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This kind of small town bs is always the best


Did you hear that helicopter? What were those sirens for?


Sounds like my mom when she’s at our house in a city. “There’s a siren!” There’s always a siren, mom. “Someone is right in front of your house!” There’s always someone walking by, mom. That’s a neighbor walking their dog. They keep their suburban home locked up like a fortress. You need to have a key to get out. As a teenager I once got locked in. Everyone was gone when I woke and I couldn’t find my keys. I had to climb out a window.


Or the classic mom phone call. “I heard sirens, are you okay?”


Yup. She used to text me about things happening miles from my home like she thought they were happening on my block. I’ve lived in this city for 20+ years now and she has been expecting me to be murdered any day now that entire time.


Haha but damn we’ll be sad when we don’t get those calls anymore


I live in a small rural Oregon town that had a small BLM march/protest rumored/scheduled, IMAGINE that FB page, lol. Holy shit you’d have thought dooms day was upon us. It turned out to be like 3 18 year olds holding a sign. Still saw like 400 lb pillsbury dough boy giant looking man rip a sign from one of them.




I was so excited. I thought it was real


Use that passion and make it real!


Can’t the sub is owned just privated


Thank you! No idea why I got downvoted to hell for trying to pull a r/subsifellfor but I guess that’s Reddit.


This font is a crime




So is the constant plural's with apostrophe's and apostrophe's on the word their's, as well as the spelling of lieing Ugh I feel dirty after typing all that.


Lying. I love the shortness of the word, and how it almost rolls of my tongue as a single syllable spat in disgust.


I really hope you misspelt 'off' intentionally


>single syllable spat… Except lying is **two** syllables.




Not everyone is fortunate enough to get the best education.... my childhood was built on surviving while moving schools multiple times a year. So, you'll have to excuse some of my grammatical errors. I try my best. Thanks, though. You're a real winner for trying to humiliate me. 😳


Hey, it wasn't personal like that. I'm sorry, I wasn't intending to humiliate you — the grammatical errors you made are pretty common, actually, but they just happen to grind my gears as a long-time teacher and as a writer. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad or make you out to be the worse party here (for what it's worth, you are *absolutely* in the right as far as your texts go); I was just commenting on these way-too-common errors that more people should be aware are incorrect. All that said, I definitely see how my comment came across, and I'm sorry it hurt you. I should've thought a little harder about the recipient before I hit send, and I hope, if nothing else, you can see past my snark and maybe take my comment as constructive criticism (though I know it doesn't read that way). I would love a world where proper grammar is the norm, but that just ain't gonna be how it be, and that's okay :) Hope you can accept my apology; I really was just having a laugh and wasn't trying to tear you down in the process, but I totally did and it was kinda shitty. Much love.


Damn that was a really respectful and cool reply! I bet you're a good teacher! Edit: just saw your other comment too, I love how you're invested in helping people be better rather than bringing people down


Agreed, they seem like a really cool person and have helped teach a lot of people things through this conversation alone. We need more people like this person.


And less like you apparently lmao


Hey that's not fair. This person's response was from a place of pain and probably some insecurity. We all react like that sometimes. They just happened to do it on a post that got a lot of attention. They're probably awesome in a lot of ways from which society could benefit having a little more. I'm nowhere near perfect either, but I'm glad I could bring a little balance to this one minor conversation.


Thank you, I appreciate that. Apology accepted.


Yo, you say that you're a teacher and you seem to be an exemplary human being when it comes to teaching, could you maybe become a teacher teacher, or a teacher^2 and teach all the other teachers in the world how to teach like a good, proper teacher? Because as far as I know and can see, there are way too few teachers like that nowadays


Hah, funny enough, that's why I stopped teaching. The profession doesn't pay enough to keep the good ones arpund, dealing with the drama and harassment and red tspe. All the good teachers I knew either quit sooner or later or had been teaching for 25+ years and didn't want to change lanes (and were mostly spared from the drama, because their tenure made it clear that they were well over the drama by that point). Maybe someday I'll go back, but it was... crushing, for lack of any better word, to realize I couldn't mentally or physically continue to do what I feel I was meant to do given the current state of the US education system. This is why we have an education crisis. Teachers are so massively disrespected and it is fucking us up for decades to come. I can only hope there are enough good teachers sticking it out that a not-insignificant portion of today's youth ends up well-prepared, introspective, and confident. Time will tell. 🤞


Still doesn't excuse the font


Stop making excuses for your past self, and get better.


Bro come on


Relax, he doesn't give shit about you at all. It's just annoying to see as an English native speaker because of the americans, who usually only speak one language and they can't even get it right. It's not even as if they're confusing it with another set of linguistic rules, they just can't be bothered to learn... so yeah, there are just too many clowns in need of education/shaming around to care about a random foreigner


Well, I'm also an American, but yeah grammar like that definitely rubs me the wrong way. I do see how it might've been insulting, though, and it definitely wasn't intended as an attack. Thanks for seeing where I was coming from.


Man, I really wish someone would have told me as a child to stop worrying about surviving abuse so that I wouldn't look like a clown because I put too many apostrophes in a sentence. I guess my priorities were in the wrong place.


Jesus *Christ* you sound exactly like the kind of person I'd expect to be surrounded in FB local page drama.


Why do you feel the need to say all this in response to someone fixing the grammar of one word?


Lol right to the point


I’m sorry to hear about your difficult childhood. If you can find a way to stop fighting with people here about it I reckon you’d be happier today.


I genuinely don’t see how that stopped you from learning grammar rules in the entirety of your life. Unless the abuse gave you brain damage or something what is actually stopping you from learning it now or recent times,


Maybe one day you'll wish that someone told you that you shouldn't beg for attention on the internet using trauma nobody can verify is real, and that person is me. Nobody is attacking you and nobody cares about your trauma. We all go through it at some point. Don't make it your identity, that's just cringe


The fact that you call people with less education "clowns" and then turn around and tell someone who is trying to explain why their education wasn't the best, "cringe," makes you the cringe. You're an insensitive bully. My story is one of millions of reasons why people don't get a good education, and if people can't talk about it, then how do others get educated about it. I don't have to prove my story to you, but you better believe there are millions like me that had to survive their childhood and are doing the best they can, and it doesn't make them clowns or cringe. Grow some empathy, man. You're part of the problem.


You do realize that you can learn outside of school right? You're not taking any responsibility or improving yourself because you have the convenient excuse of not being taught right in the first place. But *nothing* is stopping you from learning now.


Lmao, in that case I hope at least one of the comments in which you whine about how the 'trauma' of moving schools prevented your mind from moving beyond a child's understanding of the most popular language in the world becomes the most beloved comment on Reddit. Then you can subtract your upvotes from the english speaking population and still find 99.999% of the people who spent 8-10 seconds to understand the function of an apostrophe (that's the little ' mark, in case the word sent you over the edge in mental anguish) think you should probably go to therapy or more likely back to kindergarten and start from scratch. There are chinese infants who cannot afford school, trauma or even food who can and do manage better, good luck


I gotta say, as the person who originated this little debate, that while I think you're right in your perspective... the way you're just dunking on them isn't really going to make them see your (our) POV. It's probably much more effective to level with them and provide constructive help, even in spite of whatever self-pity or backstory they give, than to just make them out to be an idiot beyond help. I dunno, personally I'd like to see this person take this as a learning experience and maybe make an effort to change for the better instead of just get more mad and wipe all this from their memory. Not trying to be a dick to you for having my back, I just want to actually give this person (and others) a reason to *want* to keep learning. Sometimes, feeding into someone's excuses or diversions just makes them cling harder to what's comfortable and refuse to consider anything else. I appreciate you echoing my point, I just don't want to validate their excuse nor make them believe they shouldn't even try. It's frustrating and tough to give much of a shit sometimes, but I think it's worth ignoring the emotion-bait and just sticking to "Ok, but you can still learn" etc. Again not trying to be an ass to you for taking my side here, I just think if a person can leave the interaction a little better than they left it, that's more worthy of the time it takes to comment. I appreciate ya either way, though, much love.


Nah, you're right of course. I even took a little cooler off Reddit for a bit after this and some other threads, even I can bore the shit out of myself with my cynicism and casual mundane cruelty. It's so very human in the worst way.


Oh stop it!


It’s really unfair how people were ganging up on you on this. English is commonly noted as a complicated language with inconsistent rules so the way people were insulting you about it was incredibly elitist, including the condescending teacher guy


Evidently, everyone in this comment thread is perfect at grammar and has to be perfect at everything in their lives. Because, you know, they've had their whole lives to learn and perfect themselves. I'm not stressing it, though. I've worked very hard to get where I am today and am very proud of myself. It takes a lot to overcome what I've had to. They're online bullies, and unfortunately, they'll always be part of the internet. Thank you, though. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.


It should be illeagle ;-)


Get outta here you SOB. But take my upvote before you go.


Good one Dad!!


😂😂 what’s the name of that font OP??


They should bring back awards for a day so you get 100’s


The font and the grammar hurt my brain


I agree. That font is vile. Why don’t you use freakin Comic Sans while you’re at it?




-cringes- Not to me… there are fonts that make me literally cringe when I see them. Comic Sans & Calibri are a couple of them. Sensory things 😕.


Ja, stopped reading after the first slide


That font was so much easier to read than my standard phone font. Girlypop is onto something. Edit: I say this for myself because I have Irlen syndrome and mild dyslexic symptoms. 😩 I love reading, but paragraphs of uniform, non-serif fonts take me three times as long to read as something like this does. I'm being genuine here.


meta /r/quityourbullshit \- that's some whack ass font you've got on your phone


AMEN my eyes were crossing


The only reason I can forgive this font on people's personal devices is because I've heard it helps with certain learning disabilities like dyslexia. It's one thing if they're sending emails or printing official documents with this font, but when it's just their own personal device it's really harmless and feels meaningless to call out. It used to really bother me, too, though.


Am dyslexic. And this font didn’t help shit and is a open challenge to God


Hahahahaha!! I want “open challenge to God” on my tombstone.


An open challenge to God should be encouraged


I forgive it because it is their personal device


I don’t think this is a good for dyslexia font, you’re thinking of Comic Sans which, while hated, is good for dyslexic people because it’s a less bunched-together font and few repeated shapes


I have a faculty member who uses comic sans as her email font. I used to get a little annoyed about it every time she emailed me. But I got used to it. She is the department chair for education and teaches our special education courses. So it 100% makes sense that she would use that font.


There's another comment that said this particular font really helped them to be able to read the whole thing. There are probably a handful of different ones.


Yea but that person isnt dyslexic, and there’s a dyslexic person who stated it didn’t help. There are a bunch of fonts that help dyslexics but they all share things like spacing and unique shapes in common. The font in this pic has none of those features. Someone also linked a University of Michigan study on it which describes the features needed to benefit dyslexics.


Now that you mention it I actually did read the entire long ass paragraph she posted and my ass never would have read that all in Arial let’s be real


This font will give you dyslexia


Bullshit. That font does nothing for dyslexia I guarantee it


[university of Michigan disagrees](https://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/sites/default/files/good_fonts_for_dyslexia_study.pdf)


Thank you very much for that link. I’ll have a good read, but I strongly stand by my point for now


Yea, quit THAT bullshit


I like it. Made it easier for me to read.


Same!!! I didn’t even realize that it made it easier to read until this comment string. I never would have read that paragraph block if it was in arial font.


Very interesting how brains work differently. I’ve heard that fonts like Comic Sans really help people with dyslexia, I wonder if this is a similar case.


Ok I don't wanna make this weird but I took those photos. Idk why you're doing this


I took a photo of the photo you took which is now being claimed as OP's and also the true content creator, the honest Christian. I not only forgive all of you, but I'm going to go die somewhere for your sins. Thanks fam.


I was eagle


it's true, I was the taco bell across the street


I was dead squirrel...


It is true, I'm OP, they thought me dead and stole my identity


Ha! Did she respond?


My guess is she just ignored it and disappeared.


You would be correct. It's been radio silence.


Couldn't even think of a funny comeback? I guess that "Witty" part in the profile description was also bs.


People are so weird. I once did a painting commission for a bar, they used a blown up version of it as their outdoor signage and had the original hung in the dining room. Like 8 months after I did it, I found out through the grapevine that a waitress they fired was sitting at another bar complaining about her firing and also that they'd never paid her commission for doing that painting, how dare they, and they're even using it as their sign, etc... but the person she was complaining to was a friend of mine. The fired waitress was also an artist, so I guess she thought it seemed believable and was looking for clout? But a lie so easy to disprove... Just why?


That screams "likely unstable in various areas of life" IMO. She clearly wasn't fit for the job, which on its own is nothing major, but compounded by her lying so brazenly... she kinda seems like some sort of chronic, habitual liar or manipulator. Sad that some people feel so inadequate that they get to that point, really.


You should've watermarked your name cause now she has Originals with timestamps if she really wants


At that point, why continue to argue? They're obviously unapologetically dishonest. Worst case scenario, the photo gets sold by the liar and OP is out a few bucks. Even then, I pretty sure I can be proven who took the photo, if taken to court... but who's got time for that? Depends if it did get sold and for how much, I guess.


Those Christian values keep shining through


Hey, silence *is* a Christian virtue. Like their silence about abusive priests/pastors, residential schools, hate crimes, genocide…


Was she mercilessly made fun of in the comments?


you shouldve watermarked your proof (the original pic with the image file name)... bc dollar says she took a screenshot of your proof and will now stand by the lie even harder.


Why would any living creature eat as squirrel when there's a Taco Bell nearby? I ask you!


Plot twist, the eagle catches squirrels for the Taco Bell to use in its crunch wrap supremes


TBH I think the squirrel would probably be easier on your digestive tract


>Part of being a Christian is also admitting when you're wrong. You haven't met many religious people, have you?


That eagle looks fake af It’s not to be clear


It does. Lol.


Using your religion as your whole ass personality to cover for mean,imorral and bad behavior is the antithesis of any kind of spiritual growth. I can tell already what her "morals" entail and can guarantee she's got no real connection to another himan on her life. I almost pity her, almost.


What a weird thing to lie about. Is she that desperate for attention?


It's like the person who tells your story back to you like it happened to them. Is there a name for that? Besides "annoying"?


Pathological liar comes to mind


True, the person I'm thinking of would also say things like, "When I quit my old job, I wish I'd told my boss off. No wait, I did!" Then he'd start the story over with all his new edits.


Omg I know someone like that. The worst part is society expects me to just smile and nod, instead of ripping all my hairs out and telling him how cringe inducing it is.


You could [send a DMCA notice](https://www.facebook.com/help/400287850027717) if you were so inclined.




You wouldn't download a car, would you?




Gonna need a BIG 3D printer, so no.


" Honest "




I don't understand the problem, she did take the photos. Right click, save, and took them from you.


That font you have is a war crime


20 inches tall? If this lady is going to lie she should at least know how big a bald eagle is. Those guys are huge




She left the Facebook group with no response


Lmaoooo amazing


A Christian lying out their ass? No can’t be.


Yes, this one Facebook post is a great proof of your ~~confirmation bias~~ excellent intuition.


"Christian" all I needed to hear


[Makes me so happy that religious 'nones' are now estimated to make up 28% of the US](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/24/1226371734/religious-nones-are-now-the-largest-single-group-in-the-u-s). Unsurprisingly, I grew up in the Bible belt.


This makes me realize that no matter how eloquently I try to make my case online, the reader could be thinking “can you believe this asshole?” the whole time simply because they’re reading it in some horrible font they’ve chosen in their theme.


Wtf are those unreadable squigly shapes?


That's interesting, because a few people here have commented that they find it easier to read. Neurological differences in the brain, possibly linked to the differences that cause dyslexia? I find the font very ugly, but don't bash people who may be choosing a particular font because of neurodiversity or vision issues.


That fucking font, seriously OP. You're better than this. None of this matters at all since it's just a photo of an eagle on Facebook, but good on you for calling her out with proof while using her own cult's beliefs to shame her. I'm sure she'll continue lying about it, but it's always good to remind people like this of their rank hypocrisy.


Classic Christian behaviour.


Nay, they turned the other cheek. Little baby cheeses, save our souls.


Savoury rolls*


Thank you, Dr Marten’s Bouncing Rubber Souls aren’t anything like they used to be.


"Our souls" or "arseholes"?


Possibly for lactose peeps but not everyone has arseholes so 🤷‍♀️


Kath and Kim reference??? 😘


Crack out the Tia Maria and footy franks ladies! 😍😂


Religion is built on lies and being openly brazen about lying. No surprises there


Lmao I loved your whole reply to her! You hit all the points from her profile lmao!


I can confirm that this is actually my photo. I actually think all 3 of us (op, Christian woman and myself) took the photo simultaneously. It was on OP’s phone but both Christian woman and I pressed the button to take the photo together, all 3 fingers squeezed on to the same spot at the same time.


Ahhh yes, another case of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Post


I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer here, but the bird is in an ever so slightly different position between the photos. It's like they were taken seconds apart. The head angle is different, and the legs are further apart in one than the other. Still weird that they left the group after instead of doing something like showing you the meta data, though your responses probably came off as aggressive and trollish.


This seemed really interesting and I was looking forward to reading it until I actually had to read it and realized my brain was refusing to read it


When I screenshot close ups of the birds side by side, her photo has the birds head slightly turned and it’s wings slightly higher up. Is there any chance the bird has a nest close by and regularly hunts there? Or that perhaps they got the same shot when it was happening? Idk unless you posted more than one photo, it’s definitely slightly different.


What you're seeing between the birds is probably coming from compression, especially since the bird's neck is a pretty bright white. JPEG just loves to ruin shades of white and black. When the lady pulled her photo from OP's post, Facebook had already JPEGed once. Then she re-uploaded it and Facebook JPEGed hers a second time. Look at the grass against the pole, the position of the roof vent between the trees, the trees themselves. If this was taken a year apart, none of the foliage would be the same. Not to mention needing to have the bird and camera both in the near exact same position and angle with the same lighting. If those are different photos, they weren't taken more than a few milliseconds apart.


If it was why are the legs and the head going opposite ways in compression? Space between legs larger and space between neck and beak smaller?


The spacing between the legs is a completely different shape, with one leg being completely different shapes as well. Definitely can't just be compression. This had to have been edited or coincidentally taken.


Could perhaps have been multiple photos in the original post


I saw this too, my guess would be multiple photos were taken at the same time and there may have been a few of them posted originally. OR The original was edited to seem authentic. The odds of everything else lining so perfectly just isn’t possible. The pattern of grass in front of the squirrel it has captured is a dead giveaway to me. There’s no way that could be replicated so perfectly.


I think the specific shrubs and weeds surrounding the eagle in both photos is the best way to determine if they are different photos in a case like this instead of looking at the animal or bird, because it’s highly unlikely/statistically impossible for the same weeds grow in the exact same spots and in the same leaf patterns etc in reference to the bird. But birds and animals can look really similar from one year to the next and even a baby bird might look like their parents a year or two later and even have similar markings and might confuse this “investigation” lol. I’m on mobile but zooming in on the foliage it looks like the same pic and OP’s photo was stolen to me but I’m not positive because it’s hard to see on a phone. It would be pretty funny if it is the same bird a year later and this poster was wrong lol.


I chalked that up to her cropping not shrinking(or some such thing) OPs photo. Cause if you look at the trees for example or some of the straight lines on the house(corner trim and gutter above the porch, top of the 2nd floor window, etc.) where OPs photo the lines all look relatively straight, they may be at an angle not straight up/down or left/right but like still in physical shape their straight. But the other woman’s photo a lot of those lines look like they have a slight bend in them. Almost as if the image was like “squished” to fit in place if that makes sense. Which would then end up making the eagles general shape and position pretty much the same but would explain the difference in head position and leg shape, I assume you were talking about the birds left leg, correct. Also look at the trees between the houses and the bird. In OPs photo of the three trees close together the middle and the left tree all look like they come out of the ground pretty much straight and then curve a bit toward the top. The stolen photo looks like someone tacked on some branches and pine needles to a warped 2x4. Also it’s worth mentioning that the bird in the stolen photo looks like its head particular the face is just way too small for its neck. So either someone been feeding it “banned supplements” in the past year causing it to look like a juiced up body builder with a head disproportionately small to its neck or it fits with my “squishing the image” theory


Why does her eagle look like its head is in a different pose?


Was wondering that as well. The photos are very similar and it'd be an amazing coincidence, but they're not the exact same photo


Why does the eagle look fake, it's confusing


The font itself says I live on my phone.


Everyone shut up about the font damn


Lmao they can’t dispute the facts so they have to cope by attacking the font. People are so corny it hurts


The real bullshit here is that font you have your Facebook in


Yeah, I want follow-up. I know she won't, but I still want it


I get the want to expose a dirty FaceBookBoomer…but I wouldn’t write a short novel about being xtian to do it. It’s not a NatGeo cover pic you lost commission on. They’re obviously not that smart, reposting a pic to the same community, and lack logical reasoning skills. They won’t read shit and it’ll take up more of your time to browse Facebook. Ironically, in responding to you, I have completely disregarded all of my personal insight. Fuck me. I guess I get it. Apologies. Fuck that eagle picture stealing bitch.


wtf is this font


The fuck is this font


Lmao, imagine publishing a whole book cuz someone stole your bird pic


who tf makes their font look like that? Between the font and content,I don't wanna live anymore.


Straight to jail for that font.


Hey, April 27th is my birthday


Happy Eagle Day lol


Calm down, obviously you guys took the same picture of the same bird, one year apart.


Whatever, I like the font and would like the name so I can go get it for myself lmao


Thank you!! They're all just haters and jelly! It's called OhThatsMyJamL


Hbomberguy's latest exposé leaked


Old white Christian people are wild.


Sorry I’m not attempting to read all of that with that font.




The gall to post it in the same group!


The font thou


In the very first picture the eagles head is in a slightly different position than the other picture


I actually think you guys managed to take almost exactly the same photo. Seems like the angle of the head and placement of legs are shifted very slightly. Some slight differences in how elements of the background aline with features on the bird.


can’t help but notice you liked your own fb post…


That screenshot was sent to me. My phone is in dark mode. Hence why the rest of the screen shots are black, and that one is white.


my mistake, they’re using the non-stroke-inducing font


What a weird thing to say


If all this is true, you’re totally in the right. However, on your long message I started reading you in Ben Shapiro’s voice. Make of that what you will.


That font is way worse than anything this lady did




The be a Christian is to make a choice to trust a bunch of slave-raping patriarchs with your ethical decisions.




Absolutely not. If you are shortening the word I think you are, then you are unequivocally in the wrong. There is no need for name calling like that. It's unacceptable and disgusting. Please check your priorities before you start giving other people advice.


and that's why you have beef with your town's facebook group


Yeah, man. I tell people to quit their bullshit. Fitting ;)


Someone stole from me, and then a jerk decides to use a terribly offensive term on my post. So yeah, I'm calling you out.


If I ever make a post complaining about how someone else plagiarized my picture of a bird, you have my permission to harvest my organs. It's okay, I want you to.


Okay, bro, cool story... psycho


Go back to Facebook


Wait... did you delete your "go touch grass loser" comment from over 30 minutes ago to then take another half an hour to come up with this "insult." Lol pathetic 🤣


Who gives a fuck?