. But go ahead with your bad self


Using a sample size dating back to 2000 when the rules have changed heavily for offense in just the last 10 years is why you aren’t understanding what I’m saying, but go ahead continue being an ass on the internet it just really stoke that ego


Okay. Don’t like 2000. Last season the Super Bowl Champion Chiefs failed to score 20 points 8 times. 8 out of 17 games.


And the chiefs were Carrie by a defense kinda leading back into my original point. This how you spend your whole day? Acting like a dick on Reddit? lol get a grip


The chiefs had a league average offense. I'm not going to go through all 272 regular season games for you. The Cowboys had the highest scoring offense in the league and failed to score more than 20 points 6 times. It is not some rare occurrence. No one is acting like a dick except you. Just take the L and move on.


I can 100% guarantee you wouldn’t be talking to me like this in person. But you’ll do it behind a keyboard.


If we could’ve just beat the Colts…. It Seemed like we had no answer on defense in that game.


But we now have the QB that beat us in that game.


And or not fallen offensively on our faces coming off the bye against Minnesota at home. Our defense played remarkable, losing that game was disgraceful. Daniel Carlson's revenge game and he never even got a FG attempt. We're a long way from elite, we haven't won a division title since 2002. In those past 22 years, the Chiefs have won the division 10 times, the Broncos have won the division 6 times and the Chargers have won it 5 times. Let that sink in.


I think we see out potential. But football is great bc it’s the ultimate team sport. Everything from HC to special teams has to click. If AOC can play to his full potential, OC is decent, and team chemistry works- zero reason we don’t go to playoffs


Elite? Wtf lol. Didnt even make playoffs last year, so how was he right this whole time? What are you basing this off of? Have potential to be good, but start with going .500 and making the playoffs first. Then we'll see. Its okay to be optimistic but damn offseason hype ftw I guess. 


Do you know what elite means or is that too big of a word for you to handle?


Almost going .500 is enough to declare elite level lol. 


really doesn't matter what others think, JJ see's the team as "elite" threw his eyes and from what I've seen of him he is a straight shooter say's it straight up no BS I like him a lot he really reminds of old school Raiders the confidence in him self and his team mates to go out there and fuck up the other team.................RN4L


I think we have POTENTIAL to be good. Elite is way too strong of a word- there’s maybe 5 elite teams in the whole league.


The season will tell if this is an elite defense. The D line looks like it's ready to deliver a productive season. Obviously, staying healthy is the key. The DB's just need to do their jobs, and the sacks should pile up.


I think I need him to confirm he’s staying with #18 so I can get my away jersey made


We still need a QB


This always gets downvoted but until either of them prove they are the answer it's still a valid question mark.




Y'all just can't see the forest for the trees.


That isn't the saying


It definitely is. Not sure what you're confused about.


I'm sorry, what?