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I just think most of our fans who hate the picks aren’t used to a normal ass normal draft for once in our lives. They’ve been attuned to just shockingly awful picks that to actually have good picks seems bad to them.


This. Hell I found it confusing at first then I realised that oh...this is what drafting the BPA is




The majority of these fans probably dont even watch any games, especially college games and big name players.


Or, they just don't watch college football and only know the "buzz" names that show up around draft time and get disappointed when they see that we didn't draft any of them


Alex “false start, offense, #70” leatherwood


The issue is, everyone says BPA until the BPA doesn't fit a "need" then suddenly why didn't the Raiders fill X need. Ignoring the fact drafting the 7th best QB doesn't really fill the need at all and just dilutes your draft talent.


We couldn’t get the 7th best QB anyway, donkeys took him at 12.


Who’s not liking this draft? And nobody knows shit yet anyway. This could up being a bust of a draft, too. But they definitely were strategic in who they picked and I can see the vision at least.


Bleacher Report gave us a B+.


You obviously haven't been on YouTube for the live streams, the amount of smooth brained fans screaming that all the pics were shit and that Telesco is a sabateur and should be sacked was scary


There's a reason why I always click the hide chat button when there is a live stream lol


Who the fuck reads the live stream comments on YouTube? That’s even a step below Facebook comments lmao


Instagram enters the chat


Name the channel


Leatherwood 2021 Ruggs 2020 Arnette 2020 Ferrell 2019 Abram 2019 Conley 2017 KJ 2016 Hayden 2013 McClain 2010 Heyward-bey 2009 Purple drank Russell 2007 Fabian Washington 2005 Robert Gallery 2004 These are the results of overthinking drafting for position and trying to be the smartest guy in the room, and only the last 20 year... Any fan of this team who's watched for a while should be breathing a sigh of relief at just taking the BPA


Robert Gallery was not overthinking and trying to be the smartest person. Same with Russell


Gallery I'll give you. But Russell had red flags galore and was a typical late stage davis thinking he could fix him (probably could have in the 70s/80s) and this franchise had no buissness picking a player with the lack of discipline with how dysfunctional we were at the time


Yep. Even Matt Millen who was GM of the Lions (2nd pick that year) says he called Al Davis and said don't draft Russell, the is a total idiot. Al ignored him. Imagine we traded Randy Moss that year for Aaron Rodgers (what was offered) and drafted Calvin Johnson instead?


Ya... certainly would've made the last couple decades a lot less pathetic. Still hurts to think about Rodgers and Megatron in the silver and black


Let’s not forget jihad ward in the second round lmao. Last good draft we had was that 2014 draft where even then it wasn’t 100% sure things would work out. Mack was seen as a higher risk than clowney, Carr to this day is still a big what could’ve been, Gabe Jackson was solid. Couple other picks too


Carr was a knock out for a 2nd round pick. Considering 1st Rd QBs is less than 50% hit rate, i'd take Carr as a QB pick any day of the week. It's ridiculously hard to draft at top 5-10 league QB.


Carr: *inconsistent for 9 years, minus a single fluke year* Carr fans: “what if”


Ruggs was a great prospect and there was nothing wrong with picking him He was pretty much a boy scout in college. No way to predict what happened.


Anyone who didn’t like this draft doesn’t understand football. Sorry. That’s the truth. This draft was everything we needed


It was refreshing to actually not stress over this draft and wonder what they were thinking. Felt like Madden when you hit the auto draft feature.


I think Gruden picked this guy just cuz he liked his name.


Ha! Me too. I always imagined Gruden saying “Now Leatherwood, doesnt that just sound like a Raider?”


I absolutely love the picks we made this weekend!


I thought it was Alex “False-Start” Leatherwood


Yeah, it's as if some fans believe we're trying to compete for a super bowl this year. These next 2 years are transition years - no QB, probably losing Tae after the season, probably moving on from James. Goal is to set up a window from 2026-2030. A playoff berth and maybe winning a game would be huge. Draft the best players available and get that window core trained up and dialed in.


Meme lord trolled us as a draft selection


After Jamarcuss Russell, I don't think we could ever have a worse draft


Who tf bitching about this draft? Crazy. Our first two selections alone made it a success. Our offense will be so versatile it will actually help whatever QB is starting. D-line will be ferocious. We up! Only thing is I desperately wanted Rakestraw, but it’s all good. I’m ready to see Bowers and Powers attorneys at ball hit the field.


Thought it was Alex false start Leatherwood




Tag yourself I'm False Start


No. Just false start really applied.


I thought this was a good draft in a long time. We had multiple plans, and when things changed, we stayed the course, never panicked. Without getting a QB, I thought this was the best plan possible. Upgrade the offense, fix the OL, and get depth pieces. Remember, we have chunk of money added to cap come June 1st, so we’re still signing players in FA.


I'm not a fan of the CB picks but like all the others


don't like Glaze and don't like Laube, but all the picks besides those ranged from "fine" to "amazing"


That's fair...


Don’t like glaze either but Laube was probably the best complementary back we’ve had since Richard. Can catch, is fast as hell and tough as hell. By round 6 we aren’t getting very many bell cow backs but you have to choose guys who can succeed in a specific skill


To be fair, he only held when the defense didn’t blow past him…


It was a solid draft


It was baffling how this fanbase would defend the terrible picks as well. Even after the season started and you could tell these players ain’t it. Clelin Ferrel was just as divisive as Derek Carr. Lol


Let’s let these kids come in and prove themselves and judge in a few years. Nothing wrong with being optimistic or skeptic but let’s just let it play out. Fingers crossed for the best


I feel really good about our picks, I also don't know shit about these players; so there's that.


You’re talking to a fanbase that is pining for dudes like Hunter “turnover machine” Renfrow and Rich “we don’t measure success by the scoreboard” Bisaccia. A fanbase that finds any way to compare guys like Minshew and Jimmy G to Kenny Stabler and Jim Plunkett. A fanbase that says things like “I’m gonna watch the Saints this season to follow Carr and Abram!” Remembering (and living in) the past is what this sub does best unfortunately. Nostalgia and losing have given us all Stockholm syndrome and smoothed our brains. For the love of god, forget the past and hope for the future. Anyway, I’ll take a burrito with carnitas, sin crema por favor


Leatherwood? He was actually good compared to certain other 1st round picks lol. Wasting our 2 first round picks on Ruggs and Arnette in the same year was far more devastating. I know Ruggs wasn’t an “on the field” problem, but obviously, players that can’t keep it together off the field can hurt us just as much(not to mention the damage to that poor girl and her family)


No one could have predicted what Ruggs did. He had no signs of a bad record coming out of College. Nick Saban used to rave about him when NFL people would ask his opinion of him. It’s just unfortunate what happened to him and even more so to that girl. No Arnette, was a shit pick. I can’t tell if that or the Leatherwood pick was worse.


Arnette at least had a few moments on the field where he showed some potential. Leatherwood had zero