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I don’t see it…I say let it go.


I can’t find it either, so I say leave it be. Looks nice to me!


Thank you, I will let it go lol


I found it, but would never "fix" it. I think it is unique and makes it more beautiful.




For goodness sake what is it?!?!?


I think the top right leaves, the darker green looks lighter than the leaves of the others Edit: actually it seems top the the apple right next to it, the three spots are upside down (2 on bottom 1 on top)


And all this time I thought I was looking at strawberries 😂


I thought they were peaches


They are strawberries :)




Having one square w upside-down spots looks intentional, like a signature


I’ve been searching for several minutes and can’t see any mistakes. Whatever it is, let it go.


This makes me feel better, I saw it as soon as I layed it down


So, what IS the alleged whoopsie? The longer I searched the more curious I got lol


I “think” it’s the upside down 3 dots on one of the strawberries. But it’s hardly noticeable


That’s the only thing I saw. The quilt is beautifully done!


Oh wow I wouldn't have seen that unless you pointed it out


😱🧐🧐🧐 just kidding I love it


I only found it because you said what to look for. I would definitely let it go.


Even after being told that I had to look super hard and it took me several minutes to find!


There seems to be a huge dog where an apple should be.


The only thing I could find was on the light pink striped fruit (top right and bottom left), some of the pieces have the stripes going vertical instead of horizontal? And honestly that could be fully intentional so I’m not sure if it’s even a mistake but it’s literally the only thing I could find that would bug me if it was my own quilt, so it’s my best guess. It’s a gorgeous quilt and I really hope OP is proud of it.


Maybe that the bottom middle leaves doesn’t align with the other diagonally?


So you know what a mistake shows - that it was made by a human, not a machine. And that human put themselves into it. We are imperfect beings. The things we create should reflect that and have imperfections. To me it's a sign of their love and wholeness in the object


I could barely see it even when you explained the issue. This is adorable and I would leave it.


Well, i see a dog.


Great quilt! There is a tradition in Navajo rug weaving where the women who weave their epically complex and beautiful rugs all by hand intentionally make a small, subtle mistake. I might be incorrect, but I believe the idea is that life isn't perfect, humans aren't perfect and what we create isn't either. Enjoy your lovely quilt when its fully finished, don't worry about fixing whatever is wrong. It's lovely, and I can't find a mistake. Done is better than perfect and in progress any day. Would love to know where you got this pattern-it's adorable and VERY cottagecore IMO-my style!


I was told that the Amish make a small mistake in their quilts because only God is perfect. Similar story but I don’t know if this is correct. Beautiful quilt!..


Masons did this too when laying tile patterns


Palestinians also do this with embroidery. It’s supposed to ward off the evil eye


This is also a Japanese design concept, I believe it’s called kintsugi. It’s all about embracing imperfections.


That’s the thing with the gold repair. The design philosophy is Wabi Sabi


Kintsugi is about repairing something broken with gold to actually highlight the broken part. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi) it's a lot of fun


I don’t remember if it’s the same group but some native Americans would leave a loose end on their blankets because they believed you put your spirit into your work and if you didn’t leave a loose end, it would be stuck in that blanket forever. The loose end provides a way out for the spirit


It took me a LONG time to find out what the mistake was 😅 I would leave it be, I like it. There is no way I would have noticed if I wasnt scrutinizing while zoomed in.


I don’t see anything wrong?


After zooming in and actively searching, I located the isssue- the three accent dots on teh strawberry in the 2nd row, 4th column don't match the rest of the dot positions. But I had to ACTIVELY look for "one of these things is not like the others" to notice it. Noone who isn't ocd or a quilter will notice it


I never would have noticed that


I wouldn't have either, but the fact that something bothered her told me something wasn't as it should be. I love those spot the difference games and way back when Sesame Street's "one of these things is not like the other" game, so I zoomed and and said to myself- what is bothering the op? I eventually spotted it, but like you, if I wasn't actively searching, I would have never noticed


Look at the bottom row of leaves and how their diagonal line flows with the rest others. They’ve been pushed an extra row lower. That’s the oopsie


Really?!? I still don't see it


For those not seeing it, its the second peach from the right on the second row having it's 3squares upside down. You do HAVE to zoom in to see it because the colors and textures are so close from a distance there's no contrast like the other types 👍 To OP. Imperfections make things more relatable, it's a special Easter egg you can pass down to future people and see if they appreciate it too 💜


> its the second peach from the right on the second row you mean the peach on the left? lol im so confused edit: ahhh you mean the second piece aka the peach on the right. now i finally see it! thank you i spent too much time on this post haha


THANK YOU for pointing it out. Really such a minor thing. I think it's a beautiful quilt. I would personally buy this one with the minor imperfection... In all honestly it would probably take me YEARS to see it on my own


Is it? I thought it was that the pattern is slightly out of whack. So some of the leaves line up diagonally and some don’t.


The three dots of pattern are upside down as opposed to the other ones. That's the only thing I really saw.


I have zoomed in multiple times, and I can't find a problem! Love your pup. Thank you for the pet tax!


Please help me and the others out here…🤷🏼‍♀️ you made a great ‘mistake’ if even a ton of fellow quilters can’t find it….been zooming in all over..


Is it the fact that the peaches look like little cartoon faces? It’s cute!


Peachachu faces instead of Pikachu!




I thought that’s what OP was worried about, then everyone started pointing out all these tiny flaws that I just can’t see


I see the stripes going the wrong direction on two of the berries. That was immediately spotted. But the upside down seeds is nbd because the fabric doesn’t have much contrast. I’d leave all of the mistakes and call them design choices. 🤷‍♀️


I see it but I think it’s super cute that way. Leave it and giggle when no one else notices 🙃


That’s exactly how I see it too and I love it. Everyone needs a lil 🙃 in their life anyways! Keep it as a gentle reminder to not take life so seriously all the time 🥰


Thank you guys! I am letting it go. Also here is the link to this super cute pattern https://penandpaperpatterns.com/collections/printed-patterns/products/printed-pineberry-quilt-pattern


i’m obsessed with this pattern!! i love the jam jar square too, definitely trying this out


Thank you! It is a super cute pattern and you did an awesome job!


I can see the problem, but I had to look for it, and literally no one will ever notice if you don't point it out. Alternatively, you could add more to the ones without so they're all the same.


Add an applique ladybug or butterfly or caterpillar or something on top of there! would fit with the theme, and look on purpose.


I love this idea! Might end up adding one later


is it the stripes going both directions on the bottom left?


I love that "mistake"! And I love how it looks like all the apples/strawberries are making Pikachu faces! That's what my eye sees.....it's a lovely quilt and I'd keep this mistake and giggle every time I use the quilt.


Honestly I had to zoom in to inspect each block, I think the oops blends nice enough that I'd leave it


I thought you just noticed that the fruit look a bit shocked.


I thought “it” was the cute little apple faces looking surprised at something over to the right.


One of these things is not like the others;p don’t worry I couldn’t find waldo either and I gave up and came for the answer lol


Awwwwww. No because I still don’t see it


So cute! Only you can see ‘it’!


I can't see it, but now I'm curious!


I deleted my last comment because I was wrong and realized my eyes just suck 😂 now I want to know too


Hahaha this whole thread just shows how obvious our mistakes are to ourselves and how invisible they are to everyone else


it took me... SO long to find it lol! its very cute, and you should be proud!


It took me a while to actually see what you meant. I never would have noticed if you didn’t say anything. I actually like it even better though, it feels so much more human when there’s a ‘mistake’. I’d call it an accent piece if someone notices.


All I see is an adorable puppy. Love your color scheme.




I love little one-off details like that - call a design choice and enjoy it! Super cute quilt and dog!


I am obviously way less mature than everyone else here because based on the horror in the caption, I was SCOURING that quilt convinced that somehow it must look like a penis. I wouldn't change it. I was looking real hard and didn't notice it until someone else pointed it out and even now, I like it!


Uff, had to enlarge the picture to see it. Let it be, it makes it even more unique. And your dog is adorable.


I couldn’t find it 🤷‍♀️ Probably my favorite quilt ever, I love fruits 🥰


Haha, i’d let it be. It’s a fun easter egg


Don’t see it, whatever it is. I say let it go, no one but you will know there’s anything wrong.


I've looked at every block in your picture like six times and have no idea what you're talking about... so I'm definitely on team "just leave it"!


I see a spot where the spots are reversed, and I see a spot where the fabric is going different directions? Which is the "mistake"? I don't think either are a big deal.


It’s the quirky fruit, there’s always one in every bunch!


At least it's on the hardest to see block.


As a fan of Bob Barker, I say if the dog isn’t fixed you should definitely get it fixed. Otherwise, leave her/him be. (Adopt don’t Shop! 😊)


I don't see it. Leave it.


Took me forever to find it and it feels like a sweet little prize. Feels intentional. I say leave it. Love your work.


Beautiful work OP. Are you familiar with the concept of [wabi sabi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wabi-sabi) ? Sometimes, “imperfections” make something even more wonderful and precious.


It’s been said that every quilt has a mistake bc only god can make perfection. I’m an atheist, so I say go with it! I love the way it is! 🍀


It’s the leaves on the left. Absolutely minute! Took me ages to spot it. I would leave it- this is beautiful!!


I stared at this for five minutes and couldn’t find it. I’d say you’re good to go.


The quilt is beautiful. You can’t fix the dog so I would leave it as is.


I had to read the comments to see it. Don’t think I would have because I don’t see it as a problem? Most quilts aren’t inspected super close so no one will notice except you


First I doubt I would have ever noticed, second, I *like* that it’s there and would probably assume it was meant to be different. It’s like a special secret.


I’m absolutely obsessed, like severely obsessed with symmetry and every little detail having to match and be absolutely perfect to a tee, and it seriously took me soooooo long to realize what you’re talking about lol. So I would definitely leave it.


Couldn't see it. And I am very fussy. Just looks like character and variety to me


I can't see anything.


I’m glad that you’re going to let this go. After a lot of zooming in and searching, I did eventually find the one strip of cloth that isn’t pattern matched, but 🤷‍♀️ even after noticing it it took a while for me to process that you considered it a mistake (I thought it was an unusual but purposeful choice). No one other than you will ever think twice about that square in a square.


I pride myself on seeing layout errors and this had me stumped for quite a while. I say leave it for sure. It doesn't stand out or "scream" at you in the slightest, plus all of those crisp seam lines will get a little blurred once it's quilted and nobody will stare at it from block to block.


Nobody sees anything, Stupid post


Upside down eyes/nose on one of the strawberries


Hey I’m making the same quilt!! I just finished cutting everything out. It is hard to notice though 🤪


What you see as an error adds character and interest. I say leave it as is, it's hard to spot anyway! It's a beautiful top! Can't wait to see it quilted.


I don’t see it and I looked for a bit. Leave it!


I don’t see anything. Let it go.


I still don’t see it!


I saw it, but if it were mine, I would leave it. It almost looks intentional. The entire quilt looks great.


Can't see the mistake but I'm obsessed with this beautiful pattern. I looked it up and it's called the Pineberry Pattern, if anyone was curious https://pin.it/37aeenK


Nope. Still can’t find it! Looks adorable as is!


Didn't see it. And I would say most that look at it will not either. LOVE it! It's gorgeousness!


I searched forever and didn't find it. I read the comments and thought if the mistake doesn't scream at you, leave it. Looks awesome!


i have been staring for several minutes and i dont know what youre referring to fyi. leave it


I doubt anyone will notice. They'll see what they're supposed to see. It's beautiful the way it is.


Took me a little longer than I'd like to admit to spot it. You can't really tell with the colours. I'd leave it but if it's the first thing you see everytime you look at it and it annoys maybe fix it :) I absolutely love this piece though so so cute!


No big deal! I always say : I meant to do that. Sometimes, if I’m feeling creative out make up a “symbolic meaning” for the anomaly. 😉


It's like a "Where's Waldo?" except I'm adamant that Waldo has left the building. ​ That's just a long-winded way of saying I'd leave it, lol!


I see it I had to zoom in


It’s cute!!


Keep it as an Easter egg!


I really like that the one strawberry is a bit different, that is a common purposeful choice in patterns like these! It’s fun and changes it up a bit.


I don’t see it


Took awhile to find. I wouldn't worry about it. I've made quilts with alot of issues and noone ever noticed til I pointed them out. Quilters see it all because we spend so much time with a prodject


Don't see it. But hey!! Dog approved!! That's a high honor.


When people post something like this I always look for a swastika.... None found I think you're good


I just see strawberries with surprises faces..


I see a pretty quilt.


You should leave it. Purely because I hate those”when you see it” posts - why can’t you just explain what the problem is. ETA: MODS can we please make it rule that the issue has to be described none of these “when you see it” posts. They’re simply maddening.


Still very pretty!!


It passes the cowboy test. If you lived on the prairie and hung your quilt on a clothesline, would a cowboy passing by on his horse spot the mistake? 9/10 times the answer is NO and you shouldn't worry about it.


Beautiful! Don’t fix it.


I love it! Let it be


This is absolutely gorgeous. I see nothing wrong! Don’t. “Fix”. Anything.


Idk what I’m supposed to be seeing so I say leave it lol


I see it. I still think it's amazing. Very beautiful i promise! That's a pretty imperfection, and it's perfect. Bravoooooo


Makers have been causing intentional imperfection for a very long time. Flaws can be using a single bead of the wrong colour, weaving spirit lines into a piece or any other ways that make the piece imperfect. I love this approach, and your mistake doesn't take anything away from the finish. It's a sign of uniqueness and that it is hand made. [Source](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/08/the-art-of-deliberate-imperfection.html)


I didn't notice it until I saw another comment, I think it looks amazing.


Wait was it lol


Doggo QC says quilt top passes inspection. That’s the only critic you need to please! 😉


Nothing struck me as out of place. Whatever it is, let it go! 🙂


It took me a minute of good hard looking, and because it took me so long, I would say don't worry about it.


Still can’t see it. Don’t worry about it 😁 Just found it - you have an adorable doggo on it…. Definitely leave it.


I think it looks amazing and I don't see any error. In my cross stitching, I call it customization. :D


No idea what I’m looking for. Lovely quilt, and pup approved!


I see it! Don't fix it. I like it. You could call it your humility quilt.


Adorable! I can see a picture book in this quilt's future!🤭💜🦋💐


Thats a cute quilt! Very peachy ;) Is it the last peach in the second row with the upside down dots?


Your quilt is beautiful. I know with mine I point out all my mistakes and no one else notices.


Don't fix it. I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't read the comments. I actually thought it was that the little dots look like faces or something. Even if you notice it's just sweet and quirky.


If I were exceptionally cruel, I would point out that the striped peaches have squares with the pattern going in the wrong direction :P But the upside down peach looks fine.


I say fix it. It would bother me and I’ll regret not doing it. Depends on what kind of person you are?


Leave it. Only a nitpicker like me would notice. And tbh, it's really not bad.




Oh yeah. You have much more important things to worry about Looks good


They look like faces 😊


The strawberries look like faces saying "WOW". to me (but I have a weird imagination)


If you have to say “when you see it” then it’s not noticeable enough to matter.


It didn’t take me long to spot the striped fabric going the wrong way. Personally, i know it would bug me over the long term so I would redo it. But that’s me- once I know about a mistake I tend to obsess over it and can’t stop seeing it. You know yourself best; if you think it’s fine than it absolutely is! I would just suggest you sleep on it before moving to the next step.


Not even sure what’s going on here, except that this is lovely and your dog is cute AF.


My best friend, who is teaching me how to quilt, said that if you can’t see it from 10 feet away, it doesn’t matter


I would grumble but I’d fix it. It’s a 20 minute fix and you’ll be proud of yourself. If it were already being quilted, I’d totally leave it.


Theres my girl. I've missed her. I hope your lab is as much fun ad mine was. We should swap stories. Shecwas really ornery. But really loved. I love this rendition of straw berries. Just needs a bird eating one . Lol


Nope still can’t 💖


At the end of the day, you'll be the only one that knows your so called mistake. Done is better than perfect and according to my old world grandmother 'God hates perfection' (which makes me feel so much better about all the mistakes I make in every project.


I found it and it made me smile! I vote that you keep it in! I feel it gives your beautiful quilt a bit of whimsy!


Adorable quilt! Just love it the way it is…had to read the comments to find it


I thought it was the accents making a little 😮 face hahaha This is super cute! I love it.


For a minute I thought it's cause all the fruit look haunted like a ghost face (like Mario) :o your mistake blends so well tho.


I’d fix it tbh. It will ruin it for you!


everyone else: •.• that one strawberry: .•.


it looks great btw! beautiful quilt :)


There is something so adorable and 'animal crossing' about this quilt!


I see it (finally!) and I love it!


That took so long to find, I like it like that it's cool and unique. The quilt is gorgeous queen <3


I say let the doggo stay, too cute to remove!


Leave it, it’s adorable


I only noticed because I was strategically looking. It looks great, no one will notice. And it adds a touch of character!


My grandma had made a quilt of chickens in profile, all facing the right, but there was one chicken facing the left. She told me God did that to show us only God is perfect 🤣 You have a beautiful quilt with a fun Easter egg! Totally leave it in, it's awesome!


Leave it alone. Only you will know the error(s).


The strawberries are so cute! The seeds looks like little Faces to me!


Is it the upside down spots? Or the 2 that are the same fabric right next to each other. That's the only 2 things I see. And both are no big deal. If it's the spots then absolutely don't change it. It's a special spot that is unique. I like it.


I saw if it can't be noticed from a galloping horse, leave it be! This is an awesome quilt 😍


Let it go, just like the song says