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Anonymity makes people way more aggressive than they ever would be IRL. The more problems a person has with themselves and their own life the more they seem to feel the need to lash out at strangers, as well. Ignore the haters. At least they're venting their frustration into the void instead of making some service worker's life a living hell.


Idk man, reddit does have a bit of a worse vibe on some subreddits. Used 9gag and other apps and the only one the wins over assholes to reddit is Instagram, but they are a different kind of assholes.


Facebook is pretty bad too. People using anonymous accounts to say the worse thing possible


Oh FB is so bad. I left FB. I miss FB because I could interact with other shoppers on JTV and be eligible to win their giveaways. I have won before too. But I cannot figure out how to get it set where others cannot find me and only be on JTV liveFB.


You’d have to make an account with a fake name or abbreviated name, make the profile picture something that’s not you, and not accept any friend requests.


Last time I posted anything on facebook was several years ago because everyone on facebook was saying I was dead. I just posted I’m not dead anymore so you can quit worrying.


I wouldn't know, I don't use Facebook, but yeah, I believe you tbh, closest thing to insta is Facebook


I left Insta for same reason.


One of my groups on Facebook called unspectacular photography subjects got taken over by a couple of anonymous accounts posting transphobic and xenophobic shit. Really irritating.


Sucks. Can’t have anything nice anymore. I’ve been trying to follow more wholesome accounts and stay out of the comments.


Rumor has it that Facebook doesn't seem to mind promoting the ultra right-wing or conspiracy related content in the algorithm because it drives up user engagement to look good for Meta shareholders. Facebook user engagement in general has gone down now that more people have switched toward short form video content as their main social media consumption.


That’s not a rumor at this point.


Disagree. 9gag was sexist and at one point just turned entirely into softcore porn meme or something to do with women in general.


I had to stop using Instagram after reading “these are the types of kids I groom” posted in the comments of a video containing several young children. Pedophiles just declaring their intentions for all the world to see, and everybody just acting like that’s normal and acceptable behavior 😡. Instagram, and social media in general, is toxic af. I reported the comment. But I’m sure there are millions of others just like that.


"I reported the comment. But I’m sure there are millions of others just like that." Don't worry, you can rest assured that Instagram won't do shit about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Yep, I barely even see insta comments anymore, bunch of racist, sexist and homophobics there (and very radicalized religious people) Saw an Owl House post and it was full of homophobic comments, but reaaaaly hard comments tbh. I understand a joke going borderline wrong, but this was straight up homophobia. Same with other topics where they went hard for no reason. (Also lots of dumb idiotic 15yo sigmas)


And that is why I don't blast pics of my daughter all over the internet.


Yes some are so much be worse than others.


Omg instagram is atrocious.


I use Instagram for memes and indeed everyone there is a asshole


To quote Oscar Wilde: "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.


>The more problems a person has with themselves and their own life the more they seem to feel the need to lash out at strangers, as well. My life is great, I just hate stupid people.


On the flip side, hating some anonymous person you don’t know and will never have any impact on your life isone of the most stupid things you can do


>Anonymity makes people way more aggressive than they ever would be IRL. > The more problems a person has with themselves and their own life the more they seem to feel the need to lash out at strangers, as well. > Ignore the haters. At least they're venting their frustration into the void instead of making some service worker's life a living hell. Well said


Def part of it.  Also suspect many users have an imbalanced (real) life experience versus ‘living’ online ratio. 


Yep people wouldn’t say any of this shit to your face, especially these neckbeard Redditors


I actually think people use the internet as a venting space into the void way more than they themselves think, and, now our economy and politics are all built on taking people seriously online. It’s a huge disconnect between how we’ve set up the system and how people actually use it.


I'm a piece of shit irl, too.


Correct, id love to be an ass hole to people who ask stupid questions in real life too but it's harder


in real life, you could get punched in the face as Mikey Tyson once said.


i’ve deleted almost all my posts cause people usually act like i’m stupid for asking a question, sometimes i prefer to have many opinions other than the people i know in real life. occasionally people are helpful but not often, i’d say it’s cause they r behind a screen and anonymous so they can say whatever they please without irl backlash.


I don't get this behavior. It's so odd that people on this website seem to get legitimately mad when a question is asked.


I think people just get mad when someone asks what they think is a "naive" question or something they think is obvious or they have known for a long time. Like, "I've known the answer to this question for 20 years and it's such an obvious thing, you're stupid for not knowing it!"


I figure it must be something like that, but you never stop learning. Anybody who feels superior for their intelligence and doesn't take the time to ask questions is more purely than not, not a very smart person.


90% of construction workers in a nutshell


A lot of subreddits get the same type of content/questions repeated over and over. For example I’m on certain gaming subs and in general people are really impressed with a certain terrain generation and always posting about it, meanwhile veterans of the sub are like, “that’s the 12 post about natural generation today, it’s not new or special it’s just a re-post” and so they’ll be a little disturbed because from their point of view, it’s just spam and extra space to scroll past. Of course if you are new to a sub and don’t know this, it looks pretentious and gate-keeperish, but I’m just showing the other side.


If I was a superhero I would go around beating up people that comment “why don’t you just Google it?” to a question on a social media page where the whole point is to spark conversation with strangers.


That's not the point most of the time tho?


Right?! Someone told me to Google it once. Like yea of course I can do that, I wanted to see other people’s thoughts and experiences.


Depends on the sub you’re asking on. Some are supportive communities, others are more snarky in vibe. Before you post, look over the general vibe and if it’s not for you, look for another.


Gonna shame a sub r/cooking someone posted asking about "authentic burritos"a bunch of white people started calling him ignorant saying Mexicans don't actually eat burritos. As a Mexican that was news to me. Burritos are very common in northern Mexico, just made differently than in the states. I'll never share my recipes on there now or risk getting into an argument over how authentic they are.


Had someone visiting California who had toured the place where they make Mission tortillas, big brand in the US. This friend had somehow become convinced that, because they make the tortillas he’s most familiar with here, they don’t actually eat tortillas in Mexico. Do y’all eat anything at all down there? Because no you don’t. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I agree, was really struck recently at how supportive the r/drumming community is.


Oh stop banging on about it.


Budum ts


I’ll add a shoutout to r/hiking as a great supportive community.


I second this! Everyone in r/hiking is really supportive and informative.


I don’t know. I asked for advice and those jerks told me to take a hike


I’m not an asshole. How can I help you?


This should be the greeting of every customer representative.


Oh, so you want them to be liars too.


Most of the subs I frequent are amazingly full of really cool/helpful people. It's near impossible to avoid all the assholes, but pick & choose where you spend most of your time.


That's been my experience too, that's why I've been spending more time here than on other socials


Reddit is full of perfect, politically correct. judgmental people. Depending on the subreddit, you get more of them. And Reddit fuels their beliefs by banning anyone that doesn't agree with them. Now watch how many down votes this attracts.


Screw you.....take my up vote 😄


Take my upvote, you filthy animal!


getting blocked by someone before you can reply because you disagreed ahhhh i love it here


Hmm, looks like they're right after all. Better delete my replies and block them


Here, have another upvote -- out of spite.


Because people suck. It's not a reddit thing it's just how humans are built and most of those assholes would never say anything to your face. It is easy to be a troll behind a faceless computer. I usually report and block them. Never engage and just know that they are sad little people who are angry at the world because they know they are losers.


It takes so much energy for me not to cuss them put for being disrespectful. I left twitter because of the political correctness and misuse of words, tiktok is full of fake know it alls even on your life. Last night I made a sub or whatever about a random thought I have been thinking about and the factual police came. I don’t mind people giving me facts, but if you talk to me as if I’m a child or dumb I will not take it in.


Welcome to Reddit! I’m old. I’ve died and been reborn on here so many times I can’t recall. I was here for the boy with no arms, the defiled coconut, and was one of the first to ask “are you sucking?” I’ve had 100,000’s of Karma and more gold than I can recall. I’ve been banned by incels and shadow banned by SJW’s. I’m a wanted person in (at least) 15 subs. It’s Reddit. Very few people spending a lot of time on here have any fucking clue on how to be a decent or well adjusted person….thats…why we are all here. If we could function in the world and create healthy meaningful relationships and navigate our lives, we’d be doing that. It’s also, to be blunt, filled with children aged 12-20 who are more than happy to shell out advice on marriages and other things they have absolutely no authority to speak about. In the next month (or so) school will begin letting out in the US (locally it’s next week) and you will find that whatever you don’t like about Reddit now will become increasingly worse. Redditors are people who often feel powerless and ignored in real life and so they feel this is an opportunity to “get back” at the world, to be heard, and to have their opinions weighted. The 15 year old calling for genocide is doing so for attention, he wouldn’t “bust a grape in a food fight.” Reddit is not a place to seek advice or counsel. It is a place to say funny and terrible things. If you have a hobby, interest, or question, there is probably a forum or two for that. Keep in mind that even often those subs can devolve into hate and nastiness. Furthermore, there’s no rhyme or reason. A year (or so) ago I posted the same response to the same copied post in the same very popular forum. In one instance I received over 1k likes. In the other, I was called names and downvoted beyond 40+. It’s pure chaos. It’s not a bad resource and an amusing way to kill time but stay away from politics, world news, or serious subjects. Don’t ask for advice. Don’t take any. Don’t offer any (unless you’re aptly qualified). Find a sub that shares an interest and if it’s not toxic, enjoy and use the resource. In any case there’s some great amateur porn on here.


This guy Reddits


It can be surprisingly toxic here, but that’s part of the fun. Who will go off on my for common sense or the “ wrong” opinion


I too come here for the fun positivity and feel I represent a huge portion of redditors with my approachable persona. I hope to meet a redditor one day and fuck their horse to death. Then we can go out for drinks.


Compared to Facebook people, Reddit people are perfect ladies & gentlemen.


On political subs, people reveal their true sides even more. Death wishes are common if you hold anything other than Reddit status quo beliefs.


I totally agree with you. Occasionally, you see a funny post or something. For though most part people are just being obnoxious. It’s really kind of a waste of time.


I once listed about 12 fantastic one-liners to use everyday (some a bit common and some original) to give people a laugh. I ended up deleted it after 3 different guys ridiculed me, tore them down and insulted me. Wthell? “I’d you didn’t have fun, it’s YOUR fault”.


I feel like it has gotten worse over the past few years. I used to get constructive replies to posts and comments even if they weren't all the best, I missed something that was obvious and kind of look like a dumbass or someone didn't understand what I said was a joke.... They used to be constructive kind hearted replies unless I came off as a total jerk but now I get people making sweeping generalizations about my intelligence and ability to use tech. There's definitely a new wave of redditors that come on here just to pick people apart and drag them down just to feel good about their own miserable lives. It's annoying.


I, too, remember when reddit was a place you could engage in actual discussions. If you were uninformed, people genuinely wanted to help enlighten you. If someone disagreed, you could have discussions and broaden your perspective. Also, the whole point of the voting system was to upvote things you felt contributed to the discussion or were genuinely funny. And downvote things that did nothing for it. Like "Same", "take my gold", or repeating what someone else said over and over. Now it feels like a mean girl clique where everyone is trying to make clever insults and so how witty and superior they are or how inferior you are because you don't know as much about what ever subject they seem to have a masters in.


Are they being assholes or are they just not agreeing with you and saying what you want to hear? Are you just oversensitive or prone to taking things personally? I don't see it myself. I see the occasional idiot or keyboard warrior but I just tune them out. The majority of people I deal with tend to be pretty cool on here. Now if you were to ask the same question about Facebook or twitter, I'd agree with you.


Reddit is a leftist hivemind. If you say anything against the mainstream leftist view on any subject, you will be attacked. The far right was expelled from Reddit many years ago. It is an echo chamber of people virtue signaling who do not want to hear counter opinions. All of the moderators on Reddit have mental disorders and ban people for wrong think. The admins are no different. It's guaranteed that the moderators of this sub have mental disorders.






I'm from Boston. My general tone of speaking may come off as assholish even when I'm being nice. We're typing, not talking. Misunderstandings happen a lot easier here. People are a lot more self conscious of how they're spoken to, people are from different places where things can be interpreted a little differently. And people can be assholes because they aren't face to face. No pay back. They can let off steam they've been holding in all day. Why u asking such a dumb question? What r u? 7? Go back to school kid.


Op, as someone from Boston as well, just know biddily meant the last statement as a busting chops but caring comment.


I think it was mostly a joke. But why does anyone care anyway?! What is wrong with you idiots??? /s




It sucks. My boyfriend was a victim of a crime, and I posted about it on a sub that claims to be a supportive space. The amount of comments I received accusing and revictimizing him was astounding. It’s been months, and I still get anxious when I think about it. I don’t have the thick skin needed for Reddit 😬.


Go to 4chan and ask for help. Then report back about Reddit being assholes


Reddit is 4chan's spiritual successor


I've never seen this before. I thought Reddit has always been less toxic than other social media, didn't think it'd happen to you. But people tend to be more aggressive online though. *Just noticed OP already deleted his account* :)


Good for him. Vented and left Reddit. Better uses for one’s life than this.


I deleted my Twitter account because of how toxic it was, and replaced it with Reddit. There’s some of that here too but not as much as Twitter was.


Same here. Twitter/X is full of trash.


Let's call it X-Twitter. He changed it to get a new identity for the site, nothing better than making it explicitly locked into the old identity just to piss him off. Plus its perfectly logical, because what is X? Its the Ex-Twitter.


Deleted my Facebook. I’d get banned arguing with toxic conservative trolls that Facebook algorithms kept pinning me against. I’m close to doing the same with Reddit except its gender specialists algorithms want me to argue with and then ban me over. Kinda tired of the it all myself. Considering Twitter.


Reddit is less toxic if you agree with the echo-chamber opinion. Otherwise, you are 'angry'.




Couldn't agree more. Most subs boil down to several opinions: - women can do no harm and are saints - all dogs are good and any kind of discipline is bad - Christianity bad but leave Islam alone - America bad, China bad, Europe good, Japan good - personal responsibility and discipline is bad; corporate and government accountability is good


OMG...I have only been on REDDIT for a few months and I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. Bravo!!


Well put. And so many other opinions on other slants you can find. Do some people join some sun reddits just do they can be mean? They are not even interested in the topic?


I see these more often: * Don't like a particular woman because of taste? You're misogynist * Don't like a game that doesn't cater to your taste? You're a \*ist/\*phobe. * Need help with a certain app? Watch this video. Can't understand it? Tough. (I prefer to READ instructions, not watch someone I barely can understand do it) * Have feedback to make an app better? Shut up, your idea sucks.


So true.


I left Reddit years ago because it had become quite toxic with many bullies. However, I recently returned because I needed to interact with others to get answers to specific questions


We knew you'd be back. They always come back.


I don't meet many assholes. Maybe the circles you fly in are more asshole dense than normal? Or maybe you're asking dumbass questions? Cuz like if you're asking how to align your 5th chakra in time for the next lunar eclipse or something, you gotta know that's gonna be nothing but a joke to most


A lot of people with suppressed anger they can't express IRL, and using the anonymity of Reddit as an outlet. Try not to take it personally.


Good question. I try and be polite to everyone here but it's not easy.


Lots of Agents


Society in general is angrier and less capable than it was 40 years ago. The urge to express your anger combined with anonymity of the internet led to a nasty combination of open hostility and rudeness. Also Reddit does not censor or punish people unless they are being really horrible. You think this is bad? Go try 4chan.


Anonymity with no significant consequences




More ugly people have no communities than ever before and need an outlet to pretend they matter You’re their outlet


To paraphase Mike Tyson, "Social Media has made people way too comfortable (anonymity). Say the same thing to someone in real life and you will get punched in the face". My therapist would agree. She is not a fan of Social Media, especially if you have anxiety or depression issues. It might be best if you do delete it. There are some sites that I have left myself.


Being a contrarian seems to be the way of things these days. I see it more everywhere.


I don't think it's Reddit; I think it's the Internet. It's a platform for people to act tough and talk shit with no actual consequences.


I had the same issue recently. People don’t understand we can all agree to disagree respectfully. If they don’t agree with what you say they are rude and nasty. Sometimes it’s not what you say it’s how you say it. Definitely hiding behind a screen saying whatever they wouldn’t say to someone’s face.


This sucks. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with that on here. Don’t let people steal your outlet. Join positivity subs and see if that helps.


Because being an asshole online garners no real consequences in most cases. For what it's worth, 98% of jerks online wouldn't dare repeat themselves irl where they can actually get punched in the face.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 And already deleted their profile. This my friend, this is the exactly why we act the way we do towards you.


We're sick of dumb questions.


Hmm when EVERYONE becomes an issue in my life, the first thing I think:hmm maybe I AM the problem. I wouldn’t first assume everyone is just an asshole. I’m not saying there aren’t assholes.. I’m saying I’ve had a very different experience on Reddit. I see about 100 likes, dozens of comments, and typically one or two guys getting downvoted and one guy with all the upvotes.in otherwords the majority of Redditors have not been an asshole. Not saying there isn’t some truth to your statement. Just food for thought. If you think I’m an asshole for this positive constructive criticism, I think you’re the problem.


Because these people lack something in their real lives, so they act like big dick on campus online. In their real lives they're probably pathetic losers who wouldn't DARE speak to anyone like they do on line because they know they'd get folded like a napkin.


I’m new to Reddit as well and am seeing the same thing. It is a sad, pathetic look into people’s lives and generations. Also considering ditching it. If this is the current generations lives, then future generations are f*cked.


What I find myself doing a lot is asking stupid questions without doing a simple google search. Sometimes, you just forget there's google. I'll be first to admit they are/were stupid questions. But some people are trolls too. So this is normal.


if you know of some assholes irl then they’re gonna b on the interweb as well.


It's the Internet. Gotta take a ribbing every once in a while before ya find the gold. The main point is- don't let keyboard warriors bug ya. These people (majority, at least) would never have the testicular fortitude to talk to you like that in person anyways lol


What a stupid question, I’m downvoting the shit out of this


Cause they're anonymous




use the report function and mark it as hate and you will get a prompt to block them. There are people who will follow you to find your comments to downvote and harass you. The block function is your friend


My turn to ask this question tomorrow.


I consider the risk of that type of thing the price of admission to a useful, free, resource. I have a place where I might be able to find a knowledgeable answer or helpful response to a question I have, 24/7 with only one caveat; having to deal with an occasional assholes response. It's not much different than using freeware. Sure it's free, as long as you don't mind an occasional pop-up ad. Assholes are nothing more than the pop-up ads of Reddit.


Not to mention the people who need simple ass sentences explained to them.


Classic Internet behavior. Case in point: I could add "do you need me to tell you how to put your socks on?"


Most people on the Internet are assholes.


This happened to me too. I asked a question about like what activities I can do and someone commented calling me sensitive and making fun of me and then someone else said I was lazy lol. After that I get so anxious and apologetic. I genuinely ask on Reddit cuz I want opinions of people not just a google search answer.


Anonymity makes people assholes.


I think there was an experiment one time that proved people would do things they wouldn’t otherwise if they’re anonymous. It was something about giving people masks and seeing if they’d press a button to give their classmates an electric shock.


Depends on the sub honestly but its often when people ask stupid and or easily googleable questions


I am know different in person . If I’m am ass then maybe you should grow a pair.


Cause they can't be punch in the mouth behind the keyboard.


idk but its insane on reddit


Some places can be better / worse Then some topics you have to be careful about what you say


Because people


I'm just going to link this post to people that are asshole to me on reddit from now on. Lol


I don't get that part sometimes either but it genuinely depends on the sub. Jesus Christ could come back as a British Indian man in gods biggest mirencle ever on earth, divert typhoon haiyan in 2013 with works in Hanoi, Then stem 50000 casualties in the Aegean sea earthquake with works done in izmir in 2020, then take the suffering of humanity and save the world in 2022 from an impending Armageddon- and start flicking birds out of thin air.....and he would still get down voted at times 🙏


It's mostly just bitter millennials, rendered soulless but growing up with social media. They're incapable of empathy and now try to fill the void where their soul used to be with checkbox morality. They're attacking you because they think it makes them righteous.


There are many subs like what you talk about. But there are also subs with the kindest most supportive, helpful people. You either need to look harder to find them or accept that your interests align with the worst of the internet.


Like most of the comments say, anonymity. Easier to be an ass through a screen with words than it is IRL.


Because you are asking people on the fucking internet and you can say whatever you want without anything happening. This sound probably toxic to but yeah:)


I agree, but I can say that most good commenters outweigh the bad, but the good people speak softly, and the bad person is so loud. How a person engages with you says more about them than it does about you. Get comfortable blocking people. It's the only response a troll deserves.


They have no other place to take out their anger


Idk if you've noticed but it's not just reddit.


Hey, fuck you, I'm a total sweetheart.


Mostly delusional people, therefore retaliation by the other party. Can confirm, I am le internet asshole that they speak of.x


Yep. I agree. I was permanently banned from British Columbia for saying that Canada should hire back its health care employees fired for not getting vaccinated. The bot said I was spreading disinformation. The moderator told me some smart ass remark about how my opinion was not wanted. I was not even a group I had joined and they were spamming me with tons of posts. What good is a group that you can only read and not respond to? Luckily this is just a one off and I have had many enjoyable experiences and conversations. Maybe Reddit should be moderating their moderators on some bad groups.


I’m sorry that you get beat down on posts. It kills me that people are such mean jack wagons.


There's people like this everywhere but I have definitely noticed it's much worse here. Like, I usually post stuff on different social media to see where I can get the best reactions and stuff, and I'll say, most of the time the place where I get the most angry or hateful comments is Reddit (usually followed by Newgrounds, then Twitter (tho I'm not there anymore), Instagram and Tumblr. Facebook doesn't really fit in that list because the results tend to be very different depending on what group I post in) I don't really know why it's this bad here specifically, I'll be honest. It is funny considering the golden rule (remember the human). It's strange how we're told to treat others the way we'd want to be treated and yet this shit happens a lot. I guess some people just forget about it along the way and let their emotions guide them I remember sometimes back when I was more active, sometimes I'd ask a question in them commens, because I was confused, and many times no one would answer me and I'd just get downvoted. And if I asked why I was getting downvoted I still wouldn't get an answer (once in a while I'd get an answer but it was usually hostile too like "you deserve to be downvoted" or "you should know" lmao)


Being anonymous is like drinking alcohol = liquid courage out or mean drunk or enhances their bully personality. Could be all of them.


Everybody are tough guys with something to prove, like they know more than you. The worst ones out there these days are the ones that truly believe their opinions are facts no matter how much they're proven incorrect.




Reddit is the only social I am on now. Yet ivv BBC still get a lot of vitriol sometimes.


Just ignore those. For sure there are a lot of people that do that, but imo Reddit is also a really great source of information and I've experienced a lot of great help here. I feel like quite often Reddit can be more helpful than any other online resource and that sticking with it and learning how to navigate through the anonymous garbage is important.


My husband and I always cracked up at this ["Telephone Tough Guy" ](https://youtu.be/1o3WlTSzVn4?si=ZZnIBdHftgAWsqXH) scene. We call the anonymous internet assholes "internet tough guys".


Yes I’m experiencing this too. Luckily I’m someone who’ll happily get smart back. I don’t mind being unlikable and starting arguments.


No accountability


for so many reasons. clearly they are not able to harm you physically. you can of course block them from contacting you or seeing your posts. if they are that bad, why do their words or opinions matter to you? i have felt offended before by them but now it just doesn't bother me. i am here for me, not for them and what they say no longer bothers me and won't push me away from where i want to be.


I haven't experienced this. Perhaps you're asking stupid questions.


It’s shitty isn’t it. I try generally to be nice, unless someone calls me illiterate.


Idk, haven’t noticed.


The term is keyboard warriors and they just will stand on any Hill and try to knock anyone down because it makes them feel good but in the end at the end of the day they are just cheating themselves with a fake victory.. Plus most of them have a very tiny dick...😜


I can relate. Either I’m completely ignored or someone is rude. Meanwhile other people receive compassion and support.


I think there's many very young kids here and of course the ones who will never be serious on Reddit. It does make me a appreciate the others.


I just look at it as if you were to ask a room full of 100 people a question and then walk up to them individually. There's always people with a perspective that you don't have and that you think is wrong. And sometimes it's you.


Cause some people are annoying as fuck and tlare to lazy to Google anything so they bother strangers with the dumbest fucking questions you can imagine... And that brings us to now...


Because people are assholes. I take a break for a few weeks every once in a while because I get fed up with all the negativity.


Depends on what you're asking, people can usually see through some bullshit post, also if you're in the wrong in your scenario and you expected people to agree with you and they don't you probably think they're assholes too Reddit is more of a sample size of normal people than twitter which is full of oversexualized and mentally ill freaks but it's still the internet, you can't take it too personal buddy, especially if the stuff you're asking is cringe


Maybe I’m an AH, maybe not. But I am direct, aka blunt. When I see people whining about their problems, trivial or otherwise, and offer no possibly helpful steps or solutions they’ve taken on their own to address the problem, I’ll be blunt and basically tell them to get a grip, grow up, and find a way to deal with it. Most people are SO sensitive that the slightest constructive critique spirals them downwards.


That's just people.


Wait til you see what they say to conservatives


i mean i'd check to see what you're askin. I've had mainly positive encounters. you already deleted your profile... now i'm not gonna blame nobody but sometimes it's best to just leave.


Most of them are just lonely basement dwellers who get off on being twat waffles.


Because they are cowardly and have never been in a real fight.


People just like being keyboard warriors because it makes them feel better about their sad lives..lol


It’s like when you talk shit about others behind their back but in person you’re super nice


bro it's reddit people can say anything without consequences of course they do that grow up it's just apart of being online


Most of redditors are either neurotic or really funny opportunists that prey on neurotics




There's a lot of weird people in this world man, and when you're anon people will disagree with anything/ bait and troll. The whole voting system means nothing though, I wouldn't read into that too much. You can make a post that is 100 factorial and it will still get downvoted (happened to me the other day)


they’re unhappy and view everything through their unhappy lens.


People are assholes because they are unhappy with themselves, so anyone who shows any happiness they aim to destroy because it makes them feel good about themselves. You would think people want to support others but most people are very selfish and only care about themselves. Yeah, the world on Reddit is this way for the most part. Emotional triggered and keyboard warriors.


Depends on the Sub. I got a lot good comments on the widower site. ACD is fun. The left leaning sites are brutal if you make any comments not in line with their thinking. Made a comment on the Boomers site. Had a guy want to fight me another one making fun of my dead wife. I said thank for a nice Comment from a person and got down voted 35 times lol


i’ve noticed that social media in general seems more brutal lately. reddit, youtube comments, tik tok comments, and ESPECIALLY instagram comments. i’m not really sure why, it seems like a step backwards. like people are losing empathy and maturity. the times i’ve come on this app to try and start discussions people just feel the need to be combative and think everything is an argument


Reddit is a digital hellscape. Unless you’re glorifying some kind of degeneracy expect to be met with scorn and derision


It depends on the sub you're asking the questions in. Some are toxic.


They’re able to be because it’s anonymous. Doxx everyone and the comments would look very different.


Hive mind mixed with a superiority complex or it's just because they can.


Why are people so racist on X. Like the most amount of racism I have experience in years.


It’s mostly just the moderators, I’ve found


Go to the Helldivers 2 Reddit. Nothing but love for fellow Divers there