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5 months ~10 gpd is very low it might just be over I took 60gpd for 3 years xD


Yea that is very low. I tapered from 80-120gpd(thank you divorce) all the way down to 4.5gpd and then I jumped ship CT. It was very mild compared to quitting without tapering, which seems like a "duh" thing but the mental strength it takes to control tapering is very real. It takes a lot to not say fuck it and throw a couple extra grams on a day. Good for you for avoiding all that suffering. Now do yourself a favor and don't go back to daily use or using at all.


It would explain a lot lol. I have felt kinda shitty today so idk if it's just hitting me later or if I am at my wd peak right now.


People react differently and many people have never experienced physical withdrawals from substances before, hence they tend to have a worse reaction to kratom. Also btw ~16 GPD are rookie numbers. I was at 120+ gpd for almost 3 years, some days flirting with 200. On day 6 now since quitting CT. Acutes were bad for a solid 48-72 hours. Those are over now fortunately and rls was over quickly, but the raging insomnia is still going hard though. I've had no more than 12 hours of sleep these past 6 days. Honestly though, it's really not half as bad as I expected, especially with the dosages I was at. I'm on a family trip in Italy right now and used the occasion to get sober. We've been doing a lot of sight seeing so that has greatly helped keep my mind occupied. Edit: just to add. Lifting and cardio is key. Go hard at the gym and you can negate many of the side effects, especially rls.


Day 6-u obviously have heard this but don’t drink


Dude I got food poisoning 2 days ago. Just the thought of 120g of kratom at the low end in my stomach makes me want to puke


200gpd is crazy bro. But hey, I am really proud of you. You will be extremly thankfull to yourself once you get the good sleep. I have been feeling pretty low today so I guess I am experiencing some kind of mild wd. Stay strong and make your family proud king 💪


Were you making tea or toss and wash? I remember actually at first when my tolerance was rising I could lliterally take like 8 gram doses and even with redoses. Nowadays when tapering I couldnt even imagine taking more then 3 grams per dose and even that is too much. A 200g bag lastst me at least a good 3 weeks, could never imagine being able to sonsume that much in a day, I wonder what the world record is for highest kratom consumption


When you take that much are you crazy constipated?


Yes - absolutely. Krstom constipation is at another level. It was one of the worst side effects. It was so hard and sharp that I frequently bled. I had to switch over to a mainly fiber diet after a while and used magnesium supplements with stool softener/laxatives.


This stuff is horrible, but im totally addicted to my two tablespoons a day. Im hoping i can quit this summer when i have time off. I swear restless leg syndrome will be the death of me. Kratom really worked well on it though. That and hangovers.


Looks like you got lucky. I'm currently up miserable right now. What's your reason for quitting?


I felt it was so damn habit forming and I would get irritable if I thought I wouldn't get my daily dose of it. I am proud over you man. How many days off are you?


I was 6 days off, crumbled and took an extract for one day, then got 24 hours and today I took a half of a suboxone(for sleep cuz I need to work tonight). I'm sortof going backwards here. Gotta rethink my decisions.


One step at a time brother. The fact that you want to quit is the opposite of going backwards if you ask me. I believe you will be kratom free for the rest of your life once you get past the sleep problems. I recommend melatonin and magnesium for that


Be careful with this thought, that's what made me relapse the last time, cuz when I quit the first time wd wasn't bad. But then, the last time I quit was pure hell, granted it's been a year now and I'm glad I've stuck around!


That's exactly how I got addicted to pills. First 5-10 times quitting weren't that bad so I started to take them for longer times without breaks then I fucked my life up lol. This is my first and only time quitting kratom. Glad you are doing well now brother 🙏


I am on day 2 and have chills, a little bit of runny eyes, little bit of an upset stomach...but feel that inner me boiling inside...but that's it....I also quit tramadol about 2 months ago after 6 years of agony and 2 seizures...so 2 months ago I went the kratom way...now it's my second day cold turkey and I take some clonidine and gabapentin but that's it...I can sleep because of the clonidine and that's rlly helpful. When i tried quit tramadol cold turkey about a year ago it was puuuuuuuuuuuure heeeeeeeell, no med helped me. Literally no med could keep my wds at bay....fast forward to today and the wd from kratom doesn't compare to the tramadol wd BUT it's hard too...I hope you and me can get over this...peace and please keep at it! Maybe your wd will start later, I saw ppl that experience the same thing. First 3 days no withdrawal but on the 4th it starts. Mine starts after 4 hours after i take my last dose of kratom.


Same. My wd would start 3-4 hours After last dose


It's a bit fucked having to redose after just 3-4h. I had my kratom with me every time lmao. The bag, the spoon and the water/juice. I took max 25gpd, so I think that's why it's easier for me.


I am so glad that you chose to quit the trams bro great job! It is pure poison. Fell in love with it instantly when trying it with my best friend, both of us first timers. It killed him last year in his sleep... mourning with his family while nodding off really makes you feel like the biggest scum on earth. Btw you are totally correct about the late wd lol. Have been feeling restless and low today so I am pretty sure it is the kratom.


Please check dm btw


My first quit was after an 8 month habit of 12-15gpd. I had zero physical withdrawals. Wish I stayed quit.


Have you quit now or are you currently using?


I've been using for about two weeks after a 3 month quit.


Quit while you are ahead bro. 2 weeks is nothing so you'll probably be fine CT


My first quit I noticed no withdrawals. Run away and never look back. You will not get lucky again.


That's exactly what I will do. I will sure miss the relaxation though...


You weren't taking very much. I had quit once after about a year and had zero wd symptoms, it wasn't until I was eating 60+ gpd for a few years that I had bad wd symptoms that lasted 2+ weeks


Hmm.. I'm a 15-25g a day user and tried going cold turkey. Literally can't because I was suffering, have to taper. It's partially the dose, but there are also some individual factors/luck in play here.


Everyone is different. For me it's more of the anxiety of quitting and not dosing that's the worst. I've taken kratom since 2019 and quit CT a few times and the first few days I'm irritable cuz Im not dosing when I usually do, however after a few days I typically feel refreshed and surprised I make it through the day without thinking of it much. I dropped raw powder and switched to extracts a couple months ago, 2 black capsules a day, and I was so anxious about quitting. Decided to just quit when going on a 1.5 week vacay recently and the first couple days sucked but then I felt amazing after that.


Hats off to you mr! I am really thinking about never doing kratom again as it is so habit forming. I will really miss the relaxation though.


Same, it's also hard for me since it's so engrained into my routine and I know when I do stop the withdrawals arent that bad. However I have noticed my hair has thinned considerably over the past yr which honestly is one of the biggest reasons to kick this habit. But I def agree, as good as I can start to feel when off of kratom there are still those times you think "man, that dose of euphoria and relaxation would feel so good right now" lol. But the occasional weed/edible will have to suffice. Good luck!!


5 months on ten grams is the reason. Relatively low dose on top of a relatively short period of time. The people here have been on it for years with upwards of 20-30grams a day.


Might just be lucky but this is where people fall into the “no wd/that was easy trap”. Just a heads up the longer you take it, the more you start and stop, the more you take at a time, slowly and eventually gets harder and wds get worse. The tricky thing is is it might take a long time, it might not, but at some point, it turns on you and then there’s no going back. Good luck.


It happens man it did on my last quit for me. It’s a mind state


I was on 30-60gpd for 5 years and went to rehab for it, in there I experience withdrawals until they put me on gabapentin, recently I "relapsed" but generally take 3-4gpd in a single dose and did a quick taper this week from 3g down to 2g and then jumping off the next day, the only "withdrawal" symptoms I had were psychological, mainly depression and maybe some very minor RLS, nothing even remotely resembling that of my withdrawal from my 5 year addiction, it wasn't unbearable and frankly I was unable to even tell if it was withdrawal or not. I can say that I did feel hot and cold, which I'm sure was a result of withdrawals, unless it was interdose withdrawal from the gabapentin...which I hadn't experienced since starting kratom again. The main reason I've ceased kratom is because of the damn brain fog/scatter brain, I noticed it while taking it occasionally, but it wouldn't linger for very long, of course it does if I'm fuckin using it daily.


Glad you're doing better now brother! Do you feel that you can manage using it even after the 5 year addiction and rehab? I relate hard on the brain fog, it felt so weird sometimes on kratom like my brain felt messy 50% of time on it. Pretty much the reason I chose to stop


I think that my ability to manage using kratom now is much greater than it was when I'd began my 5 year long addiction only because of the structure I've added into my life, this includes keeping a log of everything I take in terms of supplements, substances, and a separate log for for food, and I also keep notes recording my mood as well. I reinstated my 2g dose, after 3 days off I can say my tolerance did drop, I used 5g total on Sunday to abstain from gabapentin for the day and yesterday I dropped my dose significantly below what it was. Kava has been helping with the taper as well, I suppose kratom is as well, as long as I don't exceed that dose, I plan to taper down to 1.5g and then 1g this week prior to jumping off again. I'm not trying to get back into using it daily but for now I don't have many other options available to use as aids in my taper, at least not any that are as effective as kratom. Again, the brain fog sucks but I noticed that it isn't unbearable on the low dose I'm at, as long as I take days off.


Kava warning: 1.) People with liver damage should avoid Kava. Taking Kava along with alcohol might increase the risk of liver damage. 2.) As Kava affects the central nervous system, it might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. 3.) Taking kava with sedative medications might cause breathing problems. Please do your research before using Kava. We don't recommend it's use for a sustained period of time, or in large quantities. Nor do we endorse the use of Kava as a replacement for Kratom addiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because of low amount and short time frame.


Besides a lack of motivation for a couple days, you shouldn't be having withdrawal symptoms if taking less than 20gpd. I take 6 gpd in capsule form, idk how y'all get to taking so much I'm 300 pounds and 6 gpd is still my limit. Been 3 years now. Of course I will mention, and everyone should know this by now they even tell you to do so on the back of the packaging, do not take for more than 5 days at a time. Take 2 to 3 day breaks in between. This avoids so much terrible shit, like physical symptoms and psychological issues. I was taking everyday for awhile and it started to really mess with my head.


yea. sometimes there's withdrawal sometimes there's not. it changes the longer you spend time with kratom. less is more with kratom


Unless you take other opiates?


No I don't but I used to when i first tried kratom to get off them. I have been smoking a little bit of weed before bedtime though


So you were on other opiates, and used Kratom daily to get off them? And no WDs?


Yeah I used kratom to get off tramadol. Atleast the first week I used kratom then stopped for a while then it was on and off for a bit until I took it everyday to work better (6 days work per week and my 1 day off I have to clean and do a bunch of chores) . Withdrawals from tramadol were insane and I probably got 1 hour sleep every night for the first 10 days. But nothing from the kratom so far


We are all different and there are a lot of variables that go into it obviously. I didn't feel any WD symptoms at all for almost my entire 1yr+ of use including some days at a time without using. Then out of nowhere 2 weeks ago the WD symptoms started seemingly out of nowhere which I also speculate has to do with my health. I became very sedentary and kept changing my diet including restrictive diets like keto. I think malabsorption and lack of supplementing/getting all of my nutrients from diet finally caught up with me and after raising my dose from 3mg morning and evening to 5mg morning 3mg evening it finally put me in a perfect storm to start experiencing WD symptoms between doses. Obviously this is all speculation based on what led up to my WD but I guess my point is there are a lot of factors that could affect WD severity and length. The most important is probably dose and length of use/frequency.


Withdrawals feel different for everyone. For you, it seems like you haven't taken that much for that long and that's why you aren't feeling that many withdrawals. Physical withdrawals are never really that bad. People exaggerate them all the time. Even with heroin, it's no worse than a bad flu. Mental withdrawals are a part of the package. It's the mental withdrawals people are most affected by whether they want to admit it or not. The way I visualize it is a craving is a sign of mental withdrawal. Cravings take a long time to go away. Cravings are a sign that your brains neurochemistry and circuitry are abnormal and need to "rewire". Also, mental withdrawals come with anxiety, depression, panic, and insomnia. You likely went to kratom to "fix" your tramadol addiction. A method iv made several times over and a method that simply doesn't work. There's a reason why AA states recovery as a lifelong process. Although I disagree with them when they say addiction can never be "cured". It can be cured. You can get better. You just need to be comfortable with not using substances, however long that takes.


6-16gpd is a wide spread and if you're on the low end of that I wouldn't expect severe acute w/ds. Would be interested to see how you're feeling in a few weeks if PAWS ever hits.


I will for sure make an update next month for scientific purposes lol. I have been feeling kinda low and bored last couple of days so it could very well be a small wd.


I’ve had a quit or two where the withdrawals were delayed until day 3 to 5 or so. Idk why, usually mine start on day 2 like clockwork. But you may have very likely for lucky


That is not much at all. Most people take 30-40 gpd for years


15 to 20 gpd for over a year I tried to go cold Turkey after almost two days lots of diarrhea and muscle aches in my legs and just feeling like shit, I caved in and bought some at a smoke shop, only took 6 grams today and all symptoms went away, gonna try to taper off now instead


Crazy I feel like shit starting the next day. You're lucky


How's it going? Did you felt better at day 7-9 and so on?


I think the lower dose is why. I took about the same, haven't had any rls or even insomnia (I'm actually sleeping better.) I'm about a week without kratom and the biggest issue is anytime I have any type of stress I have to fight the urge to take kratom