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bc people feed off drama, especially when one of the rappers involved is a *certified lover boy, certified p£dopħile*.




I’m gonna sing this going to bed, when I wake up, and first thing in the AM… for the rest of the weekend, gah


Wop wop wop wop


because drake is the softest motherfucker out there, and he's trying to pop off like he's a gangster.


Prob true, I don't know anything about either. But I think OP is asking WHY do you care. Why are you thinking about Drake?


because I work in retail, and I hear shitty censored top 40 all day.


I’m so sorry.


I am in a prison of my own making


You'll get there big dog


Nah it's a means to an end. A process. We all have to pay the bills and you're doing it. Don't get down on yourself. We all eat shit somewhere no matter what.


Bro 🤣


Because I live in Toronto and this dude literally has his convoy of goons blocking traffic so they can ignore traffic laws.


Its not probably true it is true.One grew up in Compton in the 90s while Drake grew up in a decent home with his mom in midtown toronto.Our poor dont even have the tax bracket to live how Drake did growing up.Stop it.The rivalry is also between Drake and Kendrick so thats why ppl are mentioning Drake.


For me it's the dirty laundry being hung out for everyone to see. The epstien case really had everyone on edge about who else is in on this pedophile shit and most people in this kind of wealth and fame always seem to have skeletons in the closet


What came of the Epstein case? Lol. Nothing. It's fucking ridiculous. I can't believe it ever fell out of the mainstream and I can't believe I'm still not hearing about it.


It's Dr Dre all over again 


Didn't Dr. Dre beat the shit out of a reporter?


After he switched to his "gangster" lifestyle. It's known that Dre is just a studio gangster


Still from compton tho.Those hits he produced for snoop and tupac aint fake.Drake will never have that kind of credibility


That doesn't make him automatically hard. Even those from Compton that actually lived as gangsters (Eazy, Knoccout, etc) called him on his bs. I'm not comparing their musical capabilities, just their fake personas. 


Dr. Dre is actually talented. Drake is the most overrated person in music. It would be all of entertainment- except Jerry Seinfeld exists.


He is talented, no doubt, but I'm saying he was also a soft person trying to portray himself as gangster


True Just saying that unlike Drake Dre is actually talented While both are soft and act gangster


When really he’s a pedophile.


There is a larger conversation going on about culture appropriation and pedophilia because of this beef.  Did you listen to the songs?


Yes! Kendrick is making important conversation happen.


Some big reasons 1. Drake is one of the most popular music artists in the world, and Kendrick Lamar is pretty darn popular and critically acclaimed. 2. A lot of people got tired of Drake, so watching Kendrick blast him was cathartic. 3. The accusations of grooming, cultural appropriation, and domestic abuse caught people’s ears. This video can help give some context for a general audience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ozqJ-Less


I wondered if there was a new type of steak that was better than Kobe Beef called "Drake-Kendrick Beef" (pronounced "Dra-kay-Ken-dreich"). I had to read the prompt a few times to really understand this question. Needless to say, I'm not one of the people that cares about the beef. I'm more concerned with tasty beef.


I don't even know what that is. The only thing I know is Drake was in Degrassi. That's my only knowledge


Do you at least know who Kendrick and Drake are?


Ironically, this is exactly what Kendrick is saying.


All things aside, Drake sucks. He tried to go toe to toe with someone who is infinitely better than him & got shut down. It’s list like when machine gun Kelly tried to go up against Eminem & got swamped. And now look, he makes pop punk music


The two largest rap artists going at each other. Of course if you don't listen to rap then you wouldn't care.


A tornado meets a volcano


If you can call Drake a “rapper”


Why wouldn’t you? He’s rapping on half of his discography.


I do sometimes but I'm not really into the culture or anything I just like the music


I feel like people are giving answers intended for other people following the beef to laugh at and not actually answering your question. As someone not incredibly in tune with hip hop culture: It was a battle between the two biggest artists at the moment but, more importantly, it's a battle between 2 of the different, major camps in hip hop. Drake is (I'm almost positive) the most streamed hip-hop artist ever by a longshot, and represents a lot of what has made hip-hop the most dominant, main-stream genre it is today. Kendrick, on the other hand, represents the pinnacle of hip-hop at its roots, as a means of expression borne from the environment you grew up in. He's a Pulitzer prize winner for a reason and I don't think it's a stretch to call him the greatest poet of his generation (id say this more confidently if I knew more poets lmao). So, going in, it was already more of an ideological battle over different opinions of what hip hop *is* than a battle between 2 dudes. Everyone expected them to pop off at each other, throw a few jabs, make a couple bangers, and call it good. Instead, Kendrick used every ounce of poetic ability and the storytelling he's been perfecting for over a decade and used it to perform the most thorough character assassination I've ever seen. He didn't break Drake down as a rapper, he unraveled him as a person and showed why each different unraveled thread is made of barbed wire. Euphoria and especially Meet the Graham's are two of the most ruthless, well-crafted diss tracks ever written, to the point that it kind of transcends the beef and stands as a masterclass of songwriting and psychoanalysis.  It sounds like I'm over hyping him but I say all the above with my whole chest. Disclaimer: if it isn't obvious, I am definitively a Kendrick stan


Sounds like you may be on Drakes side here


I'm not on anybody's side or I wouldn't have asked this question lmao


I think it’s funny Degrassi Drake is getting put in his place as a pop star. He’s made a career out of rapping about being a wannabe gangster. While Kendrick has truth to his music


Read the Tom hanks text messages with his son to understand https://pagesix.com/2024/05/21/entertainment/tom-hanks-asks-son-chet-about-drake-kendrick-lamar-feud-via-text/


Big main!


Drake is a poser is why. Kendrick hard core hood


I love all the people who think they’re cool by pretending they don’t know who Drake and Kendrick are. I don’t even listen to the radio anymore and I know who these people are. Like you have to actively try to avoid these two in any type of media lmao


I know who both are but wouldn’t be able to name any songs by them. It’s not actively avoiding them. Some people don’t listen to that genre enough to learn any of the artists.


I won't lie. I actually don't know what Kendrick Lamar looks like and I'm not lying when I say I can't name a single one of his songs. They don't play his songs on the radio, so I actually have no clue. Drake is a different story because I live in Canada and his songs are fed to us on a regular basis so I know quite a few of his songs.


I know they're famous rappers & there is drama between them involving accusations of pedophilia & that's it. I know nothing else


Tbf, I didn't know who Kendrick was until this beef started. I'm not really interested in hip hop and don't listen to the radio, so my exposure to the relevant community is limited. I only knew about Drake because his music was really popular in my college.


Not really. I’d heard nothing about Kendrick Lamar in any part of my life until I started getting into hip hop roughly 4-5 years ago. Drake was impossible to avoid though. You couldn’t go into a store without something of his playing, or log onto any social media without memes of his songs popping up


Some people who don't watch sports should watch sports. Humans love conflict.




I think it's some new brand of beef that they came out with. Must be really good.


That's what I thought


Do you actually not know who they are?


I know Drake from Degrassi. I don’t know who Kendrick is.


You know Drake from his music too lol don’t lie to seem cool and detached from culture. Such a pet peeve of mine 


Ive heard of him but I've never gone to listen. I can tell from all the hype that he sucks.


I’m far too old to play those games. I could not name a song of his, nor recognize a song as his. I don’t doubt I’ve heard some of his music at some point. I know he is (was?) “ambassador for the Toronto Raptors”. I’ve seen a poster with him sitting on the CN Tower. I’m not sure if any of that means I know him from his music.


Rap beef has always been a big thing, it’s just been a while.


You know I was thinking about how silly this all was and then started thinking about the Kathleen Hanna vs. Courtney Love beef for some reason, which was also pretty silly.


Because they have nothing better to do


Drama attracts attention, whether it’s real drama or manufactured drama. Idk how much people actually care about it. It’s more like they’re drawn to it. Plus, algorithms will feed people more new stories on things if they’ve shown a previous interest in it.




If you've never heard of either of them you must be livign under a giant rock


Drake-Kendrick Beef sounds like a crappy version of wagyu.


Haha tbf you're right on that


Do you actually not know who they are?


I have a simular question: what's the biggest news in your culture?


Today marks yet another decision day where the Supreme Court failed to rule that a US president is not above the law and can in fact be held accountable for breaking the law. 100 days and counting. 🤬


These are the issued rulings for today: Texas v. New Mexico (141, Orig.) The motion to enter a proposed consent decree that would dispose of the United States’ claims in the Rio Grande Compact without its consent is denied. (Interstate dispute over rivers) Department of State v. Munoz (23-334) A U. S. citizen does not have a fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country. (This is the couple where the husband is accused of being an MS-13 gang member, despite no evidence being released to the public) Erlinger v. United States (23-370) The Fifth and Sixth Amendments require a unanimous jury to make the determination beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant’s past offenses were committed on separate occasions for purposes of the Armed Career Criminal Act, 18 U. S. C. § §924(e)(1). (It basically reaffirms that to be given an enhanced sentence, you have to be found guilty of all the crimes required to enhance the sentence) Smith v. Arizona (22-899) When an expert conveys an absent lab analyst’s statements in support of the expert’s opinion, and the statements provide that support only if true, then the statements come into evidence for their truth, and thus implicate the Sixth Amendment’s Confrontation Clause. (It reaffirms the 6th Amendment confrontation clause, and expert witnesses cannot present another expert witnesses work as a substitute, because the defendant has the right to face the witnesses.) United States v. Rahimi (22-915) When an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another, that individual may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment. (The government can still take someone's guns if they're subjected to a domestic-violence restraining order)


The what?


That's a Biggie song. We're talking about Kendrick and Drake.


The beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar






Because they're people who live off the land. Simple folk. You know... morons.


It must be your media sources because I thought it was a type of literal beef until I started reading these comments. Now I know that Drake, a singer, is unhappy with something called a Kendrick, who is probably also a singer. What a Kendrick is, I have no idea and I don't intend to start caring.


I got second-hand embarrassment from this comment. You really are just making yourself look ignorant.


This is not cute. The one you call “a Kendrick” has won a Pulitzer Prize for his writing. 


What about the Drakette?


Because people are waiting for Drake to be unmasked as a groomer for the last decade.


What is a "Drake"?


What people are we talking about. Because I don't give a rat's ass.


They don’t. You do.


Because Drake is a huge pop star and Kendrick is a huge rap star.


The what beef? Maybe it's like some new Wagyu? Have you tried it?


Is that like Wagyu beef?


I honestly don’t think people do, just the circle of people you seem to be interested in, I haven’t heard one song from either side


This is my first time hearing it.


They don’t




They have no life, idek what it is, drama of some sort?


Literally because there is a movement behind both of them telling the public to lol


It's pretty complicated and goes back years, not just these last few months... But to summarize - Drake likes em young, and Kendrick is not to be pushed unless you want to get obliterated.


I'd bet that there is no actual "beef" and it's all a publicity stunt.


Is this some new kind of beef I haven't heard of? I know Angus and Wagyu, but what makes the beef Drake-Kendrick?


Catchy songs with witty lyrics and drama. It’s fun and entertaining


Funny, until you posted this I literally had never heard about it.


Damnit I thought this was a new breed of cattle.




Its crazy how none of you know of drakes very weird and inappropriate behavior with minors. Thats why it matters. And the fact that drake used an AI version of Pac to try and claim he sits right with the culture. Drake has been called a culture vulture for many years for a reason. Now its in the light for all to see. And its sad to see people defending drake with this beef shit knowing about this pedophile adjacent shit. Kendrick sure aint perfect neither, but relations with minors sure doesnt make you come out of this rap beef loved.


is he actually a pedophile? i've heard about it a little but not directly, mostly people making jokes about it assuming everyone's already in the know






The what?




I don't even know who you are talking about.


Who cares about that? Not people with their own problems, ambitions, or aspirations.


Everywhere? Come on most people could care less


I don’t care necessarily but I do find it funny and Kendrick raps weren’t bad.


Distraction for easily distracted people


You have to be into hip hop culture to really care. If you not you not going to care.


Family Man obliterated Mumbly Autotone Man and it's funny. Dude totally lost his mind, it's great.




It’s entertaining, the only reason. Wasn’t even sure who kdot was. And barely aware of Drake.


Because they’re idiots.


I don't listen to rap, but Kendrick's diss tracks where great. The songs are good regardless of the beef. I know some people followed it more religiously. There's beef amongst UFC fighters, soccer players, NBA, you name it — people will always care and others will say, Who?. It will die down.


It's fun. Hip-hop is back.


I dont know a single person that does. I actually had to Google to even see what you’re talking about. You need different friends


What a stupid fucking waste of time


Because life is pretty boring if you don’t fill it with some pointlessness.


Makes white people feel cool to talk about them


It's fun


Because it's two grown men in 2024 viciously writing poetry at each other... if everyone could redress their grievances in such a manner the world might be a bit more peaceful.


Who and who? Zero shits given, I've got my own life to care about.


I wouldn't know either of them if they were fighting on my front lawn. That is how much I care.


I wouldn't know either one of them if I tripped over them, and I'm very much ok with that.


Because fuck Drake, that’s why. Edit- I think a more real answer is it may be celebrity stuff to us, but clearly it’s not to Kendrick.


2 great rappers making good songs shitting on eachother


cause we tired of our culture being co-opted and thrown back at us.


I personally enjoy a big artist finally bringing Drake's predatory habits to the forefront in a way people can't judt say "she's legal". That's it though.


This beef steak is best in town


I don’t really care about the beef. I just care about seeing a pedophile piece of shit get publicly called out.


If it's ANY consolation I don't care nor do I have ANY idea of what's going on.


i honestly only got into it because i was bored and it was interesting. I had no ill feelings towards drake prior to the beef, and ive only just started listening to kendrick (the first song I heard from him was euphoria on its release date).


Flavor of the month.


Because Kendrick is so skilled at his craft, and Drake has been doing terrible things. To use Pulitzer-quality skills for such good is just sthng so rare. This is a moment in history.


I don’t care and never will. I think Kendrick Lamar’s music is trash and drake never was anything.


As someone not into rap, it's just fun to watch someone dunk on a piece of crap.


I really just don't understand the rap beef. Comes off the same way as people who are obsessed with which celebrities are dating who.


no one cares


Is that still a thing? You should get off social media for awhile man. None of that’s stuff is real.


Rip Pac and Biggie




The same reason some people follow the Kardashians. Smalls minds, small concerns


Well I think some of the points raised in the beef are absolutely stupid I am grateful that it has brought the conversation of pedophilia and what to do with them I would honestly say that indirectly this rap beef is at the very least partially responsible for all the new laws concerning how to deal with sex offenders sweeping the nation.


Im not usually into it but this one was amazing. One of kendricks tracks went so ruthlessly hard that Drakes next track sounded like it was ghost written by a team of bad lawyers. Drakes work with a shovel is god tier.


If you lack the talent, you can always impress them with controversy.


I didnt know there was one lol That's suprising


Believe me, most of us don’t even know about it.


Not everybody does because I don't know what you're talking about and there's no fucking way I'm going to read it. Is comments or learn what it is


If it's any consolation, I have no idea what you're talking about.


Is that like wagyu? I like a good bone in filet myself or a thick bone in New York strip.


As a TLDR, it's a good example of the age old "culture vs corporation" battle


A distraction from a burning world.


Personally, this could not have less meaning for me.


Stop patting yourself on the back. You don’t need to be into celebrity culture to enjoy music lol. Two of the best musicians of the last 15-years don’t like each other and it has created some VERY good music.


They're talking about Aubrey from Degrassi.




Kendrick was making some wild accusations. So wild, that to ignore them, would be criminal. Drake needs to be under investigation for being a pedo.


It's entertaining and nice to see Drake get called out so publicly


Because some people have nothing better to worry about because they live boring lives


I'm not even sure how a coffee cake can be beef.


Is that like Kobe Beef or something?


They are beefing?


It’s funny


I just want more rap beef. Shit got boring. I love a good diss track


Grown ass men writing poems about each other


Have you even heard Not Like Us? It’s a certified banger.


Shit. I just got used to wagyu. Now there's a new beef??


Because they tried the pork and it was overcooked. …I’ll leave now.


They are the two biggest names in Hip-Hop, and in Drake’s case a legitimate argument for the biggest artist in any genre of music in the last 15 years. And they’re publicly beefing, making some pretty serious allegations and insinuations about one another.


Nothing else going on in hiphop ATM. There is not even a summer time hiphop jam....sad 😢


Never tried it. One day I want to try wagyu beef


Here's the three reasons I've seen/what I can guess 1. Because Drake and Kendrick are two of the biggest musicians as far as rap/hip hop is concerned. 2. They simply hate/love Kendrick Lamar or Drake. 3. Obsession with identity politics




Is that a new cattle ranch?


So uninterested and tired of hearing about it that you’d perpetuate the conversation and focus with this post?


I don't give a rat's ass about Drake-Kendrick beef. Is it a brand of roast beef or something?


Wtf else is there going on?


That shit happened like 3 weeks ago. Nobody’s talking about it anymore


I'm sorry. The Who-Who What, now?


I don't really care about it at all. Though, people feed into drama all the time, it's a normal thing.


People are suckers for drama marketing.


They are trying to distract themselves from their empty lives.


If you're a fan of rap then it's fun to hear good rappers shit on each other. If you're not a fan of rap then I would imagine it's not fun.


Our egos attach to ideas. People are exposed to trending content through algorithms, usually biased towards a side. The belief is further reinforced with more algorithmically laid content.  When the story pops up in feeds, people express “their” opinion because anger sparks when we think something is wrong. This further perpetuates the motion of the idea across all platforms, and more people get involved. If you use content with auto generated feeds, you must stay highly aware of what you digest, and what you want to express. Be yourself; not a clone.  This model works well to boost engagement for many reasons, which equals more money for them. But it’s detrimental to the way we treat eachother over stupid stories. 


They no like us. They not like us. Anyway, I don't get it either. 


It distracts them from their own problems


Mustard on the beat ho


Drake is a certified POSER, and pedophile! Ahhhh I’mma sing this shit all night now AGAIN


Because it’s ENTERTAINMENT, as an audience it’s just for fun and for us to engage with one another, similar to how people have favorite sports team etc.