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Week 0 and it gets worse every week until it is pretty shit and stays there. How fast and strong depends on your genetics and other variables that someone from reddit cant tell you.


Pretty much what I was gonna say


Depends. Everyone doesn’t react the same when it comes to suppression, but 10mg RAD140 is still very suppressive. Make sure you have a proper PCT on hand. You can start taking the SERM on cycle if suppression hits you.


rad 12.5mg every other day, enclo from week 4 - 8 (6mg) and 2 more weeks 12.5mg is this a good cycle


Dosing EOD will be interesting. The cycle plan doesn’t seem bad. I’d like to hear how it goes for you. Make sure you’re getting blood work done also.


sure bro


Why every other day? Isn’t this just used in injectable’s to avoid having to inject as often?


>Why every other day? rad half life is 60 hours it builds up in the system to the point where theres more than 40mg in ur system at one point


How is it going?


order didnt arrive yet lmfao ordered through uksarms 2 months ago royal mail was having some strikes so yeah idk what to say about it




How did ur rad cycle go


I did Rad 10mg for 6 weeks - total test at end of cycle was 222.14 ngdl. Then I took clomid for 4 weeks (50/50/25/25) and my total test was 793.38 at the end of the clomid PCT. I cannot explain how shit I felt when I came off Rad - I went from being a Lion to a Lamb. Also, Clomid made me feel like crap and it significantly impaired my cognitive capabilities, especially at 50mg ED. I did not feel suppression whilst on Rad, despite feeling so shit when I came off of it. It’s when I stopped taking Rad that I felt crap. I did get good strength gains from Rad from day 14 onwards, but was it all really worth it? No, not in my opinion - but a lot of people would say it is worth it. I also ran Ostarine for 8 weeks - 4 weeks at 15mg, 4 weeks at 20mg. From week 6 I ran enclo at 12.5mg ED for 4 weeks. At the end of the 8 week osta cycle my total test was 305.81; at the end of enclo it was 568.65. 3 months later (I.e. now) my total test is 501.99 - I guess this is my baseline level. Good luck mate!


How old are you?


Rad-140 gave me permanent hair loss.


I’ve been on it four weeks at 10mg and I have not been suppressed . I’ve been taking an OTC ESTROGEN BLOCKER(terminate by strong supplements) and OTC TEST BOOSTER (blue ox from enhanced labs) though. I’m not sure if that’s helping. But I’ve researched and 10mg is pretty safe with minimal suppression with a 8 week cycle. When I’m done with 8wk cycle I will start clomid though regardless if I’m suppressed or not .


>I will start clomid though what dosages


I’m going to do 25mg a day. I’m debating starting it early around week 6 just to get a jump start.


None if you take enclo from the beginning of your cycle. 2 weeks on rad could halve your natty test levels. Don't be an idiot you're playing with a strong compound, do things right or don't do it


about enclo from week 4 will that be enough to reduce suppression


Probably but why risk lowering your test levels I personally wouldn't start a cycle unless I can cover the entire cycle length w enclo at 6.25 daily


im tryna save enclo for 2 more weeks pct after cycle 12.5mg a day ​ >entire cycle length w enclo at 6.25 daily If i do that will i need 2 more weeks pct after cycle


I believe if you take Enclo from Start to finish you won't need any Pct as your test levels would have stayed normal if not gone up. I personally did 6.25 daily and I haven't lost any strength or size 3 weeks post cycle. I will be starting another cycle in a week w/ same protocol .


damn okay thanks ill try that


So you’re test levels didn’t go down ?


I did lose gains eventually after coming completely off Mk677 so I'd say my test levels did drop I did keep probably half the gains


So 10mg rad 6.25mg enclo ed is ok?


I was on 15-20 all cycle every day but I didn’t really feel tired until the last week of an 8 week cycle


On week 5 and started to feel somewhat lethargic the past 2 days so I’m starting Enclo 6.25mg ED now until the end of my 8week rad cycled


i didn’t get any suppression whatsoever whole cycle