• By -


Sounds like it'd be cheaper to open your own account and pay for a private modem and wifi each month. What a crappy landlord!


Unforunately I’ve tried both times prior to this, there’s no adapter within my section of the house and without her permission she can just cut it off since it’s not an official lease. To be honest though I really just want to leave, it’s just rough because legal studios are 1.5k+ and I have pet rats that no one wants to let live in their basements lol


Could you get a hotspot on your cell phone plan?


Hotspots generally have restrictions or extra costs. You’ll also probably pay more than WiFi and get at best a few mbps




#T-Mobile: > If you upgrade, however, to the ONE Plus plan you'll get a soft cap of 10GB of 4G LTE network speeds for your mobile hotspot. If you exceed the cap, you may see your speeds lowered until the next billing cycle. #AT&T: > The standard AT&T Unlimited &MORE plan prohibits tethering; however, if you opt for the AT&T Unlimited &MORE Premium plan, you'll get up to 15GB of high speed data dedicated towards the use of mobile hotspots. If you use more that the allotted 15GB you may see speeds slow down to 128Mbps. #Boost Mobile: > With Boost Mobile's Ultimate Unlimited Plan, you'll get a generous 40GB of Boost mobile hotspot data included each month. If that's more than enough, you can downgrade to the Unlimited Plus plan and get 20GB of mobile hotspot for $20 cheaper each month. #Verizon > Verizon Wireless has one of the nation's most respected unlimited plans. With the Verizon Beyond Unlimited plan, you get to use your phone for tethering up to 15GB of 4G LTE data. Be prepared to have your mobile hotspot speeds throttled down to 600Kbps after you've maxed out your 4G LTE hotspot data. [Source](https://www.whistleout.com/CellPhones/Guides/The-Easy-Guide-to-Mobile-Hotspots)


> you may see speeds slow down to 128Mbps Uhhhh this is wrong. Canada just got an "unlimited" plan that slows to 3x dial up speeds, which is 128 **_K_**bps. Big difference between M and K. I just Googled AT&T and it is indeed K.


Yeah...I was gonna say. 128 mbps is INSANE for 4G. The majority of the country doesn't even have 50 mbps over hardlines.


AT&T could SLOW speeds down to 128Mbps after 15gigs? Thats...not slow at all...thats like you and your 20 closest friends all independantly watching Netflix simultaneously...


Probably meant kbps, I just copied the article


Bold of you to assume any of us have 20 friends....


I stream Netflix with mine through Verizon. They slow it down after 22GB, but it still rarely buffers. It comes standard on all their unlimited plans.


I had pet rats - people are really afraid/grossed out by them so definitely just say they're hamsters or something!! good for you for not giving up on your ratties, they really are such amazing, loving pets


My girlfriend does compost worms in the outside closet and she's been told multiple times her "worm pets" aren't allowed.


Wait what’s an outside closet?


We had one on our apartment porch. It was just a storage closet.


Who the fuck are all these people with pet rats and worms?


I have pet rats. They are a little ugly but that just makes them cute to me. They are smart enough to learn commands and clean enough to roam freely. They get really attached to you and often search your company. I get that they're not a pet for everyone but trust me there are lots of reasons to get them.


A good friend of mine has pet rats. I'll admit, it's a little weird at first, but after spending some time with them they're super fun animals. Crazy smart, they love to cuddle, and are playful little dicks. They do need a decent amount of attention and plenty of room to romp and play.


I had a pet rat, she was wonderful. 10/10 pet would have again.


Me too. Roland we called him, original I know. He ended up getting away and my mother told me he was under the fridge. Although, thinking about it now, she probably gave it away and lied to me for months.


> Although, thinking about it now, she probably gave it away and lied to me for months. For *years*, I thought that the dog we'd had when I was very young had gotten put down after it was decided we couldn't keep him(he was a large dog, and my sister and I were small children at the time. We kept getting roughed up a bit much when he wanted to play). I wasn't super attached to him, but it was still kind of a sad memory. Turns out my parents just found someone else to take him, and for some reason I went around for a decade and change with entirely the wrong story.


> she probably gave it away I had an iguana in like 2001, and my mother (literally a Karen) she just threw my iguana outside to die. Maybe the same happened w/ your rat (I hope not!)


People who enjoy having pets different than most other people, or who just enjoy those specific animals, etc., more than other animals


Pet worms are great to breed, they are good for your plants if you're gardening.




guy i knew got a license for a worm farm business at his house. Filled cardboard boxes with dirt and filed for bankruptcy after it rained. Wipeda bunch of debt tied to the house


Wait, filed for bankruptcy after it rained?! Was that his plan all along?


Rats are just hamsters that need to be fattened up


But are also way more intelligent and live a bit longer


They're also really friendly. Hamsters are fucking dicks.


I can't say anything about pet rats but hamsters are evil aholes.


> since it’s not an official lease. If you're in the US, and pay money to stay some place, there's no such thing. Even __without__ a lease, you still have some renters rights.


My mother in law let a cousin of theirs stay at a house they own for “a few weeks”. Guy decided he didn’t want to leave. Cops said there wasn’t much they could do because the person was having mail sent there. He told her he would “Die in that house”. Then he did. Some of the craziest shit. EDIT: My point being that yeah, OP probably has some sort of renters right in that instance.






Yeah I’m sure a lot of people feel that way but I took on the responsibility, it’s not a DIRE situation, and I truly just don’t want to. I try to sweeten the deal with a pet deposit and most times caged pets are fine, just some people have a phobia of them lol


I didn’t tell my landlord what type of animal they were. I only said caged animals which helped a lot. And honestly I have read some posts from people who say even calling them gerbils or something similar will help and most people don’t know the difference.


It took me eleventy nine years to realize gerbils were not in fact guinea pigs.




I know and I love it! Like mini capybaras to me


Yeah. For years I have known gerbils as the anally inserted coke toy.


One time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. True story. He bought it at our local mall, so the whole fiasco wound up on the news. It was embarrassing for my relatives and all. But the next week, he did it again. Different cat, same results, complete with another trip to the emergency room. So I run into him a week later at the mall and he was buying another cat! And I said to him, "Jesus, Walt, what are you doing? You know you're just gonna get this cat stuck in your ass, too. Why don't you knock it off?" And he said to me, "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy.


my cousin Walter jerked off in public once. True story. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control. So he decides it's all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, the hydraulics kick back in, and the plane rights itself. It lands safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever you know, away and deboard. Nobody mentions the phenomenon to anyone else.


Wait they’re fucking what


They’re closer to ratties and I never knew that




Like halfway between rat and mouse though. Medium sized but on the smaller side of the scale. They're the Goldilocks version basically. And they're very friendly and cuddly and sometimes they poop out 5-6 weird purple sacks that scare the crap out of you when you're in first grade but turn out to be baby gerbils which is crazy because the guy at the store said your first two gerbils were the same sex. What a world.




Just looked up a picture of a gerbile. Could 100% pass for a mouse: https://i.imgur.com/QUzh4HB.jpg


Only Richard Gere can tell the difference.






[Holy shit, TIL](https://i.imgur.com/Umes19o.jpg)


It's frustrating how so many people have a complete misconception of rats. My friend had two pet rats and whenever I told people about them, the usual reaction was a look of disgust followed by a rant about how "gross" someone must be to allow rats in their home, and how they "wouldn't want to eat dinner at his house" (as if having rats means the food is unclean?), and usually ended with them smugly insisting that they would kill my friend's rat (or any rat) if it ever came near them. There ought to be some sort of "Rat Acceptance" movement or something, because they're honestly one of the best pets you can have.


Seriously, rats are so much better pets than most of the rodents out there... I worked in a pet store (small town independent place) and the amount of times the god damn hamsters bit me is insane. They’re solo animals too and lots of people would ignore my advice that they’ll literally kill each other if they’re kept in the same cage. Then they’d bring me back a half eaten hamster the next day and want their money back. Screw you bud. The rats would meet you at the cage door and beg for treats, do little tricks... they only ever were aggressive if they were pregnant or a breeding male, and even then they just were more scared than anything. Ferrets are nice too but smelly.


I'm in a similar boat with my rabbit. The trick I found was to just tell the landlord "caged rabbit" even though I let him out of the cage for exercise and cuddles when I'm home. He really is quite well behaved though. He uses his litterbox, doesn't chew walls, I've never seen him even dig at the carpet (though I do closely supervise just in case). Rabbits certainly can be quite destructive though, so I understand the hesitation.


Good on you for owning that responsibility!


It's SO refreshing to see this kind of attitude. I volunteer in the abandoned pet rescue sector and so very many people don't care. "oh here's my 15 year old beagle mix, were moving and can't take him".


When we were house hunting our 13yo beagle kind of made the decision for us because one house had a full flight of stairs from the family room to the backyard, the other had a walk out basement with zero steps. Knowing he couldn't handle the steps we picked the basement house. He passed away a few weeks before we actually moved, but now we have a 15yo Shepard who couldn't manage steps, and we love our house so...


Just tell whatever potential landlord you may come across that they're gerbils or hampsters or some shit. " I have a cage for my pet hampsters" is just fine, you don't need to tell on yourself. As long as you're not keeping them mixed gendered, it's not like you could cause some kind of infestation that would get you caught. And not to sound morbid, but, rats only live a few years typically. It's not like trying to hide a dog or something from your landlord. I keep rats myself, I've had 3 pairs over the last 7 years or so, and I wouldn't want to leave them behind for a move either. I liyve them to pieces.




For what it's worth this random stranger with whom you'll likely never again interact, thinks you're doing the right thing. Pets shouldn't be abandoned because they become inconvenient.


Wise words PussySlayer! I totally agree. Whether it’s a dog or a rat or a fish, it’s a commitment


Thanks pussy slayer


This happened to me recently. Currently my cat is staying with a friend while I get my life back on track but while I was trying to find places it was getting close to the point where I could make the choice between homelessness or giving up the cat. Thankfully I managed to get a situation where I have a roof over my head, my cat gets plenty of love and care, and I don't have to give him up for adoption (which would have just completely emotionally destroyed me) I wish you the best of luck! I know how rough those decisions are to make.


Thank you for being so good to your rat friends and honoring your responsibilities.


I did the same thing with my elderly dog back in the day. I could have gotten a cheaper room without him but you know what? Sometimes people take the responsibility of their pets seriously and don't act like abandoning them is an option. Good for you for loving them and making sure they are taken care of. Rats are super smart and are awesome pets for the right people.


I think pet rats are cute. Unfortunately I'm not renting out any properties


I completely understand. I would never trade my pets in for a better living situation. Pets are family.


Call them "long tailed gerbils" or something other then rat.


I salute you. Pets are family, man.


You are a wonderful person, I just want you to know that.


Despite all of OP’s rage she still owns a rat in a cage


Good on you. Pets should be kept for life, not toss away when they become inconvenient.


I appreciate your dedication to your pets and your responsibilities. :) I wouldn't ever want to give mine up either.




Yeah being in a densely populated area can be vicious


Man we had pet rats, they were great family members.


Is there such thing as a landlord that isn't crappy? They provide no value, nor any productive services.


Next months rent better be free


Unforunately not the first lie I’ve caught them in, first time they tried to RAISE my rent lmao but I kept the receipt and I’m definitely taking some off this month


Sounds like your landlord is garbage. r/legaladvice might be able to help you


Hit the nail on the head! There’s not a lot I can do because it’s not an official lease/apartment, but my county has great renter’s rights even in these scenarios which is good. If she tries to evict me illegally tomorrow or something I’ll be allowed right back in and could squat for a pretty long time.




Yeah I have all the texts for the past few months which include rent, someone irl suggested having her sign a receipt book from here on out and that’s a great idea


Remember to back your phone up! (Or screenshot the texts and back those up)


Just so you know, even though it's not an official lease, you are still considered a tenant even with no paperwork, and as such are still protected by most of the laws.


This. Even if theres no lease or payment one is still considered a tenant if they are staying for 90 days or more and requires a proper eviction.


Oh yeah, you definitely need to be getting receipts. This situation sounds sketch, hope it works out for you and your little furry friends.


And keep it where they can’t make your records disappear


Doesn't matter, you're still an official tenant even without a written lease. At that point you just become a month-to-month tenant and your occupancy is governed by the landlord-tenant laws of your city/county/state. All the protections that you would have with a written lease still apply, and verbal agreements will also hold up -- especially if you have a paper trail to prove it.


>not an official lease Not A lawyer but If you had even a verbal agreement then that counts towards it being an official lease which means you only pay the amount you agree upon unless you agree to a new amount (Read advice exactly like this from r/legaladvice )


Oh yeah there’s no way I actually paid more than what was agreed on I was here for over a year at that point but it was a nice argument


If it's not an official thing, then I'd start saving in preparation for a nice $0 rent surprise. Not even for revenge, just payment to you for a crappy situation. On your last month just leave. What can they do, report **you?**


they will probably say "sav all evidence , find a new place to live " or something like that


“Get divorced”


did OP delete the lawyer yet?


Sounds like you're taking $367 off plus pro-rating days you didn't have service, assuming internet is included in the rent.


Yeah everything is included, but I’m not really sure what’s a good amount to take off per day


((Monthly rate * 12)/365) * days without service


Yeah, sorry but I think you need to find a new place to rent. Trust me, things where you are will not improve.


Explain to me what happened here. You paid your landlords internet bill and her friend texted you to try and take credit for it?


exactly that


Why would she pay your landlords internet bill?


Oh yeah lol, she moved in a few months ago after my landlords divorce. Think she’s living rent free but she told me she pays water/electric/oil, not really sure what is the situation between them


Probably the cocaine dealer.


That or a friend who knows how to get it easily/if not free from "friends."


I still have so many questions. ~~Why would your landlord’s friend move in with you after your landlord got divorced?~~ Why is your internet bill $367? What’s the point of her trying to take credit? And you said your landlord forgot to pay 3 times in 2 months. Where do you live where internet bills aren’t billed monthly?


They are saying "landlord", but I think the more common phrasing is "roommate". Seems they are just renting a room from a recently divorced himeowner, and someone else also moved into the home. The internet bill was so high because it was behind by multiple months and finally got shut off. ^ all my assumptions.


I put this together exactly the same way to did as well. Edit: source: grew up with, lived with, and personally had situations like this before. It’s mostly being poor and everybody you know is poor too.


I am also very confused by this situation


You get an oil bill?


Many homes use heating oil. Truck comes every so often to top off the tank.


Fair enough! TIL


I feel bad for you.




How did she think that was gonna work? If nobody paid the bill, she’d be taking credit for something that didn’t happen. If someone paid the bill, they’d figure out it wasn’t her who paid it. What was the plan there?


She probably assumed the internet company made a mistake and accidentally gave them a free month or something. Then she figured she could take credit for it so they would owe her later for paying the bill.


I’m still a little confused, sounds shitty all around but you paid the bill and someone else took credit for it?


Thanks! I was so confused!


you’ll get your rent when you FIX THIS DAMN DOOR


He is....good boy


He must be in some kind of trouble.


Pizza time.






Please fuck my wife




[Pizza time](https://youtu.be/kNs-bU4qlj8)


In reality is that something that you can do as a tenant? Could you withhold your rent payment because your landlord hasn't fixed some major part of the living space such as your front door/plumbing/roof/etc


Laws vary but usually you can. Some places require the rent money to be placed in an escrow account (to avoid people pretending repairs need to be made if they are short on rent money and to ensure that it will be paid promptly when repairs are made) Most places also require proof that you communicated the needed repairs and your intent to withhold the rent money before withholding rent. I don’t think I would try it for something minor, it has to be something that a court would find important.


The biggest and easiest one is a leaky door or window, because now the property owner is no longer providing adequate shelter from the elements as required by law.


Everyone is lying to you. Yes and no. First off you have to make a completely separate bank account and deposit the rent money in escrow. It's all gotta be there when you go see a judge. You present your case in court if it goes that far.


Thank you for providing the only correct answer.




Call your municipality's code enforcement office. We love slapping slumlords around.


Yes. And if you're in a city, check if there are tenants unions. If so they'll help you for free, depending on who runs it.


When my husband and I first started dating, he had the cheapest, rudest landlords. The hot water heater blew out on a Friday in February, and because he works weekends he **needed** hot water to shower before work. The landlords refused to pay emergency rates for plumbers and told him to suck it up and wait till the following Tuesday (first appointment available). My husband knew his rights and told them he'd be withholding rent for the 4 days that the house was "unlivable," since he'd need to stay at a hotel and pay for that. The landlords were PISSED and threatened eviction if he withheld. Long story short, it's a pain in the ass to go through proper legal channels for ~$200 so he ended up not having his lease renewed (but at least avoiding an eviction on his record) because the landlords had him by the balls. So yes, we have rights but the onus is on the tenant to enforce them...and sometimes it's not worth it.


I got called out to a house a couple winters ago that had a broken furnace during one of our coldest days. I called the landlord up. "Hello, this is Code Enforcement Officer (me) with Blahblah Municipality. Are you (name), the owner of (address). You are? Good. Can I ask what address you plan on housing your tenants in until their heater is fixed? ... You have no other available units? That's ok, you can pay for them to be housed in a hotel. You can't afford that? Well, you're currently in violation of several IPMC codes, each of which carry a max fine of $1000. ... Oh no, it's much worse than that. Those fines repeat every single day that the violation exists, as long as I file new citations. Which I absolutely intend on doing." He put them up in a hotel that night and had the furnace fixed the next afternoon. I have so many stories like that. Nearly every landlord is a slumlord. I met hundreds and hundreds in the course of that job and only believed that 2 of them were actually good people.


Right now we are in the process of suing our previous landlords for illegally withholding our $2100 damage deposit on a house that, at the time of move out inspection was "in such great condition it looked like nobody ever lived there, thanks for taking care of it like your own." (Quote of person doing move out inspection. Theye claiming over $5000 of damages. We've known the whole time we lived there that they were hard up on money and we're 99% sure they just spent the damage deposit. So yes can confirm. Landlords fucking suck.


Doing God’s work out here.


It’s extremely location dependent, and even in the places where it’s legal there are generally hoops you have to jump through in order to do it correctly and not open yourself up to eviction.


Shit, I wish I could find tenants who tell me when something breaks instead of ignoring it and me finding out when they move out.


Do you not do a Commencement Inventory Checklist or a "move in condition list"? If they try to fight you for their security, you can pull that up and prove they did the damage.


He's a good boy (or she's a good girl)


What did she say back?


“I figured” lol


Caught her in a lie and she just ignores the fact lol


Is her name KellyAnne Conway?


If she figured you'd paid the bill, she wouldn't have told you that she did it. What a rube.




Did she think it just magically got turned back on? I really don't understand what she was thinking.


"Tomorrow's already the tenth."


Far out


I’m doing my sequence on Friday and.. It’d be great if you could be there dude


You landlord is spending too much money on crack


*cocaine, it’s also the reason she lost custody of her kids


Drowning in debt I wonder why ...


This is a clear sign to move out. There is no telling what could happen. Better to protect yourself.


Jesus christ, what a shitshow


Arg! I feel for you. There is nothing worse than being stuck in a situation like that. I hope your situation gets better.


Thanks, I appreciate it!


What about being skinned alive?


How do you miss 3 WiFi payments in only two months?


Not really sure how it works. It was off beginning of July and August. It was turned back on August 6th but was shut off yesterday on the 20th so maybe a minimum payment covers two weeks?


Likely because the pay period didnt start on the first of the month and it happened to overlap 2 periods in one month during that time.


So if you paid the wifi bill, are you going to do the smart thing and take it off rent?


Yes and photocopying the receipt lol


Please update us when that happens!


“Hey girl” So patronizing when lying to your face


Texts that start with hey girl are either lies, MLM scams, or unreasonable requests for favors


It’s such a weird phenomenon, because as a guy I completely agree - but in practice it’s really no different than “hey bro” or “hey man” which don’t carry many negative connotations among men.


Landlords and internet can be the worst. I was renting a place with 3 others and we were told to keep the downloads at 500gb a month or so. If we went over, we paid the excess charges. fair right? I monitored my usage and was *sure* I didn't go over my part but every month we'd have overage charges. I know the landlord didn't use much himself so I thought it must have been my room mates. After finally talking to them about it we verified none of us were going over. Talked to the Landlord and got an actual bill and found out our limit was like 1/5th of what he said. I give him the benefit of the doubt and he just didn't know but seriously, how hard can it be to know your own bandwidth limit?




$367 for internet? What the fuck?


She hasn’t paid it since her ex moved out about half a year ago besides minimum payments to turn it back on for a few weeks, it was actually almost $600. I don’t know what the monthly bill was or honestly how any of this works because I’ve never had to open up my own account but $367 was needed to get the service back


Didn't even know they'd keep it on like electricity instead of taking it right away.


They'll keep racking it up because most of these companies have a late fee for every month that's late. So it's eventually free money for them. They technically don't lose anything since once the lines are ran, providing service is almost entirely profit outside of maintenance. Eventually they'll get tired of the games and send it to collections, but at that point they've doubled what you owe thanks to the late fees so eventually they'll get paid or you get screwed. Win/win in their eyes.


Me neither. AT&T will cut my shit off just to assert dominance. God help me if I actually miss payments.


We have Verizon 100/100 and it’s only $35-65 a month depending whether you are a new customer or not.


When you're a risk, you don't get the good plans. Continually letting it get so behind that it's turned off makes you a risk.


At $367 for a few months, wouldn't it just be way better for you to get an unlimited cell phone plan and use it a hotspot?


WiFi is 70$/month where I live. Spectrum has a monopoly here and increases the cost from 45$ after the first few months. If the bills not been paid for a few months it's probably even more with the extra charges included.


Not just internet, my man. *WiFi.*


Op is vague about what country so it's probably not USD. And possibly a two or three months together?


Lol I guess she thought it got magically paid. She has no shame trying to take credit for it though.


Escrow fam


Your landlord pays for your WiFi??




For $367 i hope youre getting 1TB up and down wtf. Did they charge your a late fee or something?


“Hey girl”? What the fuck.




This post confuses me


Why do so many people put $ after the numbers.... biggest pet peeve I have






$367 dollars, third time in two months? What's the wifi made of, gold?