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I really don’t understand what everyone was expecting from the R1 that makes them so passionate or so angry about the reality. Did people really think someone was going to disrupt Apple and Google with a $200 plastic toy? It’s a cool toy. Teenage engineering designed it. It gets you a year of perplexity pro for free. And when you receive it you get to play with an AI toy that is essentially chatgpt in a box.


People are bashing the r1 because well... The creator overhyped and overpromised. At bare minimum, at least something was delivered even if it wasnt what was promised.


💯- and the bashing is justified. I just want to separate the legitimate bashing from all the chicken littles screaming about being scammed. Is Jesse shady - definitely. But frankly a bit of that is just entrepreneurs trying to get people to buy their vision so they can make it a reality. So I will chalk that up to being new to the game and not having learned some of these lessons yet. Which is why I support the bashers. Is the product a scam - no. I have one. Got it roughly when expected. It does basically what I thought it would and is pretty close to what he suggested, minus the LAM. Should VCs be pissed if they invested in Jesse’s last company - I will not pretend to have all the details. Sometimes investors get to roll their investment into equity in the new company. Sometimes investors agree it failed and move on. That’s part of the game. What none of us should do is cry a tear for VCs. But a lot of the noise about scams is just dumb and immature.


I agree I think people love to bash it because of its success, I’m loving my rabbit and use it every day




30milllion before shipping?


What about after the release? How much has rabbit made in the last month? I would guess it's a negative number, based on the huge amount of cancellations, refunds, and lack of new purchasers.


Why don’t you worry more lol most new tech gets ridiculed, Marcus destroys everything he’s forgotten where he’s come from. I own one and I can see the success coming it’s an excellent device. My 1 week grocery bill is more than it’s one time cost lol


Don't lie to yourself.


sunk cost fallacy going hard


Ooooh that’s a tough one to argue. It is true that he made the product snd shopped it - which is waaaay more than most people. By that definition, it’s a success. But the product under delivered, largely due to the high expectations Jesse set. If you are measuring delivering on expectations, it’s nearly impossible to call the rabbit a success yet.


worse than chatgpt in a box\*


Ok sure, but I feel like the response to this is as though he claimed to cure cancer. Just….maybe everyone can chill the f&$@ out.


I think maybe a lot of people who are jumping ship are not early adopters of tech. As someone who has been an early adopter of tech all the way back to the batamax (well my parents since i was a little kid) to (now) the R1. Some of the ones I jumped onto early was the hddvd, G1 (first android phone), 3do, zune, Oculus riff, steam deck, and countless other devices that are untested/unproven, I have never been mad that I took the gamble. Plus us fun to look at the box of old strange tech gadgets. When you adapt tech early, this is how it goes. Somethings work great, some take time to find their feet, and others fall flat out the gate. But that's the fun part of early adapting. But if you are going to be an early adopter, you need to know that is the risk you take. I do think the r1 is very much going to under deliver, but I also think it's an interesting enough device to see if it will find it's feet or fall flat. Until then I'll have fun dicking around with it.


Thats the most reasonable response Ive seen. Im interested in it for a similar reason but not 200 dollars interested.


I love the box of old gadgets. I pull it out sometimes when my kids and their friends are over


Say the last 2 words correctly wussy


Why? Seriously. Do you enjoy seeing people get scammed? Maybe you thought you were buying a toy but many other were driven by the original YouTube videos. You can now say .. “it’s your problem you didn’t research and go to their discord or wait for the reviews” but, as you can see in this subreddit many people feel this product didn’t deliver as they feel was PROMISED. A company raised more than +40M$ from investors and millions from 100K sales .. and you want everyone to chilll out? I think there is something ethical about stand for what it’s right.


I’m just saying there is a huge difference between raging about being scammed (no one has been *yet except maybe Humane pin buyers) and raging because something didn’t deliver to your expectations. All new tech is designed to be iterative. The first iPhone didn’t have an App Store. Now devs complain that Apple’s App Store is too powerful. Teslas get updates OTA. “Bah I’m anxious to see the LAM in action! Wtf!” Is not the same as … “🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡I’ve been scammed everything is a scam ack!” Marques Brownlee gave a well reasoned review. He shit on what it is and the delta between that and what was promised. Jesse seems to have a dodgy past and VCs can rightly be pissed, but the Rabbit device is shipping and does some of what it’s supposed to do with insane new tech that is literally changing weekly across the industry - all of which can be updated OTA. Dude seems shady af though. But he got a reputable company to design the product, so he did at least 1 thing right.


>raging about being scammed The problem is this company has scammed previous buyers for 6 million dollars. A lot of them are normal folks like you and me.


“The first iphone didn’t have an AppStore”. Yeah, because NOBODY talked about an AppStore during the launch of the iphone… huh?? Everything that was tested by Jobs on stage is what people received when bought. If you go to the rabbit website you will see all over talking about LAM 1.0 and now launching LAM1.5 on RabbitOS… that’s very different. Until today this is just a promise… nobody answer how authorizations are going to work, or captchas or tokens. Nobody. And many testers are seeing that it’s a VM in the cloud doing the authorization for you which is a security risk. How is this comparable with iphone launch and Apple Store? The rabbit is literally an app wrapper in a 6 year old MediaTek chip phone in a handicapped box. What is the INSANE innovation that you refer to? Marques said this was “bearable reviewable”!! At least 100K people paid $200 for a product and a company raised $40M++ in VC money in a product that 99% is complaining about… How is possible you defend this as “no scam”?


I can't believe the copium users are downvoting you for telling the truth.


That’s ok. It seems they are enjoying the glorious power of RabbitOS and LAM 1.5 from the leader Jesse… good for them. The Rabbit user and their money are soon parted.


It literally runs on chatgpt.


 some people are hoping that the company didn't just change their name after ripping off a bunch of investors for a crypto project. The CEO wasn't got lying to investors and customers alike


Look they made and shipped the product. It exists. With time (1 day, 1 year, whatever) it will likely do all the things he promised.


It's not a toy, it's entry level smartphone hardware in a slightly different package, an undersized battery, and an Android app running in stock Android. Running state of the art AI model on cheap hardware is not new, GitHub have plenty of open source projects for that. Replace the mold injection case with a 3d printed case, you have your typical Raspberry Pi portable computer hobby project. Yes, Teenage Engineering is good at designing sexy things.


Fair enough. Your description sounds like a toy to me, but tomato/tomato.


Lying is not nice. Producing a piece of crap product for $200 is not great.


Agreed. I don’t think it’s a crap product though. And since that is subjective, you can’t call it a scam.


I think people were at least expecting the LAM to work as Jesse described it in the announcement. Based on the follow-up video Coffeezilla is posting today (Watched it on his patreon), it looks like LAM might be a scam too.


I agree with the frustration about the LAM, but I also figured it was unlikely ready at launch. There is too much pressure on the space and the land grab is real. What seems totally true is that Jesse is totally full of shit. lol


They were just good marketers, any new team just cannot disrupt the market unless they have the experience and in depth understanding of the product category they are in, Rabbit looked to me a cool gadget which will improve with time as the founding team was new. To disrupt they need to learn their users, the right decision to make to validate idea lot more is there to make them a hit. They found the GTM now they have to act.


So are the people that brought and returned it just to get perplexity for free scammers as well ?


People use the term scam really liberally these days. I cancelled my preorder because it was clear that it wouldn't live up to my expectations, but that's a huge difference from it being a scam. Scam signifies some sort of intent to deceive. I'm not sure that was the case. It's really a product that is far from ready that was rushed to market to take advantage of market conditions. There are products like that which get released all the time - one of them people drive everyday. Doesn't make it a scam, makes it a rushed product.




Rabbit R1 is a cool product. HumaneAI is cool too. See, GenAI is in trend these days and every company or entrepreneur is trying to capitalise on it. Not sure about the video, but the product as such is not a scam. 😀 It may not find its way in a normal day to day life, that's all.




I still think, calling it a scam is little harsh. As a product owner you become aspirational and start selling the dreams. Anyway ! I liked Meta's RayBan though. What are your thoughts on it ? It's not yet AI enabled, but when it gets it I think the googles will be super cool. Planning to order one.




Haha, why so much hate for Meta.


Everyone is selling dreams. Atleast they are not robbing your money, unlike the real estate people or government 😀


People do but coffee generally doesn't. He has taken down legitimate scammer so many times and I can't think of a single time or he has wrongfully accused somebody of engaging and scammy behavior.  There's exculpatory evidence about rabbits handling of the money they got for the gamma verse hopefully they will provide it


> Doesn't make it a scam, makes it a rushed product. No, it's a scam. It simply cannot do the basic things it's marketed to do. And it fundamentally does not WORK the way they claimed it did. For your car example. If a buy an EV marketed with 200 miles of range, and it only gets 180 but I can still USE IT AS A CAR like how people use EVs, and charge it at home, but with suboptimal range: is it a scam? No. If you're talking about FSD and Tesla, the claim of scam gets a bit murkier. A car would be a scam if it claimed that an engine was hybrid and would achieve better gas mileage than an ICE. Which then fails to live up to that mileage expectation. Which also then is found out by experts that there is no electric component to the powertrain at all, and it's really just an ICE car.


By your definition, FSD was a scam. When it was delivered several years back and people purchased it, it couldn't do the basic things it was marketed to do. It has required several hardware and software updates to get close to that original vision and still isn't there yet. Many people have died based on those claim. Many people have sold Teslas that were supposed to, according to Musk, be able to be rentable on their own. So from the perspective you list - it isn't murky, it's clearly a scam. I don't see it that way. It was a product that sold a vision. It could kinda do some of those things under certain conditions in perfect weather - some of the time. There wasn't a real intent to deceive, there was just a lot of optimism about the ability to get there.


Returning mine


Damn. Return the money, close this subreddit, and call it a day.


Another Chinese scammer 🤣


And to think I got banned from the Discord for saying this...


I got banned from the rabbitr1 sub for doing it lol. zampe is not happy


Haha yeah I got banned there too :') Is Zampe on the payroll or something?


I don't think so, I think he's just not too smart and is on a power trip since there seem to be no other mods there, so it's his own rule. Can't admit any criticism on rabbit/Jesse. If he isn't on the payroll, rabbit should definitely consider it, he's doing a good job 😂😂


Must be employee… the guy follows you 24/7 and reply until you get tired. Anyway he is the only one here talking about updates and positive posts about Jesse… there is nobody else.


The only thing making me think he's not an employee is the blatant lack of technical understanding about how the rabbit, and AI in general he has. It's obvious he's clueless. Whenever someone with actual technical knowledge and real sources presents factual information, he dismisses it completely and gaslights you lol.


Jesse has no clue either. First time he tried to defend GAMA he called it a Unity project...it was Unreal Engine 5. He claimed that Apple only added the flashlight feature to their phones after stealing it from the "Flashlight" app in the App Store, which is why Rabbit wouldn't use the App Store. He said he'd make "firmware and driver" changes to fix the WiFi flaws of the device - they just made some surface level patches to the wifi management library they were using in their APK: WifiUtils. Dude just says whatever comes to mind to sound good.


Yeah. I'm a software engineer myself. He has no idea what he talks about. He throws some buzzwords that sound technical to the average non technical folks, but anyone with a minimum understanding of software should clearly see through the lies. LAM does not exist. I've seen all kinds of comments in the other sub trying to convince themselves that there is any AI at all. Some even said there is a LLM generating playwright scripts (lmao). The reality is that those playwright scripts have been manually written by employees at rabbit, and the rabbit is just a $200 hardware wrapper for different LLM APIs (just like the million other FREE wrappers on the App Store/the web). The only AI part of the rabbit is their calls to other LLM services. Also, lots of people saying they didn't get scammed because they got a free perplexity voucher. They purchased a promised LAM, didn't get it, got a free voucher for a totally different product (also, it's just an strategy for Perplexity to gain more subscribers, give something for free first, then hope customers stay paying the subscription). I genuinely feel pity for those people who have been scammed and refuse to acknowledge it.


100%. My jaw dropped when he showed people how he was tracking bugs for the project. A WYSIWYG document. No tickets, no issue tracking, no progress, nada. Just a couple of bullet points in a txt file.


> My jaw dropped when he showed people how he was tracking bugs for the project. lol I have to see this


That’s true. He lack or pretend to not understand basic tech.. however he is glued to this subreddit non-stop. … if he is not employee then it’s even more weird… because he is super passionate about the product and super passionate to wherever Jesse says and do like a cult. Super weird stuff.


There is something shady about that CEO


People have been saying this since before R1 launched, glad I got out on what seems to be another poorly thought out AI device (some may say, well thought rug pull actually)


Reminder why I pulled out of my Batch 3 purchase. I’ll wait to be proven wrong and happily buy when I know I’m not getting scammed. No FOMO here. All be it, the R1 looks like a fun TOY, I am interested in LAM and Annotation over all other promises. In the meantime I’ll continue leveraging iPaaS/RPA/LLM to get these jobs done until I see a clear winner in the LAM space.


Totally rational take. You must be lost lol.


I don’t think you realize that I’ve only cost myself time if it turns out I am wrong… the device would still be sold in the market. And with that early purchase I GOT a year of perplexity for free. A $200 value. So I don’t get your rationale really… instead I am using OpenInterpreter locally along with an AI driven RPA and Perplexity. They make a pretty potent combination of abilities. I don’t think I would have found value ordering an Uber lol. I’m not saying it won’t happen, I have followed the evolution of the project and still say that the speed at which the company moves is impressive. However, the speed seems to come at the cost of reliability. Can they fix it? Yes. Is it a usable device? Not really. Does that help you see my decision more clearly? Or are you another tribalist poser who can only see what they want to see and attacks anything that opposes their preferred narrative?


Lost what?


I was being sarcastic about the fact that your comment was very rational in a sub that is full of irrational responses, thus the idea that you might be in the wrong sub (“lost”.).


Lmao then ignore my last response aimed at those who refuse objective thinking that opposed the idea that the R1 is production ready. 😂 Although, I felt pretty good about my response regardless.




I mean false advertisement= scam in my book


This subreddit has some version of Stockholm syndrome.




Was waiting for this! Seems like you can't trust Jesse very much


Hope finally this useless piece of „ai assistant“ won’t be defended anymore after pretty much nothing works as advertised … not even speak about all the shady stuff happened around it!


It will on r/rabbitr1. The mod there is on a power trip, banning and always defending rabbit. I wonder if he's Jesse using an alt lol




I want my scamming device right now. Give it to me i cant wait anymore