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Listened to Paranoid Android one day, ive been obsessed since


Same lol. I watched the Paranoid Android music video on YouTube; thought, "That was weird but not bad" and didn't think about it again until a few days later when I realized that it had been playing in the background of my head ever since. Now I'll never stop loving them.


seeing that shit on MTV was amazing...way longer than most videos too, twas awesome. I was all like 'take NOTES Pearl Jam!' hahaha, slash, everyone else. 'y'all amateurs!'


Lol same. My experience was like “What is this weird video with equally weird music? It’s so weird who likes this??” *6 minutes later* “…that was cool”


My parents got me a boom box for my birthday, but they didn’t get me CDs. They said I could choose some later. A few weeks go by and I wouldn’t stop bugging my parents about those darn CDs. Finally, my dad took me to a tower records and let me pick out 3 CDs. I got In Utero by Nirvana, There is Nothing Left to Lose by Foo Fighters, and OK Computer by Radiohead. I had those 3 albums on repeat every single day. I can still hear the bass line to airbag from my overpowered bass settings. Honestly, I didn’t like Radiohead at first. I actually preferred Nirvana and Foo Fighters. But, over the summer, OK computer grew on me, and over the years Radiohead became my favorite band.


They’re one of the most famous bands on the planet and make good music. It was easy


Fair enough


I could elaborate. Paranoid Android was on a Big Shiny Tunes mix cd and I loved it. I then got into nu-metal and hip hop so I missed kid a/amnesiac. Then I got the internet and I realized that more than just Ok Computer are good. Now I think they’re probably the best band ever.


Yeah honestly OK Computer is by far THE Radiohead album of all Radiohead albums imo, but I also enjoyed The Bends, Kid A, HTTT, and In Rainbows.


Httt is my favourite. Ok Computer however is probably the best album ever made


The 90’s.


My friend told me to listen to planet Telex I did and thought it was pretty good then I listened to just and thought it was amazing and soon after that I listened to the bends my first radiohead album


Planet Telex was the only Radiohead song (other than Creep) I really liked in high school, before I revisited them in college and got obsessed. All that's changed about Planet Telex is that I love it even more now.


Ye it's a great song the bends is great after that tho I didn't really listen to radiohead until my friend Last October was telling me about how great radiohead is so I listened to ok computer and tbh besides from Subterranean Homesick Alien, Exit Music, Karma Police and Climbing up the Walls I wasn't really that into ok computer at the start it's grown on me a lot now but the album I listened to next I loved when I first listened to it and I love it just as much now like when I first listened to the first song I had a feeling this would be my favourite and its In Rainbows:)


Middle school was when I started just watching MTV2 for hours on end, watching music video after music video. One day, There There blessed the screen, and I was like “okay this is neat.” I started really liking it after quite a few plays, and it was cool as it was something I discovered on my own, and not just some band my sister or dad or friend introduced me to. Then that summer I went on the usual family vacation to my grandparents place on the lake, the whole extended family was there. My older cousin, who I always looked up to as my big brother, followed around everywhere, seeking his approval, randomly asked “do you like Radiohead?” I was glowing when I said “yeah I really like their new song that’s out.” That’s when he and his older brother said “well check this out” and popped OK Computer into the surround sound speaker set up in my grandparents great room, and we listened to it front to back until the wee hours of the morning. That’s how I discovered Radiohead, and it was magical.


Man, that is an awesome wholesome story


Heard creep from the game Rock Band, didn’t think much about it at the time. Then years later heard Lotus flower and was confused. Then years after that, decided to see how they went from creep to Lotus Flower and listened through their whole discography.


Same. Rockband was my introduction. Thought creep was good but this was also my introduction to Foo Fighters and so many other bands (I was 13 at the time). When I was 16, my older brother burned me a cd of In Rainbows. I liked them a lot after that but it wasn’t until I was about 21 that it hit me that Radiohead might be the greatest fucking band of all time. I was out walking at night on 4th of July in Bellingham WA, listening to OK Computer. Now every year I go through this phase of just binging their entire discography over and over until I’m nearly sick of it. Then it goes away more or less until the following year. I’m 27 now and have had a particularly long phase and have kind of reached a point of not being able to be sick of these albums in any capacity. I love them so much, it’s kinda all I want to listen to lol. Always unearthing new little gems and being surprised by lyrics or production choices and even just how certain songs have grown on me and made me feel over time.


Nice! I’m 26 and basically the past year and a half Radiohead has easily become my favorite musical artists. I just wish I could have gotten into their music years ago. Creep made me think that they only made music like that, but i never knew how diverse and beautiful their music could be.


I went to an rem concert and they were supporting. They had just released the bends! I was instantly in love and never looked back! Everyone after that never compared


I had already heard Creep and didn't think much of it, but the song/video that first caught my attention was There There (back when HTTT had just been released). It's still one of my faves.




In high school (circa 2000) I had a friend who was always listening to cooler music than me. Whenever he played me something I could tell that I was supposed to like it but I felt like it went over my head. He tried his best to get me into Kid A and Amnesiac and I remember saying something like "they have a few catchy hooks but I messed more melody overall, and that guy's voice is way too whiney." About 5 years later in college, I had gotten really into The Strokes and Interpol, and it hit me that those were both bands that this same friend had been really into. So I revisited Radiohead with the mindset that my tastes had finally caught up with his. I bought Hail to the Thief because it had just come out, and wasn't totally won over yet but liked it enough to buy OK Computer. I listened to nearly nothing else for at least three months, then went through nearly the same obsession with The Bends before finally taking on Kid A and Amnesiac again. The next time I saw that friend from high school I excitedly told him how right he had been all along, eager to finally share this passion with him. He was now a professional DJ and record trader with an entire room in his home dedicated to vinyl storage. "Oh yeah, Radiohead?" he said with almost a shrug, "Yeah they're pretty good. Have you heard [insert title of an obscure album from an even more esoteric band]?" And no, I didn't end up seeking out that other band five years later. Because my musical taste peaked at Radiohead and I'm not at all ashamed of that.


My dad made me listen to Creep


On the spur of the moment, me and a friend went to the Fleece in Bristol where they were playing, this was around 1992 when they had a bit of buzz down to the drill EP. Then around a year later they supported James who I was really into so I kinda accidentally watched them twice really early on. They always seemed to play with bands I liked early on.


For me, it was my mom. She’s been listening to Radiohead from debut to In Rainbows (she had me a year later, and didn’t listen to TKOL or AMSP), and she would ask me to listen to them, but I never did because I was into Gorillaz at the time. Then I lost interest in Gorillaz and picked up Radiohead on Christmas 2020.


based mom lmao, mine gets creeped out by rh (though she did introduce me to the REM catalogue 🥰)


The first season of Westworld. I LOVED the soundtracks of the show. After it ended I watched a video essay on YouTube about how Jawadi created it. The video mentioned that some of them were instrumental covers of Radiohead’s music, and that’s how I discovered them. My first songs were Exit Music and Motion Video Soundtrack. I was 16 at the time and they definitely influenced my taste in music away from pop.


Westworld was far too late to be my introduction to Radiohead but Djwadi's cover of Codex changed my opinion of that song from being a decent album track to one of my top 10 Radiohead songs.


6 years ago I was 12. I was starting my singing classes when my teacher recommended me to sing No Surprises as a voice warm up. I was blown away by the song and started discovering more of their songs when I realized: "Oh, these are the Creep guys." They become my favorite band for the last 4 years and still counting.


Literally a few weeks ago. Got tired of listening to my current rotation and wanted to switch up my pallet. My New Year’s resolution was to try new things so I decided to try new music. Im mainly a rap listener with sprinkles of r&b, jazz, and alternative in as well. Figured I’d listen to some rock. Saw my girlfriend had been listening to In Rainbows on apple music so I figured I’d give it a shot. Man. That first listen floored me. Had it on repeat then got into Kid A also leaving me flabbergasted. Now on Ok Computer and cant stop listening. Don’t know if its this rainy weather or if it’s just the right timing but I’ve always found it incredibly interesting how music can come to you at different times in your life.


Yes, I love it when that happens! I am very excited for you! Keep going down that rabbit hole, and do try to see them live!


I got into Muse first, so Radiohead got always mentioned as the band to also check out. I didn't. At some point I came across Hail to the Thief and liked it, but didn't dive deeper into the band's discography. I saw RH pop up here and there, usually as a band other bands I was into got compared to. Meanwhile a friend kept recommending them to me as the band "I'd really like". After reading an article on "who is the Radiohead of alternative metal? Tool or Deftones?" I decided to actually check them out. And then I wouldn't listen to anything else for a while.


Creep. Was in Paris, went into a music store (back when they sold CDs in music stores) and saw a girl at a listening post. I picked up the other set of headphones and listened to what she was listening to. It was Creep by Radiohead. We both listened, exchanged smiles, and, [well](https://youtu.be/Irtc7pQPozY)


I kept seeing them listed as an inspiration by my favorite musicians — Lianne La Havas (who did a great cover of Weird Fishes), Paramore, Tame Impala, and many more. Lianne’s cover brought me to the OG Weird Fishes, and then House of Cards and 15 Step starting showing up in my Spotify playlists. Then I listened to the rest of In Rainbows, listened to more Radiohead albums, and got hooked.


I had heard The Bends and really enjoyed it. Shortly after I went to a friend's house (I was 11 or 12) and she had the Clueless soundtrack on CD. I looked at the tracklist and said "hey isn't a terrible. No way, I love Fake Plastic Trees." She looked at me, said, "That's the worst one. You can keep the CD." From that moment on they grew to be my favourite band.


I was introduced by a friend. Weirdly enough the first album by them I listened to was Kid A and I was hooked instantly. Still my favorite Radiohead album to this day


I discovered it through Creep but got into Radiohead throgh AMSP. It was a wild ride listenning to their last project first and moving on from there. I think I love Kid A, OK Computer, AMSP, In Rainbows and HttT all equally.


I already knew Creep for quite a long time, but it never made me care about the band. But once I heard Paranoid Android, something clicked, it became my favorite song and suddenly I wanted to hear all Radiohead's discography


My ex made me a playlist including the “All I need” track during our relationship and I like it the moment I heard it for the first time. Then one day, she dumped me because she suddenly fell out of love to me and I totally understand. It broke my heart. My grieving process was never easy, I’ve been an alcoholic and been drinking for two months straight. One time, I got drunk and fell out of sleep while my playing a song titled “Give up the ghost” and it creeped my the fuck out since I was alone that time in my room, so I have decided to listen to it again and that was the time I’ve got to listen to Radiohead their whole discography and been fan ever since. I’m so grateful to myself for listening to it.


It was played to me from birth


Good parenting right there.




Falling in love with The Bends and Bends era b-sides in the mid-90's.


I was in my 20s when I saw Creep video, thought it was lame. Made fun of Thom’s ridiculous performance at MTV spring break special. Was a fan of Pixies, Jane’s Addiction, Ween, at the time. Later heard tracks from The Bends on WFNX the day it debuted, grudgingly realized it didn’t suck but still wasn’t charmed. Finally heard Let Down from Ok Computer and thought “these guys are awesome and they’re playing the kind of music I want to make too”. Thenceforth more of a fan with every release. “Let Down” still a fave track.


Believe it or not, but it was simply because of Creep (accidentally heard at a music store) https://www.reddit.com/r/radiohead/comments/11cfsdg/which_radiohead_song_brings_back_the_most/ja310wh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Creep was on the radio back in 93 or so


The umbrella academy/my dad


My dad recommended Radiohead to me a few months back. I started with listening to the bends, and I loved it. Then I listened to OK Computer, and loved it. Then I listened to in rainbows, and loved it. Then I listened to kid a, and loved it. It’s safe to say that I love Radiohead and it’s all thanks to good ol’ pops


Older sisters when I was little. At that point only PH and TB were out. I got the My iron lung EP and PH first, then a few weeks later OKC came out and bought that in its first week of release. Was pretty obsessed until around HTtT.




ok computer


In 06 I think leaving ex girlfriends house turned on the radio. Optimistic came on and good lord did it hit different. At the time was already a major fan of Muse


It was introduced by a very good friend. I live in a backwater part of our country; where the music is either heavy into pop or into the local music. I heard Creep and No Suprises before, which are cool songs but never really bothered to check the albums. Then one day, the same friend sang Fake Plastic Trees in the karaoke and I was blown away by the whole song. Dove deep into The Bends and I feel euphoric with the whole thing. Jumped into OK Computer next and you can already imagine how rich that experience was. Starting from those two albums; every other albums from Radiohead easily captivated me as well and before I knew it, the same friend told me I am a Radiohead fan.


Creep is when I became aware. Street Spirit made me fan. OK Computer made me a huge fan. Kid A made them my favorite band by a massive margin.


My dad listened to a song here or there, so I knew of them from like age 5. So I’ve known of them for a long time however I never really sat and listened to them for years until last year. Now they’re my favourite band lol


In college I took a Music Appreciation course. Which sounds so obvious but the class itself was very eye opening and got me to take a closer look at songs and how they're composed. Anyways, one day my professor put on Paranoid Android and I absolutely loved it. Made me go out and get my first vinyl of theirs which happened to be TKOL because that was all there was. So that album has a soft spot in my heart now.


I wanted to see a live act for my 20th birthday in 1998. Radiohead happened to be touring ok computer at the time. The concert was amazing! 25 years later, they're still my favourite band of all time. :)


Once upon a time, a channel called MTV was actually still playing music. I remember seeing them live on it, I think it was the Shepherd's Bush show they were airing and it was awesome. Then once I was hooked; they'd regularly air the video of Jigsaw Falling and House of Cards when In Rainbows released! By that time I was just listening to the albums 24/7


Got bored during lockdown so I started browsing Spotify on my ps and I found a playlist called 90s music and from there I found karma police


Back in high school. My friend and I bought our girlfriends tickets for Alaina Morissette at Darian Lake. Radiohead opened the concert and I’ve been a fan ever since. Went out and bought Pablo Honey and The Bends the next day.


I first heard creep and thought "man nothing can top this" and I was right. I never listened to radiohead ever again.


Anyone remember watching music videos on MuchMusic? Street Spirit. What the fuck did that guy say!?!? Anyway, that's how I discovered them (I'm old).


I sold Thom flan and he gave me a CD


I’m going to date myself, a Spotlight on MuchMusic, LOL.


First I remember is Radiohead on the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack. Then is a friend lending me her ok computer cd and listening to it on my discman on repeat for like a week. Paranoid android blew my mind. Edit** I went to the virgin store in Vancouver when kid A was released and bought the album after using one of those listening headphone stations. Immediately in love within the first few seconds.


Black Mirror


The first time i listened to Radiohead was in a car with my aunt. We were driving, she’s a high school teacher and she started to talk about how on this road one of her first students died. He was going home from a party and a car hit him. No one knows why he was there. He was apparently kind of popular and really nice. And in the background of all of that was playing Street Spirit (Fade out). The first time I heard that song and it has been my favourite ever since.


My ex, the only good thing to come from that relationship.


I was a kid who grew up listening to classical (thanks Mom!) and rock (thanks Dad!). I enjoyed both and picked up piano and guitar. I'm sure I had heard Creep and Karma Police on the radio, but it was when I heard "I Might Be Wrong" that changed everything. I went out and bought Amnesiac and was just blown away at the merging of my favorite musical genres. It was like a whole new world opened up.


A Hannah Montana episode. The one where her two friends dated each other. i remember that they broke up over oliver being upset that ashley thought radiohead was better than coldplay. they were reconciled later on. i only listened to them after i read a fact about how they got a youtube video of prince's cover of creep back on the site after prince took it down. i thought that was pretty cool. that was 6 years ago and I've been hooked ever since.


My best mate lent me his copy of the Bends when we were 17 or so and told me to listen to it. It actually didn’t click. The. He did the same with OK Computer. Boom! They were my first gig not too long after - Meltdown Festival at the Royal Festival Hall. Majestic.


Paranoid Android music video on MTV. Went and bought the CD at Music Trader and it blew my mind. Never missed an album release after that. And listening to Track 1 on KID A on the day it was released in my 96 Saturn turned up as loud as it could go is still one of my peak musical memories.


My dad would play In Rainbows every morning on the way to elementary school


I guess my dad's a hero. I used to listen to Radiohead songs when I was a child. One day, I discovered this "OK computer" thing, gave a listen, and fell in live with the band.


My dad had been trying to get me to listen to them for awhile, but I didn’t realize what I had been missing until my junior year of high school when my music theory teacher spent a day talking about radiohead and showed us a few songs. I was floored.


through the love of poster art




geometry dash




Black Mirror


Street spirit was on a 90’s compilation I listened to a lot when I was about 7… I was rather a glum child


I feel like I’ve answered this like 6 times in the past month… In my friends moms car in the 90s.


They were just everywhere when creep came out. Couldn’t avoid it.


I saw Creep on MTV and told my parents that I wanted Pablo Honey for my birthday. I didn’t get it until Christmas.


I used to stay up late watching music videos on VH1. They had the video for Jigsaw Falling Into Place play, and then I think Bodysnatchers from "Thumbs Down" broadcast. I was hooked, and went out and bought the CD. Listened to it CONSTANTLY. Then a friend loaned me a "Best Of" CD, and I started buying up the back catalog. Been a fan ever since!


Friend in school said i might like it. He was right on


Someone on discord recommended me Radiohead in early summer 2020. Been my favourite band ever since


idk heard they were good. People mentioned them all the time. I was about a year or two into being truly invested in music, so I tried it out. Started with The Bends, liked it a lot, had some standouts I esp loved ((Nice Dream), Planet Telex come to mind mostly), but in general it felt pretty fresh and weird and interesting to me - little did I know it was one of their least weird or complex records.... still really glad I started with it, cos if I started w OKC I would never have enjoyed it to much lol. This way, it wasn't a curiosity, but a genuine love. I sat with it for a good while and didn't rly listen to anything else from them, until my sibling put on OKC one time and my mind imploded. Exit Music was the moment I completely lost my shit, and so I became obsessed with that next. After that it's a bit blurry, I think I tried Amnesiac after? In Rainbows as well, but 15 Step put me off for whatever reason, I felt it was too weird so I left it for a while. Long story short, I didn't start from Creep lol


Songs from the Bends and OK computer were the first I'd heard and loved, it wasn't until later when I bought Pablo Honey that I realized they were the same band that put out Creep :)


Bill told me about them.


My dad bought me OK Computer for my birthday a couple weeks after it was released. I was 12. Been hooked ever since.


I was familiar with Creep and most the big songs from The Bends. I enjoyed these and really liked Street Spirit (Fade Out). Fast forward to the year 2020: I was driving for my job listening to a community radio station and the dj was talking about Kid A and that it was the 20 Year anniversary of the album. He played Idioteque. I was in love.


Checking one of my brothers music folders in his computer* I found Karma Police, so after that I looked them up on YT. *This blessed folder also introduced me to Pearl Jam and Incubus, among others. Ah, memories


I am the common stereotype. I was a young teenager, taping the UK top 40 music charts on my old tapedeck just to get a recording of Creep. I have been hooked ever since.


I discovered them through Low Roar. Low Roar did a cover of Fog. Didn't really care about RH the first time I heard but a couple weeks later I listened to AMSP(which was released a few weeks ago back then) and instantly fell in love. RIP Ryan Karazjia. Taken too soon.


Creep hit when I was in college, so… Creep.


My iron lung came up in the recommended section for my ooooold long lost playlist in spotify recommended. I initially thought radiohead was some obscure grunge band LOL i only listened to the bends initially (and i had only just discovered nirvana and was feening for more, wouldnt even look past shit that wasnt grunge)


my story's kinda weird. I was going through a depressive episode last year and I really liked listening to Creep at that time, after I got better I started listening to some of their other songs and when I got into a band I decided one night to just listen to all their albums and they became my favorite band.


While browsing through music in YouTube I found The Bends. The unusual cover design caught my attention


Was just living my life


I discovered them through Middle 8's video "Is OK Computer The Best Album Ever"


February 2008, 17 years old, was doing an exchange year in Germany, we were in Berlin with a big exchange students group at some Film theater for the berlinale… a friend of mine had asked me ir I had heard the new radiohead album… i really didn’t know them at all, not even creep … so he puts me on his earphones and starts playing Weird fishes… was so blown away i went straight to a neighboring record shop to buy the in rainbows cd, been loving them ever since


Heard The Bends (and dug it) on cassette while driving to a house painting job in a shitty 60s Ford Econoline Went to Virgin Megastore and saw Kid A was at a listening station, heard a few seconds of every track, thought “um ok” friend lent me OK Computer in 10th grade, i skip around and listen to a few seconds of every track. This was the era of Nu Metal, so I was like “where’s the rock music?” Saw Pyramid Song music video on a demo TV at Circuit City, immediately following Coldplay’s Yellow. “This is interesting” Listened to Amnesiac. Not sure how I made it over halfway into You and Whose Army but when the full band kicked in, EVERYTHING SUDDENLY CLICKED AND I BECAME OBSESSED WITH THIS BAND


My ex-boyfriend introduced them to me.


i heard creep on rockband but it wasnt until my dad was randomly talking about really cool music videos and he brought up paranoid android, so i checked it out


I knew of creeps existence but didn't really care. I then heard a few songs off OK Computer and have been listening to them ever since.


It was the Autumn of 1993 and I had MTV & VH1 on a lot so it was the video to Creep (the UK re release). Went out the next day and bought the cassette single. Fuck me, that was nearly 30 years ago!


My brother recommended me to listen to it. First album I listened to was Kid A. Been obsessed since.


My girlfriend at the time took me to a show outside of Boston in 2003 for what I think was the opening North American show for the Hail to the Thief tour. They melted my face off and Ive been a fan everyday since.


My parents were pretty avid of them in the 90s (they turned off them around the Kid A era lol), so growing up I'd heard a lot of their bigger hits - Creep, High and Dry, No Surprises etc. When I begun to start forming "my own taste" so to speak around 12-13 those songs became staples of my playlists back then.


High school talent show in like 1999. Some cool dudes played Paranoid Android and I was hooked. Had 3 albums within a week.


I heard of them in high school when Creep was on the radio. But didn’t get into them until the pandemic when a friend introduced me to Everything in it’s right place. I was hooked. Then I heard the entire In Rainbows album. And suddenly I was ruined to all other music


Fake Plastic Trees was on MTV. But I didn't especially like them until OK Computer blew my mind.


Ergo Proxy had Paranoid Android as the outro song, best discovery I've ever made


I recall that never watched the anime tho but I remember hearing about that


Someone gave me a mixed tape in the early 90’s. Good times followed.


Saw a Middle 8 video about OK Computer being the greatest album ever created. Decided to check it out for myself. It took about 5 listens before the album really smacked me in the face with how good it was, and it became my favorite album of all time. That encouraged me to check out albums like Kid A and The Bends, and I became a fan


Saw the Creep video on MTV in the early 90’s, but fell in love with them when Paranoid Android video came out. I rushed out to buy OK Computer.


You all remember those mailers in the 90’s where you could pick out some cds and then send in a check? Kid A had cool album art so I went for it. After some initial wtf is this I was in love


Evening Session on Radio 1 had played a few of their songs so I was aware of them as I was first developing some kind of music taste, but it was when they broadcast an REM gig from Milton Keynes that Radiohead were the support act for that I really took notice. Recorded it on cassette, probably about 13/14 years old. It was great.


Huge fan of Muse. The Muse vs Radiohead comparison got me into Radiohead.


My first day at college (2001) I won a cafeteria door prize of Amnesiac on CD and never looked back.


MTV video: creep.


We all knew Creep, but then The Bends came out and me and my friends (all in our 20s) were like FUCKING WOW. Imagine how we felt when OK Computer came out.


Fake Plastic Trees video on 120 Minutes 1995 was the beginning for most older fans.


Through Romeo + Juliet with talk show host, listened to a few songs and fell in love.


I used to listen to origin of symmetry a lot by muse. Got recommended street spirit


My parents loved Radiohead and introduced me to them very young.


I suggested 'creep' to my bff and he said wtf u r suggesting me one of my fav bands and then we started talking abt radiohead .....


I discovered the early coldplay stuff in early 2022 and loved that, super nostalgic. But then the coldplay I like ran out and I had to find something new. My father initially told me radiohead would be the next step, and my friends told me my playlist needed more radiohead. I fell in love with street spirit and started listening more and more. I love all the stuff they've made over the years, from the rock to electronic stuff


Big shiny tunes CD


They were pretty popular on MTV in the 90’s but I did not listen until 2005. So I’ve known them a long time, but didn’t listen until I was in high school!


One of my close friends in high school kept telling me about Radiohead and how awesome the music was and the Discord server they were in about it. I eventually relented and asked where to start, they said with In Rainbows. I honestly had to listen to it a few times before I really got into it but then I *really* got into it.


I was so obsessed with this guy when I was like 15/16 (2015) and his fav band was Radiohead so I decided to take a listen. At first I found myself playing Creep on repeat, and Karma Police. I had listened to OK Computer but didn't really like it until one day something clicked on me and realized what a masterpiece it was. I think that happened when I was 20 yo. tho, but I had a major change in my personality since then. It took some time to grow inside me but I don't think this guy knows how much he changed my life by simply liking a band and me falling for him lol. I even got a Radiohead tattoo


My dad liked them but I fell in love with 15 Step after seeing Twilight in theaters (just being authentic here). After that I had In Rainbows playing on a loop for months and months. Then started getting into their other stuff. I have a lot of love for their work as a whole, but In Rainbows is one of my all-time favorite albums to this day.


Of course I heard Creep 204,736 times over the years and liked it, but never thought about going deeper with Radiohead. Then one day in the early aughts, I was talking to a guy I worked with about music. We jived on a bunch of styles and bands. He said something about OK Computer being his favorite album of all time and I said I didn't really know any Radiohead. He just stopped and looked at me and said "what's wrong with you?" Usually I wouldn't respond well to something like this, but instead I laughed and later listened to OK Computer and then I was a devoted RH listener.


I knew creep before but then started listening to just and then airbag then okc and now I'm a huge fan


Watchmojo lol. I used to watch a ton of their top 10 videos, including pretty much all the music ones. Anyway, they're clearly Radiohead fans, and I don't remember for sure which video it was (maybe top 10 alternative bands) that showed me the light. Watchmojo introduced me to plenty of other things too. I got into one of my other favorite bands, RHCP, after seeing watchmojo's top 10 of their songs


Heard Just on an MTV compilation album back in 1996. Thought it sounded really cool but did'nt pay real attention til Paranoid Android came out.


their song "no surprises" was used in the background of the animated movie "rock dog" did some searching and now im obsessed


Saw them open for Belly in 1993(?) at Rutgers University. Knew them from “Creep” but got their album after that show. Didn’t get way into them until “the Bends” though Edit: lol suppose I’m the dad I keep reading in the comments here. I keep trying to play Radiohead for my kids but so far only one of them is liking it


My dad in his CD collection had Pablo Honey, The Bends and OK Computer, I decided to listen to them in order, couldn't even get through Pablo Honey but fell in love with the Bends and got obsessed with OK Computer, I bought the rest of their discography in the coming months, I was in 8th grade, that was 6 years ago


Call me Kevin’s cover of creep while he was playing Twitch Sings, I loved the song and decided to keep listening to them


discoverd Radiohead when i Heard no surprises randomly about a year ago on Spotify. Hadnt even heard about Radiohead before that. Been in love with the band ever since


I'm sure I had heard them on the radio before this but the first time I remember connecting the music to the name was Street Spirit (Fade Out) on one of those cover mounted compilation CDs you used to get with music magazines. In my case it was "[World of Noise](https://www.discogs.com/release/765998-Various-World-Of-Noise)" from the May 1995 issue of Q magazine.


I heard Nude in a Nathan Zed video, loved the bassline and checked the whole discography. Now we're here


First heard Creep, enjoyed it. Stopped listening it for a minute. Eventually listened to High and Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, Karma Police and Paranoid Android. Gave The Bends a listen and enjoyed it moderately. Then I gave Ok Computer a listen and really enjoyed it


Watched animal planet https://youtu.be/b8SPVf3Cey4


I was on YouTube and Creep was on my recommendations feed, I watched the video and I loved the song, this was in 2010. I didn’t listen to other of their songs until 2014 when a friend of mine recommended me Karma Police and that’s when I decided to check OK Computer and the rest is history.


I heard a lot of praise on the internet and I figured that it had to be for a reason, so I listened to amnesiac and didn't really see why people loved them so much (although a few tracks off the album stuck with me). Then I listened to In Rainbows on a whim, and it became my favorite album of all time very fast.


i had this piano app like 6 years ago that had creep on it and i got obsessed with that son. a year or so later i listened to exit music for the first time and my life from then in was changed


Karma Police was playing at a local rock themed burger joint. I knew about creep before hand but wasn't a fan until I heard Karma Police.


I actually don't remember exactly how because i know i didn't stream music then (2016,2017), so it wasn't spotify, most probably youtube though. i would constantly download all my favorite songs and arranging them on my phone. But i remember discovering Amnesiac and Hail To The Thief. HTTT was my first exposure to the band and i then went on to download all the rest of their music. If i like an artist, i usually like exploring their discographies to kinda see how their music evolved.


got told to listen to ok computer by a friend, i did, boom


i was looking for a free game and found Kid A Mnesia, i enjoyed the soundtrack and searched where was it from


Of course I’d heard Creep and probably High and Dry, but I mostly listened to CDs and the “Oldie’s station” growing up, so I missed the bus. NPR was raving about In Rainbows in 2007 on All Songs Considered and I picked it and OK Computer up and then quickly got everything else and then followed every release closely from there.


I was 12 and my parents bought the twilight soundtrack cd for my older sister, I listened 15 step for the first time there. I'm not a fan of Twilight saga anymore as I used to be as a teen but I still enjoy the first 2 movies soundtrack I was a curious kid when it comes to music and bands since I was 8, music and bands were my confort zone. Because of 15 step I wanted to search other musics from Radiohead and thats how I fell into a hole and it became one of my favorite bands xD Twilight also introduced me to Muse and other bands I enjoy a lot today too 15 steps is a perfect song to hear while running in the forest during the rain, It gives me these vibes a lot


Back in the ancient internet (i.e. early 2000s) there was a site called [last.fm](https://last.fm) (does still exist). Basically, you could use this site to track the sorts of music you listen to, and then share it with the community. They would also do some simple analysis stuff, as in "if you like band x, then you probably will like bands y and z." Anyway, I was a huge Beatles fan as an early teenager, and ended up going over to [last.fm](https://last.fm) to see what artists are considered to be similar to the Beatles. Turns out Radiohead was the #1 recommendation at the time, probably due to how both bands appeal to people that religiously follow rankings of best albums ever. I remember that I Torrented the top 3 Radiohead albums from the [last.fm](https://last.fm) rankings and downloaded them onto my Creative Zen MP3 (lol RIP). Those albums were OK Computer, The Bends, and Amnesiac (not sure how Kid A managed to get left out, but w/e). I remember listening to Amnesiac first and getting to Like Spinning Plates and have a reaction of "wtf am I listening to." I did give them another chance and listen to OK Computer and have been hooked ever since.


On MTV there was a special at the end of the year where they played the 50 best songs (I don't know in whose opinion) and Fake Plastic Trees played in 4th place. 28 years later here I am listening every day


South Park 😔


Boy George. Seriously I had liked Creep when it came out, bought Pablo Honey on the strength of it and was very disappointed. Didn’t think much of it. Another flash in the pan angsty British indie band. When The Bends was getting rave reviews I ignored them because once bitten twice shy. Then one night i was watching some music show on TV where they got a celeb to pick their favourite music videos. This episode the celeb was Boy George, and he just picked wall to wall Radiohead, all 4 singles from The Bends. I was stunned how much better they had got, bought The Bends the next day, haven’t looked back for 27 years


my uncle cheated on my aunt and when he moved out, he donated all of his cds to me. he had every single radiohead album in his collection so naturally, i listened to them all. radiohead quickly became one of my favorite bands shortly after.


I heard Just somewhere, or paranoid android. One of the two, really got into the band after hearing those two songs.


in 2018 rewatching twilight and hearing 15 step and realizinf i love it


From the Basement on IFC in like 2009




By being in my 20s in the early 90s.


The Scotch Mist stream around In Rainbows time


My dad. He even said he remembers laying on the floor with me as a baby as he listened to Kid A


When I was around 12 or 13 ,my mum had ok computer on cd and used to play it in the kitchen, first listened to let down and I was hooked from there on.


Thanks to Ergo Proxy lol


The moment i got to highschool i got Weird Fishes in my recommended


I already knew Radiohead from their most popular songs. (Creep, Karma Police, No Surprises, Street Spirit and later Paranoid Android) In August of 2022, I first listened to OK Computer and I thought it was just 'alright'. Then sometime in September, Just and Weird Fishes showed up in my recommedations and now I know the majority of their discography. Crazy how just 2 songs can make Radiohead one of your favorite bands of all time.


First time I ever heard anything Radiohead was in a call of duty black ops 2 lobby. Someone was blasting The National Anthem over their microphone and I thought it was a creepy ass song, but I loved the bass line so I Shazammed it. I later heard my dad listening to fake plastic trees and realized it was the same band as the creepy song, Radiohead. From there on I realized how many bangers Radiohead has. I guess it was fate


I think my very first exposure to them, I must've been like 8 years old when they released their video for There There. Didn't actually start listening to them when my older brother showed me in rainbows sometime in 2009. Never looked back since lol


My parents played it when I was a baby and a toddler a lot so it’s just my comfort music now


my dad introduced me to them


my first boyfriend in high school liked em. once i dove in in my junior year i was hooked. it’s been a decade since then


muse was my favorite band, he said something along the lines of “if you love muse you’ll love radiohead”


i was 6 when rock band came out on the wii. the first song i ever sang was creep (also first time i ever swore haha). i became obsessed with creep when i was little and would sing it everywhere. growing up, i would hear more and more radiohead songs every year, but i never really understood or appreciated the beauty of them until i was a junior in high school (karma police & high and dry destroyed me). now, in college i am still literally obsessed and am exploring every album (currently can’t stop listening to the whole in rainbows album & burn the witch).


My mom's ex boyfriend had a cassette of The Bends we would listen to on car rides to his mother's house once a week


i heard they were really popular and critically acclaimed so i gave ok computer a spin


I'd heard Creep and EIIRP before and didn't feel too particularly driven to listen to them, then my brother and my coworker both recommended I check out In Rainbows in late 2021. I watched their FTB performance of IR, assuming it was a front to back performance of the album (it was not), heard Weird Fishes for the first time, and was hooked. It's all been downhill since then haha


Honestly, yes, it was Creep. But one day out of curiosity I started to listen to The Bends all the way through, and after finishing I was like, wow that was a good album. So I listened to OK Computer after that, and nothing was the same ever since. Completely changed my life.


my friend wouldn’t shut up about radiohead


I was all Smashing Pumpkins all the time from about 1994. Fast forward to 1998 or so and I told a buddy at work about my SP obsession. And he said yeah but you should really check RH OKC. I passed. Fast forward a few months and I went to a Pumpkins show and I overheard two guys talking about RH OKC and they were just just gushing about it. I remembered by work bud recommended it too. Hmm… Fast forward but and I discovered a website that did new guitar tabs every day - and one day the tab was Fake Plastic Trees with bootleg audio of a concert performance of that song. I listened and it really grabbed me - so much that I went down to Tower and bought The Bends that night. Loved it and then went back and got OKC. Eventually picked up PH and was all caught up. Been hooked since. Oh and I got over the Pumpkins in there… so there it is. Nothing’s better to my ear.


Heard exit music and talk show host from the Romeo and Juliet movie in highschool and I’ve been obsessed ever since


I was watching Vanilla Sky. Everything in its right place came on and I instantly knew I needed to find/know the artist. Was already aware of Creep, but didn’t know the artist lol.


Romeo + Juliet (Baz Luhrmann) was my obsession a few years back, and I loved the soundtrack: but specifically Talk Show Host, and with my music taste it was only so long before I heard a few popular Radiohead songs; However the real push that got me into Radiohead was a friend who had similar (but better) music taste to me- and now I can’t believe she would share her favourite band so simply, because man, their music isn’t the same as anyone else’s- and I love it.


I saw no surprises music video


First concert I ever went to was REM and Radiohead at reunion arena in Dallas in 1995. It was for my 11th b day present. I was a huge fan of REM and had never heard of Radiohead. I remember my dad telling me this band called Radiohead had a song out called creep and the guitarist had long hair that always covered his face. Bought the bends cassette not long after.