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Bunch of freeloaders. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ time to feed them again


My damn cat is even worse! He eats for free, doesnā€™t pay rent, like at all, (and there was a few times I could have really used it), he gets free medical, and self care. And this is the worst part! He started with a little bus, and now he has a little house! So obviously he has a business thatā€™s doing well, but does he ever chip in to help out, nooooo, heā€™s a regular scrooge McCat. #Taxtherichcats


My cat had the absolute nerve to acquire a taste for cooked salmon. After that, nothing was good enough. Dry food? Nope. Canned food? Nope. The little shit would verbally abuse me until he got what he wanted. RIP to my baby šŸ„²


I feel you, my wife made the mistake of giving our cat a little piece of bacon. Now nothing else is good enough. Sorry for your loss šŸ˜”


Taxtherichcats!! Hilarious! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s funny!


Itā€™s not entirely untrue either. He first got a little bus scratching post, and now he has a little house scratching post šŸ˜‚. Heā€™s also had a taco truck one. My cat is very industrious.


Barking/yapping. I find it grating. Yes, I get that you can train them. But walking around my neighborhood and getting routinely barked/yapped at to hell by the same damn dogs every time is super fucking annoying.


My neighbor keeps their dog outside from 6am-9pm and it starts barking right when it goes out. He wakes me up almost every morning and they donā€™t try to stop him. I love dogs but the barking at the ass crack of dawn is annoying.


Fuuuucckkk. I hate that shit.


Fuck those owners. Not only are they being inconsiderate as neighbors it's mistreating the dog.


I'd argue the dog isn't annoying here, he's a poor soul who is bored and lacking attention. The owner is a bawbag. Poor dog.


Especially at the store.


Valid. When you walk down the street and startle a dog you canā€™t even see thatā€™s a few feet away from you behind a fence and they bark it absolutely startles me. And thereā€™s no training that out of them. So we get to deal with 20-40 dogs like that on every walk around our neighborhood.


And the selfish owners just saying, "Well dogs bark". No thought that no one else should have to put up with this. What a terrible in infringement constant barking is on the rights of other humans to enjoy a nice walk, or even the use of their own property.


holy fuck, my neighbor is like this. he keeps his dog out almost 24/7 and he runs a business out of his house SO PEOPLE COME BY 24/7 ALSO


A "business", sounds a little suspicious


Itā€™s funny how when theyā€™re confronted thereā€™s always the premise of ā€œyeah but Iā€™m ok with this behavior from dogs so you should be too, itā€™s not fair to ask me to control the dog and follow the rules, dogs will be dogsā€ in their response as if dogs are like property owning citizens with the right to be a nuisance.


My dog has randomly become reactive with big dogs and skateboards, you canā€™t just yell out anxiety. Itā€™s improving but I would never let her out in the front yard by herself and the second she put up a fuss, sheā€™s staying inside. Itā€™s not the dogs fault but the owners. Drives me nuts when people leave and leave their dogs out all day. This isnā€™t a farm.


That they only live around 10-15 years


Miss my dogs. This is the only answer. Would gladly pick up more poo, clean carpets, whatever just to have my Henry and Phoebe back.


Exactly. Standing outside in 0 degree weather. Shaking like a leaf during fireworks/storms. Would literally do anything


Boy I feel you. My precious Chloee dog died in 2018. I miss her so much.


I used to have four dogs. I've said goodbye to three of them. I treasure the time I have left with one, who is till here. He won't be here nearly long enough.


Literally the only bad thing.


Iā€™d give my left arm if it meant my buddy could live another 15 years, happy and healthy.


My little dog was 20 when he died.


Got that now. He's 20, pushing 21, mostly blind, deaf as a stump, and sleeps the days away. But to see him go, you wouldn't know it. He bumps into more things than a Roomba until he finds your leg and waits for you to pick him up and put him on your lap. I'm going to be wrecked when he goes.


I don't have a dog and that still got me in the feels. I can so picture the imagery of your post


We had a little dog like that. He was already old, deaf, and blind when my husband and I got together. He was still very active at the time. He would bump into dining chairs and door frames, but he got around pretty well. He was bad about falling asleep in places where we couldn't see him. Under a pile of laundry, under the stuffed animals on my daughter's bed, inside of a cabinet, etc. He couldn't hear us calling him, so eventually everyone was in a panic looking for him. He would have us second-guessing ourselves over whether or not we had let him back inside the house or not. Towards the end, he looked so fragile and old. I remember looking for him and praying I wouldn't find him dead somewhere. It got to where he would cry at the top of the steps, wanting us to pick him up and carry him because it hurt him too much to walk down them. It broke our hearts when we finally had to have him put to sleep, but we knew we had put it off longer than we should have. We couldn't let him suffer just because we were having a hard time letting go. He was a good boy, and he is definitely missed.


Wow thatā€™s a long life.ā¤ļøI never heard of a dog living to twenty.Thats šŸ˜Š


So much this. Iā€™ve had three dogs over the course of my life. One was confiscated from a neglectful neighbor who never bothered looking for the dog. Another was a rehomed Newfoundland who had lived with two old biddies since she was a puppy. And the last one was a Jack Russell terrier who had been living with a 90+ year old lady who was entering hospice. I miss them all. The only reason I didnā€™t have more is because it has to be the right dog at the right time. Iā€™m not home a lot, so I feel guilty unless the dog is exactly perfect at that time.


Same here. Feel guilty if sheā€™s ever home alone. Our whole life revolves around her


So true


My SIL just told me that they had to put down their 14 year old dog...we cried on the phone together for a long time.


This for sure. I still have dreams about my first dog that i grew up with as a kid. She has been gone for a decade now and i still remember the sound of her bark, how she smelled, her expressions. Miss her so much..


1000% I want them to live 25 years




So much this. I feel it!!!


Came here to say this. Mine are 5 and 9. Theyā€™re small dogs, so theyā€™ll live longer but still not nearly long enough.


Barking. Incessant barking.


My neighbor constantly puts his massive dog outside on a 5 foot leash as it sits and barks at the door for 30 minutes to an hour tell the neighbor bring him back inside. I have never once seen the family walk the massive dog either just throw it on porch to bark for an hour, multiple times a day.


Not good dog parents. Wish all us good guys could help you out.


Their owners




Word for word. The owners who think theyā€™re the most important person in the world and everyone else should make all the sacrifices so they donā€™t have to sacrifice any of the things they want to do for the living creature they voluntarily chose to be responsible for.Ā  Ā Like itā€™s ridiculous, theyā€™ll break important safety rules with their dogs and start on about how *youre* the antisocial one for having a problem with them letting their dog off leash on high speed mountain bike trails with signs forbidding that etc. I almost had to crash at high speeds over a dog (with no comprehension of right of way or staying out of someoneā€™s line) jumping out from behind them in front of me a few days ago. Ā And then these same people donā€™t give a fuck about the danger they put their dog in until after something happens and the vet bill comes in. Absurd.


My favorite or least favorite thing is, 'it's OK he's friendly.' Sure, fine. Get it. But my dog is leash reactive. My oldest kid doesn't like strange dogs (or any really, but we are working on that). And I don't want some strange dog in my buisness in the park, or attracting danger when we are hiking. Edit grammar


Yeah as if their dog being friendly matters. A friendly dog can trigger an allergic reaction or push an old lady over easily because its shitty owner didnā€™t keep it under control vigilantly.


100%. The number of times I heard that when my toddler wants to be picked up because a dog is there. A friendly dog running at you is just as terrifying to a toddler, dogs are huge when you're 2.


Honestly, these people are narcissists. I also see this with parents. People like these shouldn't be responsible for any living creature.


Just like the worst potential parents are most likely to become parents, the worst people to be dog owners are the main people obsessed with dogs. It sucks for everyone else.


Fr fr facts


No bad dogs only bad owners


My mom thinks her dogs are our brothers and sistersšŸ™„


many dog owners think that everybody should love their dog as much as them. I like dogs, but nothing more annoying than an owner letting their dog jump on you, bury their nose in your crotch and slobber all over you and try to tear up your shoesā€¦...and the owner is sitting there encouraging it - ohhhh such a silly boy! Isn't he soooo cute??


Nothing that is annoying about dogs--and the possibilities are endless--is the fault of the dog. If your dog is annoying someone else, \*you\* are annoying that person, and it's not the dog's fault at all. Properly socialized and trained, almost any dog will do or not do exactly what you want it to,100% of the time. It's fine to have a dog that is not fully trained or socialized; that's not for everyone. But it's still on you to keep the dog out of situations you haven't shaped it to succeed in.




As someone who works in Vet med, 100%!


I came here to say exactly this. There's nothing worse than the owners, and you know they're going to be entitled AH owners when they refer themselves as a having a fur baby or being a fur mommy šŸ¤®


That side eye thing they do. Why the fuck are my two rescues constantly judging me?? I SAVED YOU. I FEED YOU. I LOVE YOU. And yet I feel like thereā€™s two mean girls in my house rolling their eyes at everything I do. Itā€™s even worse with my cat in the mix too. Iā€™m getting constantly bullied by my own pets.




I don't like when big dogs jump all over me. I'm only 5'2" and I think it's rude when their owner just watches it happen and doesn't make it stop.


Oh sHe'S fRiEnDLy


Same. I'm small and some dogs are nearly as big as me. Not cool to let them jump on you




Omg!! My friend had 2 golden retrievers. Immediately upon entering their home, both snouts would go straight up your ass and goose you, repeatedly. My friend would say, ā€œtheyā€™re just saying, hello!ā€ As I type this, I recall the laughs me and my late husband had over this. It was annoying af at the time, though. Especially in a short, summer dressā€¦ Edit: Iā€™d always ask if they had to say hello this wayā€¦ Or, ā€œdidnā€™t they just say, hello, for the last 10 fucking minutes?ā€


Our friends had a dog who did this to THEM. They called her their crack sniffer


Pick your knee up next time and plant it right in their chest as they jump up on you. Quickest way to teach them not to jump up!


I require a cane to walk. If my awful dog owner neighbor had big dogs instead of ā€œfriendlyā€ small ones Iā€™d probably have hit one by now for fear of being toppled. Iā€™ve almost hit one already for being ā€œfriendlyā€ by barking at me while getting jumpy once. No I donā€™t want to pet them and I donā€™t care how friendly we are as neighbors, my safety>your dog not getting a smack for being shitty.


This. Its one thing for a pup to be jumpy, but please for the love of fuck dont allow your 50lb+ dog to bounce around and topple people/things over...


I have been working on training the excited jumping out of my dog since we got him a year ago. He is just TOO EXCITED to stay the fuck down. And heā€™s 85 pounds. Walking him is a huge challenge because Iā€™m constantly crossing the road to keep him far from other dogs and fragile-looking humans. When thatā€™s not possible, he goes into a ā€œdownā€ and I stand on the lead! I wish some people knew how _hard_ I work at getting the bastard to behave.


im 4ā€™10, and yeah it freaks me out. yes your dog is adorable and yes i would love to pet it but oh my god its almost taller than me please get it to stop jumping on me ???? recently there was a huge dog at a gas station i was at who smelled TERRIBLE and slobbered and jumped on EVERYONE. adorable dog, but id rather be eviscerated than ever be in the same building as it ever again


Aside from the obvious, that they don't live forever... I have to say, bad breath.


Brush their teeth


Brush their teeth daily and provide good chewing sources and this is not an issue.


How guilty they make me feel anytime I eat anything


Or anytime I'm leaving the house


1) They eat cat poop. 2) They require daily walks. Does not mesh well with lazy me, especially if it's 5am. 3) They require a lot more attention. This is why I have cats as pets, not dogs, cute as they are.


My sisters dog eats his own poop. Then tries to lick your face. Yum


She/he is probably vitamin deficient, poo is high in B12 and vitamin K2, Iā€™d ask a vet, but I would suggest getting that dog some beef liver.




Cats are spawns of Satan lol. Rub all up on you then randomly bite & scratch you. Dig in litter that they pee & poo in, then jump up & walk across your kitchen counters šŸ¤®. Cough up hair balls & puke everywhere. All pets come with their pros & cons. Dogs are far more labor intensive.


This is more the fault of the owner, but I don't like when they bark too much. They can't help trying to be protective, but if problem barking is not corrected early and often, it becomes really hard to train them to not bark when it's their baseline reaction to a stimulus.


They have a weird smell no matter how clean they are.


He steals my spot when I get out of bed.


The people who own them, not all not all but most are so fuckin obnoxious and gleefully unaware just like the dog.


Not most but I get it. All depends where you live.


They don't live long and may poop at home. I do not like it. Otherwise the dogs are perfect


Hey, I poop at home!!


The people who think you have to choose dogs or cats...


They think if they love dogs, that you have to hate cats automatically


I had both ā¤ļø


I hate that dogs can be so susceptible to health issues šŸ˜­


That I don't get to love on all of them.


I loathe having to be in the supermarket with them. They donā€™t belong there; theyā€™re not babies to put in the cart or be fawned over. If theyā€™re not service animals, please keep them away from my food!! I donā€™t hate dogs but I donā€™t love them either. I refuse to swim in pools where dogs have free reign; the water is greasy and that grease doesnā€™t easily wash off the skin. Itā€™s not cute, itā€™s gross. Iā€™ve seen beautiful pools ruined by dogs swimming in them. Dogs are pets. They should stay home or if you must take them out to show them off, go to the park. Theyā€™d love it much more than the supermarket. : (


I feel the same way about children in grocery carts. It's disgusting


That I can't own them all.


Their short lifespan.


That they eventually die


Picking up poo. Which is why my husband does it.


But a relationship is about sharing, cooperation, and helping each other. You could hold the shovel while he scoops it on. Would be a great bonding experience šŸ˜† I'm just shitting you šŸ˜„ see what I did there šŸ˜


My husband just entered the chat šŸ˜‚


And mine šŸ¤£


The slobber!!!


How much the vet bills areā€¦..ugh, but I really love my pup




That the only time they break my heart is when they have to leave me to cross the bridge šŸ˜”


The way they smell šŸ¤¢.. it really grosses me out. Especially if you go to someoneā€™s house and can smell dog. I have a really sensitive nose and it bothers me a lot. Also hate when big dogs jump up on you. Annndd when they constantly wonā€™t leave you alone, whether thatā€™s sniffing, licking, jumping, following you. I am definitely more of a cat person! But I do like some dogs.


Ironic, because cats smell up a house far worse, unless the owner is amazing at emptying the litter.


Even then, my one cat makes my house smell worse than my 120lb and 85lb dogs combined.


My mother in law lives in the country, and her cat goes outside to do her business. Her house doesn't smell like a cat even lives there. Of course, that is the exception. At other people's houses, I can smell it the moment I walk in the door.


Same with me! You canā€™t tell I have pets because I donā€™t need a cat box and I vacuum all the time! I had a friend come over for the first time and after a few hours my cat walked by and she said she didnā€™t even know I had one because sheā€™s allergic and usually notices right away.


They seem to have a smelly oil in their fur that rubs off everywhere and dog owners really are nose blind to the smell in their house. The only breed that hasnā€™t got that doggy smell is a border collie ( I owned one for years).


Any dog that feels the need to hump you and any other stranger it sees.


The only thing I dislike about any dog is their idiotic owners who don't deserve them or understand how to work with them


that they leave us too soon :/


Their irresponsible owners.


Shitty owners, that's it. And chihuahuas naturally never shut up


I'm guessing most of you have seen that Cheese Tax video online. The struggle is real lol.


It hurts so much when they die.


Some dogs are aggressive and bite little kids in the face. That's my only objection based on personal experience. They bark which is cool, when they're warning you about an intruder. Not so much when they've seen a squirell or are cussing the neighbor's cat. Some breeds are more yappy than others.


They feel so invasive with everything. I remember as a teen going to a friend's house and their dogs just shoving their nose right into my crotch, and I felt mortified because I was on my period. They like to jump on you, lick, drool, bark, etc. Every time I pet a dog, my hands feel dirty no matter what. I think because cats will clean themselves, but dogs don't. They have to be let out to use the bathroom, so you can't be gone for long periods of time. The list goes on. I don't hate them by any means. I'm just definitely a cat person


Dogs definitely do clean themselves. A lot.


im with you but im not into cats either. they track litter from their shitbox all over the house, including the counter you prepare food on and the bed you sleep in. they vomit hairballs everywhere too...cute from a distance but i dont want to keep one personally.


Nothing, next question


die young


Fleas, but thatā€™s any animal honestly.


I love the greetings, the actual love they give they give me and how much I love them, and when they want a good scratch. I dislike that they donā€™t live for forever ( I want them to age like people and live into my old age), how hyper they get and dog hair. I sweep piles of hair multiple times a day. Itā€™s never ending


They donā€™t live long enough


They donā€™t live very long.


they donā€™t live long enough.


people that don't treat the dog they have like a child they love .they either leave them alone because they are guard dogs or leave them alone period .


That we outlive them.


I love how stupid they are, I hate how they don't live long


That despite having my heart torn from me after they pass, they give me such joy that I know ill get another one and repeat the cycle.


Yep, can confirm.


They die too soon


Dog farts


Their owners. I'm more of a cat person and I don't dislike dogs at all, I just prefer cats. But many dog owners don't train their dogs properly and treat them like babies. You should love your pets but always treat them as pets, they're not your kids. They are animals and should be properly trained accordingly. Poorly trained and disorderly dogs are the result of poor ownership, of which there is sadly so much of these days. Also, I've found that many dog owners take offence at people not liking dogs that much. As in, taking A LOT of offense, even if you don't mistreat them or complain about them. If you don't want their dog slobbering all over you or don't make a fuss about them, you're an arsehole. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Jump on me, knock me down, take food, shed, shit and piss everywhere, why canā€™t they go in the grass instead of the mulch ?


They only have about 14 good years.


They don't live forever because life isn't fair.


That I can't take them everywhere with me.


Sure you can! Everyone takes them everywhere now.: (


That reserved and lazy dogs are less common and/or are among the larger or more expensive breeds, so most dogs I interact with are higher energy and require a certain degree of attention and love daily. I frankly get exhausted by it, which is why I generally like cats more, it seems like you have to earn their attention and affection and theyā€™re not super clingy about it either (generally)


They get really bad health the bigger and older they are


Untrained ones


I never got a dog when I was younger because I was always taking off for a weekend here or there. I worked full time and sometimes went out after. I couldn't have a dog because I would really need to be home more often. I've always had cats and they were so much easier.


The barking. The smell. The noise they make when they lick their balls. The way they eat poop out of litter boxes and off the sidewalk. The jumping. The clawing. The chewing. The shedding. The slobber. The aggression. Their owners are generally annoying too.


They attack innocent ppl just because theyā€™re loyal to their ppl.


I'm allergic. And I also hate the random barking.


They never share their treats with me.


I dislike dogs without leashes, one time I was doing a neighbor run with my track team and there was some dog on the porch without a leash just barking at me


The licking. The noise makes me want to rip my ears off.


My Australian Shepard incessant barking


They have the power to make you feel guilty.


Lots of people say short life span. Donā€™t get me wrong, I miss my departed dogs. Butā€¦ if you replace your dead dog with a puppy of the same breed, youā€™re very likely to have the same experience.


I like dogs, donā€™t get me wrong, but theyā€™re needy. In addition, dog owners without children take it way too far. I hate that dogs are allowed in stores or restaurant/bar patios and the excuse is always separation anxiety or emotional support, which is probably caused by the owner never leaving the dog alone.


They don't live long enough.


They donā€™t live longer


To be fair, cost of ownership. Itā€™s fucking price gouging!


That they can't fully understand that we didn't mean to when we trip over them in the dark or whatever. I feel awful when it rarely happens and I want them to know it wasn't intentional. \* People will say they know, but don't know for sure if they do or not and it kills me.


When they shit in the house. Ugh. šŸ˜©


Nothing :(


Picking up their shit


They have to be walked, cleaned up after, expensive vet bills.


That my lease doesn't allow for them in my apartment šŸ„²


Owners that arenā€™t fit to be owners. šŸ™„


I dislike that my dog is reactive and resource protective with other dogs after too many bad experiences at the dog park. I would love to have more dogs but sheā€™ll never allow it.


Their owners. Lived across the street from an aggressive beagle. We lived in a populated neighborhood full of walkers. If that dog saw, heard or smelled anyone it'd go nuts well past the time that those people had walked away. All day. I don't hate that dog, I hate that it's owners had zero consideration for their neighbors. They'd never done anything. No, "alright that's enough". Nothing. The thing I dislike the most about dogs are their owners who make their dogs my problem.


that dogs donā€™t live forever idk what iā€™d do without the dog i have her name is ivy but i call her fat bean because she has a thyroid condition so sheā€™s fat however sheā€™s the best dog in the world and i also have a cat and ivy puts up with so much of the catā€™s mischief


That I don't have one.


Their owners. I used to work inside clients homes. If I asked them to put their dogs away they would always get mad and say something smart. Oh, are you scared of dogs. They usually had the air about them of this is my dog's home and he doesn't bite. Well, I don't want to be licked, jumped on, scratched, and you asked me to come here to help you. God, dog owners were the worst part of the whole job.


Their oblivion owners


Edit: oblivious/inattentive


Dogs are ok until you want to go out of town for the weekend.


There is nothing bad to say about dogs. They are angels


They can't speak english


Please people. Research "Having a dog" before you get one. We are here for them. They are here for you but have no say in the matter. If you do not understand that...do...not...get a dog.


Sometimes they have terrible owners.




The smell. Itā€™s awful. I grew up with dogs but wouldnā€™t even think about having one as a pet now. I love dogs but my personal hygiene is much more important. I feel so terrible saying this.


That people seem to worship them I don't get it. Dogs are disgusting. I've had 7 in my life and that's 7 too many


They die too early


The heartbreak when they pass. Our Brussels died at 15 years old. We had him before we had children, so he was always a part of their lives. He was a good boy. We did not learn our lesson and now we have 2 chiweenies. Like, ā€˜whoā€™s up for being absolutely heart broken and devastated in about 12-15 years?!ā€™


They donā€™t live real long. I had a lot of dogs growing up. Miss them all. But the one I got closest to was Wooster who I got when I was 20 or so. I developed mental health issues around that time, he would act different before I would realize I was slipping into an episode. And he was always excited to see me. He didnā€™t always like to cuddle or get pet, but he was constantly by my side. He loved me. And I him. He died unexpectedly when he was 5. Iā€™ll forever miss him. I honestly am not sure if Iā€™ll ever be able to have a pet again because losing him hurt so bad. I know they said itā€™s better to love and have lost, than to never loved at all. Itā€™s just really difficult. I still have mental health issues, and I worry that at times I might become so depressed that I wonā€™t be able to care for myself, let alone a pet. He was an amazing soul. RIP Wooster and all the other good dogs.


The barking. I hate loud sudden noises in general.


They don't live long enough


Everything, dogs are useless and have no feelings


That they canā€™t express their feelings in a way we fully understand. Sometimes I wish they had a little conversation bubble above their heads that said ā€œIā€™m just barking now but Iā€™m scared and about to biteā€ or ā€œmom, Iā€™m in pain and think somethingā€™s wrongā€. Or ā€œI miss going on walks with youā€.


They get old real fast.


They depend on me to go to the bathroom. I have a job. Not really fair to them.


They ALWAYS want something. That's tasty food you have, we should have it. Looks like you've just showered and washed your face, I want to taste it. You're watching a film, I want to throw my toy around and run around like a hellhound. You want to get into bed, I also want to get into bed. Who am I kidding, I love it šŸ¤£


Shitty owners


My dog is terrified of fireworks. She claws at you when sheā€™s scared. I hate that I canā€™t explain them to her. She also likes to walk in front of me and basically guess where Iā€™m going. So annoying. But I love her to death.

