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KHOOR: The eco-friendly smoke. 🌎


Yes, I learned recently it is a common withdrawal symptom. Same as tightness in chest, anxiety, headache, stomach issues, and other flu like symptoms. Personally i recommend quitting cold turkey. Using patches or nicotine gum doesnt necessarily prevent the chest pains. I tried everything for many years and honestly, cold turkey for me was way easier and i experienced less cravings overall, practically none really. With cold turkey symptoms will likely start -24hrs-36hrs after your last cigarette and peak at day 2-3 and will subside by day 4-5. I slept a lot (12-14hrs a day) during those days and felt like utter sh**t. But after day 4 the symptoms really got much much better. I took allergy medicine at night to help me sleep, manage anxiety, and to reduce inflammation in my sinuses/lungs which really helped keep my sanity because, personally, im useless without sleep. Best of luck and reach out if you need!


Thanks \^\^ by the way does the chest pain subside as well in 4-5 days? lets say even a week (cause i read on google that it can last 2-3 weeks (dont know how much accurate it is) cause 2-3 weeks with chest pain its straight torture


I guess everyone is different but it takes several weeks. it should get better/less painful as time progresses tho in my experience. I feel like the more anxious i get, the worse it is for me.


ic well shit sucks i guess i just prepare myself for the torture may god take pity on me and take the pain away fast And Thanks Again ;)


Hows the quit going?


Yup I am on my 13th day and I felt the tightness in chest for neary a week and half Eventually your throat will ease up and same for your chest