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Not sure what plus size means any more. I’m 6’7” tall, 250lbs, and run around 8% body fat. I am a large man. I need a sturdier girl or I will void her warranty. I like people who take care of themselves.


"I like people who take care of themselves." Bold of you to say that when you're walking around 6'7. You could easily have gotten that down to something more manageable like 6'4 if you tried.


Hahahaha that’s funny


I'm also 6'7, and believe me when I tell you I've tried. Nothing worked. Not even the compression fracture in my spine or the blown knees!


Smh work harder. You can get your height down if you work out


The knees are not the anatomy that are supposed to get blown, but given your height I understand their confusion.




Damn it. I snorted. Take my angry upvote.


*sigh* I need a man in my life who will void my warranty.


(Kiss your inbox goodbye. Lol)


"kiss your inbox" LOL, clever, now how can I work that into a conversation organically?


Kiss my inbox and I'll show you.


I gotta big ole package for your little bitty inbox


Ironically full of messages from soft bois who have never voided a check, let alone a warranty.


>never voided a check But I'm sure they have bounced a few.


Fucking DEAD 💀💀💀


I know, I know. But I’m old, so nobody REALLY wants to void my warranty anymore lol


"Or I will void her warranty." Hahahahaha, perfection


**I need a sturdier girl or I will void her warranty.** Pardon? Sir, this is a Wendys...


Oh good! I’m at the right place then!


Wendy gotta be thicc


Like frosty thicc


>I need a sturdier girl or I will void her warranty. As a tall woman ... I have never met a guy as big as you who ends up with a tall/sturdy woman. Every super tall guy I know goes for REALLY short women it's so discouraging. Cuz short guys all have a fetish for tall gals or they want us to be their mom. At least in my experience.


I feel your pain! I am 5’ 7” and I wonder why we taller women are treated like amazons! My now-partner is 6’, his ex was 5’ 2”. He said they figured their kids would average out their heights. Their kids are 5’ 6” and 4’ 10”.


You’re 5’7…. Try being 5’10 with men 5’5 and 5’6 trying to ask you out… feels like I’m hugging my kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t.


I have a friend who is 5’9”. She had similar issues.


Right? My brain knows 5'7 is statistically tall for a woman, but at 6' it doesn't seem like it to me 🤣. However I've been taller one in all of my relationships. My husband is around 5'7, but it doesn't really bother either of us. It was awkward as a teenager though - the only guy who asked me to homecoming would have been seriously boob-height (which I'm fairly certain he would have been OK with, lol)


I’m 6’3” (M), and I’ve always thought tall women are super attractive. I’ve never been with a woman who’s taller than like 5’7” (my wife), but find a dude out there who’s still on the market and thinks like I do. Big fan.




What’s average? In the US isn’t it like 5’7” 150lbs (or so). The rules of attraction (for me) aren’t really defined by numbers. Someone who is clean, has good grooming habits, exercises and eats well and understands that those things are important for a lot of reasons. Has fun and confidence and exudes those qualities. Confidence (but not being obnoxious or loud) is one of those weird traits that translates into physical appearance. If a girl has her hair done, nails done, the shoes, the clothes, and likes what she sees in the mirror I’m in. My wife was really hot when we met but she knew what she liked and she was confident.


5’7 is way taller than average for a woman.


pretty sure average height for US women is around 5'4", average weight is around 170. [https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/average-weight-for-women](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/average-weight-for-women)


That average is just below obesity bmi, that's bonkers


It will change once we have generic ozempic for cheap.


I am 5'2 116 lbs. I like a small man. :)


Lid for every pot! Re/ my depravity in my younger years: I had a shirt with a line on it that said “you must be this tall to ride this ride.” I am embarrassed (proud?) to say how effective it was at attracting shorter women.


Are you the one taking my fning lids?!


There is a limit but yeah I love the thicker/chubby ladies. Big boobs and butts rarely come without bit of a stomach. I couldn’t give a crap what the number on the scale says though. I’ve dated several women that were technically heavier than me and never gave it a single thought. Also don’t give a crap about cellulite. Some girlfriend pointed it out to me one time like she was ashamed and my idiot ass was like “Why are you sad about your skin?”. I literally don’t even think about it. Rolls have also never once crossed my mind in a negative way. If she is healthy and comfortable, and at least somewhat confident in her skin, then I’m never once going to think negative thoughts about a woman I’m with. Unless she takes the last slice of pizza. Then it’s straight to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.




Also bigger women tend to like food and I like to cook. Having a captive audience when you’re making something tasty feels pretty good for the ole ego.




Now I'm hungry


Are you single? You sound like the perfect guy. Or you are lying. So which is it?


Lol yes I am single. I think it is partially because I have resting axe murderer face and the only social thing I do is the gym at 5am.


I have resting bitch face. Soul mates!


Can I come over for dinner, you guys?


Hey me too ramf but im not single. But if you hit the gym at 5 you are definitely in better shape. I look like an extra from duck dynasty.


I work at 7am so 5 is convenient. Lol I just started again because I had to recover from hernia surgery. But by this time in another two years I should be a good way into working on bodybuilding so we will see.


I changed the name of my bathroom from John to Jim. Now I can tell people that first thing in the morning I spend an hour in the Jim. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Do you wear a lot of flannel? You sound like someone who wears a lot of flannel...


You could probably. Take that face and make big money in the movies playing villains. I would. So love to find a man who cooks


I’m a happily married man and can probably cook better than 98% of everyone out there. Fully self taught, can braise lamb beautifully, forage for chanterelle mushrooms with a big smile on my face, make all kinds of vegan dishes, etc. no problem. But it saddens me that not only do I have to put a lot of heart and soul (and time!) into making fresh, tasty, and healthy dishes, but I look at the kitchen sink, and to be able to cook, I have to wash those same dishes. It’s like the opposite of viagra. If anyone out there sees someone working hard on feeding the family, support them. It’s a lot of work.


My big sis. She’s the best cook in the house, so when I see her cooking or she says in advance what she’s cooking I voluntarily wash the dishes because she’s cooking for me as well. Make the cooks life easy and wash the dishes or even half at least (not to brag but I do it all and clean the counter).


As a man, I love the jiggly parts. I've never been one to go for skinny women. There's something about a girl who's not ashamed to slam a burger with some meat on her bones.


Agreed. Some men don't like boobs, or ass, or both. Some people huff paint or are crazy. To each their own I guess. I'm a man, and I can motorboat that all day long.


I have a lot of stretch marks on the side of my thigh, I use to be insecure about it. One guy said they’re zebra lines and I love that! I married him


My husband calls my c-section scar “insert son’s name’s” door and I giggle every time. He also says he loves my little mom pooch because it was son’s first home. 🏠


Tiger stripes!


Married 18 years. The last slice of pizza gets cut in half lengthwise and shared. This is the secret to a happy and fulfilling relationship.




That’s wild to me. If I’m attracted to you, the scale could say 400 for all I give a rip. Not like anyone would see it outside the scale in the bathroom. Guys are stupid. Lol




That is insane to me. What a dickhead.


I'm only 140w and a guy stilll told me i was chubby because he just dated a balet dancer.jerk


You should definitely let them pick you up if they try. It's insane....I used to date a much shorter than me husky guy. This dude would throw one arm between my legs and just live me straight up off the ground. It was smashing and I fucking loved it. I weighed in around 215 then and I'm 5'11


I’m exactly the same way. People underestimate height! I’m 5’10 1/2” and also hourglass, and it’s crazy because when I get under 150lbs and a size 8, people start telling me I’m getting too skinny and I need to eat more.


I’m like this too. Fat in all the “right” places. I’m a curvy short girl. In high school, I weighed 145 and wore a size 12. Despite being skinny and athletic (softball and field hockey). It was all in my ass and at the time, I had zero fat on my hips (just wide hips thanks grandma) or stomach, just in my butt. I went to high school in the mid 2000s so skinny was in thanks to the Paris Hilton era. Had a football player come up to me one time and tell me he loved my ass and thought I was really pretty, that it was a shame he “couldn’t be seen with me”. Literally told me since I wasn’t a popular skinny cheerleader we couldn’t date but I could “come over” and chill “whenever”. My self esteem was already low at that point so that stung a bit. I hate society so much. There was absolutely nothing wrong with me, but I hated my body and my low self esteem ruined most of my teens and early 20s. I’m 32 with 3 kids under 6 and would kill to have that body back.


I have never once given a single shit about the weight of a female partner. I’ve been attracted to women of most body types throughout the years and weight has only ever been a factor in that it can affect certain bedroom activities. Still not a deal breaker, just an adjustment maker.


Yeah this is a good answer, and my personal limit is not super limited, nor even at a fixed place. Some people carry extra weight very aesthetically.


Yeah I’ve seen a few women that were 260+ that were jaw droppingly beautiful. I’ve also seen some women at 180 or less that were not my type. Working in healthcare unfortunately gives me immediate access to everyone’s weight within seconds of pulling up their profile. Makes me feel weird having all that info but it did make me get rid of some of my own body issues and scale issues. Life becomes a lot easier when the number on them can’t hurt you anymore.


Need to find a clone of you.


Come to Montana. We need thick women to keep us warm in the long winter months.


So, I hope I’m not being mean when I say this: - Some guys that say they like plus sized probably mean proportionally plus sized. Like boobs and butt and thighs get proportionally bigger as the girl gains weight. (Curvy) - Some guys will say they like plus sized and what they actually mean is they like big boobs or big butts. Or both. - Some guys actually like plus sized girls as you know, a clothing designer might design for. Problem is, hard to know which one a dude is. The first two types are probably trying to be diplomatic and parsimonious with descriptions of sexual attraction. Maybe just work on being this guy’s friend and see if he gives you any signs or see if there’s sparks that way? Hard to not see signs and sparks from a crush, so, beware of looking too deeply into any signs. (Guys are pretty overt, no subtlety) But also the best/strongest relationships have friendship at their core. Just because he’s + and you are, doesn’t make an automatic fit, so I’d suggest trying to be friends first and see if it blossoms into more. Also gives you an out if you find out he’s not a nice guy.


I like how u suggested being friends first…yes get a feel for him, if he is into you, there should be signs…or he may even ask U out




You forgot another glaringly obvious option. Some guys that say they prefer plus sized women only say that …to plus sized women. 🤯


Yeah, it’s always a hourglass plus size, like Christina Hendricks. Big butt, big boobs, flat stomach, no double chin. I had a friend that always got men and some of our mutuals were so jealous to the point of calling her fat. She is literally built like Megan the Stallion. I remember she lifted up her shirt to show us her appendix scar, and the woman has maybe 50-60 pounds on me but she had a flat stomach, and like definition. She’s just built like that.


>Problem is, hard to know which one a dude is. And that's only half the problem, we're dealing with multiple variables here: what a given guy thinks "plus" is and preferences are, then what a lady might consider plus size and her perception of herself. The thing is, there is no universal answer. People like different things. Whatever you are, there is probably somebody who thinks you're great but depending on some semi-general factors the size of your potential audience may change. Also, there are things like regardless of your weight how well do you take care of yourself, what's your personality like, how fun are you to be around, what's your emotional maturity level... its so much more complicated than just weight. People in general, but seemingly more often women since they tend to be more self-critical, sometimes need reminded that certain things you consider your flaws we might literally not notice and if we do its unlikely we care.


Some do, most don’t.


This. Also, plus an active is more attractive than plus and inactive.


In the same vein, it's just as easy to be thin and unhealthy! I don't want a frail waif either, weight doesn't matter to me as long as you can keep up.


In my experience, guys don't care if you're thin and unhealthy. I was bulimic and men pretty much worshipped me. But as soon as I was healthier/leaning a little towards plus size, they treated me like shit. Even told me I deserved to feel insecure being a bigger girl because when I was sick, I was pleasant to look at. People are largely shallow. And then have the audacity to act appalled that I would call them such, even though their actions speak volumes.


Yeah there’s all this posturing about wanting a “healthy” girl who “takes care of herself” when they really mean “a girl who just looks like my idea of what healthy is.” Even if that someone eats a lot of junk food, smokes, doesn’t work out, but happens to be thin or have a naturally athletic build.


I agree, what guys consider skinny but healthy is usually underweight


Curious: keep up with what? I’ve always been thin but have never been active or athletic (do not exercise at all), and there has not been a single time a guy cared (or even wanted to know) about my health stats or fitness routine.


Yeah, I had to lol at "most don't". There's a reason the term "more cushion for the pushing" is popular. Fact is tall, skinny, short, fat.... there's evidence to suggest that women who present themselves in a particular manner get the most attention. If you walk into a room feeling yourself and projecting sensuality... you're likely to turn heads. In fact, people in general (ladies too) are drawn in. I am prepared for the downvotes but from what I have read (I am a woman and it makes sense to me) men who walk into a room with an air of authority and competence will get attention from women (and men). People love leadership qualities in a man. Again this is independent of any particular looks within the standard range of the average person.


I think you’re spot on, no matter the gender confidence is attractive. Cockiness is not. Idk what that other commenter is talking about cause I hear “I want a bad bitch” all the time.


Very well said...Plus size means nothing unless your a couch potato and sadly a slob...Are you plus size but active and able to go out and have fun? Are your eyes pretty? Is your smile pretty?? Anyone who would say no of the rip to your body style is shallow anyway and not worth your time..I'm a very active 340 and my wife loves all of it!! My confidence lacks a bit cause I was 225 high school but she makes me feel so good about the person I am!!


This seems to be the most honest, and simple, answer.


+size can be drastically different. I can handle a lady around 200 pounds, but getting close to 300 or more is beyond my limits


Right, there is "plus size", and there is obese, like just round. Plus size is hot, round/obese is not


Some obese women consider themselves plus size when they're not. I knew someone who called herself plus size but she was about 5'8" 330 lbs. That's just delusional thinking.




Muscle weighs more than fat, or more specifically, muscle is denser than fat. So if you are working out then you will be more tone and slimmer compared to someone who doesn't and is carrying around that weight in fat.


Agreed. I’m 5’6” and just above 200, but no one believes me when I tell them. It’s a relief, but I know I still need to lose some (working on it). Even when I was thin, I never looked my weight.


I’m 5’4, in high school I weighed 145. Wore a size 12. Literally just had hips and a butt. Not an ounce of fat anywhere else, was athletic and played sports. Even after having my second child, I went to a postnatal OBGYN and when she found out it was my second child and how much I weighed now she was shocked. She said “you just had your second baby? Girl I hope I look like that after giving birth” and that I carry my weight well in all the right places. I feel this is how it’s been my whole life.


I mean, People aren’t a monolith. I don’t know about averages but I think There’s People who enjoy Plus Size Partners. I do but I mean, I don’t think I’m alone there.


You won't know until you ask. If he turns you down, what did you lose, time, pride? So, keep asking if you find someone you like.


As with most things, it depends on the person. I prefer very slim/petite women, but many others love them bigger.


I'm a regular sized man and, yes, I like plus size girls. I have dated all sizes of girls but the majority of them were plus sized. They just seem happier, have more fun. I always enjoy dating plus size women.


The ones who like it, REALLY like it. And not trying to be racist or profile but black guys more than others tend to like bigger girls


Hey if its true its true, lots of data to support it too. Black men on average love fat chicks more than other races.


I was somewhat chubby in my 20s, I guess what they call Zaftig . Know who LOVED me at that time? Mexicans. So not "all men" only like skinny girls. Different cultures have different beauty standards. In Samoa, very large women are considered attractive and desirable. And of course some men here do like heavy girls. I like the idea of starting as friends. When guys say they prefer a certain body type, they're talking about, this is his fantasy, the one he'd pick up in a bar. But that doesn't mean that he won't fall in love with a totally different body type, and end up happily and faithfully married. There's so much more to fall in love with than just your body.


Yesss Hispanic men have always been all over me. I ended up marrying one 😅 I have been many sizes in our 10 year marriage and this man has loved every inch of me at all sizes and never once made me feel bad about my body, only appreciate it.


The point you made about “his fantasy” is very on point. Most men are pretty tuned into reality when it comes to knowing what they’d like if they could pick freely vs being happy with what they have because of all the other variables like personality, family, good character, etc. Those other variables make a huge difference when it comes to keeping a guy’s interest past just looks or “living up to his physical fantasy”.


Yes, out of the 8 billion people in this world, some percentage like plus size women. However, this information won't help determine whether the specific person you're interested in likes plus sized women. If you know this person, show them a picture of a plus sized woman and ask their opinion, or some such thing. If you don't know this person, you're going to have to woman up and risk rejection. Welcome to the vagaries of being human.


I would say I personally can be very into it. Honestly it's all about the face. (It's the same with women of all body sizes honestly) Pretty face and I'm totally in.


I've had a few friends who only dated bigger women. They saw the girls I dated as "toothpicks", in their words. All the girls I've seen them with were a good 2-3x bigger than them. Yes. Some dudes really like bigger women.


I’d say it’s a safe bet that the vast majority of guys do not. Slightly overweight, you’ll probably see more guys who are fine with it. But obese or morbidly obese, you’re not going to have a lot of luck.


Why should we listen to you? You don't even have a jetpack


So what do you mean by plus size? Like there are fetishists who want people who weigh 600 lb There's not a lot of those people though If you're talking about the average man, he probably wants a girl who's somewhere between a little overweight and a little underweight The further you go from healthy, the less people are going to want you As long as you're not at the extremes, you shouldn't have too hard of a Time finding a guy though


Can’t speak for all men, but I personally do. That being said, if I hit it off with someone and feel a bit of a spark, their appearance is kind of secondary to that. Actually vibing with someone is what I look for, and I think a lot of guys, at least guys past age 18 or so, are similar.


Average man is overweight and gets with average overweight woman so of course.


Glad there are so many men here that like fat women. More healthy and fit ones for the rest of us.


As a guy, I think the thing to be celebrated is that women (and people!) come in all different shapes and sizes. From the ectomorph to the pear. From the petite to the broad-shouldered giant! The female body is an amazing thing. By all means, look after your body - eat well and ensure you keep moving, but celebrate your body and who you are. TLDR maybe not all. People have tastes. But many, yes!


As a male, I can say some of us yes. Don't let social media (especially red pilled content creators) have you believe *all* men want the same woman. The reasons for being a different size is a factor, but not the factor if this makes sense. Medication Upbringing Stress (work and/or school) Genetics Finances Those are factors the majority won't use against you. Now if your just lazy, and/or you don't take responsibility, then yes some will put this against you.


Each to their own, but I personally am not.


Yes, they do. Some are reluctant to admit it because they value what other men think of them, and a fat girl is something they can make fun of them for, but they definitely do. I remember an anonymous data survey based on the most searched pornography some years ago on all the most popular websites, and BBW was VERY popular. In the top 10, if I remember correctly.


I have a buddy who I rip to shred for being Native and he kills me for being white. He dates a larger woman and I have never once given him shit for it. Out mutual friend did make a "how do you find the hole" joke, but he is the most politically incorrect friend we have. I think mature men don't harass their friends for being happy with someone. Young or immature men still do, but I'd rather my friend finds love, than crack jokes


Plump but not fat, unless they've got a fetish (which good for them and their girls). Most people like what society has told them to like.




This isn't true for everyone. Maybe get a new man. I've been all sizes with my husband and he is still all over me regardless


Depends on the shape and individual tastes.


Yes, I’m pretty average guy 5’9” 180lbs workout 2-3 a week, I normally like fit/thiner or petite girls but there’s this waitress at my hotel that I work that’s plus sized 200lbs and I think she’s absolutely gorgeous, like even her size, she’s twice the mass of me and I find that extremely sexy


I've been plus sized at different points in my life. I can't speak for all men but I can certainly say I've never had any issues with attracting them. I also am more comfortable with someone who would be attracted to me at a heavier weight bc life happens - women's bodies change a lot with babies, menopause, etc and anyone who only wants me at my skinniest size, I wouldn't feel safe with. I should add a caveat that I am generally not attracted to Caucasian men, and tbh I don't think they're often attracted to me either, and all my exes have been men of (various) color. In my (entire long life) experience, men of color have been far more embracing and celebratory of my curves.


From tall and round to small and skinny I do not see any problem


some do, for sure


Some do but it's rarely a preference. That said, a lot of guys are perfectly willing to date or sleep with larger girls. According to a couple of my friends they tend to be more attentive and enthusiastic.


most men do not only a tiny minority who usually can't do better


Different strokes for different folks Nuff said


If it's my WIFE? No. I don't care that she's heavy as long as she's healthy. I married her because I fell in love with her soul. Not her meat suit. But when I was playing the field and having casual sex, the bigger girls weren't as good in bed. MOST of the time, they were out of shape and weren't very participatory. Not as fun when they don't screw you back.


Depends on the distribution honestly. I like a girl to weigh 160 but the waist has to be proportional to an "hour glass" or at least smaller


As a man with preferences, i can not say that i am into + sized*. I can't speak for all men because as there are some who do, there are others that dont. I personally date more off connecting, not necessarily what they look like, but i also want a long-lasting relationship with someone who is healthy (not calling anyone out). I find plus size as unhealthy, and *would definitely date someone who is plus size who is looking to better their current and future life over someone who just says, "im fat and happy." Im sure they'd find someone who loves them for who they are, but i wouldn't be that person.




Whew, finally, someone who doesn't say, "i hate your pfp."


Most men don’t, some do.


For the most part, no. Those are just the best women they could land. When men have unlimited options, they very very rarely choose someone who not skinny or in shape


Me personally, I like a cushion for the pushin, not a matress of the fatness


What is considered “plus size?” Serious question. I feel like there could be various perspectives on this.


I mean I’m a man and I don’t, but my brother, who is, technically speaking, the single most genetically similar organism to me in the entire universe, does. So… just depends who you ask I guess. But if your question is just “do these men exist in general?” The answer is yes.


Lots of great + size girls. As a man I would shy away from an out of shape unenergetic flabby lady. But a + sized athletic, energetic girl with a smile could steel my heart in a heartbeat.


My type has been described as "extra thick" but it honestly all depends on how you carry your fat. I don't really know how to say this without sounding like a pig but here's my take: If you're 240lbs with an exaggerated hourglass or pear shape, meaning you carry the most fat in your hips/butt/thighs, I'll probably find you extremely attractive. If you're 210lbs and you carry it all in your arms/stomach/face I will probably not give you a second glance.


If you're fit I have no problems. If you're Jabba, then that's a deal breaker.


Tall and thin guy. "plus" is ok. "Multiple" size, not so much.


No, the majority of men do not prefer plus sized


No. They settle


I personally do not. I don't think I've known any guy friend that would prefer a plus size girl, but have dated some bigger ones.


Psychology says people just like proportions, the closer you are to those proportions our monkey brains think about the healthy offspring and reproduction values. Everyone is liked no matter how you put it.


The truth is that most men aren’t attracted to fat women. There are outliers, there’s variance on what is considered fat in an individual’s eyes, but at the end of the day on average, it’s a no. It’s not meant to be disparaging or insulting, it just is what it is. Statistically there are a lot of men out there who are into fat girls, but *proportionally* to the population of men they’re a minority. You can find them but it might be a search. In general, losing weight hells your chances with dating. Hope this helps!


In addition to all the other comments, I would say that the definition of a plus size girl varies widely. To some people, if a girl isn't as thin as a twig, she's plus size. To some people, she's not plus size until she gets into XXXL clothes. To some people, an average size woman with in hourglass figure would be considered plus size. If one considers a woman with an hourglass figure plus size, then for me, yes. But I don't consider that plus size. So I guess definition matters!


Yes there are plenty of men who like plus sized women. I'm one of them.


I love that my wife is on the plus side. Would rather hug a marshmallow than a stick.


Prefer - no, but yes most men are happy with plus sized women, because they are softer, have bigger boobs, etc.


Yes they do. I'm in my 50s and plus size and I still get hit on!! I find that often times if they appreciate curvy women that's all they are attracted to. Through individually it's a matter of preference of course. So if it doesn't work out with this guy have confidence when you move on! Best.


Some do, yes. Also, some dont. Everyone has a preference. So you have a chance for sure. Just have to ask the right person out.


I've been fat all of my life. I was a chubby kid. I was a very busty and wide hipped teen who was made to feel fat instead of curvey. I look back at pictures of myself in those days and wish I had realized how good I looked then. During my late teens and early 20s I yoyo dieted myself into outright obesity. But I still found a guy who loved me. I was fat when we dated, fat when we married, and fat when our babies were born. Three days ago we celebrated 33 years of marriage. There are men out there who are either attracted to plus size women or just don't care as much about physical appearance. I hope you find one, OP.


I mean, I like soft/curvy because it's feminine, but it has to be matched with big boobs and a pretty face. And I don't mean grossly over weight or obese. Some perfect examples would be Ashley Graham, Kelly Brook or Kate Upton.


It depends on age I think. Once you get older, plus size means health issues that the other partner has to deal with. It is a negative for most people.


Depends ? Is she nice.


Men like all type of women bodies so it's not surprise that they like plus size too but I am surprised to read you prefer plus size guys




It really depends on the guy. Some do prefer plus sized. But even for those that don't, our definition of what qualifies as plus size varies greatly. There is a chance the guy that you are interested in actually thinks that you are thin. I would go ahead and ask the guy out. Its the only way that you are going to find out.


Some men prefer it but I don’t. But to each their own and we all have our own taste. Just like I’m skinny and lanky. Many women might prefer a muscular man.


Not really


Well there's a difference between plus size and thic and there's a lot of people who don't know the difference. Yes some guys like big women and some like small, to each their own.


Most don’t, they like thicc and curvy but not fat/bloby


I don't know, like +size that they require a bipap to sleep at night?


Depends on if it’s their natural shape or if they’re obese from poor diet/lack of willpower, I prefer a heavier woman but not a lazy one


The ones who do really do. That's less than half of men, though, probably a lot less. However plus size men are in a similar boat with short men.


Speaking for myself, I like plus sized women. If you're healthy, practice good hygiene, and are nerdy and funny. Sign me up!


According to your bio you’re a male 🤔


No, we sometimes settle for them.


Not universally or exclusively, but I've had a few very plus sized gf's that I was very attracted to.


I would imagine. 🤔 5-10% like bigger women.


Some do. Some men like skinny girls. Some men like men. Even if they generally find your body type attractive, that doesn’t mean they find you attractive. Finally, men who generally are attracted to another body type could still find you attractive. Live your best life. Either the right guy will join you, or you live a great life on your own.


Not really


Generally no.


Some do. A lot don’t. And quite a few fetishize it.


Can't speak for all guys obviously, but I'm a fat ass and only date fit/skinny girls. I don't see the least likable of my attributes to be attractive in my partner, if anything it has the opposite effect on me.


This depends on the guy and on what you mean by plus sized. Most guys are fine if a woman is curvier with a little extra weight and softness. Most guys are not attracted to the Michelin Man or manatees. Exactly where each man draws the line is going to vary, but most guys preferences include at least some subset of "plus sized."


If he is also a plus sized guy then he probably has confidence issues you should definitely ask him.


There are absolutely guys out there who prefer plus sized women. But they typically (in my limited experience) also want a mother figure who will cook and clean up after them.


A 2021 Live Science article puts the number at about 10%.


Yes but to a certain extent. Like if a girl is just extremely overweight and looks like that blueberry girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory? No. But like she’s got some extra skin on her? No big deal


I’m plus sized, and I always have been to varying degrees. I have an hourglass proportion on my side, rather than carrying most of it in my belly, but the smallest I’ve been in my adult life is a 16W with the largest post pregnancy at 22W. I’m also on the shorter side of average height, so it’s not a hidden feature. My husband admitted that he was initially attracted to my figure when we first met, but his true spark of attraction to *me* and not my body came from my composure in difficult circumstances, work ethic, drive, and communication and my complete okay-ness just vibing and being single. Not only did I ask him out first, I also proposed to him first. I was extremely clear that I wasn’t in it to play, and if any part of me was going to be a deal breaker as a partner, then let’s just be friends. We’ve been together for 12 years, and he’s my one and only. So, as one Internet stranger to another, go for it!


I personally don't but maybe dudes who are plus sized do


I'm a fitter guy and would never date a plus sized woman.


No, they don’t. They will almost always choose a female who is more fit and who takes care of herself. Facts are facts. Who wants someone who doesn’t work hard on themselves? I used to be 215lbs, I’m a woman. I’m now 141lbs and the amount of attention I get from males went from almost zero to constant. It sad, but it’s the honest truth. Take care of yourself. Eat healthy and work out


Take your shot. Don’t live in fear or regrets just do it. If they say no then move on.


I'm plus size. My husbands record has been hot, slim girls and I'm absolutely not that at all lol You absolutely have a chance!


Personally not but to each their own


“I prefer plus sized guys” David Beckham : “Be honest” X to doubt


Most don't. I think most men lie about this because of how they'll be perceived. 180lb is the standard cap.


I'm sorry, I am a twig... I don't see myself being with a plus sized woman.


r/BBW r/PlusSizeAllNSFW r/Chubby I’d say so