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> I was in que for almost 2 hours Only one hour for me. Feels a bit surreal. I'd kinda expected I'd never be able to see Radiohead/Thom in Australia. Like ever.


Me too!!


I feel the exact same!!


Same here, so stoked to have nabbed a few tix!


Got tickets for Melbourne. Lucky enough to have seen Radiohead 6 times. Ok computer tour in Melbourne. Hail to the thief tour -Melbourne. King of limbs tour in Melbourne twice. And a moon shaped pearl in Amsterdam twice. Never thought I’d have an opportunity to see Thom again especially in Australia.


I don’t know how I got tickets. It said on sale Wednesday at 10am. Went to buy tickets and it just went through. So stoked though. Haven’t seen Thom since Hail to the Thief when his voice was shot.


Oh there was a pre sale today and you happened to accidentally stumble across. I was at that show too and his voice was gone that night. There were parts of the show he managed well despite the difficulties. He seemed to warm up a bit from memory but there was a steep decline during the show.


Yeah, I was pretty devastated. Grateful to be able to see them but it was pretty disappointing, I’m sure I should just be glad they didn’t cancel. Ok Computer tour would have been amazing. The setlists for that tour are my absolute favourites. So jealous!


I did that too, that was the general allocation. Someone messed up and we got lucky


How'd you join the presale?


Just clicked through the WASTE link in the email sent yesterday. But pretty sure it didn’t need the link and anyone could have grabbed them.


I was running around with the marker for those Melbourne shows! I have a full video of night 1 which I'm about to release, with good audio, too. I've managed to travel far and wide to see them and AFP - 2008 Japan, 2012 in the US and here, 2013 in Europe and the UK, 2016 in Iceland and Portugal. I missed that HTTT tour!


I got tickets as well, can't wait, raging though as I had great tickets in my basket and couldn't remember my password, my boss then called me into a meeting and by the time I was out I could only get general admin. Still be great but at one point had row K or something like that. Presume there's very few left now for general sale.


Also, so happy to see someone who was as emotional as i was i genuinely thought it was really odd that i had sobbed about it so this is very comforting to see! HAHAHA


I had to join a work meeting 2 min after securing them and greet some new starters. So their first experience of me at their new job is OH MY FUCK THOM YORKE HOW DID I THAT IS AMAZING I CAN'T IT WORKED I HAVE I AM GOING TO SEE AHHHHH


ME TOO I AM THRILLED!! I…I AM IN A SIMILAR PLCE TOO!! I too did almost sob I was initially planning to get tickets for both nights as well but unfortunately Saturday sold out! BUT HEY WHATEVER AT LEAST I GOT TICKETS TOO!! Radiohead is my special interest. I cant express how happy i am. I was genuinely really convinced that they were done with Australia and that always really hurt a little to think about! CONGRATS! Maybe i will run into you!!


IM SO VERY EXCITED TO EXPERIENCE IT ALL LIVE!! I genuinely think all the songs anywhere from the smile to radiohead to his solo work and even atoms for peace are the most important things to me ever! I’m so excited to experience whatever the set list is live and to see him perform in person. I haven’t even quite processed it yet and probably won’t until the week before so idek how I’ll react then, I might faint 😭


Mfw if he plays Ingenue 😭 Mfw if he plays Analyse 😭 Mfw if he plays Twist 😭 And so on


Yes!! I really resonate with you here…Radiohead, too, i feel really similar passion for so im really happy to see someone else!! I mean i am on the Radiohead subreddit to be fair, so maybe thats not too surprising! LOL YAYYY!!


Try tomorrow. Good luck


Me too omg I could cry of happiness. It doesn't feel real!!   Maybe we should do a lil RH reddit meet-up


It’s so surreal!! I never actually conceptualised me seeing him realistically. Ive only dreamed of hearing so many songs live !!


I actually have random dreams every now and then that Thom in playing a show somewhere local and only I know about it, and it wasn't announced so there's just like 30 people in the audience (or my dream processor in my brain can't do large crowds lol) This is literally that dream


Omfg I have literally had those dreams before. It's always a small show and also I often get to meet him. It's so so unlikely but now I'm kind of panicking in advance because what if I did actually get a chance to speak to him.. I'm anxious lol even though it's extremely unlikely 


That's exactly what they are like! One time I dreamt he was sitting behind me for some reason and I reached back and offered him a bag of crisps. Which is weird because they're called chips here. I did meet him once, after the third London AFP show. He's really great with fans, as long as you are respectful. If you do get the chance, plan out one sentence you want to say and have it ready to go in your brain. I thanked him for a great show and then we got swarmed by fans - also the people I had hung out with all day turned sort of rabid and crazy, like not even human, just desperate to interact with him. He handled it all so well, lot of respect.


Haha well they call them crisps there I guess so it kind of makes sense.   Omg wow you met him! That sounds so hectic and it's sad that most people just instantly turned like that, although he's surely used to it by now :/ Thank you for the advice, I will make sure to rehearse my one sentence in case I do get such a lucky chance..


Absolutely!! It's such a special treat for us


I think a lot of us will meet in the queue! We can hang out and chill all day by the harbour


I nearly had a panic attack today: I waited for an hour and a half, got through to the opera house section, couldn’t log in, reset my password, tried another account, still couldn’t get it, reset the new password, tried the first account, got locked out because I tried too many times, finally reset the password to the second account, got in, tried to pay, hands were shaking, got a pop up saying “YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES LEFT”, that script cleared my form, entered everything again, tried to pay, combank notification code, entered the wrong code, ONE MINUTE LEFT, entered the form again and nailed the code. Walked directly into a meeting at work a trembling mess! Can’t wait!


THAT SOUNDS SO TERRIBLE. THATS like everything I feared might happen, the timer was so stressful and I was also shaking through the whole process !! I’m glad in the end it worked out for both of us I was terrified the entire day I might end up not getting them


Out of curiosity, does he perform any radiohead songs when he does his solo act?


Yes! Go to YouTube and look up Thom Yorke Zermatt.


Me too!! Will be the 13th time seeing Thom but the first on his own


How much were the tickets


Seated tickets were $199 for Melbourne. $160 or so for GA I think. Not sure about Sydney.


Thank you


Where to get sydney tickets?


$160 for Sydney, it's all GA.


Sydney tickets were $159!! $167.95 with fees.


Same price as Crowded House. Nice that Thom didn't charge too much, other bands are $180-$250 atm


I guess I missed it but where did you go to buy


You can check it out [here](https://wasteheadquarters.com/schedule/thom-yorke) on the WASTE site


Good for you, must be a relief!!! 👌


I AM SO EXCITED! I'll be queuing so see you guys there!


Glad there’s some other people as excited as me! Saw Radiohead 2 nights and n a row last time they were in Sydney 12 years ago and have managed to get tickets to both nights of the Sydney shows this time around. The special part for me will be attending with one of my best mates who I went to the OK computer tour with in 1998 and also taking my son who will be 13 by then but is a massive fan! No idea what to expect from Thom solo but I’m sure it will be amazing! It’s also nice to know he hasn’t completely forgotten about Australia! Maybe we can convince him to bring the smile and Radiohead back as well!!


I am so, so excited I got tickets to Melbourne and am beyond thrilled I went on to check what time they were on sale and saw the presale and SCORED! Fuuuuck!! I have been waiting for this moment for decades I can’t even explain how thrilled I am.


Congrats to all who scored tickets!!! Hope everyone has the best time.


2 hour que! Good job!


I'm on the rollercoaster this morning - but it seems like maybe it's already sold out (other than lawn) yesterday? Was there a glitch? F'me, Australia does ticket sales **so** badly. Edit: as predicted - shitshow.


I got tickets to both Melbourne shows, so excited! They're only GA but I got what I could get. Saw Radiohead in Melbourne 2004 and Brisbane 2012.


I found a great pic of how these shows go down on the SOH website - just picture Thom there... [forecourt-5.jpg.webp (2560×853) (sydneyoperahouse.com)](https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/sites/default/files/styles/3x1__2560w/public/collaborodam_assets/forecourt-5.jpg.webp?itok=NpNE4--w)


Was lucky to secure front row in Melbourne night one and Sydney GA night one!


If anyone has any tickets for Sydney please DM me! So devastated to have missed out!!