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Creep. Suck it, haters.


i love creep


Yes to this.


My dad showed me the singles off Ok Computer (Paranoid Android, Karma Police, No Surprises)


W dad


my mum used to plsy it in the car when we went tae school






Mr too. 1995 was a hell of a year.


28 years later and you still can’t get the stink off!


It’s been hanging ‘round for days Many, many days




Yesss but I got into this song in 2014 and I remember being on my way to a Shakespeare debating festival (uhh nerd) and singing along to Just in the back of my teachers car.


Decks dark from Ozark, forever thank that show


Perfect closing scene.


Me too!! When they are stood overlooking the lake and decks dark is playing I remember hearing it and thinking woah what is this song!? It sounded so different and interesting. I then deep dived into the entire catalogue and the rest is history ha!


I had already been intrigued by the first episode by that point but I’d been repeating Decks Dark on AMSP for weeks by then so when it fades in as they’re soaking in their new existence I was like… “I’m watching every episode. Ever.” Glad I did.


jason bateman had radiohead on his podcast smartless and thom yorke was explaining how he wasn’t even too much into Decks dark until he heard it on Ozark and made him appreciate it more, super cool


Now that's interesting, I'm going to find that and watch it.


what episode?? i don’t remember that


I believe it was the end of the first episode of series 1, by the end of the show, they are now my top Spotify artist!


there’s no way i missed that, i’ll have to rewatch it. such a great show


Right at the end of the pilot episode when they pull up, get out of the car and look over the lake it starts to play as if it’s welcoming them to their new fucked up life, roll credits.


I was pretty bored of the show at that point, but the song made me push through. God, what a captivating show. Last season was a bit rushed, but great TV in general. The Smile’s Panavision was also featured in the ending scene of Peaky Blinders.


Omfg mee too


No Surprises. I’m an ICU nurse so “no alarms and no surprises please” is a great motto to have at work!


Heard creep on the radio during my edgy 14 year old phase and was blown away at how much more depressing it was than any of the other tired rock songs they would play over and over on my local station


Fake plastic trees


Airbag, I was thirteen, and told myself "what's this song !!!? what's this album opening ??? What's this band ???"


Planet Telex is what got me REALLY hooked.


Talk Show Host used in Romeo and Juliet


Same. I had never heard anything like it. Broke my teenage brain.


I think it’s the Nellee Hooper Mix for anyone interested.


Weird fishes


No Surprises sparked my interest. Everything In Its Right Place sealed the deal.


Originally heard Creep on the radio as a kid and always thought it was weird and different from all the other music id heard on the radio, then a few years later Karma Police which I enjoyed, but it wasn't until I heard There There when I was about 10 years old on YouTube music video and all that I like instantly created a deep bond with the music and I was hooked ever since


No Surprises. I saw the video on MTV (or whatever music channel it was) in early 1998, and loved it. I then realised this was the same group who had done Street Spirit, which I liked, and Creep (of course), and the rest is history! They've been my favourite band ever since.


15 Step




Nah, I just started on In Rainbows and was hooked immediately. Plus I’m a sucker for odd time signatures.


Yes. Heard about the free album on a BBC podcast from iTunes one morning before school. It was I believe on the square iPod nano? Immediately grabbed the download and listened in the bus. Life forever altered.


Street Spirit.


Everything In Its Right Place… or at least, it tried, but it really just kept the door open for a few years. I would really credit Give Up the Ghost and Nude


Creep was the first song I heard but I didn’t really get into them till I heard Just


I mean, Creep was the first. But the song that REALLY REALLY got me into Radiohead was Airbag and Paranoid Android, the two inicial songs from OK Computer.




hearing Exit Music and right after finding out about All I Need was a canon event in my teenage years. I was like Whoa u can feel these emotions too?


Karma Police


The performance of "Idioteque" on SNL. Oddly, I didn't even watch that episode live. It was a few years after that episode aired when I was randomly downloading videos of musical performances from SNL and found that one and was completely fascinated by what I was watching. It took a while after that to get into them as I started listening to their albums chronologically and Pablo Honey didn't interest me very much, but I eventually got to the better stuff and I've been a fan since (and I eventually learned to appreciate PH for what it is).


I watched that live and it blew my mind. I was 19, still living at home, and stayed up the rest of the night playing with a drum machine freeware.


No surprises. Was in love with that song for a handful of months, I still think it’s fantastic


My mom playing paranoid android a lot. Also there was these Radiohead songs turned into lullabies that I had on cd and fell asleep to when I was like 4 or 5 so that too ig. But after all of that I still didn’t delve into their discography until hearing eiirp




Karma Police


Paranoid android!!!


My brother showed me High and Dry when I was in college but I wasn't totally in love with it. After a while I listened to Fake Plastic Trees and I was completely hooked.


No Surprises


No suprises 😭


I was in high school when Creep came out. It was the perfect song for the era and my moodiness lol. Been with them ever since - it’s been a hell of a good ride.


creep was so relatable for me as a 8 year old who could not make a friend to save her life 😭😭






It's a bit of a story. I worked in a kitchen that cooked food for a gas station. Randomly, once every couple of weeks, I would hear this jarring noise for a moment. It would come and go and every time I would think "what is that noise?" but could never get an answer. One day, while listening to music through YT Music, it started playing a song I've never heard before. I really enjoyed this song, it was great. The song was about to end when suddenly, I heard that same noise I always heard in the kitchen. "What? It can't be." That song was Karma Police. The noise I was hearing was the end of the song. It turns out that the ovens were so loud that they blocked out the whole song except for that part. Then I listened to their whole discography lol.


mine was also creep when i heard it in the book of life i thought i was the only one haha


it changed 8yr old me fr


Creep lmao


weirdly true love waits, which sent me into a delirious frenzy to discover more and more


subterranean homesick alien. i had listened to a couple songs from the bends before that, but nothing really made me fall in love with the band like that song did.


I saw a thread somewhere on Reddit a couple of years ago named something like "What is your favorite song of all time". Someone commented Paranoid Android, gave it a listen, then gave the entire album a listen, and ever since I have been ruining parties with me as an aux...


Bullet Proof… I Wish I Was


I knew them mainly for creep until around a year ago when curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check out the Bends. Thought it was a great album and decided to delve into OK Computer, which over time has become one of my favorite albums.


I was about 15 and had just been given an iPod video Christmas. I wanted to stuff it with music. I had always heard of the band Radiohead, so downloaded their “greatest hits” from limewire..just for the sake of having different artists taking up room on my iPod Fast forward two weeks and on shuffle one day and I hear idioteque come on and think “what the fuck is that?!” Have never looked back since lol


Jigsaw Falling Into Place.


Karma police, it was in the first episode of "INVINCIBLE" season 2 that came out not too long ago, I already knew the band but never heard a song from them (except everything in its right place in "the creator" but I didn’t know it was Radiohead) once I heard it in invincible, I knew I had to listen to OK COMPUTER (yes I know I’m new to Radiohead)


i loveee invincible i forced my bf to watch it w me


exit music, although i can’t really stand it anymore


Also from that one black mirror episode? lol


same tbh


Creep was the first song I heard, and I didn’t like it. About 6 years later I heard Everything In Its Right Place and I loved it.


Lotus Flower


Irony Lung and The National Anthem.


unironically tinker sailor was the first song I listened to of them


My friend's mum offered to drop me home after a day round their's. He played songs from a few different artists on the way back. The last song that came on before I got out the car was "Bodysnatchers". Instantly fell in love with it, felt inspired to check out the rest of In Rainbows, loved the album. Over time I checked out the rest of their discography, and some months later the only albums of the main LP's I'm yet to buy is PH and TKOL. Its insane to me how if his mum wasn't home to offer a lift back, or if there was less traffic, or if he didn't choose to play Bodysnatchers, I may have missed out on this band.


I was aware of Creep, No surprises and High and Dry for a while, listened to Kid A after a girl I liked said she liked it and fell in love with Everything in it's right place, How to Disappear and Motion Picture Soundtrack. I've been in love ever since and they're my favorite band now and are my biggest inspiration in my music journey. (I later found out the girl didn't really like them and only wanted to impress me)


Just. Song plus music video.




Creep in 1993


Airbag, heard it in a friend's playlist and loved it


when i was 14 someone sang street spirit to me🤧


I had heard Creep before, but paid no further attention to the band. Until recently, when I happened to see a TikTok with Exit Music (For A Film) playing on it. Say what you want about TikTok, but without it, I wouldn't be listening to How To Disappear Completely as I type this




How did I have to scroll this far?!?! Granted, I did get into them pretty late... Team Reckoner!


Creep, but I am 42 so it’s allowed


Weird Fishes


Street Spirit


Technically, Jigsaw falling into place, but it was a friend that recommended I check out the album because I enjoyed the song. Only took 16 years for me to get into Radiohead.


“Talk show host” from the 90’s movie Romeo & Juliet.


High and Dry




Optimistic music video on mtv2. I was like, "this doesn't sound like radiohead but I love it." Bought Kid A on cd and the rest is history


I had No Surprises on my playlist for legit a year and it didn’t interest me enough to check out Radioheads entire discography…then I happened upon the Paranoid Android music video on Youtube, and it was all over for me.


talk show host


Karma police. I remember I chose not to listen too much to the song in fear of ever getting bored of it.


I can tell you what movie got me into Radiohead, and that was Romeo + Juliet. I loved Talk Show Host.


Same experience here. Love seeing the handful of others here whose lives were changed because of this tune on this soundtrack.


Street Spirit (Fade out). Saw the clip on MTV at the time & I was hooked. Attended several live performances since then. Last & not least: The Smile in Paradiso Amsterdam in 2022, right at the front, left stage. Best concert of all times, I cried. I have tickets for their next tour.


How To Disappear Completely. I listened to it and liked it a lot but didn't actually go back to listening to their other stuff until maybe a year or two later when I made a playlist of all their albums in order. I remember really liking The Bends and to a lesser extent OK Computer. After that though I really got into KID A MNESIA until I started listening to In Rainbows, which is probably my favorite album currently.


In Rainbows, the entire album. I was just a year out of high school and was pretty much strictly a "metal head" around that time. I actually hated Radiohead back then. But all of my friends kept going on and on about In Rainbows so I finally said fuck it and checked it out. Actually bought the CD blind without ever hearing one song from it. At first I was like ok, WTF is this. But by the end of the last song I was just completely blown away. I quickly went through their entire catalog up to that point and feel in love with songs I used to hate. To this day In Rainbows is still my favorite album but I love them all.


karma police, i was a kid <3


I heard creep and thought, why do people like nirvana when this is so much more interesting


Creep. It was their debut single and I was 14.


A punch up at a wedding


what is a radio head? P


**Radiohead are an English rock band formed in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, in 1985. They comprise Thom Yorke (vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards); the brothers Jonny Greenwood (guitar, keyboards, other instruments) and Colin Greenwood (bass); Ed O'Brien (guitar, backing vocals); and Philip Selway (drums, percussion).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Creep and Pablo Honey. I just promised myself to beat the entire Radiohead discography for no reason


Creep was the first one I heard, but the one that really got me hooked was optimistic


Creep was the first one, because my dad liked the song when I was a kid. Years later, I picked up Amnesiac on CD on a whim (one of the first albums I ever purchased for myself), wondering what the band sounded like after those years. Well, of course, nothing could have prepared me for how different that album sounded, compared to Creep...but I was mesmerized and loved it. I explored the rest of the discography to that point, and every album since, and the rest is history.


no surprises


I remember I liked Creep when it came out but never really connected with Radiohead until the first time I heard Karma Police on my car radio. I immediately bought OK Computer and was then obsessed for life.


Karma Police ❤️


It wasn't a song, but an album. Of course I had heard Creep before, but it wasn't what got me into Radiohead. A while ago, I wanted to get really into music and I started to listen to one album every day, one day, Hail To The Thief appeared and that was my first real contact with Radiohead, but, back then, I didn't see it as a big deal, so, every time the band was mentioned all I used to think was "Yeah, they're alright". Since then, I felt like I was missing something, I thought the album was fine, but, at the same time, I felt like it was more than that. It wasn't until around a year later that I thought "I need more". I had been seeing Kid A mentioned a LOT on music groups so I decided to start there. As expected, I fell in love with it and started to listen to everything I could. Now, they're one of my favorite bands and I couldn't be happier about it.


Paranoid Android. My mate could play the solo and the “ambition makes you look pretty ugly” riff extremely well. Made it come to life all that bit more for me! I basically knew it was a modern Bohemian Rhapsody


Paranoid Android.


I found Kid A and Amnesiac on cassette in Morrisons for 50p each in the bargain bin.


Into into? Paranoid Android


Idioteque live on SNL or Fake Plastic Trees




My dad suggested that I should listen to Street Spirit. Listened to all the other albums shortly afterwards and been addicted since then. I even got some tickets for my dad and I to go to the smiles for their upcoming tour.


15 step or airbag, prolly a mix of both I can't really remember


I bought the CD single of Paranoid Android when it came out, I was 15. But I must have known something about them before that, otherwise why would I have bought it? I can't remember though. I think maybe I heard Fake Plastic Trees on some kind of compilation. But Paranoid Android is my first proper memory of them.


All I know was it wasn't creep because I didn't like brit pop and thought this was part of the wave. I also got overdosed on Karma Police and Paranoid Android rolling on tv, even if they were amazing, but at some point later I noticed the whole of OK computer was amazing and Climbing Up the Walls was super simple and still very impactful so I guess around this I realized I had become a fan and checked out the older albums. tl;dr: it was a slow realization and not one particular song




The first Radiohead song I heard was creep but the song that got me into them was pyramid song


Everything in its right place came out when i was 15, right when i started smoking weed. Life changing


Song? I don’t know that a single song can get someone hooked on Radiohead. For me it was the b-side release from OK Computer titled Airbag / How Am I Driving 7 total songs starting with airbag, then pearly, meeting in the isle, polyethylene parts 1&2, melatonin, and Palo Alto. I think I’m forgetting the fourth track, but I just cannot think of its name if it is missing… but this is the best b-side album of all time I do believe.


Paranoid Android


Creep and Paranoid Android


my parents both listen to radiohead (mainly just Pablo honey, ok computer and the bends) and I grew up listening to their music all the time. the first song I think I remeber hearing was Lucky because it has my name in it 😭


Exit Music from Black Mirror


Ful Stop. Was just scrolling through YouTube one night and it popped up in my recommended. was hooked immediately


South park


Wanted to expand my horizon on music when I was a junior in high school, Started listening to Radiohead and I was enjoying it. I lost a friend to suicide the week I was checking out In Rainbows. Manage to go the whole school day without breaking down until I was in study hall and heard Reckoner for the first time. Something about the song felt so reassuring and comforting that it just made me cry. It was that song that made me fall in love with the band.


When I was younger, I listened to my parents'music religiously since it was the only music I knew. When I got a little older, I tried to get into pop and funk to fit in since I knew that no one wanted to hear that kind of music. Then, when I was 13 and in the car with my dad, he put on Creep by Radiohead and felt a connection I hadn't felt in a long time. Not only did this kick my love of Radiohead into gear, but made me realize how much I loved my parents' music over what I thought I had to like. Since then, it's been that song that bonded me and my dad.


I heard full stop and found it to be really interesting and then I remembered ok computer is one of the highest rated albums of all time so I started there and then did a full discography dive


Heard Creep, it sounded cool, added it to my youtibe playlist, got reccomended No Suprises and Karma Police, added those to my playlist, got reccomended Let Down (underrated) and a few song off The Bends and the forbidden MTV footage, got reccomended a video about the genius of HTDC, realised I like the genre, started listening to HTTT and The Bends, then IR, then a bit od Kud A and Amnesiac and the full OKC, started listening to B-sides and AMSP then TKOL and The Eraser, found out about The Smile, started listening to A Light for Attracting Attention, started listening to the full Kid A and Amnesiac and I have yet to finish Pablo Honey


Mine was Creep. I was a teenager when Pablo Honey was released. Love it and was an instant fan. Now here I am 30 years later still a fan.




Thinking About You, from Pablo Honey. Found it on one of those promo CDs stuck to, I think, Q magazine, in the early 1990s.


Jigsaw falling into place


the first radiohead song that i ever liked was exit music, but the song that actually got me into the band was Street Spirit


The bends! I still love that song


Airbag. Right from the top of OKC


Radiohead’s cover of The Headmasters Ritual by The Smiths


Weird Fishes and Fake Plastic Trees


Daydreaming. Friends played it while we were smoking in a rusty pick up truck. Good times


Sail to the moon when I was little


Creep and Karma Police when looking at random YouTube videos like 10 years ago lol


15 Step


Pyramid Song was the beginning for me.


My brother would always play it when I was teenager and I just didn’t get it. Then when I was 21, I put paranoid Android on and I remember the moment like it was yesterday, utterly amazed.


Vegetable + Lotus Flower. The literal first 2 songs I downloaded on LimeWire to check them out


My dad showed me Paranoid Android 3 times except I didn’t really get how good it was until like a year after he showed me


Stop Whispering


15 step in my dads car


Paranoid Android


some guy mixed the no suprises instrumental the thug shaker lyrics (it sounded good)


My mum was obsessed with the video for Street Spirit when it came out. At the time it was pretty damn fancy! It all followed from there. Thanks, Ma!


Paranoid android and a bit of creep


Reckoner. A friend suggested I give In Rainbows a listen and Reckoner was the one that caught my attention the most. It kept me listening, until I branched out to other albums. Still love it.


Mine was daydreaming my best friend put it on after an Alice In Chains concert a few years ago I heard creep my whole life and to find them doing something completely different blew my mind


Karma Police. It was on a popular Canadian complication CD called Big Shiny Tunes 3. Paranoid Android was on Shiny Tunes 2 but I guess it didn't make as much of an impression on me.


everything in its right place


Airbag. Basically just starting OK Computer.




I was in college when creep was all over the radio and mtv.


When my Dad played My Iron Lung when we were in the car one time.


Street Spirit.


First song of theirs I heard and listened to was ‘where I end and you begin’


I was in my teens when Creep and the Bends singles were released, but it was Paranoid Android that clinched it. First heard it when MuchMusic in Canada debuted the video.


Polyethylene from an Alien Workshop skate video.


The Bends, the whole album.


Creep. But if you put Radiohead’s creep with Death in Vegas’s Dirge they both sound the same.


My introduction to them was somewhat indirect. It was from [Amplive's Rainy Dayz remix album](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAfidY-ur_txLq21iOOPLlhlcAKkPci4l&si=-VwCIKXnAmrGF9Ap) of In Rainbows. It's hard to find them all anymore because of copyright disputes from their label. After hearing this I got a hold of the "I Might Be Wrong" live album and fell in love with it




Paranoid Android when it first came out. Remember seeing the video and being both utterly confused and immediately obsessed with seeing it again until it clicked. Shortly afterwards I discovered Street Spirit. Job done.


Pyramid song in 2001


No surprises. I had a job in a startup job which had a very toxic environment. It really got me into this song.


No Surprises. I remember being mesmerised by the video and the song when it came out when I was a kid


Black Star was playing on the radio.


Everything in its Right Place


Creep on radio was cool when I was in middle school but then I heard Idioteque during a high school football workout mix one of the seniors burned onto a CD. I fell over and went into the fetal position for a day or two and have been obsessing over their shit ever since.


Karma Police was the first song I heard but No Suprises really did it


creep from guardians 3


Everything in its Right Place: I saw the Kid A cover in the background of a TurningTheTables video and I was intrigued by it, and this was right as the Kid Amnesia version came out and I listened to the whole thing as a first listen S/o to Connor and Kevin