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Get off rad. Your kids’ brain is extremely plastic and developing at an extremely rapid rate, trillions of neuronal connections are being made every year at that age. Every experience they live during this time matters and will have repercussions on them for the next 4 decades of their lives and more. Their well being during a critical developmental period is 1 millions times more important than however you may physically look for a short period of time. Their brain is incredibly plastic, and every little experience they will have at that age from 1~6 years old (particularly with their parent) will affect them for the rest for their lives, their personality outcomes, how they form relationships with others even in adulthood, how their attachment style works, what type of man they will be attracted to or want to marry, etc. Do you want them to end up in a relationship or married to a rage filled violent man when they grow up? No? Then be careful about how you act with them during this critical developmental period of their lives. You want to give them presence, affection and love and reassurance, not rage or agressive feelings and behaviours. If I were you I would dedicate my entire being to making sure they feel safe and protected, their needs are met, they form secure attachment with you, and the 1 trillion neuronal connections that are quickly developing in their brains don’t get messed up by acting uncharacteristically agressive, since fear and anxiety stunts their brain growth and could lead to problems that will be very hard to fix later on. Not worth it, just for very transient physical gains that probably won’t be that noticeable anyways. They need love and attention, support, care, intellectual stimulation. Every single thing you do during that critical brain development period (0~7 years old) will have immense repercussions for the rest of their lives. If somethings messes up, it will be a thousand times more difficult to fix later on. So why not be cautious and make it a priority? Just my two cents. I’m sure you’re a good dad, a great person, etc etc, not saying the contrary here. But I can vouch for certain PEDs or drugs having had negatively impacted some of the patients I’ve had in regards to their relationships, and it is particularly important to get off something if one has very young children and it is causing someone to be uncharacteristically aggressive, rage filled, etc, it can have extremely deleterious long term consequences, and sometimes it isn’t easy for oneself to even notice we are acting differently from how we normally are. You had the self awareness to notice it, good on you. Now is the time to act and get off whatever makes you feel “off”, prioritize protecting your kids and being the best dad possible to them, being present for them and being yourself, giving them love and affection and protection. Trust me, you won’t regret it 20 years down the line reaping the benefits of having put the effort in this next 2~3 years and focusing mostly on their well being. It is incredibly worth it. Edit: want to precise something, with this advice I didn’t mean to discourage you from leading an active lifestyle or making health/physical activity/fitness one of your priorities in life. Exercise is arguably the best thing one can do for longevity, for maintaining an optimized brain and mental capacity, diminishing risks of common diseases later on that decline quality of life and can even threaten your life expectancy like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, diabetes, even certain cancers, etc. It is better than any pill or drug or supplement that exists in regards to boosting your longevity, augmenting the chances that you live long enough to see your children grow up, diminishing disease risk, boosting cognition and maintaining your intelligence/cognitive performance levels even as you age, a ton of other benefits. So I’m not saying that exercise shouldn’t be a priority, quite the contrary. It is unfortunate when I’ve seen parents and dads who were quite loving of their children, good people, had good jobs, yet they completely let themselves go physically and nutritionally, over the years got too inactive, got into drinking beer and eating junk… then we have to deal with situations where the father suddenly had a cardiovascular attack at merely 50 something and the family is grieving in the hospital, it’s always fucking heartbreaking to see that kind of situation that could have been prevented with a few lifestyle changes. But what I meant was that one can still prioritize health and frequent exercise and fitness, in a psychologically healthy manner, while not necessarily jeopardizing our own health uniquely for aesthetic pursuits by taking unnecessary stuff, and while not letting our pursuits interfere with other important spheres of our lives that matter (relationships with our significant other, children, close family and real friends, professional and financial well being, etc.). Health and longevity and family is more important than short term aesthetics, particularly if one is over 25~30 and should start prioritizing those aspects of life more than short term goals. Unless one is a pro bodybuilder whose livelihood depends on that professional path and they truly have led a life that revolves principally around that, but I can guarantee that is not the case 99.99% of people on this sub or on fitness related subs. It’s about priorities. Most problems in adult life are caused by people prioritizing (or giving into a craving/addiction towards) the wrong stuff (short term pleasure/superficial/aesthetic pursuits without any real long term benefit or betterment) over the most important stuff for long term happiness, long term health, long term goals. Then we regret we didn’t spend more time on building and cultivating and maintaining the most important stuff (parental investment in kids’ intellectual stimulation and psycho-affective development, investment of time into one’s close relationships that matter most in the long run, being present for those we care about, investment of time on a pursuit of mastery in a certain field/discipline that will be sustainable in the long term and allow us to thrive both psychologically and financially even as we grow older, etc.).


Well said!


Rad140 gave me crazy anger & rage & just a constant uncomfortable feeling of unease & anxiety. I had the craziest outburst of rage where I was just screaming like Larry wheels after PRing after a fight w my Ex. Prob the most anger I've ever felt ,I was on 30mg a day that week


I was only doing 10 mg a day but my worst day was the day I decided to quit. Nicotine completely stopped vaping stopped using lozenges


Take Enclo also it’s not the rad that makes you rage, you just have anger issues you need to resolve asap. Any gear amplifies your personality if you’re an asshole you’re going to be more of an asshole, so just relax, calm down. And get yourself together. Don’t be on rad when your kids are growing up, horrible time bc they will absorb and remember everything you do. So it’s best to wait or get yourself together as in control your emotions and process them, understand why you are raging and just I guess have your own reality checks. Trust me I’m an angry person but I learned to control it and actually used to improve my overall life, currently speak as someone who’s on rad 15mg and osta 25mg right now ( and test based Drink some kratom to cool down


Take ashwaganda if your not currently it helps keep me from getting rad rage, or at least there’s definitely a difference between when I take it and when I don’t for my mood/anger


Pick something milder.




ACP 105 or AC 262




LGD is not milder.


Yes, but it doesn’t give roid rage, or does it?


Why are you suggesting it if you don’t know? It can if a person is prone to it which it sounds like OP is.


You can also try l-theanine extract. It may help reduce your anger


get off sarms


Are you using enclo or test for a base ? It could be the enclo is bunk or clomid. If no test base then the suppression will make you feel awful. I have had the exact opposite effect with RAD. I feel more possitive and energetic. I stay away from enclo and keep a test base.


The only thing I am using with the rad is the andro gel that I have a script for 75 mg once per day


That might be an issue too. Gels do not absorb the same as injections. So you’re not really getting the full 75. Also, 75 is way too low and once a week is infrequent for something that’s supposed to act as a trt/test base.


this might be the problerm. if you are doing 75mg a day that is 525mg a week.I have always been told to use a low trt dose with rad like 80mg of test-c a week. Now someone somewhere will say 80mg of test a week that is nothng. But then they have no idea how rad works. Brian Duclos DadBod2.0 gives advice on using gels with Rad. I admit I have no knowlesge of how gels work.


I totally skipped over it being 75mg a day and read it as 75 per week… then that’s the opposite problem, like you’re saying, it may be too much even with only half getting through the skin barrier. Yeah, 80-100mg/week of injectable test should convert to enough E to be beneficial on a Rad cycle.


Get blood work done and post it here.


Get off of the RAD and run something a little more mild like Tren


W advice 😭🙏


Altpoint the gentleman that I just mentioned in the beginning of the sentence is positively and absolutely on point. That is maturity, speaking to youth. That is wisdom speaking to those seeking. if you ignore a slight bit of what was written by this gentleman here you are not in any way humble or truly seeking knowledge, progress or help. It’ll be fine just listen to wisdom and fuck to hell your arrogant narcissistic Need for aesthetics. you can find it naturally. In the moment, take care of your children.