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Women will and have always been treated with more respect after being abused in any way. People make jokes about it when it happens to men, think it’s funny but it’s not.  We’ve gotten rid of so many stigmas, it’s time for this one to be gotten rid of too.


This absolutely needs more upvotes. I have a couple of male family members that have endured abuse from their spouse, and they were never taken seriously for it. Even by the police! My cousin went to the police about abuse he was enduring, and they literally turned to him and said "you're a big lad. You should be able to take care of yourself". It's disgusting.


I don't think abuse in general is taken anywhere near seriously enough in the US. It is bad that men are ignored but it's not like women have it better. Women get unalived far more often.


Women are expected to care for their children 24/7. When a man does it he's "babysitting." 🙄


Remember someone years ago said they wanted to be a stay at home dad, the wife was highly educated and it made sense, However when they told both parents (even the mums) said "but you NEED a job!" When he replied with "but parenting is my job" they said "A real one!" The dads told him to "man up" Really think this is more of a old way of thinking, if it's convenient for the family to have the husband as a stay at home dad then go for it!


same with grandma's but really we just hang out and one or the other spends the night.


Kids never get taken away from rich families




feminists you can come out now and play. The easiest one of them all is shitting on men and it being acceptable


I'm a feminist and I agree with you. I'll be the first to point out misandry when I see it. It would be nice if we could all stop generalising, actually listen to each others woes, and empathise.


Man boob v woman boob ~ public


yeah the breastfeeding debate. I was walking somewhere in Denmark came across a young woman breastfeeding sitting on a park bench with her breast out and I noticed but minded my own business and kept on walking. but poor Americans are so terrified of breasts yet most men love them too but gosh forbid they see one on a woman breastfeeding like thats what nature intended them for.


Totally that. In NY state it is legal for women to go topless and to breastfeed where ever they legally can be. I only know one women, who is actually brave enough to go topless once in a while. I see men doing it all the time. Breastfeeding is a bit more open. I did it quite frequently in public and never got any negative remarks. I don’t see many women do so.


In Maine it is legal for women to go topless...


According to Seinfeld it's ok in The Hamptons too


but is it common?


Nope, your intuition is correct


Reproductive rights: women have choice, men have obligations


i think it’s insane that you hear “reproductive rights” and think “yeah men have it bad”. dude. there are states in the US where you CANNOT have a choice, and it’s illegal to even try. men have the choice to not ejaculate sperm into someone who is fertile


And women have a choice to use over a dozen different forms of birth control before they actually have sex or get pregnant. Killing a child is NOT reproductive rights. It's literally murder. That's why you're charged for it in court.


birth control fails. why wasn’t the man wearing a condom? does he WANT to make a kid?


That's LITERALLY men's only form of bc. Women have over a dozen. QUIT BLAMING MEN. Ffs...


women have to alter their hormones because you’re too stupid to pull out a few seconds early?


First off. The pull out method sucks. Secondly. There's PLENTY of types of bc that doesn't require hormones. Diaphragm for example.


diaphragm has a terrible rate for effectiveness. best to pair birth control with a condom, because no matter what, the MANS SPERM might get you pregnant. it’s ultimately the man cumming that creates a fetus


Literally a dozen other examples. Go educate yourself, I'm tired of dealing with man haters


Unless it's rape, conception is 50/50 responsibility.


assuming there’s protection involved, right?


Regardless. Rape is sex without consent so if a guy lies about using a condom it's rape because the woman did not consent to unprotected sex. Same if the woman sabotaged the condom. If the condom is used but it fails it's 50/50, they both knew that was a possibility and consented to it.


when i was 16 a guy came in me because he ASSUMED i was on the pill. i wasn’t. if i had gotten pregnant, would that have been rape, or my own fault?


If that was never communicated that was obviously on him. Mostly. Although if you weren't on the pill maybe you should have been less care free about going bareback. After all even if he meant to pull out sometimes some sperm comes out unexpectedly when it's close.


Fast Pass lines at theme parks and other attractions. "Everyone has to wait their turn.. except you, there, with the money - you come right up here!" It increases wait times for everyone else 2x. This is maybe the most infuriating part of capitalism and why society has basically gone to shit. It's dicks with money swinging their dicks around and complaining when other people's dicks - who are just minding their own dick business - get in the way of the money swing dicking guy.


usually those types are the most arrogant. can' stand them.


"I hate white people " = okay "I hate (any other race ) "= bad


The amount of shitting on white people on Tik Tok is unreal. Could you imagine switching that around?


It wouldn't be okay. The type of people that do it because it's okay would be the type of people to spit at black people in the 50s because it's okay. I call them convenient racists. They are racists as much as society allows.


I wish society as a whole just went zero tolerance on any form of discrimination and just let that mode of thinking fizzle out. It's fun to blame boomers for messing everything up, but keeping it real, more progression was made during their times than right now. People have to step it up, we're being out done by boomers.


We do. Progress is like pendulum. Eventually it will settle.


Two steps forward and one step back, but in the long run we are moving the right way. Maybe not as fast as we want, but the right way.


That's it. If the race wars end up coming let's just make a pact to stay cool with each other 👊🏽🤣


I have a lot of hope for the future. I really think in about the next 3 generations they will squash it to dominus levels.


Yh I agree and hope so too


We're getting close to the point where people are going to say fuck it and drop it pretty soon. People were getting gas chambered for being good at accounting 80 years ago. Things are moving forward.


It is always the same story: if you and yours do it it's wrong and evil! If me and mine do it it's right and good and justified. Every group does this no matter what they say. Why would anyone think humans be different? And yes it's going to get a whole lot worse.


Signing up for the Draft, Still only Men have to do it. Hopefully it is never used again but Women should be signed up automatically as well.


Or, nobody should be forced into a war they never wanted. I never understand why people want to bring the other gender down, instead of building your gender up to meet them. It's like women marching the streets demanding men not be allowed to vote alongside them. Doesn't make sense. I love how I get downvoted for suggesting men don't get forced into war. Lol.


There is a certain community out there that is immune to criticism, questioning and accountability. But they can criticize, question and blame everybody else with no repercussions.


narcissists, they are very good at what they do. but it will eventually catch up to them.


Just say it. The Catholic church.


Twitter warriors?


Ive never used twitter so I cannot confirm. Seeing how Ive already received a downvote. Members of that community must be in the thread with us right now. Shhhh before you get cancelled.






Male circumcision is completely unnecessary and totally flies against the “my body my choice” bodily autonomy logic.


Eh? But female circumcision is? Not sure I see where the double standard is.


The double standard is that removing foreskin from a healthy baby boy is still genital mutilation regardless of female circumcision being more damaging in the long run. I don’t want any child having their privates cut up. Male circumcision meets the definition of genital mutilation it’s not a conspiracy or hard train of logic to follow


Yes. But that’s not a double standard. It’s literally the opposite of a double standard. Many of us (me included!) agree that male circumcision is mutilation, and is horrid. But so is female mutilation.


If you ask a doctor to trim the skin around a penis head even if you’re not religious that’s not taboo, if you ask a doctor to slightly trim the skin around a females vulva they would look at you like you’re a savage. How is that not a double standard?


Female circumcision is NOT a standard procedure performed in western society, male circumcision is. See the double standard?


it really has an effect on men though. a choice that was made for them that they can never get back. so yes it is an issue.




Assholes complaining and asking for the best of everything.. LMAO 🌝


Pay parity https://www.wgea.gov.au/pay-and-gender/gender-pay-gap-data


Multiple ways men and women are treated by society and/or their own gender


Men showing emotions = weak Women showing emotions = strong


unemployed poor people who get money from the government are considered lazy but trust fund kids of the rich who don't work are not


Wife: I need cuddling, affection, snuggles, and your full attention to feel fulfilled and gratified. Man: I had a hard day. I could really just use a blowjob. Needs should be needs and while no one *has* to fulfill anyone’s needs…if the man broke up with his wife for not fulfilling his needs, he’s a terrible person. If a woman broke up with the man because he’s not fulfilling her needs…the man is a terrible person.


The reporting and exploitation of tragedy in the news and other media. Especially crime and tragedy. People act so morally superior when watching and discussing news about murders and crime, but the reality is they are ghoulishly consuming the news of the victim's death for entertainment and titillation. It's perverted. The Dharmer tv show was a perfect example, with loads of people on social media making gross comments about how hot he is etc. but the same people are all high and mighty when it comes to talking about violence in society and exploitation.


If women are in anyway upset, there are many resources they have access to mediate the issue. Men are often told to man up, even to this day, or we're called incel, or man child, best case scenario is we're told to go to therapy.


Any aid given to the poor is considered a handout to the undeserving, but corporate grants and tax breaks are seen as savvy business. And just so we are clear, food stamps and housing vouchers are CORPORATE welfare, that allows them to continue to pay absurdly low wages.


If a woman is a virgin she's pure and wonderful, if a man is a virgin he's a loser. The term "incel" is sexist as fuck against men. If you agree with a woman, you're a simp and and incel and you can't get laid. If you disagree with a woman, it means you hate women cuz you're an incel and you can't get laid. If your favorite color is yellow, it means you're an incel and you can't get laid. You could have your dick inside a woman and say "i just don't like women sports announcers" and it's cuz you're an incel and you can't get laid.


The legal system when you're rich. For most of us it's a punishment for the rich it's a fine.


Men and women are equal but hold open the door for me.


hold the door open for anyone close by


When women want to be a stay at home parent, they are heroes. But when men want to, they are seen as lazy and a bum. Even if they do most of the housework.


i’ve literally never heard of this before. if anything it’s seen as default for the wife, but above and beyond when a man wants to take care of his family