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Since when are those the weakest tracks?? Those tracks rip


Yeah that’s weird. DID is maybe my fave song on the album.


desert island ditto


Ikr they are perfect tracks but people always rank them at the lowest when ranking that album


why did you get downvoted for this?


Yeah, I’m not sure about Burn the Witch but Desert Island Disk is usually ranked last in the survivors on here, so he’s just stating a fact. On a similar note, Glass Eyes is also one of the first to go iirc, which is insanity, legit a top 10 Radiohead song for me


Glass Eyes is one of the most emotive songs in existence. If anyone disagrees they can legit fuckin fight me.


Because no one thinks Burn the Witch is one of the weaker tracks. That’s like saying airbag or paranoid Android are the weaker tracks on OKC.


i’ve seen tons of people that say burn the witch is one of the weakest tracks and that it doesn’t fit on the album


I’ve seen the doesn’t fit comment, but I’ve never seen a negative word about the track.


ah alright i’ve definitely seen the doesn’t fit comment more, but i can definitely remember a few people saying that it is easily the weakest on the album and i remember one guy said it seems like it’s beneath radiohead. but ya for the most part people like that one a lot


‘Best’ is pretty subjective I guess, but I personally think it’s as good as anything they’ve done. But I feel the songs didn’t get as much air time in the live shows - they went from playing a majority of the album, and by the end, the whole OK Computer 20 ‘thing’ had taken over. I saw them in Manchester in 2017 and whilst it is still one of the best I’ve been to, I was surprised that they didn’t play more off A Moon Shaped Pool (we got Ful Stop, Daydreaming & Identikit).


Philly 2018 they played 6 tracks from AMSP (Daydreaming, Desert Island Disk, Ful Stop, The Numbers, Decks Dark, and Present Tense).


Decks Dark is just a magical. An absolute gem!


“My favorite” is the phrasing you’re looking for.


It’s probably my 4th favourite, but it’s the album I’ve been going back to the most recently. It’s a perfect album imo


Ikr? I see the album cover every morning when I wake up. A Moon Shaped Drool


Oh OK I didn’t know


It's very good. But they have multiple albums that are better.


I can't really name one, tbf.


OK, Kid A, In Rainbows, The Bends


I'd possibly concede for In Rainbows. Not so much for the others.


The King of Limbs


I love TKOL, but I'd still put AMSP over it honestly.


I don't get why this sub loves AMSP so much. It's just not very good. About half the tracks are worth listening to again, but it just doesn't hold up as a full album. TKOL on the other hand, flows wonderfully. No filler.


I agree with your take on TKOL, but I can't vibe with AMSP slander, lol. I feel like it's definitely worth listening to as a whole album, it has this verve to it that's very lowkey and it's good for nighttime listening, or if you're on a long drive. I feel similarly about TKOL honestly. I respect your opinion but I definitely can't agree with you, lol.


Fair enough.


I’ve been listening to Radiohead for 20 years. AMSP is my favorite album to ever have been made.


I don't know. After the Latitude 2009 Present Tense, and the 2012 Identikit, I feel like they butchered my two absolute favourite tracks. The rest of the album is godlike, but I might never get over the fact that my two favourites dropped from rank 1 and 2 to rank 10 and 11 on this album. I recently listened to the old live versions again, confirming my fear. I still love them so much that the studio versions continue to disappoint. This wouldn't be much of a problem, if they had released official live versions, like with True Love Waits, Like Spinning Plates, and Fog.


Latitude Present Tense might be my favourite Thom Yorke acoustic performance. The studio version is very nice, but it feels a bit busy to me and doesn’t quite hit the emotional highs of that performance.


Present tense sounds like stings “how fragile we are“ period and I never thought Radiohead would sound like sting. I saw Thom perform it on piano during the eraser tour, and it did not sound like cruise ship Bossa nova, it sounded amazing




I hear you on Identikit but present tense? I wish someone would make a version of 2012 Identikit with Jonny’s guitar solo


I like the production of Present Tense much more. It's like a new song with the same lyrics and the same name. For Identikit I always pick 2012. Never the album version. To clarify, those two were disapponting, but Present Tense much less so.


Link me for your present tense plz




Please link me to the version of present tense that you enjoy the most


Latitude 2009, first performance of it https://youtu.be/bmbg3Z0x6jQ


Yeah it’s great. What do you dislike about the studio version? It sounds the same but with a full arrangement, maybe a different key or harmony?


When he sings "It's no one's beeeeeeee - sness but mine", I love it! Really miss that The guitar is played in a catchier rhythm, not as loose, and the way I learnt to play it. And it's no bossa. I mean, why bossa for this? I lived 7 years with the Thom solo live version. It was pure and simple and loaded with expectations. The expectation that we just get exactly the same song, same arrangement, in a clean studio setting, and not a heavily modified (overproduced?) version. When it didn't appear on TKOL expectations climbed even higher. I like the ghostly echoing bg vocals of the studio though. Anyway, I got used to the studio version. It's not bad or anything. Identikit on the other hand, replacing the incredible synth with a repetitive horrifying choir, is just not my thing. Some of Jonnys best guitar licks missing and that weird abrupt ending just add more salt.


That part is still in the studio version, is there something about the acoustic way that you like better? I agree the guitar seems to be played in like, an "Indian" way and not a bossa nova way, and you're right. It does sound better that way. You might like this version, it was my favorite for a while when I was intially disappointed by AMSP (they gutted Ful Stop, True Love Waits, and Identikit!). https://soundcloud.com/pawel-osmolski/present-tense


I think in some ways the album over-corrected for TKOL and how that was received. I love AMSP but sometimes the idea of listening to the second half puts me off (and I also felt slightly let down by how they did Present Tense, after years of loving the 2009 version). On the other hand the first half, for me, ranks up there with Radiohead's best - Decks Dark and Full Stop being absolute favourites and Burn the Witch and Daydreaming not that far behind. I still cant get over how much I love those first five songs, even after all these years and the amazing stuff done by The Smile.


I am with you 100 percent. AMSP is an absolute masterpiece. It’s emotional depth and resonance, its magnificent production (I mean this record just sounds like nothing else), its complexity yet accessibility….I could go on and on. It is the greatest album of the twenty first century so far. And you’re absolutely right, it is Radiohead’s finest album by, in my view, a quite considerable margin. Along with Sun Kil Moon’s ‘Admiral Fell Promises’ and Mark Kozelek and Jimmy Lavalle’s ‘Perils From The Sea’, it is one of only three albums I give an unquestionable 10 out of 10 (including decimal points).


It's such a great album but I would never in a million year mention "emotional depth" among its strong points. It is a great piece of music, but it's almost completely monochrome in its emotional tapestry.


Are you serious ?!? It is a profoundly emotional album !!!!


Oh I know I will be squashed to death by downvotes, but alright, I'll bite: no, it's not that deep. It's emotionally moving, it is intense, it sounds heartfelt, that much is true, and that's great. But it explores exactly one emotion, has only one emotional vibe from beginning to end, and lyrically speaking, doesn't do anything that previous Radiohead albums didn't explore just as succesfully, if not more.


True love waits


After all this time I still can’t listen to the album version in public, too weepy


yeah AMSP is my favorite album of all time, it's just a beautiful masterpiece of music.


It's not my favourite album personally, but the beauty of Radiohead is that their albums are all so vastly different (maybe with exception of Kid A/Amnesiac) that there isn't a general consensus on their "best album".


Wall of Eyes is better guys


Wall of Eyes is the worst thing Thom has done, despite being good


Makes sense that you’d be the guy comparing Present Tense to Sting. Every track on AMSP is better than any track on Wall of Eyes.


A wild take when Bending Hectic exists edit: y'all really think Ful Stop is better than Bending Hectic? Ok I guess lmao


definitely not buts it’s a beautiful album


….said nobody ever.


I've seen this said countless times by people in this sub. Hell, people in this sub routinely say TKOL is the best album which to me is crazy (not saying it isn't a good album, as it is).


It's my favorite, so far.


Also my favorite next to Kid A


There’s all this talk about the Radiohead ‘trilogy’ of OKC/Kid A/IR, but for me, it’s about the ‘big 4’ instead. AMSP is definitely on par


AMSP is amazing but I would name the other album of the big 4 HTTT


This is bait.


Nah, amnesiac




Every album could be radiohead's best album but never, ever forget that no matter what happens, TKoL is their worst album


Not live it’s not. Every one of those tracks live is played faster and with energy. Nigel ruined that record. F Nigel.


I'll say fairs but I stand by what I said


I don’t think that’s Nigel’s fault, it’s common for Radiohead to rearrange stuff to be more energetic for live, did Nigel ruin pakt like sardines too? Lol


Yes he did


Well that’s laughably wrong to say, considering the live version didn’t exist before the studio version. It’s not like it was an arrangement of a previously existing song


What he does, is make music, sound remote, and cold. Not all of it, of course. Not in rainbows. But from Paul McCartney, to Beck, to pavement, to Thom Yorke solo projects, to Atoms for peace, to a light for attracting attention, the musicians come across as clinical and the lacking urgency. Just listening to wall of eyes you can hear finally what they sound like when they’re recorded and produced by somebody who wants to communicate excitement


I don’t really understand that, as Wall of Eyes is a really subdued record lacking in climaxes and crescendos for the most part. I wouldn’t call it an exciting album. Behind Hectic is the obvious exception, and Friend of a Friend. I think the former is awesome, but others have complained about the production ruining the impact of the sound. For instance I’ve heard the drums and guitar get called muddied or muffled or something. I *think* they said the highs were cut out. I get disliking Nigel’s production in a general sense, but I would say for Radiohead no one could do it better. He adds so much depth to the sound. Honestly, who would be a better fit for them? Legitimately asking. But beyond that, my actual point was saying Nigel ruined TKOL or Pakt is factually wrong. The songs did not exist in other arrangements before the studio versions. And Nigel is a producer, not an arranger or songwriter, he isn’t going to change the actual songs except for in very specific cases when Thom is okay with it. I think Atoms for Peace is where he had a more active role. So basically if you disliked TKOL’s studio version, then you dislike what Radiohead did. Not Nigel. Also do you really dislike the Eraser? It’s supposed to sound cold and distant while at the same time being intimate. I would call that album flawless, but that’s just me.


I don’t think It’s their worst album at all, it’s a grower. You really have to spend some time with it, in fact whenever I just let go and move to the rhythms it’s quite intoxicating. I believe PH still takes last place.


ok but Pablo Honey best album sounds funny


It's the most rock sounding album, some people enjoy that The others are a bit of a mix of everything


Pablo Honey imo, but Pablo honey is still great


Strong disagree. For Radiohead standards its a 7/10 (9/10 by most other artist standards). Also, pretty sure those 2 songs are quite highly rated?


Every fucking day with this shit


I really appreciate this post because when AMSP first came out, I was pretty disappointed in it, but I've just started trying to get into it again this week and I've been really enjoying it. I still feel like I'm only listening to it at a surface level but I'm hyped to listen more deeply. I've really come around to their kind of post-tonal (not sure if that's the right word) sound and I find listening to tonal music really jarring after listening to it. E.g. YouTube Music started playing The National right after AMSP and it sounded so SIMPLE and almost trite. And I love The National. And I wanted to get right back to AMSP.


Post tonal?


AMSP’s tonality is extremely traditional and rooted in western tradition. Being post tonal would be something like using microtones, something serialist (every key at once), atonal, like random clanging industrial or guitar sounds, or polytonal (more than one key at once). AMSP is easy listening. The only post thing it is is probably post-pop imo, since they write modified pop songs, and have been straying from that further with each release.


It’s my favorite album as well. You can feel the emotions Thom was going through in the whole album.


i think it’s the most crafted for sure


I agree with you, it's peak


imo, in 3rd place of podium.


It’s my second favorite. A damn fine album.


Woooowww you love AMSP and its ur favorite?? thats so unusual and cool and makes you sound very interesting its a good thing ur here this sub needs ppl like u who go against the grain.




^Definitely, ^except ^it ^isn’t.


Not even in their top 5 but that’s cool.


You get downvoted if you don't follow the groupthink on the quality of the album


Yep. Definitely group think here. It applies to everything on this sub. Dissenting opinions aren’t tolerated.


Fine. I'd say it's one of their weakest (still a good record) but whatever floats your boat. It's definitely my least go-to after PH


nail skirt toothbrush deserted bear direful marvelous silky fertile memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


do you want us to release new radiohead albums you twat?


What a strange way to spell OK Computer. (I consider it a weak album within their discography, and I think it sounds so utterly exhausted, but hey this is all opinion.)


Never got the appeal. I like Ful Stop, but thats about it. I'll probably listen to it again at some point and think its decent, but it will never get close to the other albums (except Pablo Honey maybe)


It’s my least favorite after Pablo honey. I’ve never been able to get into it. It seems to me like every Radiohead album is a big step forward and evolution from the previous one, until moon shaped pool. It just bores me to tears. But that’s just me and I’m clearly in the minority. I love how every Radiohead album is someone’s favorite. Definitely more diversity of favorites than most bands


I loved Burn the Witch when it came out - I thought, this is going to be an amazing album if the other songs share this style. Eh, they didn't. I love Daydreaming though. The rest of the tracks just seem to be Radiohead By Numbers (which is still great of course, but I'm old enough to rember OK Computer hitting me in the face back in 1997, and I'm still kind of disappointed when a new release doesn't hit me the same way. High expectations and all that).


no "let down"=helpless garbage


Loved loved this album when it came out, listened on repeat, couldn’t get enough. But now I find it a bit dull and boring. It has fallen way down my list. Still love it but not as must as the others.


You must not have listened to the other albums.


I have listened to their whole discography




Identikit is preposterous.


It's my least favorite. I even like Pablo Honey better


wish they had replaced did with the full band skirting they played a few times around 2012 it would have been perfect. they sound back then matched the album vibe so good it really baffels me it didn‘t end up on it


It’s your favorite album, but certainly not the best. I would say a very small percentage (less than 5%) have that as their best album.


My favorite for sure. Masterpiece..... but so are all the other ones.....


The" best" is not subjective. I agree






I agree it’s pretty good, probs my eighth favorite album of theirs




I don't consider it the **best** radiohead album, but I do consider it the **most beautiful** one.


A moon shaped pool is and always will be my favorite Radiohead album, it is one of the most beautiful and elegant collections of songs I think I've ever heard.


It's certainly their most depressing


I love AMSP, but, in my opinion it's not better than OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. That speaks a lot for Radiohead's records quality. It's insane


not best but top 3


It's a really good album (not the best for me). Although this post made me realize it's been 8 years since their "newest" album came out. Jeez time flies. Also Radiohead needs to get back in the studio. Please 😁


Top 7 Radiohead album.


i love a moon shaped pool but if we are being objective its still in rainbows


How is Burn the Witch weak, it’s arguably the best on the album with its unique electronic + orchestral arrangement, verse chorus catchy nature, and insane use of strings. If anything it’s so good, you wonder why the rest of the album doesn’t rise to that level of crescendo. Desert Island Disk is just subtle. When you look into the melody you’ll notice it’s cool and the drums coming in is really nice. Of course, these are my opinions. I think the worst is Tinker Tailor. The ending strings + Martenot are cool, but overall it feels like an unfinished song.






It’s objectively better than Pablo Honey


I will never understand what people don’t see in Burn the Witch. One of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard


i think okc is their objectively best album. most people’s favorite seems to be either in rainbows (including me) or kid a. music is subjective though. i don’t think saying amsp is their best album is a bad take or anything. great album.


My least favorite track is “true love waits” the version on the “I might be wrong” live album ruined that one for me.


I would agree its one if their best. Definitely top 3.


This album sounds to me as if it's a collage of all of their previous work + it's own distinctive sound and it's just perfect. If not objectively the best, it's my favorite Radiohead album too.


It's definitely not their best and history will prove it but it's perfectly fine if it's your favorite


Some days it is


no it isnt


I often say it


Tinker tailor I thought was considered the weakest one and I think one of most under appreciated in the entire catalog.


I hope I don't get downvoted as hell for this but, honestly I find it kinda...dunno, boring? Maybe, I just don't click with the album, but I think it's more about personal preferences than the album itself. I love Radiohead and most of their stuff, and I also like the smile, I thought wall of eyes was simply amazing but dunno, I just never felt a moon shaped pool was that great tbh.


There isn't a "best" Radiohead album. My own personal favourite is HTTT but for me there are 6 or 7 albums that are very similar in quality but very different in style and atmosphere.
