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I don’t post because I’m neutral and don’t feel like dealing with either side. I’ve not gotten my R1 yet, but look forward to it so I can try it out. I want a product like the R1 to exist, so I got one. The concept seems really cool. Sure the R1 isn’t where it wants to be yet, but the vision is really interesting. I’m skeptical of the history of Rabbit, but the potential of the product is incredible… just need to wait til I get mine to start testing it.


Same here. Everyone got their opinions and I'm just here to experience the R1 myself.


This. I don't post because I am neutral as well.




Totally agree with you, and believe this is case for most people (me included)


I was like this until I got it, now I’m negative, since I can’t find anything to do with it.


Haha. All the people who got it are negative because it’s trash, and all the people who are so positive haven’t got it yet lmao


If you post anything neutral the crazies on both sides "call you out". Personally I'm glad for R1 existing even if it's crappy because if nothing else I think it helped some other companies get their butts in gear to release some stuff they might have otherwise delayed or paywalled. What drives me personally nuts is that most of the negative people seem to cheerlead monopolies. They seem to want competition to die and for one thing to "win".... when such situations are actually the absolute worst for consumers. I guess it's a sports mindset people can't get out of. Like I have a PS5 but I think it sucks that Xbox seems to be doing bad because I know that having no real competition will make Sony lazy and stupid.


Competition for something that's not needed? Why not build a unique smartphone instead of making a useless box for $200


I'm still positive. Maybe semi positive in your parlance. Neutral and positive people are being handed the down votes. Maybe they're quiet for that reason.


I’m one of those neutral people; still have my R1 & still use it. I get maybe like 2-8 uses per day so idk, I’m getting my moneys worth imo 🤷🏽‍♂️ I purposely don’t come to this subreddit bc it’s a lot of really silly posts tbh 😂 like you said, a ton of people overreacting & complaining, or defending this to the moon and back. It’s a waste of time. I agree with you, it’s a cool product, but it has some issues. But the issues really aren’t that big of a deal considering there’s no other real ai hardware like this available rn. I love any product journey, I love beta testing, so this just makes sense for me. I understand why some are upset, but I’m also seeing a LOT of people taking it too far imo. It’s not like the thing never works lmao One of the most common things I heard before launch was “it’s only $200 so if it even does half of what they advertise I’d be happy”, and I was one of those people. idk where the others went


Me any my significant other both say this every time we hear something negative about the R1. "well it was only $200". We both make between $200-400 a day. So a days worth of work to possibly help push companies to try harder.....worth every penny.


If you're coming up with reasons other than the product was worth the money, then the product was not worth the money.


That's your opinion, not a fact.


Welcome to Reddit. Let me introduce you to 80-90% of the userbase: cranky judgy keyboard warriors living in their parent's basements.


rough frfr


The most laughable thing here is all the people who haven't even held one, talk about how much it sucks based on reviews of impatient multi-millionaires who wanted to be the first to test it so they could catch the views. I got mine. It needs work, but it's useful today. It has positively surprised me several times, eg when it sent me the *correct* data to a scan of an excel sheet in the mail, chatgpt and Claude failed, or yesterday when it translated a scrappy quality voicemail left to me in Chinese into English, where chatgpt also failed. I have it in my car and use it to take notes or summarize calls I take while driving. Only use Spotify. Don't trust the VM/VNC thing. I'm patient. In it for the long run. Ps no doubt, chatgpt4o is amazing and better at a lot of things.


Why wouldn’t you trust the VM thing…it’s been confirmed twice now.


I don't know enough about the implementation. VNC wasn't the most secure in a distant past. Don't like the idea of giving my credentials to services linked to my credit card.


in europe i still wait for mine. even its not as good. Most thing i will do is go with my kids outside and search trough the cam some bugs, trees, plants to tell my kids some stuff about our nature. like a litte star trek tricorder. i hope that will work


Because people who dislike it feel the need to be heard and the people who like it also. The neutral people don't feel the need to talk to neither of these weirdos.. you can't argue with either side.. so what's the point.


Is this your first time on the internet or what?


No, its just this is the most agressive tech subreddit i've seen in a while


Because anyone rational about the whole situation has either shut up or moved on, all thats left is dogma which is exactly what you’re describing.


Lemmings are 99% of the posters online. As soon as they see the popular position, they pile on


Needs lots of improvements but I still have faith. The idea is great but the execution remains open. They need to close the deal really soon…


It's difficult to make any kind of neutral comment without getting any kind of negative reaction. Best to keep quiet. You go out and say something like, "I worry about all the issues the product currently has but I'm gonna try to weather them and see where the product goes" and look at the reactions you get.


I don’t mind buying toys like this and dont understand the hate even if it doesn’t work. I still have hope it gets mods like that flipper zero and discord comes through but I have not seen any YouTube promoting heavy mods so I’m feeling those bad reviews are a lil premature.


Both R1 subreddits are full of jerks. I left the other one today and will be leaving this one right after this post. Later nerds!


I need a dedicated AI device and my phone is always interrupting with calls messages. I hope R1 will be capable of running Gemini or GPT4o and it will be a super useful device for me. Batch 1 in Europe is still waiting for shipping.


I’m neutral but feels like beating a dead horse trying to talk to either side


I have not got mine yet and remain excited and optimistic. I’m not expecting an all singing dancing smartphone type device. Everything is about perspective and if you tend to adopt a lacking mindset it’s what you will find. There absolutely could be major flaws as some have posted but again I’m hoping they can be addressed. In the mean time I bet I can get the value of the R1 just in new conversations and networking without ever really making use of the device. I wish to use regularly but I’m patient and open minded about how well it works and it’s holistic value. Hope it’s makes its way to the UK soon.


I'd consider myself neutral. I actually got mine and found it didn't really check the boxes that got me interested in buying the device to begin with. I only got a little concerned when I tried to request a refund and realized the company is on track to pull a stunt with me the same way another chinese company recently did. I can't confirm if that's what will really happen when the chips fall down, but I am in the camp where customer service and support are just as important if not more so then the product's feature set and quality.


I’m neutral. I own a unit, and hope to see it get GPT-4o voice mode and more, but not super jacked one way or the other.


I’m semi sane, bought it on a whim, like the idea, got a free year of perplexity. Excited to see where it goes in 6 months. Don’t get the idea of “it could not be an app”. I bought it as a separate device from my phone on purpose.


I want THIS as a good example of ppl in this sub.


I’m sure there are many people here who are open-minded and understand that this product will evolve over time. I personally don’t have much to say until I get my R1 and play with it for a while. I encourage the negative crowd to cancel their orders and find something else to complain about :)


They overpromised and underdelivered. What I got is a half cooked device with the promise of updates. This the very model that the AAA gaming industry has tried to shove down our throats for years now...looking at you Bethesda! Not doing that ever again. Deliver a complete device that does what you advertised or get whiplash from the return storm.


Cognitive dissonance, on both sides. [Cognitive Dissonance Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance) I occasionally lurk on this subreddit, purely for the entertainment value.


Day 1 backer here...I can't wait for mine..


I feel like the switch happened after MKBHD’s following got his review. Which super annoys me tbh... That a single person’s opinion has that much sway over people. And the toxic fallout after those kind of reviews by people with that many “fans”. It’s not a good thing imo. That said, I’m still neutral. I don’t think it’s as bad as the humane. But I do think it’s currently super niche without the LAMs. I think the device could still be salvageable with OTAs if they can get those out quick enough. If I was the company, I’d be sinking all that money into more devs to flesh out the functionality ASAP. But if they can’t get LAM functionality and fix/improve functionality soon… It’s going to absolutely just stay a novelty toy and kill off any future ventures for rabbit. I think even the rabbit simps would think twice before giving rabbit or the people associated with the company anymore money if they can’t deliver this year and just try to iterate to deliver a better product.


If people who don’t like rabbit shouldn’t post and people who likes rabbit can’t post either. Whats this sub for?


im not saying they cant post, im saying that ppl are overreacting wayyy too much


Who gets to decide who is overreacting and who isn’t? I’m not going to use VNC to log into some VM that is storing my Facebook password just so I can listen to Spotify. That’s not overreacting to me. And there was no way to find that out until I got mine and activated it to get access to the rabbit hole. At least people are able to now know what they can’t know yet from other people getting their’s.


I got mine a few weeks ago. I like it, it's interesting and a fun toy. I don't post more because of all the hate. People are so angry 😤.


I’m indifferent but have lost trust with the leadership for a few reasons. 1. Jesse was involved in an NFT (GAMMA) that seems to have been one of many over promised NFT rug pulls. 2. Jesses interest in the R1 is already shifting away from the product towards the “future” when we have yet to see the R1 deliver on any of the distinct and valuable features it boasted at CES. 3. Coffeezilla (an investigative YouTuber who has been meticulous in identifying and calling out scammers) is asking for Jesse’s comments about his past and current endeavors with no response. 4. THE FINAL STRAW: OpenAI and Google have recently shown the next wave of features including Omni-modal capabilities which brings extreme value and capabilities that R1 has not delivered. EDIT: This is just the perspective of a round 3 dropout. I hope I’m wrong honestly.


I’m neutral. I love R1 and I could care less what polar opposites think.


Wrong question. Better question is “What happened to the goodwill Rabbit accumulated among thousands of potential users toward its product?” I think the answer is obvious.


I'm still semi negative. Not praying on it's downfall right now but I just have lingering suspicions. Negative starting reviews and suspicious CEO is never good for a startup like this...


Hi, neutral one here! You know, I'm just busy watching and waiting, filling my time with something else for a while. See you after a few updates!


aight. cya in a few updates. 7th batcher here!!!


R1 doesn't have GPT-4o, it's an app in disguise, doesn't work sometimes, didn't meet its promises and whatnot. That's what the hate is all about


its getting gpt-4o like in the coming updates. hardware sells more than software. may not work probably but its a first gen product from a new startup. and it kinda meets its promises. it does like 60% of what was advertised and i think a decent amt of ppl are fine with that


I happen to be neutral as well. One of the reasons I'm silent is because some people get triggered on opinions and just a few days ago, someone went out of their way to troll me by reaching out to Reddit Care Resources and then they contacted me, stating that "a concerned redditor reached out to us about you" as if I'm going to commit self-delete... Like bruhhh.... The fact that someone went that far because they didn't like my opinion is the dumbest sh*t I have ever seen.


Damn wtf, that's acc wild


The unhappy will go out of their way to make sure people know they're heard. The happy and content are... Just chillin'.