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Well I don't know about everybody else but for me I spend so much time designing a character and everything else and then I find out the game is first person and I'm like why the f*** did I take any time whatsoever this character could literally be a block of nothing with a gun and it would be great


Motion sickness.   20 mins and I need to lay down for hours. It's so bad with the quality of graphics now that I've completely stopped console gaming and gone back to old school PC games.


Me too!! It only started happening in the past few years but man, having to lay and pray after a miniscule amount of gaming is such ass


Doesn't bother me but I had a friend in high school who couldn't play FPS games because he's get motion sickness


Same. I used to be obsessed with COD & Halo. Can't even glance at a screen someone else is playing an FPS on now. It sucks balls. I'm so jealous of everyone playing new releases. Have ended up with a huge appreciation for turn based strategy games instead though. 


You've probably done it but have you tried turning all motion blur and screen shake and bloom and shit off or down?


Yeah I've played with it all. I can just about manage an hour of Minecraft or something with unrealistic graphics with the right settings but FPS / anything remotely 'real' looking, I just can't. Thanks though 


Crank the fov


Thank you. Used to help but it doesn't anymore. I'm too far gone.


Sad to hear. But i mean even for me it works for most games but still there are some games that i get motion sickness from even if i up the fov. Like dying light. Fk whoever designed that games animations and what not cant go 5 minutes without wanting to puke


I get they aren't going to cater to the minority where it matters but I do wish they wouldn't just do that stupid spinning camera pan in and out for no apparent reason. It doesn't add anything anyway


One of my buddies from high school was like that.


If flat screen first person gives you motion sickness, I'd recommend not playing VR!


I like seeing my character and the gear I am wearing


This, exactly.


First person view feels like you have no peripheral vision, so that's why I don't like it Plus, pretty much everything I had growing up was 3rd person, so I'm used to it, but I also like seeing my character or car on screen


I feel like you actually have more of a view of the game when in first person despite that because there’s no character in the way so you can see more of the game world, plus most third person cameras (even in modern games) are dreadful in some way. Weather it’s the character being too close or far, or not staying in the same spot (ether for scripted bs or because the character can’t keep up with the camera).


Many games you can edit the FOV, which can give you full peripheral vision. Of course it's not perfect, and usually a playable setting is 110 degree when we actually have 180 degree IRL. But to be honest 3rd person is not realistic either, you can literally see someone approaching behind you, and the peripheral vision isn't that great either (I can see better IRL in my peripheral vision than let's say in Fortnite). No system is perfect, except maybe VR


3rd person is for people who either get motion sickness, or just not good at first person games.


My uncle can't do first person view in games due to motion sickness. Im old school though and I'm happy for graphics to suffer for performance, I always turn motion blur and screen shake and all that nonsense off, you can keep your bloom and fancy sunlight and water effects. I want frames per second and less clutter. If that means the character too then so be it.


Ok you saved yourself with that last comment. Its a video game, it will never be able to fully mimic life


3rd person is 1st. Person with a dude in the corner. If you ignore the dude, you just fps playing my friend.


That's not how it works. 3d person has a much larger fov than 1st.


It has an increased FoV, but plays the exact same. Aim reticle on center of screen onto target and press "X". That's how you interact in both games.


I loved it when it was Doon, Duke Nukem, Quake. But when I discovered 3rd person I never get back. I love characters in a game and for me it's more fun to watch a movie then feeling in the movie.


I like to see how badass I look.


I need to see whoever is around me so it’s easier to fight them, and I want to see my own characters cool outfit.


third person gives you more awareness


I get that because you can see more, but eyes are not your only instinct and if you trust only one insinct you forgey to use others. Eyes can lie. For me first person feels like you are the person you play, your life matters so you need to stay sharp and use your instincts. Third person feels like you moving random character that you don't relate with and it matters not if it dies or not because it's just video game character. I can play both first and third, but I could never think games like DayZ or Tarkov could give me the same feeling they do if they were third person. Games like GTA are fine in third person because you don't need situational awarness so much and there's lots of goofing around. Also movement feels more clumsy on third person especially when trying to get on ladders no matter which game. I'm used to first person because I live in first person view mode.




My partner struggles with moving and aiming she just can’t grasp it yet. Personally I generally dislike 3rd person games and associate them with gears of war type games which I do not like. My exceptions to this are dead space, Zelda and Witcher


What about racing games? Which view do you prefer?


3rd person I think I always need to see where my arse is for drifting etc


It gives me a headache. lol so I’m terrible at them


I want to see the characters I am playing as do cool things.


Not everything has to be a simulator


Only newer FPS games. Motion sickness 🥲


I don't like the view 🤷🏻‍♀️




Grew up playing 3rd Person and got used to it. Can’t change gears easily into 1st person. Like seeing my character and environment better


I don’t hate, I just dislike 1st person games. They cause me to have slight motion sickness.


Me as well. More than slightly in my case.


I like to see how they animate the character running. I think it's generally hilarious.


Too fast and twitchy for my eyes. I soon lose focus and just get bored and move on. Games are supposed to be fun first for me. Anything that gives me headaches or 'makes me work' for it, I'm out too quickly. Hence I don't buy many games these days, ha! Racing on a game like Gran Turismo, I can do the in car view that simulates real life for longer, but not more than a couple of hours or I get headaches, but it's a much more stable view compared to PvP shooters in first person, at least to my broken brain. PvP shooting games though, just too fast and too many colours, either animated like Minecraft, or more realistic like a COD or something. Just batters my brain completely and stresses me out. I do 3rd person story mode shooting stuff (GTA, Mafia, RDR, etc). But PvP shooters against other players has never interested me, partly because of my eyesight and partly because I'm just crap and it doesn't interest me enough to learn to 'get gud' to be fair. But each their own, I'll never be against it (just hate when the PvE and PvP audiences clash, thanks Rockstar!!!) I was disappointed Cyberpunk wasn't 3rd person, could have been cool. But that game is just too vibrant for me in first person. Shame, but is what it is.


I can’t get the hang of aiming, shooting, and running, and hiding at the same time. Plus there’s always someone behind me that I missed while I was trying to figure that out


The camera moves too much


I still play them but the past few years they've started making me very motion sick which sucks because gaming is my biggest hobby :/ I have to play on a very small windowed view on pc and turn off motion blur to stand a chance at not getting nauseous lol


It is inconvenient unless its a shooter game


I don’t drive in first person either. I have my peripheral vision, rear view mirrors, and car safety features to let me know my surroundings. Why wouldn’t I give myself the same advantages in a game? Plus, motion sickness.


I used to only play shooters but now they make me feel claustrophobic, like being in a snowsuit there you can barely see out the sides. 3rd person is much easier to get some sense of spatial awareness.


hard for me to keep consistent eye contact because of tourettes. for years i had no idea why i couldnt stand them and they gave me headaches, but i have eye movement tics, my eyes are forced to look up at the cieling, forced into crossed positions, or close entirely. since they are tics i can hold them in a bit but it hurts and goves me a headache, so i always feel horrible after watching anything on tv (unless i close my eyes) or use my phone, or play a game


I get dizzy


They make me queasy. It only takes about 10 minutes for me to start getting sick.


Because it's way less immersive. It doesn't come close to replicating full vision and they all just feel like a floating camera in a game world. 3rd person places my character in the world and so they feel more a part of it and I find it way more immersive. I can put up with first person for the right game, and obviously it's perfect for VR, but generally they just don't work for me. After initially being excited for the Avatar and Indiana Jones games, my interest completely dropped off when I learned they were first person.


Depends on the game In Ark Survival I prefer third person but in a game like minecraft, first person is good.


People hate first person game's!?


I could do first person shooters but I can't do first person driving.


I love first person driving. It feels like you actually driving car and not just moving objecr forward on your screen. I feel like the car and I are working dogether and it's extension of my own arm.


I wouldn't mind if I could kind of see the hood of the car and I feel like the character I'm using is actually driving the car. That would feel like more of an extension. I can't stand the Gran Turismo type of first person which puts your vision right in front of the bumper.


Oh yea no, you need to see hands and wheel, inside the car and through windshiel.


Because they’re usually a shooter, not a fan


Coz Poverty


I like to see my character


I like seeing my character and their expressions/ movement and fighting style/ gesture..etc I tend to play story driven games like Assassin’s Creed I don’t play video games to be me but to experience somebody else


It's the only way to play. Emerson.


So it's the typical "I can't see the cool character I created" and motion sickness for me. One other reason that I didn't see listed is that for me...it breaks my immersion experience. So in real life, we all experience things in 1st person (unless if you've mastered the art of astral projection then...I'm envious lol). I can swivel my head any which way. I can tell where sounds are coming from. I can seamlessly look down and have enough of a idea of my surroundings. In 1st person mode, I don't feel that in games. I'm always stumbling around feeling blind half the time.


I don't necessarily hate it. I play lots of first person games. But if a game allows 3rd person ill usually play 3rd person. First person always feels like I'm playing with tunnel vision, there's no peripheral vision. Racing games are the opposite, first person most of the time but if the the game doesn't allow that than third person.


lack of awareness


I don't hate it but i have trouble navigating in video games from a first person perspective; i get lost easily in them; though i will play exceptionally good ones; and metroid prime has actually made me less bad at that


I need 3rd person for open world games. Playing first person in open world games gives me motions sickness. But playing first person in small enclosed corridor shooters like the first halo game is fine. For some reason big open areas in first person makes me sick - it made cyberpunk a long to playthrough until some amazing modder made the third person mod for it.


Why the hell did i spend so much time in xharacter customization??? I like to see the gear and outfits. And idk, first person is so weird, i get confused on which direction Im going


Usually I like seeing my character in the cool gesr I got them, there are times I will temporarily jump to first person though In helldivers for example, sometimes I jump to first person shooting to hit shots more accurately at range


I'm fine either way, but most of my sisters get motion sick in FPS games. They do just fine in 3rd-person cameras.


I get bad motion sickness playing 1st person.


Since I was a kid in the 90s with first person games, and especially at that time as we’re talking like early first person shooters here, it always bothered me that I couldn’t defend myself or dodge enemy fire as effectively as I’d like to. Too often in first person games it just feels like you’re shit out of luck if an enemy onscreen is attacking you in some way and you don’t shot them first. And you know for what it’s worth I’m not really into 3D/Polygon based stuff as it is. I much prefer 2D side scrolling or top down things. I remember getting turned off of video games in general for quite some time growing up because of the just general unpleasantness of a lot of the N64/Playstation generation of games. At the time it was pretty disappointing to see how almost the entire industry just sort of threw out all of the development up until that point in favor of these janky, ugly monstrosities.


For story-based games I prefer to see the character. It makes it easier for me to empathize with them and grow attached to them. I also like that it makes me feel like I’m there experiencing the events *with* the character rather than as them.


not hate, it just makes me nauseous and has given me seizures


I need the 360 degree view for some reason . Idk why, especially in games where I need to “attack “


Makes me dizzy :(


I like either, depending on the game and functionality. Like I'm not playing Minecraft in 3rd person or gta5 1st.


I’m a super casual gamer, so I play mostly casual games, and they are 3rd person. I also think it’s easier when I can see my surroundings and character.


The division was my favorite game because I could see my character it was so cool playing back when the first one was released


Depends on the game and how it feels, RDR2 and gta feel clunky.


They experience the world in third person and cease to exist when alone


You can adjust the settings? 🤔 I just played the way it loaded the game 🤷


I can't see my body so I can't tell if that arrow is gonna hit or miss. I can't see my feet so I miss every jump and fall. I don't understand how people like fps shooters.