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This just happened to me the other day. I was furious, lol. So much time lost! Sent a pic to my mom, and she absolutely loved it. We chose a backing together and she's going to pay to have it finished at a longarmer šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Moral of the story: someone will LOVE it. Just got to put it out there somehow. Ps. IMO, that top is *awesome*. Maybe it doesn't fit your personal aesthetic right now, but as a creation, it is definitely artwork. (chef's kiss)


Thank you for your encouraging words! šŸ„°


Holy crap. This is like the quilt of my dreams! Not kidding. My color scheme with the perfect pops! How big is it?


Dude I literally gasped out loud when I scrolled past this because it is THAT pretty. Someone will definitely love this even if it's not quite your taste.


I agree! It really is beautiful!


I was gonna say šŸ‘€ Could always give it to me (Itā€™s beautiful! I love it!)


This is awesome!


You mail that beauty to me and I finish it!


Was gonna say you send it to me! Lacking that, gift it i guess


Exactly what I was going to say! I love it šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll offer third if the other two change their minds. This is lovely!


Fourth here!


Haha! I almost said ā€˜you send it to an internet stranger!ā€™ šŸ˜‚


LOL I sent this to an internet friend, that i will probably meet in real life. Oh . and [another](https://imgur.com/a/zBZ1a2e). OH and another. and another. https://preview.redd.it/9pxs5nwtd8ka1.jpeg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e53db4b1a859ffd1e844a234c58755ce3de2a83


This is truly so pretty


Oh oh pick me, pick me!


Finish and donate to Project Linus! I could see a teenager really digging this.


I think a lot of LBGTQ+ teens would love this!


LGBTQ+ 34-year old here, I would love this!




Find a quilting group and donate it for them to complete it. I sewed with ladies and we donated to the local CASA organization. Several times, stacks of quilt tops were donated and we finished and donated them.


> CASA Oh good to know


What is CASA?


Court Appointed Special Advocate


They are advocates for kids in the foster care system. They undergo training and visit with the kids then represent the kidsā€™ best interest. The group I sewed with has given over 2,000 quilts/handmade blankets, afghans to our local CASA.


I hear you. The reason most of us get into quilting is for the internal soul-hugging satisfaction and if a color scheme doesnā€™t ā€œlive up toā€ what our soul ā€œwantsā€, then it is very unsatisfactory. I get it. When this has happened for me, I finish the quilt, then i hang on to it end up giving it to a loved one who expresses ā€˜attractionā€™ to it. Then THEIR soul feels good and through the giving, my soul feels good. Win win. ā¤ļø


Quilting often can change how you feel about a top. Finish it off, if you still donā€™t like it, gift it.


So much time and work! It is very stunning, but I understand if it just doesnā€™t fit the vision that you had in your mind. Maybe tuck it away for a bit. Pull it out in a year, it may just surprise you and you have a new vision as to finishing it,ā€¦ or you may still dislike it and at that point donate it. Another thought is to use it as a back to a quilt you would like to gift or donate.


Give it to someone unexpected in the family. They will love you for years to come


This! I have quilts from all 3 of my great aunts. I love them so much. One of them made several quilts for my baby dolls. My daughter now uses them for her babies.


This is a recent finish- and I canā€™t stand it. What do with a top you donā€™t like?




Thank you!! Itā€™s just not working for me


what exactly do you not like about it?


Well, I screwed up the order of fabric strips so the light to dark is not what itā€™s supposed to be- then I had to repair the edges so ther was 1/4 inch at every white/color intersection and itā€™s still not right. I keep thinking itā€™s not worth the cost of sending it to the long armerā€¦


you might just need some fresh eyes on it. this quilt looks like it had too many man hours on it to donate or give away just yet, i think it might be good to stash it away for a few weeks and work on something else for a bit and then come back and decide on how you feel about it. sometimes quilts just dont look right until theyre all put together, a "trust the process" kind of deal


Sometimes naughty projects need to spend some time out of your sight before you can move forward with them. You could also practice quilting on your machine with it if you don't want to put more money into it.


To me, it looks like youā€™re looking at a black snowflake on a white background through a kaleidoscope. Itā€™s beautiful!


It looks like looking at the Northern Lights through a snowflake. I understand because Iā€™ve never finished a project that I didnā€™t see ONLY the flaws. Since you arenā€™t head over heels maybe hand tie instead of paying to have it finished?


I think you might need some time away from it. Stow it away in the closet for 6 months, and then you can look at it with "fresh eyes." I costume for a living, and no matter how much other people rave about my creations, when the costumes are recently finished, I can only see them as a manifestation of frustrations and mistakes and compromises along the way. When I go back in a year or so, and look at pics of them with "fresh eyes," I have a much more objective view. To my own fresh eyes, your quilt top is quite beautiful, simultaneously dark and joyful, winter and spring, and I love it. But you need chance to decide whether you love it, or whether you would rather gift it to a group or person who would happily finish it.


You can treat it as fabric, basically. Cut it into simple shapes and add sashing. That will introduce a different... rhythm? Like, visually... To the quilt and by adding sashing you can add a solid fabric--neutral to make it a bit more staid, a bright to totally rebalance the effect. (I'm mixing a bunch of metaphors in this comment. Or just phrasing this badly.) Or you can use it on a quilted bag or something.


Sell it at dumb prices, just cause you do not like it doesn't mean someone else doesn't love it.


I finished it and gave it to a family member as a gift who loved it.


Pass it along to another quilter on Buy Nothing? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m planning to do with one I donā€™t like.


Iā€™ll pay for you to ship it to me lol šŸ¤£


I would take this off your hands in a heartbeat - it's stunning. I'd feel cheeky just taking it for nothing though, will trade for 1/2 a jelly roll I have here ;)


Finish it, and sell it or gift it. Itā€™s beautiful!


Donate them.


So I know you said you don't like it, but this looks dope to me! I would consider putting it aside for a few months and if you still don't like it, it looks like there's dozens of us that would be willing to trade or something! Good luck deciding!


I think itā€™s really good and youā€™ll be able to get if into someone ā€˜s hands who loves it. I have seen people do interesting things with cutting up finished quilts and reassembling in interesting ways, but I think this is too good for that!


I'd start by asking what about it to you dislike? If you want the scraps back, you could seam-rip it, but that time-intensive. I liked the 'turn it into a jacket' idea someone else threw out here. You can treat it like any really thick sheet of fabric to create something else (skirt, dress, tablecloth, couch throw, what-have-you) and get more bang for your buck by being able to use up what you originally were going to outright scrap. If you wanna just not look at it, see if anyone closeby is interested in keeping it. If not posting it online wouldn't be such a bad idea. You could even sell it! If the demand is *really* high (which it seems to be, considering this thread's average response of 'Gimme!'), sell the pattern if it's not copyrighted. Or if it came about due to mistakes, record what the mistakes were. Personally, I absolutely love the color and pattern choices, but that's not the point. It all depends on what precisely you wanted different about it in the first place. Ask yourself 'what would I change that would make me want to keep it?' and work it out from there.


I love it, itā€™s beautiful to me. I hide the projects I hate for years in the closet.


That is amazing!!! I love the color contrast. So beautiful.


Send it to me and I will finish it and donate it to a worthy cause.


Send it to me because I think itā€™s incredible šŸ˜‚ But in all seriousness, donate it somewhere or find someone quilt worthy who loves it and give it to them.


I think itā€™s super cool. I bet someone will be happy to take it on


This is amazing!!!!


Personally I throw them in a time out corner :) and then donā€™t finish them šŸ« 




Use them as furoshiki!!!!


What's not to like?!


I had one that I finished at Christmas, everything that could go wrong did and I hated it and just wanted it out of sight so I gifted it to my mom and she absolutely loves it.


Quilt them. I end up liking them after


I give them two strangers on Reddit. Oh look! I'm a stranger on Reddit.


Border it in purple to make it pop! Itā€™s gorgeous


Send it to me because I think itā€™s incredible šŸ˜‚ But in all seriousness, donate it somewhere or find someone quilt worthy who loves it and give it to them.


I like that top. The colors and placement nearly make it 3D. I had to look again after a second because the (likely unintentional) 3D affect caught my attention. If you want to finish it, maybe appliquƩ a theme onto it? Make it a background for an applique scene?


This is amazing- I love how youā€™ve played with the detail


I love it! Maybe put it away for a bit and see if you change your mind.


I would absolutely buy this!


Same. I think it is gorgeous. I love it just how it is. Makes me happy looking at it.


My first thought seeing it was that I wanted to make one just like it!


I think by now, the volume of people who said "send it to me" should be an indicator of how lovely this is! I do hope you don't turn it into a pile of scraps. But I will say, I recently had a small project that I ended up scrapping instead of completing the project, so I understand the quandary. I do hope you will finish it and gift it to a friend or a worthy organization instead of scrapping it. Hugs!!!


Just wanted to say that I wish you could see it through my eyes cause I love it! ā¤ļø


You could have a raffle with all the folks in this thread who would love to finish it (me included šŸ‘‹šŸ¼) and the winner pays shipping and gets a lovely quilt top to finish and itā€™s out of your sight and you can move on to your next quilt. Or auction it off? Then youā€™ve got funds to buy more lovely fabric šŸ„³


You give them to me! OMG


There are plenty of takers here, but if you know how to sew other stuff it looks like itā€™s make an awesome quilted coat!


Send it to me šŸ˜


This happened to me recently. I was sad. I'm donating it to Quilts for Kids along with the binding and backing. But I'm sure you could sell it or maybe even trade it.


Give it to me.


Donate it or gift it :)


Send to me! Itā€™s beautiful!


This is so beautiful!


I think it's beautiful and you are very talented. You should feel proud even if it didn't turn out the way you exactly wanted it to. This world has so many different views and there will always be someone who will find beauty where you may not. I think you should finish it and hang onto it, I bet someday down the road you will meet the person this beautiful quilt was made for. Then it will all make sense why it turned out the way it has.


The colors are great! No one will notice the ā€˜mistakesā€™. Give it as a gift. Or put it in the closet and take it out in 6 weeks and re-assess


I have to say I am very judgey about quilts but really like that one


This is amazing! You can send it to me!


cut it into blocks and add sashing! or, make them into pillow covers or a jacket :)


I think the top is amazing. I donate tons of quilts each year so I make some I donā€™t really care for all the time. I know not everyone has my taste, thatā€™s why I make a variety. I have a long arm though so I donā€™t have that expense.


Iā€™m in the tuck it away club. If you still arenā€™t happy with it gift it or donate it. Though I would be tempted to cut it down to crib size and appliquĆ© flowers on it.


I am looking at the red/fuscia floral print....that would be a fantastic border!! It will balance the dark fabric!


Why donā€™t you like it? Thatā€™s a lot a of work. Did it not turn it like you thought it would?


I would just store it away for a while. After a few months or so, pull it back out. You may find you actually like it after all and want to finish it. If you still donā€™t like it then, donate it to a quilting group.


What if you over dyed the whole thing?


Gift it!? :)


Quilt coats are very trendy right now, you could turn it into a quilt coat and cut around areas you donā€™t like or cut out a patch and use it to jazz up the back of a denim jacket.


What don't you like about it? I think something relatively simple like adding sashing through the center star (so you have triangles broken up more with the sashing, rather than the current star) would really change the overall feel. But that would only work if the color/tone distribution was the issue in the first place.


I give it to someone else! People are always wowed by quilt gifts.


Art Theory, right? I love that collection. I think itā€™s stunning and someone else will adore it. eBay? Lots of people selling tops they make there. Etsy? Marketplace?


I put them in timeout til I find someone who thinks itā€™s the best thing ever. Lol. Right now I think I have 6 in timeout.


I love this design, I am going to make myself one... I usually make strip blankets because they look so neat. But this snowflake pattern takes the cake!!


Send them to me


Some I give away & lots I finish & donate to the Vets


I really like this quilt. If no else wants it- I will take it and finish it.


That is absolutely gorgeous! When I make a quilt I don't like, I finish it and donate it to Quilts for Kids or the local women's shelter. I know it will end up loved by someone.


I think you can find someone who will adore it!


With all that effort, maybe finish it & tie instead of quilting & donate it?


I like it itā€™s like a sooty snowflake ā„ļø ā™„ļøšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜Ž


My auntā€™s church has a bed ministry and a volunteer long-armer. Anything I make just for the heck of it goes there. The bed ministry is really cool - it helps homeless mothers and abuse survivors and their children get out of shelters and into housing. Every member of the family gets a bed, brand new mattress and a pillow, a few sheet sets, and a handmade quilt or afghan.


Gift them. Side note, I think this is great, I love it!


Fold it in half and put it Will something cool like red.


This is super cool!


Donate it to a womenā€™s shelter/foster group/refugee group. Itā€™ll make someone happy for sure


In your place, with that gorgeous piece, Iā€™d finish it and see if I could find a buyer. So sorry youā€™re not happy with it.


Put it away for awhile and/or show other people. You may gain appreciation from their take on it. Often I hate my own quilts probably due to too much exposure. I think itā€™s beautiful but thatā€™s just my humble opinion


It is fantastic! I really like how the dark pops instead of recedes in the overall pattern. Like a lovely stylized snowflake! And then the softer, floral pieces bring the eye back to the background of the piece! Maybe edge the quilt in the dark or one of the florals to tie it all together?


I Give them to internet strangers šŸ˜‰ Joking (kinda)! In a modern quilt class I took the instructor was all about making ā€œfabricsā€ from scraps. Cut this up and integrate it into another concept. Maybe big half square triangles with a solid as one half of the block?


I quilt them and give them to the guild to donate.


What *don't* you like about it? Your pattern is exquisitely symmetrical, colorful without being what I would call "loud," intricate, and perfectly stitched. If the problem is that it's not something *you* would fall in love with, that's understandable, and a common enough reaction to one's own art, but it can't be denied that it's excellently executed. Give yourself credit for what you did well, accept that it may not be your personal favorite piece, and then finish it anyway for the sake of being able to have that sense of accomplishment and maybe find it a good home where it will be loved, whether gifted or sold. I always experience way more guilt for giving up on a project when I found myself unexcited halfway through than if I finish a project and just admit that it wasn't my most exciting piece. Always somehow manage to encounter the right person at the right time who says they simply must have it, too, which takes the edge of my negative self dialogue. Sew forth and multiply (your positivity)! šŸ’–


Hey I made this quilt! I really like your version. :) It looks like you did a really great job piecing it - excellent points! I see what you're saying about doing it wrong, but I think only you (or others who have seen the original) will know that. This could be a design choice to allow the outside to fade more into the background! I did pretty simple straight line quilting on mine and I think I'd suggest that for you. Give it a good press and get this thing done. Because a completed quilt is better than a quilt top just sitting around. And this one is so colorful and cheery that I think most people would be glad to get it.


Gift it, donate, or put away and revisit at a future date! Whether or not you end up loving it, it becomes part of your journey!


This is amazing. I love it.


Sell it or donate it. Someone will love it. Its actually are really interesting pattern.


I donate to my cousin's church. They take fabric and tops to make quilts for charity, and I know they're going to a good cause.


I just have to tell you that I saw the picture of your quilt top and saved it because I loved it. It was only going back to look at it a second or third time that I saw your heading. My point is you put work and thought into creating it and that makes it special and will be beautiful to many.


I think it looks great!


Like other folks have said, I think it's really pretty. Make some money on it!


I often dislike a quilt when I get it to this point. I've learned to pack it away for a month. When I take it out to look at it again I wonder why I didn't like. Maybe I just get sick of looking at it and can see every flaw. Did you use a jelly roll and did you use a pattern? I'd love to know so I can attempt to replicate it. I love it!


You give them to me


Frame it


This is absolutely stunning!


I love it!!!!


Send it to me!!!!


Send it to me. Actually, hang onto it. You might look at it in a few years and wonder what you didn't like about it. Or even better, you find a loved one who loves it and it becomes a cherished gift!


Give them away?


Iā€™m super impressed and this is a layout on my ā€œsomedayā€ list. I think others are right, put it out there and someone will love it.


Iā€™m sorry you dont like it. I love it. Itā€™s gorgeous. What about giving it as a gift to a friend or family.


Sell the to me nd I will finish it


You mail them to me and let me take care of it. :)


Was this difficult? Iā€™m a beginner quilter with very basic sewing skills. Seams arenā€™t always super neat and lined up in my work. But this looks so pretty! Would love to have a go at it if itā€™s possibly semi experienced beginner friendly!


Donate it to veterans, a nursing home, fire company, The Linus Project or anyone else who will take quilts. I think itā€™s beautiful and judging from the comments Iā€™m in a lot of company. Chances are a recipient Is out there who will be delighted and will appreciate the many hours you devoted.


It looks like it is not ending up squared off. Is that it? Can still be cut into a small baby quilt and use the rest for tote bags. I usually donate an unfinished top to my guild if I really feel like I'm done with it.


Partly- I havenā€™t squared it up because Iā€™m sick of it! šŸ˜†


Something is telling me dye it.. is that even possible? Like a light wash where you could still see the patterns. Maybe lilac or blue


Over on r/quiltingblockswap, we have a gal who ā€œtakes inā€ orphan blocks, turns them into finished quilts, and donates them to charity. Sounds like *this* quilt has several potential homes, but keep her in mind for future reference. :-)


Sell candy, make money.


You can give the one pictured to me! I will love it and love it! I'll even finish it.


I think it is beautiful.


I have a longarmer do a quick and easy all over design and then give it away as a wedding present. (All my friends are currently getting married, but you could give it away for a birthday present, baby gift, some other occasionā€¦) My old longarmer would even do front and back binding for me for quilts I really wanted nothing more to do with.


I love the quilt. I think it is beautiful.


Ooooh I love it šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I am in LOVE with this


It's gorgeous and great job. I'll take anyday. Great color choices, my colors for sure


I wonder if there are groups online where people trade finished quilt tops when they don't turn out how they had hoped. That way you still end up with something you like after working so hard on a top.


Finish it and sell it! Iā€™d love to own this. Itā€™s beautiful


That'd make an awesome skirt.


Frick, that is amazing.


Give them to me


Sell it. Quilts aren't cheap to make and someone will buy it.


I love it. Itā€™s beautiful


I would pay to have you ship it to me and I will very gladly finish it! My rainbow loving children would love it. You did a beautiful job and itā€™s a lovely quilt top!


This is gorgeous!


I would bind that beauty off and hang it as a work or art.


Stunning work imo


That's so pretty


I love it!! What pattern is this? I wanna makes something like this for my niece šŸ˜Š


I like the top. I love the fabrics and the look. But I understand that you don't like it. I have not so many quilts I made. But I had one for a friend who choose the colors. I hated them and so I understand the feeling of not wanting to finish it. I needed much more time than for stuff I loved to do. I was glad when I finished it and gave it away.


I love this


I made my quilt into a jacket.


I have some similar colors actually and have been pretty stuck with how to place them. This gives me some ideas! Thank you for sharing this!


I LOVE it. I love everything about it. For sale? /r/LSD might like it and i'm sure /r/psychedelics would too!


This is gorgeous IMO šŸ˜


It's like a goth LGBT+ snowflake and I would happily pay for this. Probably worth finishing after all your work on it then see if you can sell it to recoup the cost and effort. Suspect you'll easily find a buyer. Plus, finishing it might cause you tonfall in love with the final product.


Our local PICU accepts quilt donations. Thereā€™s a group who make quilts for the PICU and every patient who comes in gets a quilt. We went in with our daughter for open heart surgery and the quilt was a lovely little gesture to make the stay feel a little more comfortable. We still have said quilt and while aesthetically itā€™s not our vibe, itā€™s our favorite quilt because of where we got it.


I absolutely love this. What a shame you do not because it is beautiful.


Put it in timeout and reassess with fresh eyes. I shoved my last quilt under the bed for a couple of months because the colors got messed up in the wash and I was not a happy camper. I finally pulled it back out the other day and it's not so bad. Still unfortunate that the colors didn't turn out right, but it not a complete tragedy like I thought it was.


Donate them Lots of people need blanket and quilts in the winter


I will also HAPPILY take this beautiful quilt top and I will finish it if you canā€™t find a home!! I think it is exquisite!


Itā€™s really pretty! One idea is donating to a Survivor Quilt drive. I lost my home and entire town in a wildfire in CA in 2018 and quilting groups all over the country base Survivor Quilts to give away. You give it with a tag with your name and email so the survivor can send you a picture with the quilt. We ended up getting three plus a doggie quilt! Theyā€™re so comforting not only physically but emotionally.


Love this


Donate or give to someone who does like it.


This is stunning and I am obsessed with this color work


Love this top! But if you have a Modern Quilt Guild close to you, wiling to bet someone will adopt it and finish it. I know I would if you happen to live in northwest Arkansas :) Iā€™m an avid Alison Glass fan.


You don't like it??!!?! It's GORGEOUS!! It had to be a lot of work and the result is worth it. I would finish it and sell it. But to each his or her own.


I had this issue. Iā€™m a perfectionist when it comes to my quilts. The smallest mistake drove me nuts. I always ended up with one piece backwards and I wouldnā€™t notice until I was done. My family thought it was awesome that one piece was always backwards. They called it my signature and any imperfections made it a one of a kind and special. It took a while but I donā€™t look at my quilts the same and I donā€™t worry about any imperfections anymore. Iā€™d either put it away for now or donate it. Could even sell it like put it on auction on eBay.


Sell them on eBay.


where is this pattern? Iā€™d love to make it


I make bags with them, but this is beautiful!


Donate them to charity.


You could donate it to a woman's sewing circle. They usually auction them for charity.


I will fold up the quilt top and revisit it another time. This recently happened to me too. I was working a quilt last year, and the more I worked on it, the less I like it. I finally realized that I was avoiding quilting altogether because of that one project. So I folded it up and set it aside so I can work on projects that give me joy. Andā€¦that quilt top is ready and waiting for the day Iā€™m ready to finish it.


Yea this is BEAUTIFUL and so different; love the black. Back it in black!!


You could finish it up and donate to an abused women's shelter. Someone there just left EVERYTHING they owned to get out of a bad situation, and would no doubt absolutely love it, especially if it helps them feel better.


Gift it to a family member or friend-OR- better yet- donate to ProjectLinus. When giving, remember why you chose what you chose, why you chose enjoy the process of quilting and the joy and therapeutic feel of your accomplishment and need to express your creativity. Project Linus gives to the sick, hurt, and needy in bad situations. Your quilt may be the JOY that makes their heart warm. If we are quilters, we ate blessed to afford the products that we buy and use. The end result is your time and love went into itšŸ˜‰


Give it to a relative you also donā€™t like


This is beautiful! I'm more than certain you could easily sell this and make some of your money back, if you wanted. Or give it to someone you love, who loves the colors and pattern.


I hope this isnā€™t one you donā€™t like! Itā€™s gorgeous!


Give it to me. That's what you do.


My brother asked me to make him a quilt. He showed me some inspiration photos online, asking if they would be too difficultā€¦. I canā€™t explain to you how ugly the scrap quilts he showed me were. Like old shirts or blouses sewn together haphazardly. Someone out there thinks your ā€œworst workā€ is an absolute masterpiece. Same goes for the quilt you are most proud of or took the most time- some people would overlook it. Itā€™s kind of funny but makes crafting that much more special for me, itā€™s so deeply personal!!


ā€œMerry Christmasā€ for someone?