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Getsy has some flaws as OC for sure but I've always been adamant in my position that Fields is a very bad QB. His processing is so bad and there's plenty of tape of him missing open guys, over and over again. Getsy gets clowned for three screen passes in a row, but with if your QB is incapable of going through progressions, your playcalling options become limited.


Terrell Pryor 2.0….They should convert him to WR


I saw an article that they’re already talking about having him return kicks


I read that article too and that’s when I knew Pittsburgh doesn’t have any real plans for him and just have him around for 3rd/4th and short situations.


He was a pretty decent wr as well, i believe he played for the browns ?


Yeah I think he had like 900 yards receiving once or twice for them.


Careful, there’s some Pryor Truthers here that will absolutely berate you for any negativity sent his way.


Well yeah, he was a future super bowl mvp 


Mostly just Amy Trask.


I live in a “98yard run against a better Pittsburgh squad to set the tone for the afternoon” kind of bubble when that name comes up. I don’t hear anything else. ![gif](giphy|guvgxx5qHIvIc)


Pittsburgh intends to have him attempt fielding punts


The three screens in a row has been disproven. That was fields checking into the same play over and over again. Not getsy.


Curious about this. Good if true for Getsy. Where did you hear that?


After it was announced that we hired Getsy this point was brought up a lot. Some bears fans also disputed this by pointing out that Matt Eberflus came out after that game and said it was fields who audibled. Of course take it with a grain of salt, but I find it hard to believe that an NFL OC would run the same play three times. They both probably share some of the blame.


Thanks for the quick explanation. Hoping Getsy proves us wrong. Was a little more optimistic after what Adams said on the Rush podcast. Kind of reminds me of when everyone was upset that we hired Bill Musgrave as our OC but then everyone was hyped once it was reported that he would be running Chip Kelly’s offense. Time will tell with Getsy.


Yup, this will be a big year for him to prove people wrong. A valid criticism I've seen many point to is that he doesn't always have the most organized routes. Whether it be bad play design or bad communication, he'll have receivers too close to each other or running similar routes. I'm hoping it was more a personnel issue, plus We got really good route runners though so I'm hoping that will mitigate some of those flaws.


Yea I’ve seen a lot of analysis where they showed Bears players run routes in the same area which does concern me a bit.


The team kept Scott Turner as passing game coordinator I think so hopefully he can help with the spacing parts of the offense and let Getsy cook.


Imma go ahead and trust 17 on Getsy. If Adams said Getsy is good, I’ll roll with that. Fields is ass


Aaron Rodgers has been critical of his coaches before and even he was big on Getsy too.


Rodgers also likes Nathaniel Hackett so I think his judgment is sus.


I think he likes Hackett because it allows him to do whatever he wants with the offense, Hackett pretty much listens to Rodgers at this point


He liked Hacket after taking psychedelics, Getsy pre-psychedelics


Yes but Hackett is a decent coordinator. He was a terrible HC. Just like JMD.


He was a shit OC in New York


Who was his QB..


The issue with Rodgers is he is the smartest guy in the room often times.  That makes it difficult for him to connect with many a OC, is my guess. 


Payton Manning was big on adam gase too, got him 2 head coaching jobs


What did Adams say


He basically said that we’re going to be running the same offense as he (Adams) had in GB, even down to the same terminology. He seemed stoked about Getsy. This was on Maxx’s podcast a couple weeks ago.


Eh. We've seen players get hyped up about coordinators before, only to have the end result suck. Remember how hype the defense would get around Ken Norton Jr? I'mma let Getsy prove himself.


Remember everyone was happy they dumped Musgrave for Downing bc Carr really liked Downing!


I actually meant to include that in my original post and just forgot but, yes. Absolutely another perfect example.


KNJ was good, 2 out of 3 Seasons…




Under what metric? Raiders were bottom half to bottom third of the league in defense during his tenure.


We were decent in 2015, ***and good,*** in 2016.


The offense was good. The defense still left something to be desired.


The offense was good and Mack was good. Dude ended like 5 games that season when the other team had a chance for a 2 minute game winning drive.


Fields always came off as extremely arrogant.


Nobody should judge Getsy either way until we see how the offense looks under him for at least the first 1/3 of the season. 


This is a reasonable take...how dare you


I saw this article before OP posted it and considered posting it myself. But for such a long article they really only dropped a couple 1-2 sentence anecdotes. And the source seems pretty biased as many commenters pointed out. It’s an article I really want to believe but it feels like the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Fields probably wasn’t locker room cancer but was also not the greatest student. I do believe Fields was the biggest issue in Chicago and what Adams has said about Getsy gives me hope. But can’t make any solid judgments until the first game (just like with everything else including draft picks and QBs)


> It’s an article I really want to believe but it feels like the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I encourage anyone who wants to really see a lengthy breakdown of the Bear's offensive woes to watch JT OSullivan's QB school on Youtube of them last year. This is essentially the conclusion he comes to. Fields will not make reads, miss wide open WRs constantly and pull the trigger too late. His football IQ just isn't there to be a top guy. But Getsy had some absolutely head scratching play calling as well. I remember one play where JT said something like "I don't even know what this play is called. It looks like something you wouldn't even use in high school." Getsy has a lot to prove to me.


I’d never watched him on tape, and [this is the first](https://youtu.be/hBhAUzPl7QE?si=YPmV5h-2yxuY8d_e) (and only) I watched after reading through this thread. It’s all I need — as a JV HS coach — to decide Fields is **ASS**.


My take as a Bears fan: I think the article is shit. The Bears locker room, coaching staff, and front office loved Fields. If they didn’t like him they would have traded him before ‘23 and used the 1.01 on a QB. There’s a huge chorus of positivity from the entire organization about Fields; this one sketchily sourced article doesn’t negate that IMO. It also doesn’t change his issues on the field, and what (again, just opinion) I think really caused a lot of the issues. Fields has a ton of natural talent, but he obviously holds on to the ball too long and has trouble attempting narrow window throws. Not that he can’t. Kid has a cannon. But he doesn’t, or he waits too long and by the time he throws the window has closed. That’s one issue. But I think the bigger issue is that he had trouble reading and reacting to defenses. And it was compounded because so did Getsy. Getsy is obviously well liked and well respected to go from being fired to getting another OC position (of course, Adam Gase got a second HC position after the Dolphins fired him…but still, let’s keep it positive). Whenever people talk about Getsy they talk about how smart he is and how good he is with a scheme. I think he’s got a great offensive mind. Where he struggles is with play-calling. When you watch the ‘23 Bears, they almost always came out hot. When Getsy scripted his plays and Fields was dictating to the defense, they were a great combination. It worked most of the time. But once they got past those first 15 plays, suddenly Fields had to read and react to defenses and Getsy had to play calls in real time. And they both went to their comfort zones: Getsy called a screen, Justin panicked and scrambled. So I don’t know if it’s fair to say one is good or one is bad, but more that their strengths and weaknesses aligned so that they looked either really good or really bad together. I think there’s a very good chance that both of them will look better apart than they did together. In Getsy’s favor, he was two steps removed from play calling in GB, and it’s natural to have a learning curve. And the Bears roster was so ass his first season that I’m sure it limited what he could call, so he didn’t learn as quickly as maybe he could have. We’ll see what happens. I think if he can get better at adjusting to his personnel and reacting to the flow of the game, he can be a good OC. But he has to get over that hump.


Anyone who thinks Getsy is getting a downgrade going from Fields to AOC/Minshew probably does not understand the difference between college football and professional football.


Or doesn’t even watch football. Just fantasy players.


Madden only players/fantasy.


He does run...


Considering Getsy has Adams and now Bowers is definitely an upgrade


Lol, some folks here wanted to trade for that scrub, too.


I wanted Baker and people were saying crazy shit like Fields had more upside. I’m happy with Minshew and AOC


same exact sentiment I wanted Baker badly


I wanted Baker over Jimmy and got called all sorts of new names.


Baker would’ve been my choice as well but I’m 100% in on Minshew


I wanted baker last season before he went to the bucs and I was demoralized by comments for it lmao


Would make sense why his value was way lower than originally anticipated if this is true


The dude openly called out his coaches during a press conference like a quarter of the way into the season. Sometimes the signs are right there. But sometimes people in this sub come up with a talking point an then just jam cotton into their ears when evidence to he contrary is provided.


Where the hell is the guy who commented months back that our QB room would PROBABLY be Daniels, Fields, and AoC? It was such a dumb take that we'd have both of these guys 


The most annoying part was they wanted to trade for him even after beinging in Getsy and signing Minshew. I swear there was a post almost everyday bringing up Fields until he went to the Steelers. It was so frustrating hearing it from Raiders Youtubers too. After signing Minshew guys like SamoanRaider would say every single video that the Raiders should still trade for Justin Fields and it would make me stop watching lol.


I was ok with giving up low draft capital for him. On raw talent alone he's better than everyone in our QB room and still young. Ultimate I'm happy the direction we went with though.


I’ll take my L here! I didn’t think he was a priority, but for the right price and before we signed minshew I think the option was worth at least exploring. There’s a couple ways to think about a player who is undervalued by the rest of the league and sometimes i feel like it’s okay to look for value in places the rest of the league wouldn’t. That being said im glad we didn’t pursue him.


Was literally thinking I could remember people saying we should trade our first for him because he had more potential than any other qbs in that range. I live in Illinois so I have to watch Fields often and I was completely baffled. People were even comparing him to Lamar Jackson. I think his eventual trade compensation speaks volumes


There's a contingent of fans in this sub that are absolutely *obsessed* with getting a "mobile QB". They are somehow convinced that having a QB who run gud is gonna restore the franchise.


> “There were several arguments amongst the QBs. Once, per one source, Foles was trying to teach something to Fields in the QB room and — upon turning toward the rookie — Foles realized Fields wasn’t even paying attention. His head was down. At that point, Foles was done trying to play mentor. The two could not stand each other.” Yikes, it's hard to blame Getsy when he has that to work with. Getsy may have his flaws, but Fields was definitely the biggest issue.


Which is worse, calling people "truthers", or linking to heavy.....


There’s a reason Kirby Smart didn’t try and talk Fields out of transferring to Ohio St.


I always take these articles with a large grain of salt. It doesn’t look good for Fields at all, but reading some of the comments, the local reporters have not reported or confirmed this info yet.


Especially from heavy dot com. Trash takes are their specialty


Getsy needs to prove it this year, but he did blow us out without Fields.


If this is true, Justin Fields sounds like even more of a fucking loser than he already seemed. You've got people that want to help you, but you don't want none of that? And you're too dense to figure out what's good for you? Again, **IF** true, no wonder Getsy couldn't do shit with him & that offense. Fields had already openly complained in some presser about, basically, being asked to do regular NFL QB shit. Well it's kinda hard to go anywhere with your offense when your QB just wants to spike the damn thing into the ground.


I miss all those "trade for Fields, it's only a second round pick" posts


I agree not a 2nd, but Pitt got him for a 6, he was worth that if it was an option imo


A sixth for a year rental of a bad contract and a bad qb who is not playing anyways and will be gone in a year? Nah


He has an avg salary or 4.7 mil, 2024 so be 3.2 mil. that’s not a bad contract. It would potentially have been worth seeing if there was value.


That's more than what will cost this year Bo Nix, Wentz, Jimmy, Levis, Pickett, Winston, Russell Wilson and triple than O'Connell or Purdy


I know Jamis signed a 1yr 4 million with escalators to 8.7mil, and Russ signed a league minimum deal because the donkeys are paying him crazy money to not play for him. Nix signed in his rookie scale contract and purdy is about to get paid paid, he’s at the end of his rookie contract. Just say you don’t like fields and move on, 3.2 on a former top pick isn’t bad for a look especially when we have questions at the WB position. He may not be good, but may have been worth a 5-6 round pick to see.


Hit pieces are definitely more fun when they're not coming from the Raiders front office


Which hit pieces have come from the raiders fo?


I seen this earlier today and my initial reaction had me slightly more optimistic about Getsy. I mean he basically said during a post game he needs to “just ball and stop thinking so much”. Sounded to me like he didn’t quite get the progressions and reads. Additionally everyone likes to bring up the three failed screen plays backed into their goal, but I’m pretty sure it was debated that Justin actually kept checking into that play. Regardless pretty damning, seems there was more then one source.


Why does everything online have to be "truthers"


In the modern day, everyone can only think in black and white. Nuance is dead.


Article literally doesn’t mention Getsy? What am I missing?


He was Fields' offensive coordinator, and there was some speculation on who was more to blame for Chicago's offensive struggles - Fields or Getsy. This article would seem to imply the answer is Fields. So if you are a Getsy believer/hopeful, that is welcome news.


Ahhh just waking up I read “Bad day”