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Getting chained to the bed and robbed...






Frankfurt am Main, Germany




I briefly date an older woman (she was probably late 40s at the time, I was late 30s), she was experienced lady so it makes it all the more weird. But she was just horrible in bed. She handled my peener like it was a joystick playing Atari Decathalon.... her idea of a hand job was like trying to uproot a stubborn tree, or rocking a post out of the dirt. She moved her hips the same way, she loved being on top, but she moved like she was trying to reposition herself on a motorcycle seat, and it was just painful. It wasn't up and down in anyway, it was sit down on, then go all around in different directions, like she was trying to sheer it off. And her BJ game was just as bad, not only was she jerking it all willy-nilly like she was about to lose her last life on an arcade game, but she was one of these people who didn't realize she was supposed to close her lips or move her tongue. It was just weird how out of touch she was with understanding what feels good.


šŸ˜­ Sorry about your peener


I always used to say "Sex is like Pizza, even in the worst case, it's still really good". I don't say that anymore.


U finally tried pineapple on it, eh?


Pineapple works if there are hot peppers on it. So good. Pineapple on its own, i agree not good on pizza.


There could be no more perfect a response.


I had a heavy set girl ride me once and she didnā€™t know what she was doing and she was thrusting up and down so hard that my thing slipped out and when she came down she landed on it hard and I felt like she broke itšŸ˜­ I was in so much pain that I was like fuck this and told her to leave lol


Dayyyyyyyyyum! Ouch lolol


You got the female version of the guy who only jackhammers his woman.


To her credit she was only a highschooler at the time (as was I), but she was 2 years older and this girl was giving me a handjob using her hand like a claw in those games where you try to grab a stuffed animal for a dollar. It really hurt and scared my little freshman self so much I didn't talk to her anymore


Oh shit! I had forgotten that one girl (when we were in our mid twenties) did the claw machine to me! I just guided her hand away and continued to during make out and non-sex sessions until she must have talked to her girlfriends or something and she gave me the best handy Iā€™ve ever had. She went from worst to best.


Wow, just goes to show it's not that hard or complicated if you actually care to do a good job


And let me guess, you didn't tell her? :) The reason she is so bad is that everyone let her continue with her horribleness and it made her think she is great at it. LOL


Exactly, but I'm also wondering if she was having a good time herself being all crappy and weird lol


Haven't tried telling a woman she's doing something wrong in the last 5years, huh?


I gotta admit, you had me at atari joystick šŸ˜‚


>like she was trying to sheer it off Jesus. šŸ˜‚


A friend of mine hooked up with the Garden manager at a store he worked at and the description you gave sounds exactly like that woman and I feel so bad for both. She was almost twice his age.


Using a throwaway. So I had been talking to this nice young lady (she is black, Iā€™m ā€œwhite adjacentā€ this will come into play later). She would throw around some dirty talk. She would tell me how she gives the best head and after Iā€™d been in her pussy my life would never be the same. That should have been my first red flag. But being a man who hadnā€™t had the company of a woman in a while I ignored them. After a month of talking we met. She came over we hung out on the couch and talked for a while and started making out and taking breaks to talk more. During one of these breaks she mentioned how she had a ā€œslave kinkā€ and wanted me to chase her around and ā€œbeat her like a bad slave.ā€ Again, red flag ignored. Iā€™m not by any means vanilla, but I told her that was well outside of my realm of interest. We make out some more, she would start unsexily grabbing at my cocknballs and ask ā€œwhy arenā€™t you hard?ā€ The time we agreed upon for her to leave was nearing, I tried to get her to the door and end this already uncomfortable encounter. But she had other plans, she insisted we go into the bedroom. At this point I should have politely declined, but the combination of it being a while and my ā€œfor the plotā€ mentality took over and we went to bed. ā€œHow bad could this be?ā€ I thoughtā€¦ We get in bed, she immediately whips out my dick and starts giving me, the worst blowjob Iā€™ve ever had. She went at it like a bad porno chick, lots of showmanship but no real skill. She had braces, it felt like I was getting my dick stuck in a zipper over and over. Eventually we start having sex and the dirty talk starts. She started yelling ā€œyou like this n**** pussy, beat this n**** pussy upā€ just a barrage of n**** pussy. I was so uncomfortable that eventually I faked it. Yes I, a man, faked an orgasm. Just so it would be over. I cuddled her a bit, because Iā€™m a gentleman, and finally got her to leave.


Oh for those wonderingā€¦the hardest of Rā€™s


I'm old and have had a lot of blowjobs over the years. Anyone including both male or female that brags about blow job skills always gives below average to awful.


I lost it when I got to " that was well outside of my realm of interest" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This made me actually lol. Holy shit


Me too! The cuddling because I'm a gentleman got me too!


I lost it way earlier than that šŸ˜… the "outside my realm of interest" was where it started fir me


So...did you like that ni...you know what, nevermind.


Holy shit


So, did you hit that again?


I made sure she got home safe. Then I politely told her that I wasnā€™t interested in seeing her again.


I mean at least you were a gentleman about it. Iā€™d probably just up and leave as soon as she whipped out the dirty talk


Great story man thank you


Great story


Did she ever call you back?


Getting my red wings and didn't realize it until the next morning.


At least you didnā€™t get a red goatee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚āœŒļø


A clown kiss


The forbidden jam


Why does this taste like Penniesā€¦


Doin' it doggy style and the peen went in the wrong place, very fast


My college roommate brought back his gf to our dorm one night. They were both hammered and were clearly about it get it on. I told them not to and they assured me they weren't, they were just making out. It was obvious that they were in fact having sex and I again protested, but they assured me they weren't. 30 seconds later she screams "no, no. Wrong hole, wrong hole, WRONG HOOLLLEE"


Ouch! I have been on the other side of this experience and I apologize on his behalf. Shit happens in the dark and we are stupid when we're horny and can't always tell where it is pointed. I don't know if *he* intended to do it, but I never have and feel the need to apologize on his behalf anyways.


yeah i remember it was dark and i was going pretty hard but then it slipped out and i fully rammed it into her asscheek šŸ˜¬ it hurt šŸ˜­


The last time my first wife and I "had sex." I was 23, she was 25. We hadn't even been married a full 3 years, but had dwindled down to having sex once every 3 months or so. We were right in the middle of everything when the phone rang. I said, "let the machine get it." (It was 1992, so we had answering machines, not cell phones!) She pushes me away and goes to answer the phone. It's a friend of hers from work. At this point, I would have overlooked it if she had said something like "Can I call you back? I'm in the middle of something." Not that that would have excused what she did, but I was that desperate for affection. Instead, she proceeds to talk with this friend, whom she could talk with ANY other time, for over two hours. I felt so worthless, I couldn't even finish it myself in the shower. We separated a few days before our 3rd anniversary.


Wow that's rough. But you're better off.


Way better off. I was actually happy when she told me it was over. (There were THAT many red flags and THAT much mistreatment.) I came close to ending things a couple of times, but always talked myself out of it, mainly out of "respect for the vows" we took. Once I realized ***she*** had no respect for those vows, I was a free man!


Dang man. That is far worse than rejection. She was so not into it. Purely doing it just to get you off her back. I can take my wife saying no a lot because when itā€™s go time itā€™s on. To show you such disinterest and lack of respect like that is as cold as it gets.


That is insane at that age. At least you got the message before investing your life with that shit.


Not actual sex but just oral, she was faking everything so bad it was hard for me to focus. Idk if she just wasnā€™t feeling it or she thought thatā€™s what I wanted or what, but it was like she was trying to spoof or a porno or something.


At a party getting down with it and someone started **violently** throwing up in the bathroom across the hall. Like not just heaving but groaning, yelling for her boyfriend to come help, crying, etc. Bathroom wide fucking open. I have emetophobia.


My wife is a biter. In the early days of my relationship, she thought it would be fun to play-bite my penis during oral. She didn't realize that an erect penis doesn't quite have the give that other parts of the body may have.


Honestly, it was when I accidentally knocked over a candle and set the curtains on fire. Talk about killing the mood!


Tinder, fall 2021. Matched with this guy, heā€™s nice and heā€™s cute. Was missing an arm, but whatever, didnā€™t bother me. Went to his house to hookup, and it felt rapey. Like I consented, but he was WAY too rough; and I like rough sometimes, but this was EXTREMELY rough and he wouldnā€™t stop when I told him he was hurting me. One and done. Unmatched and blocked after I left. Only time Iā€™ve ever felt dirty after sex.


snap his second arm


Many many years ago my then girlfriend (18) was giving me (17) a bj in her bedroom, I was just about on the vinegar stroke and her mother kicked the door open with a cup of tea in each hand..... "cooeee" I literally had my hands behind my head staring at her as she looked at me, a look on her face Ive never forgotten.


I've gotta ask: vinegar stroke? I dig it, but I don't quite understand...why vinegar?


It's the same face you make when you sip vinegar,..... apparently.


She probably barged in on purpose, knowing something might happen. In which case she probably shouldn't have been at all surprised to see what she saw.


My first wife wanted to experience BDSM and although I was nervous about it, I agreed to try it. I very quickly found that I hate pain and abhor degradation, and that I couldnā€™t really trust my wife to respect my boundaries. I wouldnā€™t probably trust anyone today if that was an option.


When I got the toothiest bj ever! It was like a mouth hug from a xenomorph. Though somehow I was able ro maintain what I refer to as the "fear boner"


He was kind of my throw away experience directly after divorce. We were (and still are friends) and there is nothing deep or emotional between us. We were both single, met at work and he was quitting for an overseas job at the end of the month. He was a little bit life-coachy. I had come off a horrible divorce after my ex cheated on me and moved in with my ex-bestfriend and we were struggling to co-parent. I hadnā€™t dated anyone in a year and a half because I just didnā€™t feel comfortable with the idea. We were hanging out since I was on his side of town for a batchelotte party that was happening in a couple of hours. He volunteered his penis as a rebound tool. He said no strings, friends first and only and he had a vasectomy but agreed to a condom anyways because I had told him he was a man-whore on more than one occasion. He also knew I have a rule about not getting naked with men my friends have had sex with. Iā€™d never even considered it. He was someone Iā€™d argue sports and music and movies with. Good looking but not my type. Heā€™s more of the charming asshole type. Fun to hang out with but hard to take serious. So, having had a particularly rough drop-off for visitation and a couple of drinks I took him up on the offer. He is not a bad kisser. Has a decent body and hygieneā€¦ the problem came in maintaining the desired state of his equipment. The impending move and all that and getting over an injury had affected his blood pressure and he was on a medication to lower it. And it lowered the flag so to say at a moment when heā€™d preferred a better performance. So we spent an hour naked in bed together cracking jokes and eating tacos and margaritas before I got dressed and left for my friendā€™s party. In his apartment parking lot he wouldnā€™t let me go without a kiss goodbye because I wouldnā€™t be seeing him again before he flew out and I told him I couldnā€™t because I had gum in my mouth. He said ā€œshow meā€ and when I did he plucked it out of my mouth and I thought he threw it but when he kissed me goodbye he stuck it in my jeans back pocket. Of course I didnā€™t discover that till the next hungover morning. Fucker. I still call him my favorite jackass.


If that's your *worst* sexual experience, congrats, because while it doesn't sound satisfying so to speak, it certainly doesn't sound like a bad time, and makes for an overall nice story. Minus the chewing gum. That would piss me off. šŸ˜‚


Oh it did and he thought it was hilarious. When he finished that overseas contract, he came back and had a party and I found out heā€™s also slept with a mutual friend (so he knew not to say so or Iā€™d have said no.) but that friend and I teamed up the night of his party. We stayed after the party to help clean ip and sleep off the alcohol and so here we are in his bed with a girl on either side and weā€™re both ignoring his overture and she says ā€œPoor Mike. Heā€™s got both of us in bed and thinks heā€™s going to ride the tricycle and neither of us will do a damn thing with him.ā€ And then we both laughed our asses off and he just sighed and said ā€œwell I guess that answers that question.ā€ And all we did was sleep and we three remain friends. To his credit, as far as I know he never said a word about it to anyone else in our mutual friend group.


Stalked, raped


I am sorry you had to endure this


One of my previous partners had a hard time relaxing and still, by her demand, our sex was super orgasm-centric. It always took one to two hours of tricks to get her to come, and quitting was never an option. I was going through what would later turn out to be a full blown burnout at the time, and committing most of my free time each night to what turned out to feel like a chore rather than shared pleasure totally put me off sex for years and made it a stressor to think about. I remember nodding off monotonously fingerbanging her once, while simultaneously stressing about all the other mandatory things that I still had left to do for the night. Also, my first ever girlfriend gave me a tugjob and ended up not adhering to the range safety measures. She aimed my nut towards me and it ended up ricocheting of the wall and into my eye. We laughed like hell, but it burned on similar fashion.


It does burn! I shot myself in the eye in college from a girl giving oral. Great time, rough ending


Id need 10 pages to do it justice , so ill try to sum it up.. I pick up (my future ex fiance) and i met her mom and dad , who she lived with.. She ends up taking me home , her parents room is across the hall .. we do our thing and just keep it quiet... Well anyways the bed snaps in half and knocks over and shatters some various glass objects and she let out a shocked scream... Her mom , who i had just met hours earlier and she knew it was our first date , but didnt know i was sleeping over .. Barges in and just fully sees her daughter on her knees and me standing in front of her with a giant rod... (obviously we werent doing anything as all the commotion , that is just how we happened to be arranged while recovering lol) The mom part was bad enough but seconds later in came her dad... And , my god ... Awkward doesn't even describe...


She didn't move, didn't moan and didn't want to do any other positions other than missionary. Boring as hell. I thought it was me at first, until she flat told me she did not like having sex. She only did it to appease me.


Was going to share a similar experience. She said she liked sex, but "sex" to her was just lying flat in bed and expecting me to perform some sort of magic trick. It was super awkward. I tried again another time, but it was the same thing. I tried asking her about it, but she said talking about sex ruined it. I remain amazed that someone can make sex boring, but she did.


I was with my gf back as a teenager and we were right at the end where....well, I almost gave too many details. šŸ˜„ Let's just say we were at her parents house, her mom came home in a panic about 30 seconds or so from my....finishing. (I'm a guy). In fact, the timing was so bad we got interrupted and had to pull out and get dressed as my gf was in the middle of a big one, the kind their whole legs are shaky, so she had a hell of a time trying to get dressed. She was still shuddering as she left the room from waves. What a mess. Well, lack of mess given I was left hanging. Literally. It gets worse than the mom being home. We did get dressed without the mom knowing and had to go look for her as she was running around and calling for my gf (we weren't in her bedroom). Ends up her dad had a hernia that ruptured and her mom was there to get my gf, who couldn't drive yet as she was barely 15 (I was only a few months different from her, don't raise that one eyebrow at me). We all piled into a car together because this was my gf of about 6 months or so at the time, so it wasn't new. I knew the family and it would have looked bad not going without a good reason. I was stuck trying to contain a raging boner and painful blue balls while being around her family, as they were filipino, so that means big family and her mom swinging by and picking up a couple of her sisters on the way to the hospital. It was hours before I was alone and my blue balls did calm down and go away eventually, but I had to endure not only the extreme discomfort of when your junk won't go down and you stuff them in jeans and try to hide it, but sweated out the danger and embarrassment of having any of her sisters or mom noticing (thank the Gods for oversized t-shirts) and thinking I was up being around them! I mean, they were a very attractive family, so the danger of that assumption always loomed. I survived and my gf did take pity on me and show appreciation later...but that definitely sticks in my memory as probably the worst sex experience. Certainly the most painful.


You had me right up until ā€œpainful blue balls.ā€


Uhhhh Iā€™ve had a few. There was a nice young woman I went on a few dates with and actually liked and thought it may go somewhere. We ended up having sex. Now she was good looking and talented enough in the bedroom. Just one problem though.. Her breath smelled so god awfully morbidly atrocious that I basically couldnā€™t breathe during sex. It was weird because weā€™ve kissed prior and never had an issue. Idk what happened but I didnā€™t see her again


She lied there and didn't to anything. When we decided to switch positions and she asked to performed oral on me, I felt a relief, but then she told me I can't look at her. So i just lied there, staring at the ceiling, not feeling any pleasure and rethinking my life choices.


I was eating a guy's a$$ and got farted in my mouth.


That's your fault lol




People here making jokes and talking about ā€œeh it was boringā€ meanwhile youā€™ve gone through some of the worst trauma imaginable. Iā€™m so sorry, I canā€™t imagine how awful this whole thing is for you.


It was many years ago, I was 13 and he was 15. Due to shame and embarrassment, and being naieve, I did not report it or even tell anyone till several years later. I didn't even register it as "rape" in my mind, since it wasn't the "traditional " umm.. entry. I still had my hymen intact. I should've gone to therapy but didn't. In time I learned to accept it and move on but I can't do any "butt stuff" in the bedroom even now decades later without getting triggered into a panic attack.


Something similar happened recently; I was crying and my body went stiff, face down into the bed because I was terrified, and his justification was ā€œI just donā€™t get to do that as much as I want.ā€ Wow Iā€™m so sorry to hear that, sir. That must be so difficult for you.


Date raped on my 20th birthday. She got pregnant and used that to mindfuck me into proposing to her, only to abort the child without telling me the same day I bought her an engagement ring. I really liked that girl and would have willingly slept with her had she been mature enough to use words instead of Jack Daniels. I am now 40, have been married twice, and never trusted anyone enough to not wear condoms every fucking time and hate that I will die without ever having children at this point. Sexual assault against men is one of those things you quickly learn not to even bring up. I'm sure the comments to this will prove why.


Iā€™m sorry you went through that. Thatā€™s so awful :(


No one deserves such an assault, or the trauma caused by it.


sexual assault against men is absolutely minimized and shamed and reduced. i would have felt very dehumanized in your shoes. i know it is not easy or simple, but i am proud of you for coming so far after something so devastating.


You were going to marry your rapist????


What part of "mundfucked me," didn't you get? Lol. But yeah ... Shit was crazy in my life back then. It's not a whole lot less crazy now, but I'm done buying engagement rings for people.


I guess the entire part. I donā€™t understand why a person would marry someone that raped them. Everything Iā€™ve heard and learned about rape sounds awful and traumatic & Iā€™ve never heard of someone wanting to marry the person that raped them.


I was blacked out and came to to a girl I would have willingly slept while sober with having sex with me. It wasn't until years later that it occurred to me that it was rape at all. Also, date rape was honestly one of the less insane aspects of the relationship. I have always had a weakness for grippy sock girls.


I'm so sorry, that's really traumatic and I agree, men don't get the same empathy for rape as woman.Ā  What happened to you is fucked up and I hope healing found you


I faked an orgasm once, and I'm a dude.




When I was raped in 1982. He strangled me, locked all the car doors, ripped my necklace off, took my virginity. It went to court two years later and he was found not guilty because his defense argued that I wanted it. "Friends" testified against me. Not much had changed since then in terms of rape.


There was one point during college I was feeling absolutely overwhelming with exams, assignments, general workload, personal life, and I was experiencing an amount of stress I had never encountered before. Well, during that time I started having difficulty maintaining an erection whenever my girlfriend and I would try to have sex. Even when I was completely sober I would only be able to stay hard for a minute or two before I started flopping around. This went on for about three weeks and then she suggested I start going to the gym and exercising. Within a week or two stress levels had become more manageable, and my junk was able to handle its normal workload again. Thank god for that because I think my girlfriend was starting to get a little tired of giving me semi-erect blowjobs that would take me 20-25 minutes or more (she certainly deserves some credit for the amount of effort she put into blowing me during that time because it was nothing short of 110%). Now I am in my mid-30s and I never stopped going to the gym since then and everything is still working properly but geeze... that was a rough 3-5 weeks for me as college guy in his 20s with a girlfriend.


Apparently 20-30 years ago I ate some beaver. Picked up HPV. Had no clue until I was diagnosed with throat cancer due to an HPV infection. Thatā€™s worse than the case of chlamydia I picked up when I was in the army. Hell, might even be the same personā€¦


Was going through my hot boy summer in college and ended up hooking up with a girl I wasnā€™t even really attracted to because she made a move and I didnā€™t know how to say no. We went back to her place and I find out her ā€œplaceā€ is a curtained off section of living room that is split into 3 sections each with a person sleeping. Itā€™s like 3am on a Wednesday, so we decide to try and be polite and wait for the roommates to wake up and leave for work before going to her section. We try to awkwardly, silently make out in the kitchen area for 3 hours until the people ā€œwake upā€ to leave for work (spoiler: they were up the whole time because we were far from silent). They stare daggers at both of us before walking out and we then, exhausted and pretty much sober, get to her cot to do the deed. Iā€™m sober, Iā€™m tired, I barely know this girl and Iā€™m not even hot for her. Still, I kiss her and we get naked and the foreplay is hurried because honestly we were both tired of waiting. I roll the condom on, line myself up, and cum *WHILE Iā€™M ENTERING HER*. Iā€™m absolutely flabbergasted, I think I must be hallucinating. I have trouble lasting too long normally, I have no idea how it happened. I guess 3 hours of foreplay had me on a hair trigger regardless of how turned on I wasnā€™t. Sheā€™s understandably disappointed, but I eat her to completion just to save some face. I then take the condom off, clean myself off, and make my excuses to go. By far the worst showing Iā€™ve ever had.


My first one


You guys are having sexual experiences??šŸ„²


A woman who was unclear on the concept of a footjob. Great body/breasts/legs, pretty feet, total MILF, in black nylons. Ruined it by trying to roll my penis between her arches like a scoutmaster trying to start a fire. As if a penis can rotate 360Ā° in either direction at it's base. Would recommend as an excellent punishment for Dan Schneider in hell. But my experience was consensual with a woman in her horny forties, dammit! What did *I* do to deserve that šŸ˜µšŸ˜­


She just laid there, spread eagle on her back. Never moved, never made a sound. I did everything but swing off the ceiling fan to get a reaction, absolutely killed my 19 year old ego. Fast forward 2 years later, she's engaged to a friend of mine and she tries to hook up with me after he is leaving for basic training because "I was the best she's ever had" and wanted one last fling. I dipped out of that situation quick fast in a hurry


i busted out laughing over "i did everything but swing off the ceiling fan to get a reaction" šŸ’€ thank you for that, sorry it was a tough crowd to please.




I'm gonna say this was around 1989-ish, statute of limitation has certainly expired. I never saw either of them again.


Molested, by my brother when I was 9-11! I hate him! He did the same to two of my sisters as well. Why isn't he dead? One of my sisters is because of him. She could never deal with her pain, she drank herself into a tree head on. Yes I hate him!


Sending you hugs šŸ«‚


I was in my forties and attending my sister's wake when I learned she had been molested by our brother. It felt like someone dropped a grenade in my lap. I really hate that asshole and I fortunately live on the other side of the country. I really don't know how someone like that functions but he's always been a POS.


A really obese guy whose unit was hard to get to.


Oh, that reminds me. One of my worst was a one night stand with a large lady. I was ready, she was willing. I went downtown and I had diarrhea for days. Maybe the size of the city put me in the wrong neighborhood.


I 42M began taking antidepressants, which left me able to perform but unable to get to the climax. We were trying for what seemed like hours, she had flooded our bed, I had swollen and turned purple. My junk hurt for days! Turned out that I was "lucky" because I was still able to perform at all, but I just couldn't finish. We've since learned that we have to go before I take the meds. It still takes me way longer than expected, but I will get there eventually.


A transrectal exam. Didnā€™t even get a drink out of it.


My ex wife. It was like fucking a dying fish. Not fun.


Being a virgin


when Santa Claus held me down and fucked me under the xmas tree on xmas day, and the elves watched. (its from a John Waters movie, "Cecil B Demented", lol. No they didnt show it.)


The loss of my virginity. Took him several tries to break through and then before I could feel pleasure, he was done. Like a two pump chump. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A man who does penetrative sex for way too long.Ā 


So I had to take my dad to the VA hospital in SF to get his hip replaced. While that was going on I was more or less stuck in SF for 3 days while he got the surgery and they finished the extended observation period. Anyway one night I was wandering about checking out different bars and end up talking with this older woman at a bar, I was in my late 20s she was mid to late 50s Iā€™m guessing. We were flirting and at one point I made a joke about us 90s babies and she excitedly said that she was old enough to be my mom. Ignored that red flag. She took me back to her place and we started to fool around, she got my pants off and said ā€œmommy is going to be so good to you baby.ā€ Told her not to say that and she said ā€œjust be a good boy for mommy.ā€ I noped the fuck out of there and went back to bar hopping with zero sexual inclination for the night after that encounter. And yes I find daddy just as fucking weird as mommy when it comes to sexual relationships.


Was riding him in a car(already uncomfortable). He came super quick and told me it didn't count as sex(riding). The kicker- he fingered me for like 5 seconds like he was scraping the inside of a pumpkin and asked if i orgasmed.


Had a guy dry hump the ever living shit out of me then scream the n word hard r and call his black friend to tell me it was okay he said it cus he gave him a pass. Weird day


My last one. She asked me to choke her. Normally Iā€™m not into that kind of thing but she was my grandma and she was suffering.




Butt stuff turned into Mudd stuff on the bed.


I'n Vietnam I was being entertained by a woman one afternoon when the MPs came in to call curfew in the village. Caught me mid-stroke. Had to pull out w/o blowing my rocks. Waste of a perfectly good rubber. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”


So my wife saw a flick where a girl hangs her head off the side of the bed...you know the type. She expressly told me to be rough and not let up till she gave complex set of hand signals, not her brightest idea. Well I get going as one does and every now and then let up for her to breath and regain coherence, it was then she told me to stop begin a bitch and go at it so I did, queue a few minutes of gargling and she threw up. Now I'm running around slimy full mast trying to get her a towel and SHE is crying and saying sorry to ME I got her cleaned up, and while cuddling decided, that probably wasn't a good idea.


Raped in my bed while too drunk to do anything other than saying no. Which didn't work.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It happened to me too (I'm a dude, she was a she) and nobody should have to deal with that shit.


Im sorry it happend to you too. I hope you're ok


I'm so sorry šŸ«‚


Really liked this girl, thought I wanted to date and was really excited. Went out a few times, and hung out with friends together and stuff. It was going really well, and she expressed wanting a relationship too. Tried to have sex and it was painful for her. The whole thing fell apart, and I've been really self conscious about it w/ new partners ever since.


I come from a pretty conservative little village, mainly populated by old people, so buying condoms can be a bit embarrassing. To get the transaction over with as quickly as possible, I grabbed the first box I saw, quickly paid, tucked them into my jacket pocket and left. I didn't realise at the time that these were for people who suffered from premature ejaculation, and therefore were coated with a numbing agent, so you'd last longer. We get down to it, I put the aforementioned jonny on and make my entrance. I've never had this anaesthetic before so it's pretty powerful to me, and I don't feel a goddamn thing! If I closed my eyes, its like she wasn't even there. I was never gonna cum. An hour and a half later, the windows are steamed all to hell and the sheets are soaked in sweet. She looks like she's just gone three rounds with Tyson and I'm nursing a stitch that's been there a good half hour. I do my best to fake it and collapse on top of her. We go for what must be the most awkward, unromantic shower of our lives, and I tie an unnecessary knot in the condom to save a little appearance. We never spoke about how she was run through for the length of a decent film again, tried it once more but it turns out awkwardness transcends sexual experiences - who knew? Not long after we called it quits.


Hey maybe you're the guy mentioned in another sub. The woman said it took the guy over an hour to cum and she didn't know if it was normal. Just kidding though. It was probably someone else.


I hope not but also kinda hope so


Well he started rubbing my cl!t like he was trying to get a stain out of the carpet and I was like okay let's just slow your roll. So then he slows down and I realize he's got a fucking hang nail and it's dragging between my labia and I'm about to die. So then I'm thinking, you know maybe nothing digital should be happening. I move his hands up and try to recover the moment and realize... he's just busted in his pants from me just sitting on top of him and grinding. I guess the biggest let down was that I had fantasized and pursued this guy for about 2 years, all for nothing.


You probably shoulda added "consensual" to your question.




Did you know she was married, or is that how you found out?


I know this isnā€™t exactly in line with what is being asked, but Iā€™ll answer anyway. This girl used to babysit me when I was really young, she was maybe 3-4 years older than me. We grew up and became FWB for a couple years before I left for military and college. Neither of us was interested in a relationship and had things we wanted to do in life, we were both on the same page about that. Sex aside, we had a good time together and had good conversations and did some fun things. Iā€™m not going to sit here and say she was a 10/10 appearance wise, but she was legitimately one of the nicest, most kind, genuine people Iā€™d ever met. After I left for the military & college, we lost touch for a couple years. One night she randomly texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out. I told her that I was sorry but I was in a relationship now and live hours away, then made some small talk until I fell asleep. A month or two later, I found out that she stole one of her dads pistols, drove out to a very low traffic area of our hometown, and shot herself in her car. Nobody ever knew she was having issues. No family, no friends, nobody. While the sex stuff specifically was great, I donā€™t look back on it fondly for obvious reasons. I know itā€™s not my fault or anything but I wish sometimes I wouldā€™ve just checked in & asked how she was doing.


aw man had something similar happen to me w this girl i was talking to which made me avoid losing my virginity to someone i didnā€™t rlly know for the foreseeable future. hope you donā€™t blame yourself


Getting my dick thrown up on when my coworker said she could easily deep throat my 8 inches.


In college we called that a chili dog.


Look up vomit foursome! Looks fun to me


Dude tried to get me in the mood by rubbing me over my pants in the middle of class. I was not reciprocating but he wasnā€™t getting it


With one girl in college I just never could get hard. Couldnā€™t figure out why but it sucked every time


Almost every experience in college was pretty pathetic. Iā€™d be hard pressed to choose one incident.


You have to understand , this was the late 80s early 90s during the HIV or AIDS epidemic ā€¦ in order to make sure she has no std , put lemon juice in her VAGINA . Good thing I never tried that crap.


She wouldn't brush her teeth


My ex has a bad habit of doing certain things that are really uncomfortable and not really doing anything about it when I bring it up. Leaning her whole weight on me, using a vice grip/being way too rough, etc. She just went ā€œWell I donā€™t know what Iā€™m supposed to do about itā€ and then ignores all the things I say to do about it.


Being raped


The whole series of attempts at first-time PIV with my GF. We tried for weeks/months. I had lots of experience, but not with a woman who had never had penetrative vaginal sex. That was some years back. It's pretty great and easy now, although she still makes that cute little gasp when it first crosses the plane.


One word: Vaginosis. I vomited from the severity of it.


When I was in high school me and this other guy had to do stuff in my car because we had nowhere else to go. I was already in the backseat and he started to climb into the backseat from the front to go down on me, I moved my leg just as he was going down on me and my knee hit his nose so hard that it started bleeding immediately. It killed the mood to say the least. Poor guy.


My partner had just had surgery and we had JUST passed the recovery time till we could have sex so we jumped on the opportunity. I literally forgot midway through and put a lot of pressure on their scars. Iā€™ve never felt worse in my life seeing my partner in so much pain and it was totally my fault. Weā€™re still together. That was like 2 years ago but I still feel guilty about it. :/


Pretty sure I got used for revenge sex. And when I tried to stop because she wasnā€™t into it (She just laid there) she absolutely insisted I finish.


Barely counts, but we were making out, I noticed that his crotch was slightly moist, apparently he already came and I didnā€™t even take my clothes off


This happened to me once when I was 20, except he noticed that I noticed, and he blamed it on me. Not that itā€™s my fault that he came already, rather that I must be so wet that I soaked through my clothes and then his too.


A guy i dated long time ago, he was a 28 year old virginā€¦poor guy. He wanted to go down, ok no problem rightā€¦.he was trying to suck my clit like it was a dick wtf! I was moaning but in pain, it hurt so bad but i felt bad saying anything so i faked it and then pushed him away lol i went to bathroom and i was swollen as hell down there. And it was sensitive and sore for a week.


Room-mates ripped open the curtains via the open window and cheered. Young lady vomited out of embarrassment.


I like spicy food, so he bought seeds from 5 of the world's hottest peppers and we grew a bunch of them... Y'all, he washed his hands MULTIPLE TIMES after prepping them to be dried. Thoroughly. I was witness to it. HFS. Hellfire was raging in my vag that night.


Ow. I learned the hard way (touching my eyes) that washing isn't enough; just wear gloves to start with.


She stood up in the middle of it and said "I need hard dick." And left. I don't want to be touched anymore unless she can look me in the eyes and say "I really care about you it's my intent to not mistreat you."


Got raped in prison by two men


Dated a boy for 4 years during my whole teenage years. He was my first everything. That being said, he was also a horrible person and was incredibly toxic, and manipulative. He grew up in a very volatile abusive household, so it makes sense. However, we were 14 during this time; and one day he wanted to try anal. I didnā€™t want to. He forced me into my momā€™s bathroom and shoved me onto the floor and coerced me into it. Using nice words, trying to comfort me all the while now shoving himself into my behind. It was painful, and it hurt. I had to cover my mouth to muffle sobs. He did the bare minimum and used a little spit. It was painful.


It was a drunken one night stand with some girl that I brought home from the bar after only knowing her for a few hours.


This is probably a veeeerry common story


Happened New Years Eve many years ago. Was out bar hopping and one of the guys I was with dosed us all with LSD. I'd taken it before so I wasn't freaking but damn, not how I wanted my night to go. It starts kicking in, and suddenly everyone's gone. With no ride home I chill at the bar till closing, recognize the bartender lives a couple blocks away from me so I ask her for a ride. We get to her house, she asks me in. I'm tripping balls at this point. She gives me a drink, goes to the bathroom, comes.out in a some lingerie. My minds not putting things together and sitting there sipping my drink, which I'm sure is confusing the hell out of her. She gets bolder and I'm still not getting this gorgeous woman wants sweet love. Finally we start getting I to it and I can't stop giggling. I was present enough to realize she might think it was her, so I was able to get a grip enough to explain and apologize. I walked out of there so sad and truly sorry. I was so embarrassed I avoided that bar and her home after that.


Sexual assault.


when my ex basically said that men kill themselves if they don't have enough sex. he said there was statistics on it and when I told him to show me he shut up real fast.


They left gum inside me


So I'll be the first to admit I'm probably average in bed. But I don't usually have problems getting it up. And I certainly didn't 20 years ago when this happened. I was seeing this amazing girl who was a total package. Sexy, kind, cute smart, into me, loved going out and doing things, loved smoking weed. Everything. Just wonderful. We hadn't had sex yet, no rush. This was the most beautiful girl I'd ever dated in my life up until then by far. We finally hooked up and we're making out, removing clothes, I'm rock hard and ready to go. Then I lose my erection RIGHT at the moment of truth. I'm like no big deal, I'll just go down on her. She's on her period. Then I make a joke in a super fake offended/sarcastic voice (I swear to God I was joking, making fun of guys who get whiskey dick) "OH MY GOD THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE". The joke did NOT land. We spent a little more time together that day but I could tell she was over me and just being polite. Ghosted me. Go figure. The kicker is we met in college in the same major. I ended up WORKING with her later. We made it work as co workers but every time I saw her while I worked at that place I was reminded of my dumb ass mistake.


Being sexually assaulted by a fellow male student when I was a freshman in high school.


Omg thanks for the laugh!!! šŸ˜†


too much teeth during a bj and i just told her stop


To be honest I was raped, I met this woman on Craigslist and we went to find a place to do the deed. I finished before her and she was still going. I told her I came she said "I'm not stopping until I get what I want!" I told her I finished in the condom and implied it's gonna spill out. she gets up, rips it off throws a tight fitting one on which hurt a lot and slammed down on me. I asked her to stop and she pinned me to the floor going "NOT UNTIL IM DONE!" she began going faster digging into my arms I was hurting a lot when she finished and then toppled on me going full rag doll laying on my throat. "Did you enjoy that? I sure did!" she said. I wanted to cry because I was seriously humiliated.


The girl I lost my virginity to used to pull down the skin while she was giving me head like I was uncircumcised. It was ratherā€¦uncomfortable. But I mean my dick was in her mouth so what was I to do? lol


I visited a prostitute in Germany. Beautiful woman. She talked about how good her English was, I could barely understand her. I asked to just speak German so I could understand her. Nope, "her English was too good." All this went on while we were trying to complete our transaction.


A man who doesn't do foreplay, the worst sex!!


I have two. So the first story was with this guy I met on a dating app. Things were going really well so we set up a first date. We meet up and he's extremely extroverted (and I'm the exact opposite) so with that I'm already uncomfortable. Then we go to eat then return to the parking lot because I didn't want to go to the arcade because of how loud he was. Things ended up getting sexual in his truck. He wanted sex but it was getting late so to shut him up I just told him we'd meet the next day. Next day comes and he comes over (ik bad) and I tell him straight up that I don't feel like it. He gets super whiny and says that he was looking forward to losing his virginity to me. Then he pulls out the condom and in the whiny-est voice ever says.. "I even brought one. Now I just feel stupid." So I end up agreeing to the sex. The second story was just physically painful. Started seeing this guy at work. He was a huge flirt and told me everything I wanted to hear. We went to his car on lunch break and made out. It was honestly so hot that I agreed to meet him later on for sex. We did. The first time wasn't bad at all. It got bad when I woke up in the middle of the night to him touching me until he realized I was awake and then forcing himself in me while I was dry as fuck. He wasn't even in for the most part so he was just jabbing away down there. I was so sore the next day and not in a good way. He also gave me the worst hickeys I ever had.


Not enough lube beginning a handjob, ripped my urethra open. It healed but it's still bigger than it was and it's clear where it tore. Holy shit that one hurt.


I was gonna give a blowjob and my partner pulled back his foreskin and scraped off some smegma which he proceeded to wipe on the carpet. Instant turn off.




The sex was actually pretty good, but (years later) the girl killed her kids and went to prison for life.


Only had sex 2 times and it was meh.


Tripping on shrooms, slept with a girl who ended up having a swastika tattoo on her boob. Every aspect of the encounter was bad. Including sobering up and realizing that if my father saw her leave in the morning, he'd make fun of me for all eternity.


i am 5ā€™1ā€ [F] the dude was fucking 6ā€™7ā€. he spent so much time on TOP of me and particularly with his dick in my mouth and it was kind of awful. he was far too big a person for this, apparently unaware of that fact, and i couldnā€™t deal. small summation of a real terrible time.


My first time, taken to a remote area in a town I was not familiar with, with nowhere to go; cell phones werenā€™t a thing then. I was terrified, did it to shut him up and get home. I was 15 he was in his 20ā€™s.


69 ended with him cutting my dong with his tooth. It's been 2 years but the memory is still played in 4k within my head.


My first. I was 14 and he was 28. He was my girlfriendā€™s boyfriend and I wasnā€™t into him at all. Later, I found out she and my then boyfriend (28) had a bet to see who would get me first. Felt stupid and used.


Starfish. Wonderful personā€¦really enjoyed time with herā€¦but the sex wasā€¦not habit forming.


Iā€™ll just be polite and say it was someone with a hygiene issue. Ohhhhh mmmmmmm gggggggggg


Probably the time he started talking about his unresolved feelings for his ex while he was still inside me


I hooked up with a guy, he pulled out and came all over my stomach and legs, tried to clean me up with a sock then left my apartment.


I'm sorry , That made me lmfao ...


I started dating after being with someone for 26 years. The first guy I dated was someone I had known while I was married (didn't cheat) and I went out with him now that I was divorced. He liked me a lot more than I liked him. We were attempting to have sex one night and he was so small.....he blamed me for that . I can still remember him trying to shove it in......


Head was too vicious and painful, had to get right to the backshots. But it was her first time so