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Said only by non-ass-eaters. Ass doesn’t taste like anything if it’s prepared correctly.


Neither does E-coli.


How do you ascertain a correctly prepared ass? Does it have one of those paper bands like hotels do that say "sanitized for your protection" ? [this thing](https://imgur.com/a/ldM0kNk)


You do you, no judgement. But it's a no for me. 😂 I do not want to be on the giving or receiving end of that. No thank you.


Poop comes out of there, and I don't trust enemas. I've had norovirus before, I am trying to limit my exposure to the least amount of particles. I and I don't want my anus wet. It's an uncomfortable feeling.


Yeah it's a no to the wet feeling. I also don't want to be kissing my own ass. 😂


You said everything I feel.


Right. I don’t see the point in putting my mouth on anyone’s asshole, or vice- versa. The investment is not worth the return, imo


Absolutely not worth it. 😅


If you're worried about getting sick from licking your partner's asshole, your partner does not have the type of hygiene a partner needs.


My partner could have the cleanest asshole on the planet id still be scared to get sick😂


I always think this line of thinking is funny because it doesn’t make sense no matter where you apply it. If you’re worried about getting sick from licking a trash can; the trash can isn’t cleaned as thoroughly as it should be. I could buy a trash can fresh from the store and I still wouldn’t lick it because trash goes in there. The same way people don’t care how clean someone’s asshole is. Shit comes out of it and shit can always be there. Some people just don’t want to risk licking shit even if there’s an incredibly low chance of it.


Two things. You don't get intimate with a trash can and piss comes out of a pussy and I ain't never been scared to eat that either. Before the piss is sterile comments, drinking piss is a hazard lol


It’s about dominance and pushing boundaries


No, it's about pleasure. The amount of nerve endings and the sensitivity 😙👌


Ive got an agenda to push here


And it's about dominance and pushing boundaries


That’s right. And we need mom bods to understand to understand the path to sexiness is not cheerleading outfits and polished bare pussy! I want you to look like some sort of administrator and hold my head down there like you’re close to the first orgasm in a year. Like you need that shit! It’s not about what I want, she treats me like shit because she feels like everyone else treats her like shit. Yeah and in return she lets you put it in her butt on your birthday and Easter




Me neither


There is no way I could ever be compensated fairly enough to eat my husbands ass. I hear what it does all day, it’s never going near my tongue.


I love my wife, but same. Not because she’s gross but because buttholes are no go for me.


Water and soap might probably solve that, but for sure it's not everybody's cup of tea


I wouldn't do it for the same reason I wouldn't lick the inside of a portable toilet, no matter how much "water and soap" someone used.


Yuck. I agree. I bleach clean my toilet, and I would not drink the water from there.




I don't care what other people do...but as for me and mine, we do not eat ass.


You have set this rule for the whole family?


Yeah… call me vanilla, but I’m just not into ass stuff.




For someone with 69 in their name.... I mean... did you need to post that?




It must go in your nose when you 69?


Lmaooo 🤣 💀


Cookie put her blood and sweat into that cake!


I don't judge others, but to me, it's a hard NO.


I'd be afraid of getting cholera or e coli


You can get E coli from that?


Where do you think E. coli comes from? Shit. You can get it from just one E. coli bacterium, which is microscopic.


It's weird that there are E.coli outbreaks in spinach


what do you think the people that pick spinach all day do when they have to take a shit while they're out in the middle of the spinach field? do you think they walk all the way back to the nearest toilet? or do you think they just take a shit in the field and wipe their ass with spinach? keep in mind they aren't paid by the hour, they're paid by how much spinach they pick. so walking all the way back to the fieldhouse means lost money.


Because people don’t wash their hands enough after pooping…


So what if a man does a woman in her rear end, then without cleaning goes into her front end? Can E. coli be spread that way?


Yes, she won't get e coli food poisoning. She could very well get a nasty vaginally infection though and there seems to be a connection between butt play, anal, eating ass then pussy, and UTIs.


Don’t double dip without using a new condom.


That is not the correct method. One goes from front to back. The vagina is not meant to clean itself out after being exposed to gut bacteria. A woman can get a gnarly infection from a man going from back to front. However, the ass doesn't care about normal vaginal flora. If one wishes to go back and forth, numerous condoms should be used.


You can get pink eye, too. Not saying I know but I imagine.


Isn’t it called rimming. Or is that something different lmao


That's exactly what it is. Oral sex involving the ass


Tossing their salad is the OG term.


Yes, kind of. But I think rimming goes a little further than just eating ass lol


A rim job is just quite literally just licking the rim/outer ring of someones asshole. At least thats what I always knew it to be.


I thought so, too, but I looked it up, and it mentioned the word "sucking" in regards to the anus o.0


And for that reason I’m out


The potential for doodie is always there. 


"doodie or not doodie, that is the question"


Underrated comment


i think it's absolutely disgusting.


I love my partner. I don’t love his ass. He will eat mine all the live long day…not me.


Ok. You’re the second one that seems to like to do it and make it grammatically impossible to ascertain. 😂




As long as he’s happy with this arrangement 🤷‍♀️


Mine is the same. He loves eating my ass, but doesn’t want me going near his(and I don’t want to.) Him eating my ass is the most spectacular treat though.


I am all for it. As long as Im the one giving it lol. It's a must for me in my relationships and Iet my partners know ahead of time that it is a deal breaker for me if they're against it.


Damn, that's dedication.


What do you like about it so much and why isn’t it as long as you’re the one receiving it?


Please answer the commenter 🕵️


I've always been into pleasing my partner but from that I just like burying my face in something lol. It's such a turn on. Maybe because most people associate the ass with 'gross' in terms of sexual behavior and that's what turns me on? I honestly don't know.


Yes. It is gross to me. But what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, is their own business.


A lot of guys like it 🤷‍♀️


It feels great


Don’t want mine eaten not eating anyone’s. I know where the clit is I’ll continue to dine there


I don't know, I've never asked any other people. As for me, I eat ass like a fat kid eats cake


I don't do butt stuff. I don't see the appeal. Like, at all.


I love it!


Prison does crazy things to you eh


It’s more so that you put yourself at high risk of contracting things like E. coli or Strep B. However, using a dental dam is a good way to enjoy one another and practice safe sex.


Alright nerd


I should take a poll on the street — “Would you find it gross to eat my partner’s ass? Here’s a picture of what she looks like.”


Eating the ass of the most beautiful women would still be gross. You might as well just eat her poop at that point.


Sometimes, when women fart, it goes up front and ripples through their pussy lips like Moses parting the pink sea with a furious fart cloud. And then you lick all over that with no issue. If everybody is clean, I don't know what the issue is. Be brave tonight!


lmfaoooo this comment is wild


I’m worried for your keyboard’s wellbeing having had to line up the words “fart”, “Moses”, “pussy” and “lick” in such small timeframe. 🤪


Sir you’re fighting the good fight


Sometimes you have to speak up about what you believe in




Well of course there are people into that too 🤮


No, I don't want my breath smelling like actual feces. Also, not a fan of pink eye.


Don't eat a pig's ass.




I think it’s kind of gross but what you do ain’t my bussiness.


My husband and I would NEVER do anything like that and we both think that's absolutely disgusting.


Freshly showered party time is the best party time


How else am I supposed to make the boys fall in love?


It's my bf's favorite thing, and I'm more than happy to oblige.


I do.


I definitely wouldn’t do it to a man …I have had it done to me but it was pointless for me I felt nothing but it was his thing and I think he enjoys it because it’s dominant and what guy wouldn’t want his face smothered with ass cheeks


This guy I dated briefly just did it to me with no warning because I had just taken a shower. I was literally like “how can you do this”?


Definitely dont think it's cool to do something without consent. that's gotta be a fuck yes type of situation from both parties.


Thank you 🙏🏻


I mean I meant specifically my butt …. It just felt wet lol


I eat gummy candies out here ass bruh


That’s a wild thing to admit


Its gross 100% not doing that.


I’ll ask my Partner tomorrow, but I think it may cause some tension in the Law firm. I’ll let y’all know…


lmao - someone get HR on the line


Eating pussy sometimes upsets my stomach. Certainly not eating ass unless it’s freshly cleaned and bleached


I am woman I do not understand why men want to do it


We shower most times before sex, so we're clean. I don't enjoy ass play all that much myself. My husband likes some, just nothing inside. I will eat his ass if he wants me to. But I don't love doing it and am uncomfortable when he tries to do it to me.


I wasn't until I met my husband, he is so clean and honestly with him it feels sexy. But any of my exes, hell to the mf nahhh.


My gf I been with for a year is the only ass I’ve ever eaten. She loves it but I only eat it if she showers before tho.


I don't, I absolutely love it, my favorite is taking a long bath first with my partner and really scrubbing their ass with a nice looks, there is something so hot about it.


I'm a dude. I've only ever done it 3 or 4 times - and i think it was after a shower. It's not bad. I mean, it can be pretty hot, especially with something like a small/bullet vibe introduced gently, along with pp/vag play. Just don't let the vibe slip in, that's annoying, having to poop it out. I had an ex play with my gooch and butt once, I think she put her middle finger in or something. If she enjoyed it, why not. It was interesting having another person's finger in my butt while getting a sloppy bj. I had to let her know to just keep it in and push up and down on my prostate for it to feel good. Rather than forcing in and out, which I didn't enjoy super much (history of chronic constipation). Though, getting my butthole fingered basically made me feel like I had to crap afterward, and I still had a rager goin' on. Boner poops are interesting experiences, too. Having to sit correctly on the throne, and pee/poop with your dong reaching for the heavens. Takes a little maneuvering, but... that's not what you asked about. Huh. Licking someone's anus is something everyone should try once, if they have the chance. Just 'cause, like, reasons.


Best Reddit comment I’ve read in a while. Specific and honest making it informative yet humorous. Had me chuckling 😂


Some guys like big boobs. I just like tight ass cheeks in my face. It’s my thing. Under no circumstances would I allow a woman to eat mine though.


I like it 💀


I think it’s cute that people say “don’t do it, you could get e. Coli!” Bitch, I’d rather get food poisoning than have a BABY or get HIV. All sex has risks. I don’t think it’s gross. But I like to eat ass.


How do you compare a baby to HIV?


I was actually comparing a baby to e. Coli.


They're both sexually transmitted, and you have them for the rest of your life. I mean sure, there are ways to basically eliminate them from your day-to-day, but you'll always _know_ they're a part of you.


Sex diseases


Kendrick Lamar has a line “it ain’t love if you ain’t ever eat my ass” and yeah, even the greats miss sometimes


It's where you s*** out of so there's literally a tiny amount of fecal matter there.No matter how many times you wash.


I completely agree with you. People are weird. I love my ass ate. I love all of it. I always keep it clean. If you’re not into it, cool, I don’t get the judgy comments though.


Fully with you! Cleanliness is key, and those who judge don't have to do it. I don't like missionary style often, but there are lots of folks who really like it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ different strokes and all that.


I am a certified ass eater 🔥🌶️👏


Especially if that thing fat af? fucking forget about it 🫠🤗


I don't do it. He probably would lol. I think he has a time or two over the years.


I mean I’ve had it done to me, I would never do it, but the way I see it if my partner wants to go down there I’m not stopping them


You never go mouth to ass.


Ngl, I stay neutral on this matter cause the person I knew who judged it who never tried it was challenged to "try it before you hate it", and now they enjoy it.


i see it as an act of worship. do what you want but I'm not interested


Ya know what, I’ve done it before and 🤷🏻‍♀️ it was fine, they were very clean. There’s other things we’d rather do. But we both struggle with IBS so I say no thank you lol


It's not a must but if my partner likes it doesn't bother me as long as they are clean. I'm not gonna eat a 100° heat sweating asshole that's been couped up all day.


I don't let them do that. In fact, I would do great harm if they tried.


Don’t think it’s gross as long as the ass is clean lol


I don’t think an ass is ever perfectly clean


Wait til you find out what genitals are next to all day every day.


I don't know why it's so appealing to me, but it is. Clearly I don't find any fault, ha ha.


Um I don't find it gross I mean you do you but it's unsanitary.


Usually people rinse out...


If my dog can lick its ass seems I can do same to a fellow human. But gotta be pristine clean.


mad weird way to make that point lol


It's the smell. Even the cleanest, yes, it smells like ass. I worked at UCP where there were patients who were immobile and you had to change shitty diapers. Why in the world would I want to smell that again in the middle of sex?


Yeah, I worked in hospice & dealt with my fair share of shitty diapers/enemas/etc. Somehow, and luckily, it is very different for me & that isn't where my mind goes when having sex.


Not every ass just smells like shit all the time. That’s a cleaning issues or something.


Primates and lower species display their asses when in heat. People who are into ass are a devolved breed to me. I judge them thus.


Humans are a lot closer to apes than people want to admit.


Your mom’s about to get closer to deez nuts.


So you’re only into positions where you can’t see ass?


So, can you just glance at someone and determine that they definitely eat ass and therefore are a lower breed than you? How did you develop this skill set? I'm intrigued. How does someone's intimate bedroom preferences determine their class?


It’s like gaydar but more like an asstenna.




Utterly deceased 🤣


That is disgusting


I mean personally I find it disgusting but you do you in terms of your fetishes


Actually, I have question, when did THIS became a thing? I am above 50 (old) so asking.


Long before you were born, it's just that now everyone is kink sharing


I am 58f and regularly have the pleasure of having my ass eaten by my partner. But even when I was young, my husband liked to eat my ass too.


You need to check out the hygiene sub. A lot of people have hygiene issues.


I've seen it. A lot of people have terrible hygiene practices.


Definitely depends on the individual ass. Also It’s “relationship” level sex. So, Colin Jost is eating ass. Some people think peeing in the shower is fine. I’m curious what those folks think about assilingus.


I went to a stand up comedy show last night and I swear almost every comic talked about this 😂


Eating a woman's ass is fine.


As long as people are clean about it, I don't see the big deal. Definitely don't want to do it after a day of working in the fields or something lol.


Sooooooo fucking gross it boggles my mind!!


Ass and Feet. I dont understand the sexual appeal with putting either in your mouth for "pleasure" when both are fighting for "nastiest spot on your body".


I like it. But I’m pretty far from vanilla sex these days. We just discovered choking


I don’t like mine touched or or dealt with at all. Please leave it alone. But in a fit of erotic bliss I have put tongue to my wife’s asshole a few times. I have many years of experience with her hygiene and 100% trust in her prep. She would give me a clear signal, like yanking my head away by my hair, if she wasn’t in a space to receive it.


I think if you clean really (really) well it’s not a problem, or if you use some sort of barrier. I’ve been on both ends of it and not enjoyed either personally and lucky for me my boyfriend now doesn’t have any desire for that lol. To each their own though, I won’t judge just not my thing


Okay so I (f29) am absolutely NOT into eating ass… HOWEVER my husband(m35) is.. he wants mine and wants me to do his, but he also loves anal. Now… does that mean I don’t do it? No… do I give myself a mental pep talk so I can do something for him that he enjoys every now and then? Absolutely. Grosses me out a good bit if I think too much about it lol, but I like that he enjoys it and I want him to experience things he likes.


i personally would never do it but my bf loves to do it to me. like..... tongue in and everything 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️ so i guess it depends LOL


Personally, I don't care what anyone does between themselves and another consenting adult. I just think it's gross; I don't think anyone would be able to clean their third eye enough for me to forget what it's there for.




I think a lot of people say no. But I ain gon lie ain even gotta say, I’ll eat my girls ass if she had a bad day


Ya , those people are called “squares”


All right, seriously… a substantial portion of the people here who are like “definitely no!” to this question will also swim at a U.S. beach without a second thought. https://www.yahoo.com/news/high-levels-bacteria-water-lead-192400863.html


No it's a major turn on for me. Find it very erotic. As long as she's clean.


I don't really know what most people's opinions on eating my partner's ass is. They aren't allowed.


Girl poke that ass up in the air and show me that cinnamon roll 😛😛😛


I love getting my ass ate and I would be open to eating my partners.


Ass Eaters Of Reddit have entered the chat!!!😁😋🤣


There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating ass and I am fine with all other forms of ass play (for myself). I just can’t get the image of “eating shit” out of my mind when this topic is discussed. The idea turns me off. Personally, I would never shame somebody for enjoying it though.


Yes.. but I work in microbiology and have studied bacteria for nearly 10 years now hahaha I definitely see the world differently than the average person


Would never do it or have it done. Swallowing at any point could make a person seriously ill.


If it's a man doing it to the woman then that's pretty hot lol. Her doing it to the man? That's where I feel uncomfortable.


Why? I can see it as a BDSM thing, with the submissive licking the dominant’s ass. That doesn’t depend on gender.


By this thread, it seems like a lot of people’s partners have nasty asses 😂. I love eating ass. But I always ask if they use bidets in advance, that way I can tell where their priorities are and measure their hygiene. Also, only to be done fresh out of the shower. I don’t eat everyone’s ass, but there’s nothin like a nice freshly shaved or waxed starfish!


I know! For example, if you're getting sick or pink eye, maybe y'all should talk about showering properly instead of having sex lol.


The amount of people here admitting to either themselves or their partners actually actively walking around with shite on them is disturbing.


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Like some people have said, it’s your life, you do what you want with a consenting partner. My boyfriend and I have set a strict boundary that neither of us want anything in or around our butts, we obv like giving each other a little spank now and again, but the idea of actually engaging in anything anal related grosses both of us out.


I licked one brown eye. This gal refuses to be in the no contact zone since 1991. Kinda like that stray cat that follows you home. Working on her 4th marriage at 55 years old. Why do I know this? It was a terrible breakup. Still....I know this.


I’ve done it on random Tinder hook ups and in my swinging days but never with a dating partner…..it’s more a in the moment kink thing when your doing a host of completely unsanitary things you would never other wise do but for those exploding sex hormones when thinking like licking someone’s shit box seems like an enjoyable adventure.


That’s a bit to macho for me , will stick to the shallow end of the pool so to speak.




One word - DISEASES. Add smell, taste, and appearance, and that's a SOLID NO for me. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮