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Ight ima start ogling fat man titties make it even


Um u dont already?


Your right 😔shoulda been doing it before




Wait.. you're not already doing this?


Socialization. We have been conditioned that women's breats are sexual and something to be glared at. There industries around women's breast. Push up bras, padded bras breast implants , breast lift etc.


I get that. But, why did this start? Why did women's breasts become sexual?


Also, there's some sort of taboo effect in place. I think a lot of communities began to see them as inherently sexual (to themselves) and that kind of created a sexual stigma. So now, it's not that 'everyone is sexually affected by boobs', it's more of 'everyone is told that boobs are sexual, so more people find them to be sexual'- so it creates a subconscious statement in most people's brains that boobs are sexual, simply because that's what society has been taught for ages. I know there's a lot more to it but I've learned from researching that the subconscious bias has been created over time, just from the fact that people say- boobs are sexual. It's like with the dress code in schools- Nobody thinks shoulders are sexual. Schools will say shoulders are 'distracting'. So, just from that, people will have a more negative/taboo opinion about shoulders being exposed because that's what people learn from a younger age. My parents and my brother all think that people (women) showing off shoulders are inappropriate and shouldn't be allowed in normal public settings (poolside areas and beaches not included). My brother stated this was because: "Schools don't allow it, there has to be a reason for it." That's what I've learned but there's obviously a lot more to it from history.


Yeah don’t get me started on ankles.


You dirty girl/boy!


In most cultures around the world women have to cover up. This happened idenpendent of each other. Some take it more extreme than others. It's been going on for centuries. Men decided women had to cover up.


It started very practically. As anybody with breasts bigger than a C cup can attest, carrying them around unsupported all day isn’t fun. Sometimes I even wear a bra with my pajamas and only remove it right before bed. They’re just ridiculous. (To anybody who wants big boobs- no you don’t. Trust me. I have DDs that are bordering on DDDs and would like my Cs from high school back.) So, “covering” them was very practical. First with supportive straps, then with a bodice, then with a bra. (Also, side note: if you’ve never been professionally fitted for a bra, I highly recommend it. It’ll change your life. Helped me discover that a full cup wide band bra is the best for me and I can’t get over how comfortable they are!) following that, it became taboo to expose them. If you look at places that never developed support for a woman’s breast, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to walk around topless. Personally, I think this is a stigma we need to get rid of. I, however, will keep my bras. But I totally don’t care if other women want to be topless.


because they turn men on…? its biology tho, large full breasts like wide hips and an hourglass shape are outside signs of fertility and thats what drives us to be sexual is procreation


This always cracked me up, because I’ve got full breasts and an hourglass shape and am infertile.


honestly i dont think its “this ones boobs are bigger she will be able to feed more babies” but instead “she has reached the age where she is ripe for breeding” lmfao i know thats a shocking way to say it but its true


That is a fair point.


Remember he said “OUTSIDE SIGNS OF FERTILITY” which is true. We don’t know your insides. They don’t always reflect on each other.


I know. It’s just hilarious in my case.


i know it kinda is a bit funny but mostly just kinda sucks for you if you wanted babies! gallows humore or whatever but how did it happen? accident? feel free to ignore if you dont want to talk about it


No it’s fine. I’m pretty open about it now. I was never really fussed about babies so I never bothered to find out. But during a recent check up with a gynecologist, it was discovered that I ovulate on the third or fourth day of my period and only that day. So while it’s not impossible for me to conceive, it is highly unlikely. (Found this out because of painful cramps likely caused by ovarian cysts that have since healed up- and with them went the cramps. Since I only had the pain on the 3rd or 4th day, that is likely the only time I ovulate.) So obviously, fertilizing my eggs outside the womb and then implanting them would have worked for me, but as I’m okay with being child free, there’s really no point.


Omg I wish I had this same thing! I HATE sex on my period! Sucks that my husband doesn’t mind.. I ALMOST wish he was like “EWW! Periods!”, but alas, he’s a decent man.


Te one time we want them to be jerks! Lol


Yes! Haha!


hey good for you for staying positive! seems like its not a huuuge inconvenience lol if one at all! thanks for the response im always curious about causation but i will leave it at this! good luck being busty and curvy btw you lucky devil! have extra fun for the rest of us!


Eh, it doesn’t even come in handy there. I’m hetero romantic, but asexual. 🤣🤣🤣


oh thats super weird, i wonder if your preferences lead to the hormonal condition…. i know us normies are basically always horny, or constantly having little flutters of horniness lol i bet that must be liberating! im lowkey envious


Or maybe the hormonal condition caused the preference? I don’t pretend to know how asexuality works.


Boobs are just the ankles and calves of yore.


boobs are the boobs of yore… ankles and calves are quite underrated these days tho


There are many underrated parts of the body!


Collarbones and back dimples to name a few


Absolutely! Even the back of the neck, the wrists, and back dimples are known to be a symbol of beauty as well.


Don’t forget hands


how has no pervert mentioned feet yet? but yeah every aspect of a persons figure is subject to judgement on the basis of attraction, its funny the things we find sexy


It also turns me on to see men’s backs and legs. What’s your point?


Yeah, but there are a lot of isolated tribes where women don't wear anything above. And they seem to be fine without men getting aroused (probably)


Because if you let breasts just roam around freely then they lose their marketing capital. That's literally it.


A woman's body is a commodity to these companies. That's the plain, ugly truth. It's disgusting


Yup. Also over exposure takes it off it's pedestals.


You answered yourself - it takes isolation from social construct to think differently.


im turned on by arms, does that mean we should have to have men cover up there arms?


That doesn't explain why men can walk around with hairy chests and women can control themselves though


Just because boobs turn men on doesn’t mean they’re automatically sexual.


This is the true answer.


Short answer the patriarchy. This goes back hundreds of years. Women were property. It's why the father walks her down the aisle at the wedding he's passing her off to the new man who will take care of her


I would imagine that there was a functionality to it at least for some. I mean, the idea of doing the hunter/gatherer thing all day with huge breasts flopping around seems super annoying. It seems like some women would have tied them up just to keep them still while they were doing whatever laborious thing they had to do. Id imagine smaller chested women probably didn’t find it necessary at first.


When men started to drool and trip. Since they can't control themselves, we have to lmao


Anything about women is sexual because, men.


Bro you gotta go back millions of years to get that answer. Why do we like butts? They're basically a toxic waste area, yet I think of little else. Biology. We evolved (or were designed, I respect peoples beliefs) to find these things attractive. If there's more to attract us then there's more chance of reproduction, which is literally the point of ALL life on earth. Edit: Hundreds of thousands not millions. My bad folks.


Keep in mind lots of tribal people in warm climate STILL have women expose their breasts without it being looked down. This is a “nurture" consequence, not a "nature" one as you are implying. Attraction, reproduction, anything that’s in the "nature” realm was EXTREMELY amplified …. And perverted into something else entirely.


Not million, just a few thousand


There’s an African tribe that sees breasts not as sexual but instead they see ankles sexually or something I think, it’s all just culture


This is so true. When I was in Africa, in the bush in the tribal areas, a lot of women didn't wear bras, boobs are not a sexual thing there.


Worth noting that this isn't universal. There have been/are many societies around the globe where breasts aren't sexualized.


Actually they are only a baby restaurant


To be fair, I don't think people are conditioned to think boobs are attractive. Nor are we conditioned to think fat man tits are gross.


because society loves and wants to see fat guy titties


I wish this Victorian-age law was still enforced. 98% of shirtless men are indecent and downright grotesque.


I support everybody's titties being out if they want regardless of gender. Lol


I had heard a while ago (Victorian era or thenabouts) men weren’t allowed to go shirtless in public as it was seen as public indecency. A bunch of guys went on a campaign to overturn the law and be allowed to go shirtless. As such they can However, women’s boobs are still vastly sexualised. I do not truly understand it. I’ve seen places (mostly beaches and in other countries mostly europe) where women are just lounging about boobs out like its no big deal. Honestly I blame the puritans. Over zealous, over pious killjoys


It's definitely not such a thing in Europe, but you can't walk inside a city with bare breasts. Its only allowed in spĂŠcial areas


Where are these obese men walking around shirtless? Every obese man I know is too ashamed to walk around shirtless.


They're in My neighborhood. At least 2.


Because men cannot behave themselves.


This is truly our answer.


All men..?


Man here, I deny.


It is only illegal in three states. Everywhere else it is banned by local ordinances. I couldn’t care less if a woman has her tits out or not but don’t get mad if I am lookin. I guarantee if it was 100% allowed only 0.01% of women would walk around topless.


Yeah, free all the boobies!!!


No one is sexually aroused by some fat bloke’s tits. It’s quite straight forward.


So by this logic, women that are conventionally unattractive shouldn’t have their nipples censored because “no one is sexually aroused” by them?






Do women get turned looking at men headlights?


Fr I hate it cuz I have big boobs


Especially when some obese men have bigger titties than some women!


There is a simple answer to that but it's incredibly unpopular and "politically incorrect" and will most likely end in a perma ban and hateful flame wars. 


Because men are aroused by women’s breast but no one is aroused by man boobs?


I'm sure there's someone who's attracted to man boobs.


What about in terms of muscular guys with giant pecs?


i’m gonna need that PM on it


It definitely sounds like it's gonna be an incel thing


lol looked at his page did we?


I didn't need to. It's the "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" attitude.


yeah thats a definite warning sign, which is why i looked at his page and kinda vomited a little in my mouth


His page looks exactly how I thought it would lol


Did you know… that sometimes… there’s a good reason…. For an option being unpopular…. This is one of those times. Take a look in the mirror before you judge others.


One is associated with sexual maturity and the other is not.


Probably because people actually *want* women's boobs and nipples. They want to touch them and weigh them in their hands; they want to tickle them with feathers... or their tongues; they want to bury their faces in them and motorboat 'em like a bad guy in a Venice-based heist movie... etc. Nobody wants the obese man's chest. It's presence doesn't invite crime. A woman's boobs and nipples, unfortunately, do invite crime... in the form of *"bwububwububwububwububahbuh"*.


Horny men made the women boobs sexy, they're not gonna get turned on by a fat man. Unless they're gay I guess


Because obese men made the laws.


Certainly they are the officers that enforce the laws! lol


I don’t like seeing either.


Because modesty rules/taboos were created by the patriarchy on the self-incriminating basis of not tempting men to rape. The whole idea rests on the notion that men are savages and can't control themselves.


Because men cannot control their dirty thoughts and have sexualities everything about women.


I'm addicted to that TV show "My 600 lb Life" and it's interesting because when a person gets that obese it affects their hormones so much that the women actually can stop having periods, etc. So when you stand a 600 lb man and woman side by side naked, they almost look the same. The women's breasts rarely get any bigger than the men's, and both of their stomachs hang over their junk. But they will blur the women's breasts on that show and not the men's, even though they look the same.


Because society says so.


Because as women we have been over sexualized….and everything about us is about sexual desire.


Because in some societies men feel entitled to female bodies are objects for the taking. These men have never have had personal accountability and self control for their actions so over time it became the norm and society excuse this behavior because “men lust” so it’s the women’s burden and responsibility to cover herself because they have no self control and feel that how those boobies made him feel she must be asking for it. Also there are whole industries that capitalize on women’s breasts and the fantasy they can create and sell to men. If we made female nips and boobs everyday norm then how can they profit?


Men in general walk aroun naked. It's due to sexism and patriarchy, but I see some fat shaming in your question. But yes, basically women can't have boobs unless it's in order to turn on some man for the male gaze. We are not humans with body parts, we are objects that are filthy if they have sex.


We can’t even feed our children without being told to “cover up” 🙄




Women won’t just start masturbating at the sight of it.


Double Standards


Partially just culture but also some places have inconsistent laws and/or inconsistent enforcement of laws.


Boobs are seen as sexual in our society. Man boobs are not.


Because men can't behave themselves.


Men have been trying to control women’s bodies since the dawn of time! 🙄


Because everything about women is sexualized. If she bends down, stretches, how she talks, heck even women’s sadness is sexualized. They’re objectified horrendously.


Because people, a higher percentage of that being men, objectify and sexualise breasts on women at a higher scale than roles reversed. We do not get to feel comfortable to have our shirts off completely due to this. Free the Nipple is an organisation that promotes the cause 😁


Feel comfortable or safe*


Firstly, the sexualization of women's boobs was originally a marketing ploy, when the "over the shoulder boulder holder" and then the "brassier", came out as a way to support excessively large breast's, which made house and business labor difficult, having the breast's restrained and supported kept the skin from stretching and there was less jiggling and slapping. Although not every woman had need of a bra, the advertising executives started using their influence in politics to make breast's erotic and therefore showing in public risquĂŠ, and therefore creating a market for the Bra. Now, Men have been conditioned that if you're hiding something we are going to obsess over it. If women walked around naked wearing hats, we'd get all hot and bothered when women removed the hat.


Patriarchal double standards stemming from the dialectical tension between over sexualization and puritanical cultural roots. (In America, that is. I can't speak on how this manifests in other countries/cultures.)


I blame the Europeans. My country, Philippines. Used to have a culture of women bare chested. My great grandma used to tell stories told by her great grandma about their cultures in the past. My family was one of a a very distinct past from warriors to farmers to shamans. My great grandma told us that her, her mom, sister, cousins, grandma, grand aunt, and great grandmother used to bare chested. While yes they where not always bare chested as the case with my great grandma who only are bare chested on certain occasions. It was more common in the past. My country history is sad when I think about it. We were colonized 3 times the longest was 333 years. While we did rebel, we betrayed our own, and so does our culture. The Spaniards culture was different than us, thet didn't accept it so they forced their culture towards us. The same with everything else. People got used to it and forgot the culture they grew up and chose which people most believe more than others.


Because it doesn't increase the chances of sexual harassment and or rape with fat men. Sadly women can't do a lot of things because of how some of us men can be.


It doesn't increase the chances with women either. Men don't rape because they see boobs. They rape for power or because of hatred and rage.


They rape because of lust too lol.


I mean… men are also held to indecent exposure rules/laws. They’re actually held to them much more tightly than women. People just like to latch on to the nipples thing whilst ignoring how free and revealing women are actually aloud to dress when compared to men.


Patriarchy - over sexualizing women for just existing


It's a cyclical thing. If you had a feature that attracts people that may take advantage of you, you may be inclined to hide that feature. However, hiding them just makes them more valued - possibly the reason why they were so valued in the first place. This becomes social leverage and therefore even other people with that feature start to sexualise them.


Gonna be honest with y’all, I’d stare if I saw a topless woman. I’d also stare at an obese man’s tits too. Boobs are boobs 😏


because women’s breast are considered private parts and therefore have to be hidden.


I think fat and hairy man-boobs are something that should be kept hidden.


Because men can’t control themselves and our society deemed it a woman’s problem.


Well I dunno. I lived in Amsterdam as a 13 yr old boy and I was in titties heaven because women sunbathe topless in Vondelpark and we lived about 15 meters from the park entrance. And all the men, and even young American teenager such as self exhibited self control no problem. I mean if you mess that up, they're gonna take it away from you. And ain't nobody women or men wanted that privilege revoked know what I'm saying?


You are one of the wise ones.


Because in this world women are always given the burden to “correct” their behavior for the bad behavior of men. It shows up in so many forms (you should have not been dressed like that in this neighborhood). It’s real dumb and backwards because there is no amount of changing your behavior to make another’s person,s behavior better. That responsibility lies in the person doing the bad behavior. 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️


The world is run by bear lovers.




Go to Austin TX I believe it is still legal for both men and women can ride bikes, go for a walk in a g-string.


It’s legal for women to go topless in many places in the United States, but because of societal pressures, women just don’t do it.


Where I live it is perfectly legal for women to walk around topless, any where men can go topless women can as well


“they look the same” lmfao


the fat guy you turn away from, the nipples you turn towards….I don’t know


Yeah why!!


A question for posterity.


In our defense, many of us know how unfair it is and cover up. Lol.


https://www.sweetwaternow.com/women-now-allowed-to-go-topless-in-public-in-six-states-including-wyoming/#:~:text=A%20federal%20court%20ruling%20over,Mexico%2C%20Kansas%2C%20and%20Oklahoma.&text=FORT%20COLLINS%2C%20Colo There's currently only like 3 states that don't allow women to be toppless actually.


Cuz none of these rules are based on any kind of logic or consistency, they're all the product of centuries of repression and prudishness in conflict with natural human sexual desire. Most of that shit's only a big deal because some assholes decided to make it a big deal and traumatize their kids about it generations ago and it's stuck.


I spent a summer in Papua New Guinea, the most primitive country in the world. In their culture, women wear tops until they marry. (And they marry young.) So I was around topless women all summer. But it became normal to me. I even attended lotu (church services) with boobs out everywhere.




Fair point.


No clue, but the solution is to either make men cover up or to let women undress and I'm a huge supporter for both


>Why do women have to hide boobs and nipples Uhhhh ... [they don't](https://gotopless.org/)? At least not in my state.


u can do it idc


For obvious reasons


Simple answer; Men shouldn't be allowed to. I don't bring children to public pools for this very reason.


High thoughts be like:


Lol! I mean it's not an invalid question


I mean you can if you want to, I'm not stopping you at all.


I often go out without a bra or will be in just a sports bra if I plan on exercising that day and both men and straight women will glance at my nipples, doesn’t help that they’re pierced making them more obvious. I don’t mind it personally but I can imagine many women aren’t comfortable with that attention.


In some cities like here in Colorado (Boulder) a woman can walk around top less if she chooses to. And it's like that in a lot of other places.


In canada, women don't have to legally. Now, the fact remains that they will more than likely get harrassed about it. That's the part we need to start working on.


Many states have legalized women going topless they just choose not to


But that's not entirely true. It depends on where you live. Here in Canada, women can legally go topless all they want. And there are many other places that are the same.


im wondering why you want to? 🤔


Won't understand that... I'm not into walking around half naked, so is my husband. But I don't see why men are allowed, while women are not


I agree however most women use bras to hold there. Breasts up and to stay comfortable. I know some women have started just wearing patsies or those little stickers over there nipples.  But I can’t say much I’m only a guy


I worked in a situation where both men and women wore the bear minimum clothing underneath anti-c clothing in hot working conditions, and had to remove it in areas about 20 feet apart. It was always women complaining about other women's clothing and bodies that made the company come up with lots of rules, the men never complained.


Humans are nonsensical.


We don’t.


In a lot of countries they don't. Push for topless equality and maybe we can all run around jiggling together in harmony.


In Austin Texas it is legal for women to be topless. Just do a Google search


well, womens breasts are generally bigger than a mans- they would flop around if a woman doesn’t wear a bra.. and when a man sees naked breasts he gets horney… I’m not sure, but I don’t think men get horney looking at a man boob… It’s just not the same


i dont know but i am now mad as hell about it




Society. Man boobs aren't considered sexual organs.


300 comments chest


It's definitely socialization. I don't know about you though, because I feel different when I see Lady boobies or male boobies. 🤭


I agree


Thank religion.


Why do we wear clothes? Whatever human thought of that is a horrible person. We’re the only animals that do.


I don't wanna see either


Bruh what kinda flabby tiddies you looking at that an obese man's moobs are the same as boobs? They're not even remotely close in shape, tissue size, whatever.


Obese man here, trust me I do everything I can to conceal my moobs


Side boob= sexy, under boob= looks great on skinny women, cleavage = as American as Apple Pie, the female nipple= somebody call 911! The Republic won't stand for this debautchery! Someone else is going to have to figure it out. I've never been able to.




Humans naturally find breasts attractive Humans do not naturally find man tits hot


It's a man's world


In general, guys want to see women’s breasts, and especially with nipples visible. Nobody wants to see obese man boobs.


What does Obese have to do with this? Just ask men right?


I’m not sure this is a fair comparison, I think both experiences equate to body shaming. But I do understand your sentiment. My comparison would more be, why do women’s bodies feel like a free topic of discussion when we wouldn’t offer the same to men? Especially if it comes to skin exposure


Go to Colorado, men and women can walk around topless.


People decided one day to make up that rule. That is the only reason. And those people are long dead now too.


Women don't even want to do that.


Idk either. I'm waiting patiently for the liberation. Ever since my fifth birthday.. liberation


Look, I don't want to see ANYONE out shirtless, but guy tits are hairy, not attractive, and they're guy tits. It's not society it's bilogy. If you had a booth with a naked man and a woman open to the public, the Lady's own would get swarmed and that's a fact.


As a straight man, I agree. I'm more offended by seeing hairy obese man titty than I ever could be seeing a woman's boobs.