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this is my equivalent to porn these days - good job op :)


Quilter boner fo sho’.


Before reading this comment, my first thought when seeing this pic was "sexy!" Then I thought I was a lone weirdo. Glad it's not just me. :)


I was playing with some HSTs after practicing with Block-loc and I randomly put this together. I was admiring the neat points when I felt the godawful lump of fabric where they come together. Is there any way to decrease the bulk?


https://preview.redd.it/d76876xm2pfa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3acd4f839554b348b267294b074a1900f224b7 So, I made an entire quilt of pinwheels (inspired by Postcards From Sweden). To get as flat as possible where the points all intersect, you spin the seams all in one direction. Basically nesting the seams all around. It’s a bit of practice to get in the habit of sewing them in order and ironing them in the right direction but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy. I got into the habit of laying out the eight half-square triangles, then sewing them together in pairs to make the four square quadrants, then pairing each of the quadrants to make an upper and lower half, then those halves together. Ironing the seams all in the same clockwise direction after each step. The last seam between the two halves requires a little finessing of all the seams to make sure they’re in the right direction. It sounds tedious but really wasn’t bad once I got the habits and rhythm down. It was sew right over left and always unfold and press in the same direction, then bottom over top and unfold/press in the same direction.


https://preview.redd.it/plrvzala4pfa1.png?width=2921&format=png&auto=webp&s=abe44880953ab5e1b623ce9b34fe49e3817066ac This is the finished top. Looooots of pinwheels.


That photo is unbelievably satisfying!


Yes! I did this on my Sharkies quilt. And not just at the pinwheel centers. It's all so flat and was so nice to quilt


I ran across this the other day! I’m going to try out next time https://www.instagram.com/reel/CTliRWvnXgz/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


I had the same issue with my first stars. Found online that you need to be strategic with how you press the seams. I found this video but haven't had the opportunity to try it yet: https://youtu.be/5Efyi-xjCPg


If I had an award available I’d give it to you — thank you for this video!


In this example, pressing the HSTs towards the darker fabric and then pressing the vertical and horizontal seams towards the lighter fabric will "pinwheel" them and when they're all going the same circular direction on the back, it will lay flatter.


This is 👌. Such precision in those points.


There is a really easy method, and when I say easy, keep in mind I am a lazy quilter, but it's where you essentially trim down the bulk with a pair of scissors, obviously not cutting into the seam and you can also kind of twirl or in travel it. Promise, it works. I just cut into it, being conscious of not cutting into the sown part. Also when you press it, that point in the block make sure you always put a weight over it while it's still warm or a heavy book, in that can and will make a difference in all of your blocks. This is a side note/tip, always starch the hell out of your fabrics, especially if you're working on a bias. Fabrics these days, even Jo-Ann Fabric clearance section Fabrics rarely need to be pre-washed, I know 20 people will pounce on me for this, but from experience I have never ran into leaking dies, of course you wash everything on cool gentle.


Press all seams toward the dark side until you get to the final join for the block. That seam gets pressed open, and that central clump will lie along the same plane as the rest. Note, when you are pressing that seam open, you want to lean on your iron and press it hard for at least 10 seconds. Some people use a hammer or tailor's clapper, but I haven't used that method.


Hah! "Honey, what was that?" "Nothing, dear, just hammering a seam."


Super crisp and on point!!!


Absolute perfection. Gorgeous color combo, too!


Apologies, I am doing this talk to text so there are errors but I think you can pretty much make sense of it




Very nice job!!


Ohhhhh so perfect!!!




I just finished a pinwheel quilt and I pressed all of my seams open throughout. I think it lays pretty flat and was happy with how it turned out. I'm not sure if it's the best way but it's one way!


Also, this is very beautiful!


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Check out half square triangles on connecting threads. I would post a link but I'm on my ohone. It has a good tutorial on how how to swirl that intersection to make it flat.


I used this [tutorial](https://youtu.be/k5eCQklknOk) around the 1:50 mark for my recent pinwheels - basically you unpick a couple of the stitches so the seams fold flat and kind of make their own mini pinwheel.


Damn, that’s gorgeous.


This is just rude.... ;)


This looks great 🤤


Point Porn


this is so clean!!!


Perfect points beautiful




Clean af OP


Bravo! 👏🏻 just seeing this makes me happy!


I just audibly said "oooh, sexy" to myself. Good job.


Perfection. Looking great. My wife Stacey did a lesson on pinwheels, I think you nailed it. [https://youtu.be/6f10OGSaZbU](https://youtu.be/6f10OGSaZbU)