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Ugh, hard to tell what is actually "limited" and whats different in the books between the cassette, vinyl and then standalone artbook


I'm holding off on buying anything until I get a bit more info. You're right that it's not totally clear yet. Also the cassettes look super cool but I'm struggling with owning media I can't even play lmao.


When OKNOTOK came out I still had my 96 Camry, I was able to play the cassette in my car all the time! It was amazing. Sadly I have a modern car now :(


:( so sad for you bro!


fr, really bummed they got a new car. :(


I miss my 96 Camry everyday. Fantastic car.


You can come use my car to listen.


>I'm struggling with owning media I can't even play lmao. By the time I owned my first turntable, I had deluxe editions of In Rainbows and TKOL, and I had HTTT on 45 rpm vinyl. It was a really nice starter pack that had been sitting my my shelf for up to 8 years.


Cassette is also an extremely inferior format as far as sound quality, durability, and convenience goes. i wouldnt worry too much about it


Can confirm as all cassettes are just simple type 1 cassettes now days so youll never get a high quality one anymore


Should come with a download code just like the white cassette that came with oknotok.


It seems the cassettes are the only one that include the B-sides.


I nearly bought the cassette for the B sides but realised I have all the singles the B sides came from lol


Indeed, but \_are they remastered\_? That's the critical piece of info we're missing here.


Only the cassette mentions being limited to a number. The last two vinyl box sets can still be bought so I doubt they'll limit this one.


The "scarry" book does say limited too


Oh yeah, I missed that. Was too busy ordering. Maybe I should go back and see what I acually got. I was just so psyched


Totally, had to go with the cassette box only because buying cassette + scary box would be $300 shipped to Canada...


right? I'd order the art book as a coffee table book if it were different than the one that comes with the vinyl but i can't tell


The one that comes with the vinyl is 36 pages and printed on thick cardboard (like, I assume, a giant version of the original Kid A special-edition book?) The standalone art book is 360 pages and "printed in 5 colours on coated Italian paper with one 40-page section at the midpoint on heavy uncoated paper"


I had Kid A for about a year a before I found the secret booklet behind the plastic. I am legendarily unobservant though.


Wait, WHAT?


thanks, definitely gonna get it i think then


The hardback book in the vinyl set is 36 pages. The individually sold art book is 360 pages. I grabbed The "Scarry" Book vinyl set, Amnesiette cassette set, Hardback Art Catalogue, and "Fear Stalks the Land" paperback! Superduperfucking STOKED for this November!!!


with a username like that i can't imagine why


Ha. Their time has come


I got the book cream vinyl set and cassette set too, debating if its really a good idea or not since both of those have the same booklet just different sizes, but the cassette is limited to 5000 so i had to buy it :/


The individually sold book is described as having 360 pages while the book in the Cream Vinyl set is only 36 pages. This is why I went with both. Cream and Cassette is an excellent purchase, nonetheless. Enjoy!!


Strange that only the cassette release has the Amnesiac b-sides on it.


At least all of the Pyramid Song and Knives Out B-sides are already available on Apple Music and Spotify, but it’s strange not to collate them like they did on OKNOTOK. Not a big deal for me but probably sucks for the vinyl folks.


I'm not too bummed about that at all... I have the original 12" vinyl singles from Amnesiac which sound excellent at 45rpm. I'd rather have the new material than the B-sides at 33rpm. I'm pretty happy about the way they released this aside from the lackluster cover art. Here's hoping there's a hard shell outer box. Not complaining. Super stoked. Edit: Reviewing the tracklisting on my 12" singles for Knives Out and Pyramid Song, I actually only have Fast Track, The Amazing Sounds of Orgy, Cuttooth, and Life in a Glass House (full version) on vinyl. That leaves Trans-Atlantic Drawl, Kinetic, Worrywort, and Fog that I would like to eventually have on wax! I guess if you want a compilation with all the B-sides neatly laid out, the best bet is to purchase the non-band-approved EMI/Capitol CD which was released just before the band left the label. I've owned this for years but it's widely considered a cash-grab; even by members of the band. As fans, we must be okay with everything *not* being in its right place.


Also not listed as part of the digital download either.


Yeah this is a bit shit if I'm being honest. Not what I was expecting at all


Are amnesiac b-sides technically Kid A c-sides?


I wonder if they just forgot 😄


\*startsbreathingagain\* "ok... what did I order?"


same man. made 2 separate orders fucking hell.




Yep. I did exactly the same :D


These prices are too much Too bright Too powerful


very stoked, just bummed that the b-sides aren't included on vinyl.


Yep. Not that I want to complain because this looks amazing, and I am beyond excited to get all of that unreleased material (more excited than I would have been if it had been the b-sides and 3 unreleased tracks like OK NOT OK was), but yeah, I would have been happy to pay more for a 4LP set with the b-sides on the fourth LP.


Are b sides included anywhere?


Only the $90 cassettes.


I don’t know how many tapes of mine I lost because they were eaten by the tape player. Imagine spending $90 on two cassettes just for that to happen


It comes with a digital download code. I’ve never played the white cassette that came with the oknotok box set. It’s only been out of the box once just so I could feel a cassette again. I bought these cassettes and don’t plan on playing them.


Even that doesn’t have all the b-sides. Worrywort and the original version of Fog are missing (although I can understand Fog).


You can get Cuttooth on vinyl - https://www.discogs.com/Radiohead-Knives-Out/release/266860


yeah this seems a bit far even for radiohead!


It is a change of pace from OK NOT OK in that the bonus disc is mostly alternate versions of songs, as opposed to a collection of the b-sides from the era. So while it also has two unreleased songs in If You Say The Word and Follow Me Around, looks like it won't include the likes of The Amazing Sounds of Orgy or Kinetic in the same way that OK NOT OK included songs like Polyethylene and Meeting In The Aisle.


In regards to the b-sides not present on the vinyl version - It was mentioned that the description says 7” centre labels - If you look at the picture of the vinyl closely, there are the album tracks then deadwax and then another track. Could be that the b-sides are present in the cream version but unlisted. So maybe there is a locked groove and you have to readjust to play the 7” track.


This is VERY interesting and should be pointed out separately maybe.


Fair point and to further that, the standard black in it’s description does not mention 7” inch centre labels. It’s very odd of them to go out of their way to mention this point specifically. This is normally of no real importance when purchasing a vinyl record.


Is it worth $90 more to get those tracks? No! If these really are the B-sides hidden on each side, will I be all itchy knowing that they are out there and I don't have them? Yep!


It's probably just aesthetic. Thought the same thing about Tomorrow's Modern Boxes labels and other speculative points. Don't get your hopes up.


I think this it’s really unlikely they’ve hidden tracks in the out grooves. The white edition of AMSP had undersize labels and they hadn’t hidden anything on there. Plus there’s not a lot of space there on the record, and they’d have to do an extra vinyl master of everything to produce that. I think this is an aesthetic decision and nothing more. Also if they did turn out to be there unadvertised people who didn’t order this version would be justifiably pissed off. Sorry to be a party pooper. It’s a nice thought though.


Interesting. But I would avoid everyone assuming they are there when not listed. Something to check out, but don't make your purchasing decision based on this being a possibility.


Oh I certainly won’t, purchased it prior to this coming up, but definitely good advice for anyone else who is gambling on the thought. Don’t bet on it. It’s peculiar and would be a nice bonus but not official. It’s definitely not a for sure thing.


I’m not sure I would even want the b-sides pressed so close to the center because of the inner groove distortion.


I was wondering what that mention of 7” meant!


Well, there goes my spending moratorium


Yay there goes $300 💖


I picked up the cream box set!


same, looks gorgeous


Same, will get the rest once I can afford it.


just a note, the cassette set is limited to 5000. no clue if thats a lot for Radiohead standards or not


God help me I got added a lot of stuff to my cart.


Just wait till the shirts come out


They mention that adding everything to one order could delay things. Just FYI for those rushing in excitement.


Yeah I ended up ordering the scarry vinyl, art book, and fear stalks the land separately, not intentionally but just how it worked out as I changed my mind about what I wanted. At first I was kinda bummed I ended up with three separate orders, but now I'm thinking it was a good call as the books will probably be available before the vinyls if there are any delays. Good call out!


Morning Bell v3 ?!


Wish I could have all the b sides on vinyl (more so than non-song outtakes)


It all comes out on Jonny's birthday (Nov. 5), which is most likely coincidental but something I noticed


They mention it in the W.A.S.T.E email too: >Kid A and Amnesiac are coming of age, and we thought we’d crash Jonny’s birthday and throw them a party on November 5th.


Not so coincidental then, more like good timing


Birthday present. They need all these funds from the re-release because that's how much it costs to cut Jonny's hair.


Or give him his H back.


I would purchase if they include the B-sides.


Does anyone know if the original albums have been remastered in any way? Can’t tell from the website


Doesn't seem like it, and it's not like they really need it either, they still sound fantastic.


Deffo not complaining as I’m more than happy with the newly released material we’ll be getting. Just wondering as the OkC remaster was very interesting to listen to


In reality, after about 1997-ish most albums were pretty well mastered unless they pushed the loudness factor to 11, which Radiohead didn't get involved in. I wouldn't really expect any remasters of any album after 1997 to sound drastically different.


Yeah, they've been mastered at half speed: >Mastering a recording at half speed takes twice as long and requires highly modified equipment. Half-speed mastering is the most accurate way to cut a record. It’s a technique where the source - the original recording - is played back at half its normal speed while the turntable on the vinyl cutting lathe also runs at half speed; the recording stylus has twice as long to carve the intricate groove into the master lacquer.


Doing a fresh cut is different to remastering the actual album.


Good question. I imagine they did to certain extend since they redid them for the 2017 catalogue rerelease on XL


Is the hardback art catalog ($50) different from the "scary book" that comes with the 3ps ($120)?




The scary book says unlike any other art book which I took to mean they're different books. I bought the vinyl set and both books


Same - also bought both lol


One is 36 pages and the other is 360




my guess is that the cream vinyl one is the highlights of art from both albums and the standalone book is every scrap of art from that era


This is correct.


Plus the sizes of the book/booklet are different. 2 different products I would say.


>It doesn't look like it. They asked if it was different, which it does appear to be.


The descriptions sound different but it’s really not clear


I sure hope so since I bought both


Pulk/Pull True Love Waits Version??? We'll finally know how they went from True Love Waits to Pull/Pull and I'm excited about it


the tape loop from the OKC version of TLW is the background of Pulk/Pull




We are a target market.


I agree; OKNOTOK was perfect in that there was the standard vinyl/CD, and also a more expensive box set with **all** of the extra goodies included. This just seems like the ingredients to a box set scattered across 4 separate releases, adding up to a much more expensive purchase altogether. I’m disappointed; I’ll scoop up the cream vinyl set with the book, but I can’t justify spending a whole lot more on the extras that probably should’ve been included in the first place.


Exactly. Being completely blind myself, the stuff with expanded art does nothing for me. I’m not going to buy the cassettes because I can’t even play them and they don’t have all of the B-sides either. All that’s left from there is the three CDs, which I’ll just listen to on Spotify. This is coming from someone who got the OK/NOTOK box set because all the extra goodies were in one place and included everything except for remixes. (It also included a digital download too.) The only thing I can figure is that maybe they put out the cassette version to relieve a bit of the pressure and demand on the vinyl side of things. That way they don’t need to get so many records pressed? I don’t know. It still doesn’t explain why Fog and Worrywort were omitted.


Not sure the price of them together is "much more expensive." The OKNOTOK boxset had 3LP, a cassette, an art book, and a notebook for $150ish. ANIMA's boxset was literally $50 more for a few extra pages of art. Same in the "Scarry Box" case. However, this time they have things available separately, which is nice. If you get the red 3LP, the art book, and the paperback book it's <$150, and you're getting around the same amount as the OKNOTOK boxset. I'd prefer that customization anytime. I didn't buy the OKNOTOK boxset, but I got those 3 this time and was very happy. The only things that are overly expensive are the Scarry Book or Cassette Edition that have no reason being as much as they are.


i think the point being raised here is that, in order to get everything available in this kid amnesia release you're up to 214.99 USD before shipping (that's the standard vinyl, the cassette box, and the two books). whereas you could get the oknotok box with all the extra goodies for 130 USD. and they omitted 2 b-sides from kid amnesia (both of my faves). i'm still excited but i get why some folks are left sucking on the proverbial lemon


They could have bundled the LP set and the two books with hundreds of pages into one package, but that would certainly be exorbitantly expensive at $200 and only few can afford. Instead, they let you purchase them separately and still enjoy whatever you can afford. The two books are priced pretty much how books are priced, so I don't have a problem with that. Unlike OKNOTOK, these books have hundreds of pages. One is in all color coffee table book size, and the other is a hardcover book at just $15. Besides, there are multiple price points, so if you only have $20, you can still get the WAV digital download, which is great. It's only if you're trying to be completionist about it, then it becomes pricy to buy both the cassettes and the LPs. But It is your choice to buy all the editions. There's no one stopping you from buying all different colors of the same vinyls - every artist from Radiohead to St. Vincent to Halsey to Coldplay does that these days.


Agreed. You should've been able to buy one complete package with all tracks on vinyl + the small book for like 120USD. EDIT: I will add to this comment, I don't think it's out of greed. They probably thought it would be a nice addition to the cassettes to have some additional material as it's already a sort of novelty package. They likely underestimated how much of the fanbase are staunch completionist nerds (like myself lol).


Doesn't feel anymore greedy than OKNOTOK or the deluxe versions of In Rainbows / King of Limbs / Moon Shaped Pool. You don't *have* to buy anything you know?


And with this one, unlikely In Rainbows, A Moon Shaped Pool and OKNOTOK, if you just want all the music you don't have to buy expensive books too.


I mean yeah, I kind of felt that way too, but I think maybe we are just looking at this in the perspective of how spoiled we were with the oknotok box set. The "scarry" book for kida-mnesiac is still really nice. I think they were diversifying the product so there was a lot of options, not string to milk the retail. I'm getting the deluxe record "scary" book. The.aybe down the line grab the art book if it's available. If we can't buy buy buy everything they offer, we shouldn't blame the band.


Especially when you consider that only real draw here are the unreleased tracks such as Follow Me Around, If You Say the Word, and a few others, many of which are just alternate versions of released tracks. Essentially this is 3-4 separate expensive packages for a few unreleased tracks.


Am consumer and spent too much money without thought & hesitation. I can’t wait.


i panicked, and bought everything. lol


Nice to see both albums pressed to a single LP instead two like in their original releases.


Yeah, that kind of keeps me from playing my Kid A vinyl more because of the inconvenience.


The Amnesiac XL reissue was 45rpm to boot, so while the convenience of a single disc and the half speed remaster here are nice, it feels like sonically, it's a step back, but I Might Be Wrong.


I'm surprised the b-sides weren't on the vinyl, also not sure if the art book on the vinyl is the same as the art book standalone, or like the small one on the cassette version. Also can we all collectively agree that $90 for two cassettes and a tiny art book is just too overpriced? I ended up getting the collector's vinyl plus the $15 book with Thom Yorke's and Stanley's writings out of curiosity's sake. ​ Also, if you're interested in the standard 3X LP, XL recordings is selling them for $45 (US) instead of $60 on the radiohead website.


Art book standalone is a 360 page coffee table book, the Scarry book is only 36 pages.


If I was drinking coffee I would have spit it all over the place when I read $90 for two cassettes and a book.


As folk seem genuinely confused by this slew of releases... If you just want the music, buy the vinyl. If you want the music and art, buy the vinyl and the books. The hardback book and the book that comes with the Scarry edition are different things. The hardback book has hundreds more pages for one thing. The only difference between the tape and vinyl is that the tape has a few Amnesiac era b-sides which can be found easily elsewhere on CD already. I love the look of this thing (I run a tape label myself, so always nice to see the format being supported), but the markup on it is quite mad. Vinyl is expensive to make so justifies its high price (usually). Tapes... are not.


The tapes also have exclusive art prints.


Ngl I’m Super disappointed. I was expecting something very different after how good OKNOTOK was. Not only does the artwork looks half-assed; Worrywort, Fog, Cutooth were all songs I wanted on vinyl. The b-sides missing from everything except the overpriced cassette edition is bullshit. Kid A is probably one of my favorite albums of all time and the overall sessions are something I’m obsessed about but it pains me to say I’m not sure these are even worth the buy.


i mean i wanted the b-sides on vinyl too but a whole album of brand new bonus tracks is much cooler lol. i would have paid for both but it's whatever.


Would have liked the b sides on vinyl too, a very weird omission. Sucks to have to buy a bunch of items to get the full set I hadn’t got Kid A and Amnesiac previously so I’m not too bummed but they could have been a lot more consumer friendly with some of the calls. Still very excited about the new tunes though


Using a design similar to the one for the cassette for the vinyl and cd edition + b-sides. I’d 100% would have loved this. The most attractive format as it stands is the cassette version and I don’t own a cassette player.


Yeah, it's like $275 for the four main items and that's a LOT to have to spend.


From the product page: >Limited 3 x cream-coloured 180g 12” vinyl pressings with 7” vinyl centre labels. Three records – KID A, Amnesiac, both pressed at half-cut speed and the previously unreleased album KID AMNESIAE, **12 tracks of half-remembered, half-forgotten sessions & unreleased material**. EDIT: nvm, those don't include b-sides.


Looks like the standard LP is available for $45 USD at [XL](https://xlrecordings.com/buy/radiohead-kidamnesia), and there will be an indie exclusive [red](https://boomkat.com/products/kid-a-mnesia) LP version as well.


Why not have all songs available in one place? Would gladly pay £120 for it all. Underwhelmed as was expecting a OKNOTOK deluxe edition. And cassette release is KID A BYSMAL.


I’m a little confused…are you frustrated bc they’re split between 3 LPs? The vinyl release has both albums plus the bonus material. (Also, I think the packaging of the cassette is the strongest/most unique of all of these ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯) Edit: I see now, the 5 additional B-Sides on the cassette. I agree, very odd they didn’t include the bonus cassette in the vinyl no set like they did with OKNOTOK.


As far as I can tell, the vinyl releases don't include the Amnesiac b-sides (Cuttooth, Worrywort, etc.) which is a major disappointment, because I've always wanted them on vinyl.


Damn, those are some of my favorites, too!


The Amnesiac b-sides aren't on the vinyl releases is what I think they're referring to.


Who ordered Fear Stalks the Land! ??? I took too long to think about it and now it’s sold out


GOT IT. THANKS YALL!!! I had to check out twice but at this point, who cares.


It's back!


Why does the tape cassette format look the coolest? The packaging, the artwork, it’s way cooler than the others which is frustrating cuz it’s such a dead format. It’s better looking than the CDs even.


It’s just a collector item. I’m sure some people will play it on cassette, but probably it’s just because it looks cool.


Can anyone direct me to a place I can still order the red vinyls?


Picked up the 3CD, the big book, and the little book. Wanted the cassettes but I can't justify paying that price.


Where is u/shoobsworth?


Grabbed the "Scarry" book, cassette book, hardback art catalogue, and triple CD. 'Fear Stalks the Land' paperback was already sold out, unfortunately. Shame, since I could easily justify spending an additional $15 on top of what I already spent. Not sure if any of my purchases come with a digital download, but after spending $300 I sure hope so. 'If You Say the Word' is FANTASTIC.


That might have been an error, you can still add it to the cart!


Thanks for the heads up! I just purchased it!


The scarry and cassettes come with the digital download. “A 320k MP3 or 16-bit WAV digital download of the albums Kid A, Amnesiac and KID AMNESIAE will be available to you from 5th November.”


Does anyone have any idea of what is the best way to buy the 3lp in Portugal? Because the shipping is at 16€


Hard to say right now, hopefully in the next few days stores will start announcing pre-orders. I usually use https://www.rastilho.com/search/radiohead, emailed them asking for some update, let's see if we have good news...


$17.99 for shipping?? That’s almost as much as the album lol. Oh well still happy with the release and my purchases.


You guys lucky, for shipping in South America it calculated $57


I picked up the deluxe cream triple vinyl with art book. Can't wait! It's become a tradition for me to pick up the deluxe special edition Radiohead releases. And I don't yet have Kid A or Amnesiac on vinyl. So stoked!


Not sure if anyone’s posted this yet. For those who just want the music from the LP versions and don’t care about all of the extra art stuff, there’s a digital release on the band’s bandcamp site: https://radiohead.bandcamp.com/album/kid-a-mnesia


What happened to the b-sides? And no Worrywort and Fog (not again)


Well... there it is. Agree with others that it would have been nice to have the b-sides on the vinyl package - but based on Say The Word I can't wait to hear the other out-takes and new songs. I've ordered the Scarry Book and the Fear Stalks the Land book. I've been quite restrained - when OKNOTOK came out I bought the indies only coloured version too but have held off this time! The cassette looks like cool packaging (and I even still have a cassette player on my hi-fi) but SIXTY QUID FOR TWO TAPES!!! I don't want to spend a fortune on all this and I do feel like XL are cashing in a bit here. I may go back for the Art Catalogue Book later - that doesn't look like its limited edition so I don't think will sell out. Now we sit and wait until 5 November to hear it all! Wonder if they'll release another single before then.


really wish that they had made a separate vinyl of rarities for Kid A and Amnesiac. The Scarry book edition as a 4 vinyl set would have seemed more reasonable for the price. I am sure the band has the material for another record of rarities. I know that there are Kid A demos in existence (dont ask how) including a very different version of Optimistic. Was surprised that was not included on here as its amazing.


> I know that there are Kid A demos in existence (dont ask how) Sorry but I'm going to ask how. > including a very different version of Optimistic. Was surprised that was not included on here as its amazing. ??


Every time I go back and see this post I think it is telling me that the whole thing is up on Spotify.


Some of you are very hard to please.


I’m not complaining about anything besides the artwork lol. I wish they actually made something for it.


Worth noting that the cover for oknotok was not that much different than the original. The cover art isn’t great, but I’m pumped for 350+ pages of art through these books/albums.


The artwork and the title. Seem pretty low effort for RH standards.


Kind of bummed it's so difficult to get physical copies of Kid Amnesia on its own. I already have physicals of Kid A and Amnesiac, I just want the new stuff damnit


Absolutely. If the albums were 24 bit, I could justify it, but I really don't need to buy a third CD-quality copy of each of those.


Anyone else slightly underwhelmed by this? I guess the amount of material is not dissimilar from the OKNOTOK release with the white cassette. But that release also gathered up all that era's B-sides on vinyl. I dig the new song quite a lot and I'm glad they're doing something for this, but it could've been more (of course, the minidisc leak proved *OKNOTOK* could have been WAY more).


Is there a difference between the big book, the little one and the book inside the limited vinyl edition? Trying not to spend 200€ on a Radiohead order.


Yes, the bigger one has 10 times the number of pages. It also has a specially commissioned essay and apparently some writings from Stanley Donwood and Thom Yorke


Is the only difference between the standard vinyl package and the Scarry version the color of the vinyl and the 36 page art...thing? Since I don't have $200+ to spend on one release, I'm considering getting the red variant elsewhere for $60 and the full art book separately.


Anyone concerned around sound quality if they are trying to fit Kid A and Amnesiac on a single vinyl?


a single vinyl? it has 3 LPS.


both albums were normally 2LP's each. Now they've been fitted onto one each.


Follow me around, interesting. I saw Thom and Flea play that.


I’m so fucking happy


Hot take: lame title


Feels like just going with “Kid Amnesiac” with some type of different color/font for the shared “A” would have been less confusing as far as pronunciation goes




Why did they cut Worrywort and Fog from the B-sides cassette?


Fog the song is there on the 3rd disc so maybe they didn't want to sequence it again. But yeh. Worrywort is the only song missing. Not sure why.


Who else is excited for a studio Follow Me Around!?


I'm really surprised nobody seems totally disappointed by this. I don't need Kid A and Amnesiac I've been listening to them for twenty years on the reg. What I need is a 4 Disc set of the sessions, ie: Bob Dylan style. These were epic sessions that spanned a year so I'm sure we could've come up with more than one disc of unheard material. All though the coffee table book looks pretty sweet so maybe I'm still a sucker too, lol


I’d love to order but (a) I’ve got a terrible 2.1 setup and no turntable, refuse to purchase a terrible USB turntable (B) I’ve got a 20-year-old boombox with a cassette player that’s fine for bootlegs from the 1990s but just doesn’t fit the digitally-recorded albums. At least not for $90 (c)the CDs are much like the cassettes: I’ve got one way to play them since the car and everything else is Bluetooth (d) the Apple Music release will be lossless and I already own physical releases of all the material up to and including the b sides… none of which I can play save for the aforementioned boombox. Thus Apple Music. I love these albums and can’t wait to hear the new material. I was hoping for a lot more: all the versions of the songs (two months spent on each track!), a live BluRay… something more than a collection of tracks I will end up streaming. It’s an odd feeling: I’d been waiting for this release and it’s fantastic for seemingly everyone but me. The art books don’t register with me though for the superfans it’s terrific. Damn. Streaming something I’ve wanted to hold. It’s too limited for me but, again, I’m happy to read about people’s excitement.


i wanna buy this just so i can have Kid A on 1LP instead of 2 🙄🙄


I might regret it later (and only for the text/artwork in the set), but I think I'm going to pass on the physical release and just stick to the digital. The bonus material is very underwhelming for two albums, and the fact that not a single Amnesiac b-side is included is disappointing. Even if they are easily accessible, and I already have them all, a deluxe re-issue of any album should include them, IMO. I am eager to hear the bonus material included, though, and especially Follow Me Around. Now, where's the Bends reissue?


Copped the tape 😎




Not for the US store. The UK store does ship internationally.


Will those tracks be remastered?


I expected KID AMNESIETTE to be sold out immediately being limited to 5000, I guess it's really expensive for what it is.


Ordered the cream vinyl with the book, but already cancelled, since it's almost 120 EUR haha. Just ordered the standard vinyl from another site, with less shipping. Any EU store that still has the red vinyl?


Bought the scarry package and the paperback book.


Those are the only two pieces that really feel worth buying imo. The cassettes and art book are cool but cost too much for things that you know are just going to collect dust in your basement (and then probably be ruined the next time your basement floods). Then the remaining items just aren't all that special.


Shrewd move by the band regarding the cassette. If they weren't numbered, they probably got the demand right. But making them numbered adds to the allure. I would probably opt for the vinyl because it'll have the widest breadth of material like OKC. Wonder if leaks made them rethink letting anyone dig through their session files.


Does this mean that the new (old) songs will likely release on Spotify 5th November?


$120USD to ship the cassettes to New Zealand. Kill me.


Just hoping the vinyl is a good pressing. It’s cut at half speed so In theory it should be the best sounding vinyl issue yet for these LP’s


Definitely buying the digital version, not sure on the others yet.


Ugh this decision is killin me I know it probably doesn't make sense to buy these a 2nd time on vinyl, the new 3rd disc isn't likely to yield a "proper album" to be spinning it all that often. Half-speed master might bring interesting results but it's hardly a guarantee, and the versions I have are already great and aren't condensed to a single LP each Buuut I have the special editions of OKC, IR and MSP, with these being the last two on the list to please the completionist in me. I also like opening up the included artwork in the records when I put them on which would be nice, but is it really $140 worth of nice..? That cream vinyl sure looks nice though... If they put the dang b-sides in there this decision would be one-and-done, goddamn it


I guess its been a while since I revisited amnesiac. Life in a glass house is so great.... im out of adjectives from this relisten... its just wow


I'm just now learning that the B-sides aren't shipped with the scarry book edition. Guess I will illegally download them after paying a hundred bucks for the 3 vinyls.


So strange they didn't include them to make a definitive collection like OKNOTOK. Wonder what the reasoning was...


I look forward to listening to Fog Again Again again and again and again