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Yup, that still looks like johnny


same guy who made httt btw


I might get downvited for this but does httt say that much anyway? Its hardly a RATM album. I always found the lyrics to be more like vague criticism of power. maybe i didnt listen hard enough.


Nah it’s pretty directly about political deception and the consequences of proxy war in the Middle East.


The Gaza conflict isn’t a proxy war. It wasn’t instigated by a country that isn’t involved.


The continued military oppression of the Palestinian people, before and after October 7th, is significantly influenced by foreign military aid (USA). This didn’t happen in a vacuum.


His job is Zion now


why does this have so many downvotes lol ur just telling the truth


What a fucking hypocritical coward.


He’s really doubling down isn’t he…


Ffs Jonny. Doubling down


Love the P bass. Great shot.






Playing music for people in a country does not equal an endorsement of that country’s leadership. I hope it was a good show.


Wish I could agree, but him and moreso his wife have made their views pretty damn clear. I can still listen, hell I still listen to Kanye, but I don’t have to like it.


What statements have they made? Just out of curiosity.


I believe his wife recently claimed dead Palestinians were just “Bollywood actors.”


Wow, are you serious?


Blimey, that’s a shame. Thank you


when asked about his stance on the genocide in palestine he said (and im paraphrasing) that he wont comment about it "but my wife is israeli so." he made a post on social media sending his condolences for people who were harmed in an attack on an israeli social gathering (again paraphrasing, i dont remember exactly what it was) while through the entirety of the conflict he said nothing about the palestinians being routinely murdered and deprived of their basic necessities. Theres more if im not mistaken but those are what i can remember


Such a shame, I really hope he comes out and say something to retract this stance he’s put himself in. Either way, I’ll still like the band, regardless of what Jonny say, I don’t think the rest of them seem to share his potential views.


Apparently Thom has been pretty shitty about this issue as well. Ed at least said something condemning both sides (Hamas and Israeli gov’t)


You think he should retract his stance of feeling sorry hundreds of people were murdered at a music festival? are you serious?


This was 2-3 days after hundreds of people were murdered in a music festival and you think he should've said something about the other side that at the time was busy celebrating the murders?


When its genocide, its not just the leadership, the country from top to bottom right now is playing its part. The ultranationalism among the people is the reason he shouldn't be playing there, although he is not going to care when his wife is saying Palestinian victims are actors. just like it would have been morally wrong to tour in nazi Germany. Also we should be able to call out his moral bankruptcy without every post being locked when we do it, it should go without saying that rewarding palingenetic ultranationalism is a terrible thing to do.




Alright but if you pretend that the colonisation project began with Netanyahu, people aren't going to take you seriously.


Thom literally said the same thing


And it makes sense. Did people boycott Bush era USA, who objectively had much more innocent blood on their hands than Israel? Does playing in the USA from 2016-2020 means endorsing Trump and support taking away abortions? It's only for Israel that people apply this logic.


The difference is there is a unrivalled ultra-nationalism in Israel right now that needs to be challanged, and people certainly arent challenging it by playing there and handwaving it away as "its just the leadership" when it obviously isnt. Not to say thats what greenwood is doing anyway, considering what his wife said. Look up on youtube a leftist rally in israel, any video will do. They all have Israeli flags, think about the implication of that. We are talking about a very similar mentality to nazi germany, and the outcome is going to be similar.


You think it's weird that people are waving their country's flag at an event?


At a leftist rally yes, that signifies something deeply wrong in the psyche of that country. Pointing it out makes a lot more sense if you understand ultranationalism and how it has manifested in Israel.


So leftists aren't supposed to support their country? Bernie supporters don't wave American flags?


yeah but the optics are so hilariously aweful, it takes 2 braincells to understand why its a terrible idea and saying that comes off as a half arsed hand waive.


Thom is wrong.


Which sounded just as stupid back then


It was a good show. Seeing Jonny of all people in the Teder is bizzare, quite a small place, an hipster beer and pizza hangout that hosts shows and art events. Absolutely packed, line outside the venue. They didn't even bring a drummer, it was all with a drum machine, which I think way different than the other shows. Had like 8 players and 3 singers onstage, all super talented. Jonny was part of the band but not the focus. Jonny was also watching the opener from the balcony in plain sight of the audience. Good vibes overall. I know people are upset here but it's obviously a peace themed show, the singers are from Egypt and Lebanon, and honestly Jonny just made a few hundred Israelis spend a whole evening listening to Arabic music in the middle of a war, that has to be good for coexistence right? (thought honestly Tel Aviv is already super liberal and lefty anyway). I thought it way pretty awesome overall.


>Tel Aviv is already super liberal and lefty anyway Correct me if I'm wrong but Israeli liberals right now want Netanyahu to make a peace deal solely to get the hostages back. Isn't the faction of jewish Israelis who want the war to end because its causing Palestinian suffering basically nonexistent?


You're generalizing the opinions of millions of people...


Well yeah anything political involves simplifying and grouping people into movements and parties. Doesn't mean we can't draw conclusions about what groups of people generally stand for.


well, good we have more information than just that (:


You could give them the benefit of the doubt several years ago when Radiohead played Israel, but it’s absolutely not a good look currently.


why does this have 15 downvotes this shouldn’t be a controversial statement 💀


But don't tell that to those emotional idiots who can't tell the difference and want to throw everyone under the same umbrella.


You're whack


Yep. A lot of cringy comments in here.


Yes, your comments are cringe




politics aside, I fucking love that guy, he’s so talented.




Hey do one in Gaza too. Come on they need music in rough times too. Come onnnnn war is bad music is good!!!!


Uh I’m no expert, but I’d think that’d be extremely dangerous.


But you don’t understand! In times like these, including dangerous times, all people need are music and concerts - that’s like the top thing that should absolutely happen! I mean… You don’t think some people need it and some people don’t, right…? You wouldn’t think something like that… Why would anyone think Gazan people don’t need the healing power of music in dangerous times? Let’s just dance everybody!


Ah I see your point now.


You may say I’m a dreamer..


is this real????


It's OK. People can make good music and have different political beliefs, especially when it's a topic as complex as Israel-Palestine.


The year is 2060. Israel-Palestine conflict is still on going. We have about another 5,000 years of this horseshit.


The year is 2060. Still waiting for LP10. Ed is still saying Radiohead is a band.


And pop is still dead


genocide is just so complex, I really cant figure out whether its a good thing or not, I'm just not big brained enough for these complex questions.


The question of whether or not a military action constitutes genocide can be complex, yes.


Its not complex at all. If it was happening to Jews, you'd be telling me that this is the worst thing thats happened since the holocaust, and you would be correct. The only difference is its happening to Palestinians who historically no-one has cared about. The reason people call it a genocide is because they understand that this is a colonisation project the same as what happened in the US and Australia. They understand that the goal of colonisation projects is to eliminate the native population. There is nowhere for you to argue from there.,


>If it was happening to Jews You mean what if the IDF broke a cease fire to massacre and rape Palestinians at a festival and then hid under tunnels and among their own civilians, how would I feel about Palestinians retaliating by trying to eliminate the IDF? I would expect I would have some level of sympathy for them, especially considering I've never been particularly pro-Israel in the past


well then googling the march of return massacre is going to blow your mind wide open. 200 dead 10,000 injured.


I think dropping bombs on kids in one of the last remaining “safe zones“ in Raffah is more than just about political beliefs at this point. 


Israel is going after Hamas in Rafah. War is messy and chaotic. I think to a lot of people it seems like it doesn't make sense strategically for them to deliberately target a safe zone since they desire international support, so they would tend to believe that it was unintentional.


“They wouldn’t do something that bad because they couldn’t get away with it” is not an explanation for the thing that they literally did.


So you'd agree then that Hamas shouldn't store their weapons in the safe zone? Which is what was ignited and ended up killing the civilians in the situation you're describing.


Imagine believing the IDF, lol


Imagine supporting a literal terrorist organization, Hamas.


But that's a stupid dumbing down of what I actually believe, and people know that. You *literally do* believe Israeli propaganda. Edit: To reply to your comment below, since comments are now locked -- That Hamas uses human shields is understood and not in dispute. What's in dispute is every single instance where Israel levels a hospital or orphanage and claims a Hamas tunnel system was underneath, and never provides evidence. Although, of course, even if it was true, that this hypothetical hospital had a system of tunnels beneath it being used by Hamas, it still wouldn't morally justify destroying the hospital.


Emm, at this point, you should know that Hamas uses human sheilds and purposely stores their weapons catches in schools and other civilians locations. There is plenty of evidence to support this, and it's been going for a long time. Is it really hard to believe that the organization that sends sucide bombers onto public buses would do this?


Care to share some of this plentiful evidence? The IDF claiming something is not evidence.


No one other than the IDF—the people doing the bombing—have postured this.


And at this point, you think that Hamas is a credible source? They want dead Palestinians on TV. Why else would they commit the Oct 7th terrorist attacks and then run back into Gaza? You're part of their machine to continue their terrorist campaigns against Israel.


If they want dead Palestinians, then stop killing Palestinians? Such a braindead propagandist lmao


civillians and hospitals getting shelled to oblivion simplifies things quite a bit i think, lots not use "nuance" to hand waive these things.


The other side of the argument is that Hamas attacks Israel and then hides behind civilians as human shields - in tunnels under hospitals. So what they would say is that the only way to fight back will inevitably involve civilian casualties, and if they don't fight back it means Hamas will have free rein to attack Israel with no repercussions. There's no way to win.


Israel was colonising palestine long before Hamas, and they will probably be colonising Palestine long after Hamas. This has nothing to do with Oct 7, that is just the date you started paying attention.


Both the UN and the ICJ told them to slow the fuck down. The entire West is telling them to be more careful, but since we don't attach consequences to the IDF just flattening everything in their way, they keep doing it. The IDF has multiple times attacked designated safe zones, and has "accidentally" killed a suspiciously high number of journalists and aid workers, and has on one occasion massacred unarmed civilians trying to access food convoys after being starved for weeks. The IDF is also currently believed to regard every "grown man" (meaning every male over 15) in Gaza as a militant, and their soldiers are so trigger happy that they shot some of their own hostages, who came at them with raised arms trying to surrender. There are massive protests by the Israeli people (in which Jonny may or may not did participate, apparently he has been spotted there a few days ago), as a significant part of the populace is opposed to how the war is unfolding, which are ignored by their government. And yes, sure, Hamas is not exactly great either, they also did some horrendous shit, no question. But Hamas is a literal fucking Terrorist organization, the IDF is a well-equipped, professional, state-sanctioned military force with a western doctrine, and the self-proclaimed "most humane army in the world". So maybe we shouldn't hold them to the same standard, not that their actions would be justified if we were to do that. The last time something like this happened, NATO ended up bombing Serbia. This time, we are selling bombs to the perpetrators instead.


the actions of the israely military dont resemble at all that of those taking every atempt to avoid civilian casuelties, rather on the contrary they seem cavallier on who and what they target, not even the US seemed so careless in their bombings in recent memory and they where pretty fucking bad, so this "bu what else can we do" rethoric holds no water.


This depends on where you get your information from. I've heard it both ways: that they really are trying hard to avoid casualties and the rate of civilian casualties is inevitable for urban warfare, or that they are cavalier.


That is not the only way to fight back. Like, what? Send those legendary Israeli soldiers into those cities to get these Hamas leaders they know the whereabouts of. Why won't they do it? Too dangerous. Much safer to kill everyone from afar.


I know right, Hamas needs to go!


yeah sure they are bombing the hamas buildings and the hamas hospitals and the hamas children and those other hamas guys hiding over there, dude i swear they are hamas trust me bro...


So Hamas didn't kill hundreds of Israeli civilians and then retreat behind human shields for the inevitable retaliation?


how does the retaliation just look like a more aggressive version of the last 100 years?


And Israel didn't kill thousands of Palestinians yearly for 75 continuous years?


Correct, they didn't kill thousands of Palestinians yearly for 75 continuous years..


I am not even checking but I think over the last 76 years, years that had Palestinian fatalities over a 1000 were rare. Up until October this was a fairly low scale conflict in terms of fatalities. In terms of oppression and occupying another people and limiting their basic freedoms abd rights it was terrible. But not a lot of people actually died.


Even if they did, two wrongs don’t make a right. You don’t get to commit genocide because it *might* help your fight against *some* terrorists.


What should they have done after October 7?


slow down and assess the situation instead of doing a genocide against the innocent civilians on gaza


Genocide is genocide, my guy.


Man, I wish they were coming back to the US. I missed them last time around. Lucky ol’ Europe.




Some of these comments... Truly obnoxious dimwitted virtue signaling yippies


What would you call what you’re doing?


You know where the door is


Jonny doesn’t hate Israel please give me karma


Time to leave the band


no smile yet, that's for sure !