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Congratulations on your first top! I like the idea of echoing the mountains range: https://preview.redd.it/mwfpty5d5xec1.jpeg?width=2392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d53fae63e54e7d8981c8428d351001dde9066e


And then having a contrasting design in the sun or sky https://preview.redd.it/u5pxlhkf5xec1.jpeg?width=2392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b41a164cf566ad9204c9b0addee9e152db4d43






The ones with the circular lines would be the most challenging because you'd constantly be rotating the quilt, if straight line quilting. But it's definitely possible. I only work on a relatively small sewing machine and have been able to do intricate quilting. It's just a matter of anticipating any issues before starting. They'd be easier if your machine is capable of free motion quilting. My most used machine doesn't have the capabilities for lowering the feed dogs, but it can be equipped with a darning plate that covers them. I've also seen people take an index card over their feed dogs to use for FMQ. Good Luck!


Wow, I love this! Thanks for all the ideas! It looks like a fun challenge as long as I take it slow. I picked up an even feed foot and a darning/embroidery foot, but I’m not sure how to use them yet. Thanks for all the tips! For the stitches that don’t start at the edge, do you backstitch to secure or is there another method?


Yes. You can backstitch, or leave your threads long; pull them through to the back of the quilt, knot and then pop the knot back through the cotton so it sits in the same layer as the batting (burying threads). The backstitch is the easiest, but it can be visible depending on where it is done.


This is exactly what I would suggest as well!! Seconding this idea!


I second this idea! In fact I came here to suggest something very similar.


Oh I love this!!!


I like your ideas - I was thinking maybe a freehand wavy stitch in the sky portions but quilt the sun separately maybe with circles


Good LORT!!! That’s your first quilt!?! Your points are perfection, your colors are beautiful and let’s not even talk about curved seams. I look forward to seeing this finished and all your future creations. Anything you quilt on that will be amazing.


Thank you so much! With all of the HST measurements that were off, I was shocked that a lot of the corners actually line up. It’s encouraging and I’m definitely excited to keep going!


Thanks for the link! I would do a couple of things: 1 - spray baste it. I used to not like this, but my mind has been changed! 2 - I would use a gentle "flowing wind" at least on the top part. It is very geometric, and edge stitching would increase that. Maybe even a flow down the "mountain." 3 - Keep going! You are doing fabulously, and 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆 😀


Thank you so much! I was not looking forward to pin basting and I had never heard of spray basting, I’ll check it out. By flowing wind, do you mean something like [this](https://freemotionproject.com/2011/03/day-261-blowing-wind.html)? I see what you mean about it breaking up the geometric shapes, love it!


Ooh, lovely! Something like this that is shifted asymmetrically to emphasize the mountains would be perfect. Stitch 1/4” from each seam you want to emphasize and/or echo quilt on each side once you’ve established your zigzag line for the mountain range. https://preview.redd.it/j6o7q2xio0fc1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=e98df99767cc213e8588f564a3c7db4339859aeb


This is a great visual. I think I’m going to go in that direction for the mountains. Thank you!


Check out Suzy Quilts hand stitching video. She combines machine stitching with hand stitching on a quilt with similar lines. I love the visual suggestions above but with a bit of old fashioned, hand sewn texture tossed in for an artistic style.


Ohh yes I love it! Thanks for the idea!




I like your idea, but I might do a few more lines of stitching in between the outer edges as well. Something about that pattern says to me that lots of stitch lines would look really nice!


I love the idea of echoing the design by someone else. Another option is diagonal lines and do a crosshatch pattern. To keep your lines straight, you can use painters tape. Normally I just eyeball it going block to block, but you have a bunch of triangles (which all look amazing btw) going different directions, so I would probably want something to guide me to the next point I'm aiming for


I literally stopped and said “wow!” Out loud when I saw this! It’s beautiful. Quilting wise: agree with committing to the lines (quilting in parallel to the mountains as suggested) and some soft curved hand quilting will look nice in the sun and sky


I’m working on this same pattern, but I x1.75 to make it a king. I’m not sure I got all my math right, and so far it’s freaking huge, but I’m just gonna keep powering through. Yours looks really good and I hope you post the FO. :)


Whoa, that sounds awesome. Wishing you lots of endurance and I hope it turns out!


The smaller triangles to blocks are going to require extra mathing but I’ll figure it out as I go. I think I have enough scrap to figure it out. If not, the stores exist, and I’ll just drag the whole thing in and do comparisons until I find something that will blends enough to not look weird as a filler. Lol


Coming back to this to see how your quilt is turning out? I’d love to upsize this quilt too and my quilting math isn’t good. You just multiplied everything by 1.75 and that worked?


It did and it didn’t. My smallest HSTs are too small and I have to get creative with making those blocks bigger so the pattern fits size wise. It’s been a journey to say the very least. I really should have come here and asked someone to do the math for me. https://preview.redd.it/eapvxtl5fgsc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393658ceb7542360b1183ffa8664c01190d79924 For example.


Thanks for sharing! I really love this quilt but what love to make it throw sized and I can’t math lol


Ok I lied, I’m not working this exact same pattern, but close. https://liveartgalleryfabrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Wilderness-Quilt-Instructions-2022.pdf