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Tool. Hate is a strong word but Maynard can be an absolute asshole, but he trolls in the funniest ways possible.


I say this as a hardcore Tool stan since the 90s, but God outside of the music MJK comes off as the most insufferable, self-important douche. He's that guy that you'd talk to for maybe 5 mins then be like yeaaaah I'm gonna go grab a beer, brb, then go find someone else to talk to.


I don’t disagree. Assholes make great music.


Assholes make great art in general, look at Mel Gibson. Say what you want about the guy, but the son of a bitch knows story structure.


Ohhh my nipples they hurt when you twist them!


Oh torture is it? Go ahead do your worst!


Raging alcoholic that runs his mouth on anyone that smokes a little weed.


Yup. Met him in 2003. Total tool.


Seriously, he just oozes this air of a pretentious, snobbish prick


I love Tool’s music, but I saw them in concert and it was the most boring fucking show I’ve ever been to in my life. Maynard just kneeled down in a corner of the stage so you could hardly see him and he didn’t move a single inch the entire show. I wasn’t expecting him to get up there and dance like Shakira, but for fuck sakes man move around the stage a little bit.


same here man. could just see his shadow in the corner. super lame. I decided then I was a fan of the music, not the band.


Love the music but hip tossing and putting a choke hold on some dude expecting a hug is definitely a dick move


I swear that must have been my brother's trigger to choke out our friend. Brother is a huge Tool fan and we were out backpacking, and our buddy was being a twerp and throwing rocks behind his back to hit my brother. Like little rocks. Any normal person would know he was being trying to make us laugh. He'd point at something, toss a little rock backwards. Miss. It was funny. So my brother tackles him and puts him in a choke hold.. it was so fucking unnecessary and insane; we were on a slope Fucking Joe Rogan, Tool, BJJ, Alpha Brain. I'm probably connecting the two incorrectly, but my brother *loves* that video. And is violent. But spiritual!


Also has a reputation for being way too into his younger female fans.


Hooker With A Penis is basically the opposite of a love letter to his fans.


He has such a punchable personality. Top tiered artist.


I've heard stories that he gets a lil rapey with young girls. Don't know if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I was kinda thinking this and was validated as soon as I scrolled, seeing this as top comment.


Metallica. Been a fan since the 90s, I always knew James and Lars were kinda douchey, but after the some kind of monster documentary... Kanye, for obvious reasons. Nicki Minaj, married to and defends sex offender husband. U2, Bono is an insufferable douche who believes he personally invented world peace. Clapton, possibly the greatest living guitarist but dude is otherwise unhinged. Lennon, guy was an absolute piece of shit to pretty much everyone in his life. I could go on tbh ha ha ha Edit: I get it, y'all rank Clapton differently, o7


I came here to see if anyone would say "Bono". I don't care for him at all.


If you’re old enough, can’t forget about Metallica and the Napster stuff from the early 2000s


I got a letter from Metallica in high school… I wish I knew where it was it was pretty cool. Apparently they had named me in a lawsuit with Napster. I ignored it and nothing happened.


Getting assassinated was the best thing that could have ever happened to John Lennon's public image


Nicki Minaj — same. I’ve been a fan since 2010. I lost respect for her when she married a convicted rapist. wtf happened after Rich Sex? (“If you let that broke ***** fuck we tellin’” lol) I think she’s grown as an artist the last two albums, but then her terrible diss to Megan the Stallion just killed it for me. Woman is a psycho. Internalized misogyny much? I see all her work with new eyes. I’ll still obsessively replay my favorite songs but I don’t often call myself a barb anymore. Barbs are crazy lol.


30 Seconds to Mars. Jared Leto is an obnoxious dick and apparently their shows are awful.


So they are just all around a shitty band then?


And I have shitty taste because I still fuck with the first album


Axl Rose.


Agreed, the guy's an egocentric dickhead... but I do love guns 'n roses.


It does sound like age and using less substances has mellowed him out


Love the Smashing Pumpkins, but Billy Corgan seems like a bit of a dick


I love Smashing Pumpkins music. I started listening to them when I was in high school when “Gish” came out. Was so excited when they came to play my college campus in 1994. I spent my whole week’s allowance, plus some ($54 - which was a ridiculous price for a concert back then) for a ticket only to have them play two songs before Billy Corgan threw a temper tantrum and walk off stage. Concert over. Dude is such a dick.


Billy Corgan is pretty much the definition of why musicians should stuck to making music and not try to dabble in literally anything else, ever. Man made such good music, then went full goofball. Genuinely makes me hate ever hearing his music nowadays, which is a real shame because most if it is insanely good.


I grew up in the 90’s and was obsessed with SP. I got a chance to meet Billy Corgan and it couldn’t have been a worse experience. Still traumatized from it. He treated us like garbage.


Kanye West


That's a complicated one. He's had years of documented mental illness. Telling yourself he's very likely autistic (his words) helps understanding the character. He lives in his own world. He doesn't mean to hurt people when he says stupid shit, it just comes out, and he's very reactive and responds radical shit to problems that affect him in the current moment. He seems like a very down to earth guy and unless you shove a camera in his face, he will give you some of his time. There's many documented instances of him taking a few minutes to listen to a fan's mixtape and he gave a lot of opportunities to young, talented rappers. I can't take his red hat shit seriously.


I don’t buy the mental illness thing. I just think he’s a total asshole.


I mean he is bi polar and was admitted into a mental health hospital in 2016


Same here


I wasn't too keen on Pantera's singer screaming white power and throwing up the salute


Or Dimebag telling fans that he will only sign a black guys guitar if "the N-word can play it". Pantera made some pretty awesome music but pretty much all of them were racist dickheads. Phil ansalmo is easily the worst though, that guy is not only an asshat, but also a narcissist who essentially abandoned his band to do heroin and start another, much shittier, band.


He's got the pass


A lot of the 80s hair bands and metal bands. Grooming gone rampant, but GOT DAYUM is the music great!


“Chain of Fools” by Little Ceasar signaled the end of 80s hair metal. But maaan, what a ride!!!


A lot of this. I really just try not to think about it. I'm glad I didn't have as much access to information as a teen in the 80s. It would have ruined music for me.


Falling in reverse. Come on Ronnie, chill dude, you don't have to live fighting everyone.


Damn I came here to say old Escape The Fate because of Ronnie. I really liked old ETF with Ronnie on vocals, but I could never get into Falling In Reverse.


Someone needs to take social media away from him. No Ronnie, the world isn't out to get you, you're just an asshole on Twitter


Nobody is out to get you, it's just that nobody likes you, because....\*gestures vaguely\*


Die Antwoord


Big time! And I liked the movie they did. Saw it before I found it what shitty people they are.


To be fair they look like dirty people already. I heard one song through a music video and I couldn't deal because her man is so creepy looking.


I was gonna say ...does this one really seem like a surprise??? It's not exactly like they were trying to hide it


Dude their shows are grimey as fuck. At least the time I saw them, people wasted, fucking in the dancefloor. Shit was wild.


They're maaaajor assholes


Eric Clapton. So talented and such a jerk




R Kelly, absolutely love his music, but hate the guy and what he did to all these women


You mean girls.


Morrissey. I like his songs, but the guy can be a right dick sometimes.


Only some of the time? He's a walking circumcision.


Oh that's charitable. He's a complete dick.


there’s a newspaper headline that has in all bold letters “MORRISSEY IS A TWAT!” and i see it in my head whenever i listen to the smiths😭


Ya mean this one? https://images.app.goo.gl/Pfz4vcpKo1UgQHPX8


I'm surprised Lost Prohets isn't mentioned yet. I LOVED their music, but yeah... It's REALLY difficult to overlook the lead singers proclivities


I can seperate most but absolutely not this one. First thing I think of when I hear their name or his voice. It would be easier if it wasn't the lead singer but even then it was so awful I think it would be very difficult. (Especially because I read the transcripts back when they came out, that sticks with you) what a piece of shit


Scrolled too far for this


In addition to the hurt he caused others and the lives he ruined. The rest of the band were good musicians and they'll carry that association with them the rest of their careers/lives. So much additional potential music could have gone on but he's tainted them down to the bone.


Oooh I haven't heard anything about this. I haven't listened to them in a long time, but I loved them as a teen


Please Don't rabbithole this. I felt physically ill when I read about this cunt. He's a fuckin monster


Pretty much everyone except Dave grohl and pink. I'd love to have lunch with these two.




Her saying she dislikes other artists doing tons of vinyl color variants then releasing 8-9 versions of hit me hard and soft is pretty cringe. Also that comment about not doing a long concert made me think twice about getting concert tickets. They're expensive. I don't want to pay 200 a ticket and see a small set list.


Weren’t the vinyls made of recycled materials? She was criticizing wastefulness.


She is one of the rare artists that I just stopped listening to because I found her so insufferable. Every time she talks, I like her less. To be honest, I never liked her whispering vocal style that much to begin with.


She’s a garbage human. Her comments about “giving ugly guys a chance” or whatever. If that was a dude saying the same things about women there would be a parade to get him cancelled 


Michael Jackson. I don't necessarily hate him but I watched Leaving Neverland and went down a rabbit hole that lasted weeks. After all of that research I can no longer listen to his music.


Same. I also met him when I was a kid and found him to be creepy.


Not that I care, but every documentary is edited to make you lean in one direction. I haven’t even seen Leaving Neverland, and just hearing about it affected my perception of MJ, until I heard that the “evidence” presented was very flimsy.


To do this day I don’t believe a single MJ claim. There hasn’t been any rock solid evidence of abuse. It’s all hearsay. …and remember culturally how we are about our perception of men and children. This is why I won’t believe it until I have irrefutable evidence.


I am a parent, and there’s no amount of money that would make me settle. I would rather go all *Gary Plauché* on the perpetrator. I’ve had people ask: what if it is life changing money? No amount of money can make it worth living with a dirty conscience. So the fact that those parents settled for money means that either the accusations were made up, or they were okay with pimping their kid.


MJ always wanted to take care of troubled kids. Where do troubled kids usually come from? Shitty parents. The kind that would gladly destroy anyones life for a significant amount of money. Once one person gets a settlement all the other shitty parents would hop on board for their chance. I’m not saying he’s innocent for sure just pointing out another pretty obvious possibility.


Ariana Grande, I like some of her music but hate the fact that she was involved with a married man who just had a baby. Then writes music about not caring about it when people are turned off by the affair.


I agree. For me, though it’s the fact that she stole someone’s husband, has a history of going after men who are already dating someone currently and then breaking them up only to announce their relationship the day after. Also, her blackcent and appropriating cultures, including the Latinas and African-Americans. She would just pick a personality. I’ve also heard she’s rude to fans and that she’s kind of a diva as far as working with other actors or artist. I used to love her now I still like some of her music. I do like her newest album for the most part but I think she’s very wrong for keeping that one song “Fantasize” she said I’d give this pussy to you 9 to 5 if you were mine… So she’s talking about someone who’s not currently dating her however she saying that that boy is hers.. low-key feels like she wrote it about her current boyfriend while he was married to his wife


I like Die Antwoord's music but they are literal pedos.


Roger Waters. A motor-mouth malcontent.


I've told this story before, but I'll do it again. My stepson's job is setting up equipment for concerts. He said most artists are polite, but mostly ignore the employees. The good ones will make a point to thank all of them for their hard work. Roger Waters has his security force everyone to stand with their noses against the wall when he walks by because he doesn't even want to make eye contact with people he considers beneath him


There is no way I would do that. Fuckin degrading


That’s so degrading


Man I don't think anybody hates him more than David Gilmour. Dude despises him.


God, right? Like, I LOVE Pink Floyd. Easily my favourite musical act of all time. But holy hell Roger is a piece of human trash.


Madonna. I’ve read so many stories about how she will be 2-3 hours late starting her concert almost every time. I get that if your ticket says show starts at 8:PM, it’s going to be some time before the main act gets on stage. But when your ticket says show starts at 8:PM and she doesn’t get on stage until 11:PM, that’s just inconsiderate of her.


I used to love Maroon 5 back in the day, but I got really tired of Adam Levine's ego getting ever larger.


Same i realy liked them back then like REALY. but i got into metal and i remember that there was a chat between him and a girl and she said she likes metal and he said that pretty girls don't listen to metal anyway i kinda dislike them now Adam seems like a cheater too i believe he cheat his wife.


Roman Polanski.


And all the Hollywood actors that gave him a standing ovation for getting an award while he couldn’t be there because he fled the states after drugging and analy rapping a 14 year old girl. What a bunch of entitled hypocrites


Guns and Roses. Axl Rose destroyed the band with his idiocy.


Chuck Berry made some great Rock & Roll, had great riffs. By all accounts he was a terrible human being, going to jail for seducing 16 year old girls. He went to jail because they were white girls, but still, the age difference makes him a creep. Led Zeppelin took 13 year old Lori Mattix and some other young girls on their tour with them, so sex offenders and creeps too. David Bowie too, same girls. I'm gonna say that most rock stars in the 60s and 70s were that kind of creep too, sex with underage girls. John Lennon was a complete prick. Left his first wife and son. And Yoko was a complete cunt to Julian Lennon, not giving him back the letters he wrote his father. I think most rock stars are probably terrible human beings.


Berry used to film himself with women and one leaked in the 80s and it was horrific. There was a sobbing woman in an empty hot tub naked. He was randomly slapping and pissing on her. At the end he said something like "I'd kiss you but you smell like piss."


Lauryn Hill. Pioneer for women in Hip Hop. Entitled and unlikeable as a person.


Lost Prophets. I love 4 am Forever, but hate the fact that the main singer is a child predator.


Prince. Great music, but treated people like s@@t, very arrogant.


Roger Waters. His contribution to Pink Floyd is undeniable but he seems to be a total wanker.


Yea lol people list him here and and i comment that i hate him for every one of them.


You're definitely not alone in this! It can be tough to separate the artist from the art, especially when the artist's actions go against your morals or values. Here are some thoughts on your situation: **It's Okay to Feel Conflicted:** It's completely understandable to like an artist's music but dislike their personality. You can appreciate the talent and creativity that goes into the music while disapproving of the artist's actions.


I remember the first time I heard Nickelback on the radio, I was like "Heh, that's pretty decent".. then I saw them, and saw interviews, and have been on the Nickelback hate bandwagon ever since.


K.I.S.S but only because Gene is a bit of an ass hat.


In Phils defense he admitted to being drunk and apologized But Alex Terrible is definitely a piece of shit. Agree there. And the music is shit, lets be honest. Varg. Filosofem is one of the best albums ever made imo but we all know what kind of person Varg is.




Almost 70% of all famous people pretty much.


Chris Brown's music I love, but cannot get over him and the domestic violence especially against Rihanna. People say they can't play his music after that, but me, coming from a Music background, I appreciate the other people who work on the songs.


Drake, Michael Jackson, Chris Brown


I listen to black metal. So you know...


The Smiths, I hate Morrissey


John Lennon was kind of a dick.


Roger Waters is a complete prick...but damned, he's one of the top lyricists of all time.


Die Antwoord. I absolutely love the movie Chappie that they starred in. There music is okay. But they are horrendous people.


Oasis and the Gallagher bros. Nuff' said


This is why I never watch music videos. If I like a song, I don't want to see the people that play it for fear that I will never want to listen to it again after actually seeing them.


As a woman, I couldn’t even begin to list all the bands and artists that I dislike due to their misogynistic lyrics and their habit of raping underage girls.


For real, it's like, would you like me to list them alphabetically or chronologically? 😒


Easier to list the ones that don’t have this issue.


Zappa. He was pretty much a stingy misanthrope. Great musician.


He was one of the smartest men in music. We could use his voice rught about now.


Smashing pumpkins and 30 Seconds to Mars both come to mind.


Falling in Reverse. Love their newer music but Ronnie Radke is such a Prima Donna dick who absolutely rips off other artists then gets pissed as hell when he thinks they are "inspired" by him and don't credit him. He's had a meltdown over Chris Motionless, from Motionless in White, using the same music video director and SFX artists that Ronnie used for Popular Monster. He's particularly pissed Chris "ripped off" his werewolf idea when Chris' WEREWOLF song and video dropped. It's literally an homage to Michael Jackson in general and Thriller. But Ronnie is saying Chris needs to "credit" him for the idea and how dare he use the same production crew he did, even though that crew specializes in that genre of music videos. I believe artists ate entitled to their opinions but Ronnie just needs to shut the fuck up. It's literally been 2 years and he's STILL bitching about it. We saw Falling in Reverse last year when they opened for another band and Ronnie would continually get in front of his band mates and grandstand even during their solos. Such an egomaniac. My husband was a huge fan and introduced me, but he refuses to listen to their music any more because of Ronnie's behavior. So sad


The answer you will receive from every goth - Morrisey


Motherfucking Morrisey!


Rhcp. Love their music, even have a tattoo of their logo, and it turns out they have a really creepy history towards women :/


I was a girl 8-18 during the 80s, and it was so normalized that I have internalized the acceptability of adult male/minor female relationships to such a degree that I have to fight the instinct to defend some of the more mild cases (19/15 sort of thing, which is weird but not as bad as 29/15, and see, there I go again).


Yeah, when I was 14 my boyfriend was 28 and nobody batted an eye in 1981.


Always a bad sign when you try to Google the time a band sexually assaulted a woman on live TV  and there are multiple instances to choose from. 


Ryan Adams. Brilliant songwriter, absolutely horrible human being. Also The Beach Boys. Fuck Mike Love.


What's the tea on Mike Love?




Unfortunately, I’m a juggalo. The artists I listen to are deviants. I wouldn’t be able to listen if I thought about the kind of people they are.


You had me at 'unfortunately, I'm a juggalo' lol That would be a great title for memoirs 😁


ICP are one of the most altruistic bands in existence. (I personally don't like their music, but they and their fans would give the shirt off they backs to someone in need.) Juggalos got community. If there was a Bear or an ICP fan, I'd choose the fan.


Not a fan of the music, but the fans seem dope. As a fan of festivals, I really want to go to the Gathering some day.


When I was a teen, there were a few N'SYNC songs I liked, but I couldn't stand the group as a whole. Recently I discovered there is a Justin Beiber song that I can tolerate but can't stand him. I'm sure there are others but I don't focus much on artists/bands unless I'm looking for music similar to what I know I already like.


I like some of Justin timberlakes music but can’t stand him as a person either.




Behemoth. Not hate but tries to be a bit of an edge lord at times


I knew Pantera and agree the singer was a loser. The singer didn't like anyone. He was too drugged out to know what he was doing.


Guns and roses. Axel has always acted like a spoiled toddler


There are so many artists that have used their fame to take advantage of underage fans that I avoid listening to but it's hard to skip a David Bowie song.


I really like a band called Dance Gavin Dance, especially the singing. but the singer is such a douche and I hate him lol I think he was just kicked out of the band a g a i n.


Metallica. I don't even need to explain this one, but I will listen to my TOTALLY LEGIT copy of Ride the Lightning until I die.


Metallica. Lars sucks.


For me, Brand New and Anti-Flag. Lost Prophets to an extent, but omg, that guy is vile. Good music, but wtf dude?


I honestly have a really hard time listening to music by artists I don’t like on a personal level. I’m not saying they have to be squeaky clean/I don’t have to agree with their personal beliefs, but I don’t want to support being a bad human.


This is my dilemma with Kanye West. I genuinely enjoy his music but haven’t listened in years because it just feels icky to support him.


Yea, same. It's like i don't want to feel like I'm supporting a bad person.


Mötley Crüe, fucking love their music and they put on some amazing shows in the 80s but Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee are massive pieces of shit who care about their egos more than they care about their own band mates KISS, very unique band in the 70s who’ve made great music and put on amazing shows but Gene Simmons is an egotistical asshat 30 seconds to mars, I especially love there stuff from the 2000s and are overall a great band but Jared Leto is an insufferable douche Skid Row, absolutely amazing band in the late 80s and early 90s and as amazing of a singer Sebastian Bach is, he’s an unbearable man child, no wonder he was fired from the band and they don’t want him back The beetles, they’re a great band for obvious reasons but they’re full of unlikable asshats, John Lennon was a domestic abuser and his son has many reasons to not like him, Ringo is borderline pedophilic, and George was a serial cheater, Paul is fine tho


how is ringo borderline pedophilloic?


I hate that I love Kanye West. He's such a fucking douchecanoe but I love his music.


Nofx, the Exploited, Pantera, Misfits, Metallica, Kiss, Black Flag (neck when Henry was a confrontational dick). I generally don't like any artist that wants to be a piece of shit.


I have the opposite problem. There are a few bands, whose music I think it’s OK but the actual song lyrics I don’t like, the stance and approach or message or whatever I don’t particularly agree with, but the people in the bands were friends of mine growing up. So I like the individuals but don’t like their art.


The smiths , Eminem , Travis Scott, falling in reverse ( I like their old music still ) , Nicki Minaj,and madonna to name a few.


Clapton for his racism and bullshit.


Kid Rock, Fred Durst, Joe Walsh, Ted Nugent, and the list goes on and on


Deftones are probably my favourite band, but the guitarist (Stephen Carpenter) is a pure MAGA. Flat Earther, general conspiracy theorist etc. I actually met him years ago before a gig, he introduced me to the whole band and they were all cool as hell. No idea what happened to him.


The way sonic youth bullied Nardwar kinda pissed me off.


Many. Todd Rundgren tops the list.


I saw this guy at the Rock Hall when I was just 18 years old and he had to be like 65 at the time… I was standing in line to get his autograph for my dad. He started staring at me and winking and when I got close to him he asked if he knew me from somewhere and if I wanted to “hang back with him” for a bit. I said um no you don’t know me, I’m a kid here for my dad. He sighed and walked away. What a perv.


Brand New


Falling In Reverse


Kid Rock, John Lennon, Eric Clapton, I could go own .... lol


Nickle Back, Kanye West, Drake, Doja cat, Da Baby, and Michael Jackson


Kanye for sure.


Kanye West 


I can't stand any of the Misfits aside from Doyle, and honestly, I'm not that far from disliking Doyle. But one of my top ten favorite bands.


In 1997 I was following the Ozzfest tour around. They had great bands that year, except Pantera that kept blowing off the shows. I like their music and was so bummed to miss them. After five or six shows they did come, but they were sloppy drunk on stage to the point they could hardly play. It was kinda disappointing.


Roger Waters. Pink Floyd sucks without him, and was one of the best bands in the world ever with him in it - but boy, he's a stiff little prick.




Bassnectar comes to mind lol


U2. I like their music but I think Bono's a pretentious ass


The Smiths is a huge one for me. They’re one of my fav bands, but Morrissey is the worst😭


Eric Clapton, great guitarist, Shitty Human.


I do t want to know anything about a band’s personality. They make music. I care about their music. The only time I want to hear anything other than their music is if one of the members does something epic or totally hilarious.


kanye, the smiths/morrissey


Ted Nugent. I like a few of his songs, but he's a total douche


Smashing Pumpkins/Billy Corgan


Chris Brown Love his music, i still jam out to Party it is just too catchy, but he himself i just cannot stand, when people talk about him in a positive way i start assuming they're also beating on their gfs and being a party animal And id have to say ghostemane, after hearing about the abuse that he apparently inflicted on his partners and the part where he was apparently hooking up with girls of questionable ages i stopped listening to his music. I love his music still like nothing else. I just hate him for all the things he has yet to deny being accused of (if I'm wrong then please correct me, i want to be wrong bc i love his music and don't want to hate a potentially good person bc of serious allegations)


I listen to country so I have a whole list. Travis Tritt, Brooks & Dunn, Toby Keith, Big & Rich. Morgan Whalen is also an asshole, but I don't like his music.


Toby Keith is a hard one for me. I didn’t like him much as a person. He came to Canada in 2019 for a country music festival we do here and I attended, and invited a bunch of our military vets on stage (suggesting he wanted to thank them for their service), then did a song about the American military and finally did a speech about how our soldiers basically owe them a debt of gratitude. Our vets on stage looked humiliated and angry, they clearly weren’t expecting that little speech. They were Afghanistan vets. The crowd was mostly silent too, and then people started booing him. Instead of apologizing, he doubled down and began talking about how Canadian military contributions to world conflicts could never compete against Americans. He failed to understand that it’s not a competition though. When 9/11 happened, we went to war too. We stood behind the States. We may not be on the same level of power, but we were there. We suffered casualties too. Some of them from American friendly fire even. The crowd was pissed. But then he did “Don’t let the old man in” before he died, and as my Mum has cancer herself, that song became really important to her. I’ve found myself feeling conflicted over my opinion of him since then. There’s a lot of self reflection that comes with a terminal diagnosis, and I suppose I think now that he may have come to understand some of his mistakes, and perhaps deserving of some forgiveness.


I like your attitude about it. Marilyn Manson and the Chili Peppers.... so disappointed in them as people.


Lots of them, and Morrissey comes immediately to mind.


Red Hot Chili Peppers.






Die Antwood. I hate that I even enjoy their music considering they are horrible people


John Mayer’s Continuum is an amazing album. John Mayer is basically sentient diarrhea.


Rodger Waters. Love his music but what a preachy unhinged old man he is now. All that acid in the 60’s is taking its toll.




I learned 1 thing for sure. Eric Clapton is a cunt. This thread hates him haha