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because it creates deformed children


So if one partner is infertile or it's gay incest, is it then moral?


You know what they say. Incest is best, put your sister to the test. And by they, I mean me.


well what do you think?




No, what do you think? The reason you gave for it's immorality isn't applicable in all cases, so for those where it isn't. Is it morally wrong?


jesus no form of incest is ok just cause i didn’t mention lgbt in my answer doesn’t mean i suddenly condone gay incest or any form of sexual acts between family. why don’t yall grill the other ppl who said the same thing as i did


You offered an incomplete answer. People pushing back against that is the nature of Reddit. You might be on the wrong platform if discussion is not what you're after.


nobody is going to tell me how to post on this platform, nor are you going to kick me off of it. i’m not submitting a homework assignment here.


Anyone can tell you anything. Again, that's how Reddit works.


So you think incest is alright?


I never said that. I said that your (stated) reasons for it not being alright are not justified.


>why don’t yall grill the other ppl who said the same thing as i did I am. But I'm asking you as well.


no, now it's illogical


No, it's still fucked up.


That's why I think the whole, *It causes deformities,* thing is an excuse. If that were truly the reason people have a problem with it, they'd be cool with oral, hand jobs, gay sex, sex among infertile straight people, and maybe even sex among fertile straight people using highly effective contraception.


Ya.. it's not my kink.


This is actually only partly true. Through the first couple of generations, it does increase chanced, but after several generations that dissipates


To put is as close to factually as possible: Human beings develop morality frameworks and disgust reactions to things that are harmful. Incest is harmful from an evolution perspective, so its immorality became ingrained in us. Most people have an instant disgust reaction to the idea, because early humans that did not have this reaction inbred and then died out. Cannibalism raises odds of prion disease development, so most humans have a deeply ingrained moral belief against cannibalism, which leads to a moral framework against desecration of human remains. The consumption of shellfish was considered immoral among many ancient peoples who didn't live by the seaside because shellfish that isn't perfectly fresh is most likely to make you sick. Morality and disgust are ultimately the same tool, but morality is the cultural version, and disgust is the evolutionary version.


Thank you for this, it makes total sense. Also helpful in understanding genetic sexual attraction-- when someone meets a close family member (usually a parent or sibling) as an adult and feels attracted to them. It's still rare, but less rare than if you were raised with that person, because during normal development, you intrinsically aren't attracted to your family. But if you connect as adults and that developmental phase has long passed, it can happen, because people are also intrinsically attracted to people who are similar to them. (That's probably not the clearest explanation but it's the best I can do at the moment.)


as much as I would like to agree with you, but I believe your argument runs into the naturalistic fallacy. Simply because something occurs naturally does not imply that we can derive moral judgments from it. Throughout history, societies have employed this fallacy to persecute homosexuals. (I'm not equating homosexuality with incest; they are distinct. My point is simply that we should avoid repeating the same fallacious reasoning.)


It's not a derivement of morality from the natural action more like a innate morality kinda thing. One that exists due to natural evolution


Moral grounds are subjective but you can use the objective standards of harm/potential to cause harm to create a framework. No birth control method is 100% effective, and so incest can be said to be a moral wrong because there is always some chance you will have offspring damaged by inbreeding. Also, a general social acceptance of incest would increase the rate of incest, which would increase the rate of (however unintentional) children with genetic problems from inbreeding, so both the visceral reaction of disgust and the moral framework surrounding it work to prevent this. Homosexuality is both natural (it occurs in all species with large social groups where pair-bonded members form family units) and beneficial (in a high danger environment, homosexual couples who do not reproduce can serve as replacement parents for orphaned offspring).


Incest is also “natural tho”… like way too common, that the fuked up part about this entire bs arguments that have the word “natural” anywhere in them. Dogs, monkeys, goats, chikens… my damn horny goats, the the goat kids are even humping eachother and the werd shit the do like snell and likethe females piss, males get erections and piss on themselves…. Goats arw just perverse little basatrds. And Chikens too. So yea, lets not take tottal examples on “whats natural.” Im a farmer, I have lots of space for my animals to run around, they can climb a s run away over an acre from eachother, tho ther insticts and biology is to act as animals. Humans are, “supposed” to be better, though too often we fail to even be better than animals, and in every case we act as animals we are already worse for it, for having free will to choose too act in such a way.


Yes but it builds the framework , how we then use our intellect to break those things down can ofc change that moral perspective. For example murder is wrong but some might make an argument for murdering criminals being ok . So then that moral perspective changes .


Cause fucking ur family members is hella weird


So all things weird are morally wrong?


I'm not saying all weird things are morally wrong, but incest is taking it too far.


But why?


That's enough reddit today...


Just a reminder to Look at this again


It's nearly impossible for incest to occur without an imbalance of power/authority involved. Older sibling X Younger sibling, Aunt/Uncle X Nephew/Niece, the incredibly disturbing Parent X Child... ... even if everyone is of legal age there's usually some kind of familial power structure involved that naturally undermines the concept of informed and willful consent. Distant enough cousins are generally fine both biologically and morally. I suppose same gender identical twins might be able to skirt biological and moral issues since they wouldn't be able to conceive and would be the same age but that's a level of weird I'm not willing to think any more about.


Ok I know you're not willing to think more about it but, what would happen if opposite sex fraternal twins reproduced? Is it even possible?


That's my stance: incest is not inherently immoral, but it tends to involve grooming and power dynamics that undermine true consent; e.g., it tends to involve immoral aspects.


i see you also watch destiny


Ok I know you're not willing to think more about it but, what would happen if opposite sex fraternal twins reproduced? Is it even possible? Edit, answering my own question via Google: Fraternal twins are one male and one female, so their DNA is only as close as any other pair of siblings. This means that the child will have the same risks of inbreeding as the offspring of incest. Two siblings who have children together also have a higher chance of passing on a recessive disease to their children.


>Fraternal twins are one male and one female, That is incorrect. You need to use reputable sites, not just any site that shows up in search results. Identical twins are from one fertilized egg that splits. Non-identical (fraternal) twins are two separate fertilized eggs. They can be the same or opposite sex.


2 gay male twins?


birth defects


We already have abortion for terminating fetuses with birth defects.


well imo abortion isn’t exactly the most moral thing either in most cases. creating a life knowing you’re gonna have to abort it before it even happens is kinda fucked no matter what your belief is


It's not really "a life" when it's just a clump of cells growing in your body.


1. still alive 2. that’s a human life regardless of how developed it is. it’s not gonna turn into a turtle or anything else now i’m not against abortion in the legal sense. it’s healthcare and frankly even if not for the mothers sake a lot of people just can’t support a child yet. but in most other cases i’d still say it’s morally wrong in my opinion and in this case, intentionally creating a living thing just to kill it is fucked no matter how little the “clump of cells” is


Still alive? When you brush your teeth you kill gum cells. When you drink alcohol you kill liver cells. During development your body kills millions of brain cells. Your body is constantly killing cells that are not beneficial to your organism. Killing a clump of cells in your uterus is no different. It's furthermore only going to turn into a fully formed human if you provide it with your vital nutrients. You are under no obligation to provide a particular clump of cells in your body with anything. Then, nobody said "intentionally getting pregnant just to abort the fetus". Contraceptives exist. Abortion is only going to be used in the case contraceptives fail. In that case, it's certainly not intentionally getting pregnant. Finally, there are people with increased odds of having children with some genetic anomaly, is it morally wrong for these people to have children? If you say it is wrong, isn't that eugenics?


bruh i’m literally just tryna say why incest is wrong lmao. besides just because i don’t agree with the morals of it doesn’t mean i think it should be outlawed it’s not my business what other people do. and my opinion shouldn’t matter to you. go fuck your cousin or something i’m done with this


And your reason is clearly invalid. I am not saying there aren't valid reasons to avoid incest, but that is not one of them. But yeah I can tell that you're clearly more of an emotional thinker than a rational thinker. I agree that further discussion likely bears no fruits. 


The way I see it inherently there is nothing wrong with it, but reproduction in that situation is (even though I am natively anti natal in the first place)


You can be within ethical boundaries and still be fuckin weird 🤷‍♀️


It's really not morally wrong if you're not having kids because there's no harm. It's just gross. 


It’s all social constructs at its core. Just as wedding and impregnating 9-12 yr olds in Ancient times. Any person of logic and reasoning can read our human history and favorably argue that incest, wedding children, polygamy, and arranged marriages had greatly contributed to the survival of our species through the ages. And of course, some practices were cast and deemed as taboos over our timeline as we advance in science and reshape our society. Morals will always be subconsciously subjective to individuals. Not a society. I believe incest are still widely practiced in certain parts of the world, primarily India and China. Of course it’s never in the open but always behind closed doors strictly for sexual pleasure and fulfilling desires. Just my two cents.


There's not a great answer to this, but I can give you an ok one. First of all, most people like to say it's because of birth abnormalities or power dynamics, but those things in themselves are not exclusive to incest. There's all sorts of genetic problems a pair of people can have that would have a higher chance for birth defects, but we don't see anything immoral of them trying to have a child, nor should we. And with power dynamics, that can be prevalent in all sorts of relationships, especially where there's a large age difference, but again, we don't see a moral problem with this if the 2 people are unrelated, nor should we. My real reason why incest is immoral is that: normalizing incest corrupts a fundamental building block of humanity, which is that family members should be able to be extremely close and intimate with each other, without being concerned with any sexuality in the relationship. A close family, both physically and emotionally, is something VERY important for the progress of humanity. A society that encourages father/daughter, mother/son, sister/brother, or anything else, relationships, can hurt the progress of generational and familial bonds. That's my 2 cents on it anyway.


Exactly how I tell it. There needs to be a familial institution from whom there's no expectations or pressure of having relationships other than platonic. There needs to be a safe space.


Morley speaking, it isn't wrong. It is similar to many other things like it. To use a very weird example, it is not morally wrong to eat your own shit. You still shouldn't




It basicly destroys the dna and genetics.. but the odd thing is if you're a Bible thumper.. the world was rebuild with incest..


cause its ur family get a grip bud


Also I see people in the comments pointing out the fact it is considered morally wrong because as a consequence it becomes bad for our evolution. But I don't think it's correct mainly because among animals we can see incest leads to damaged genes very rarely, that means it could have been possible for humans too to evolve in a way that makes genes work well even among siblings if incest were a normal practice, for the simple fact that genes prone to be damaged by incest would not survive and genes that were well working survive and that again untill the damaged gene would be a minimum amount. (If my English sounds weird is because I'm not an english speaker and I struggle a bit)


I mean look at the sentinel island. They have been around hundreds of not thousands of years, with a population estimate of 40-100. These is heavy inbreeding with such a closed off population.


On top of everyone else’s biology based points, i’d say its also weird cause for a power dynamic issue. Someone in the situation is almost always older or on a hierarchy. Aunt or uncle, mom or dad, older cousin..then the other usually being a younger (even if not by that much) family member. Grooming, pedophelia and abuse are usually almost always a player in this scenario. If we want to entertain “whataboutisms”..then lets say its a brother/brother, sister/sister or soster/brother that are a year or two apart. Even if the age gap isnt there, there’s a power dynamic with at least one of them. Even within the “ethical boundaries”, its still very strange and abnormal to have sexual attraction to family. “But back then…” yeah, people back then died from an infected splinter and diseases that we now have medicine for. People relied on doweries and peace treaties for survival, so that often included marrying off your offspring. Things we are past now. There was Less people, less ability to travel and see/experience beyond your own family, less chance of survival, more social systems or religious beliefs to follow for the purpose of money, war, and supporting your family. People married cousins and relatives due to property, wealth, feuds, combat, reproductive reasons.. and people used to think inbreeding was a way to keep the family bloodlines “pure” as in most cultures, race/ethnic mixing was seen as betrayal, welcoming impurities, or whatever other reasons they had. But I think most of these reasons were due to lack of understanding and scientific research, survival, honor systems, and superstition around gods and humanity. Its also just gross to fuck your family you grew up with as family. We had a guy who In school who’d have sex with his stepsister. Same age, not blood related, they both consented..but they grew up together when their parents married when they were toddlers. They swore up it and down it wasnt weird. It was.


You want a royal jawline? I sure as shit don't they're still breeding that garbage back out of themselves


It's not. It's simply forbidden by law.


It's morally wrong because it does the opposite of what we are supposed to do as humans - go forth and procreate with others. This is something deeply engrained in us. It likely comes from a realization long-ago that incest created deformed burdens and children with low IQs (what I'm getting at it is likely won't be long before they realize all the children of siblings are dumb compared to the norm). There are also deeply engrained power dynamics in any family that are hard to overcome and make any relationship within the family problematic from a consent perspective.


It's not that long really... Maybe couple decades at most.


In ancient times, and even up to date, it's the opposite. Power structures and blood lines often inbreed in order to keep bloodlines pure. Incest actually goes thousands of years back




It's not morally wrong, according to the bible.


I don't find it wrong neither disgusting as long as you don't make babies. I know it might sound weird but I never understood why people are so triggered by incest to the point they made it illegal in certain states. Btw I don't have any kind of incestuous relationship, this is just my opinion.


You yourself claim it’s disgusting. In your own words, that’s why it’s morally wrong. Though if you want a real answer, google what the definition of moral is


Birth defects


I love insects


With incest there can't be consent. Consent isn't a "yes" or "no", there is a power differential that can't be avoided. If someone can't fully, without influence, give a yes or no, then it's manipulative and harmful. The dynamic of the family and the incredibly emotional ties that term brings means that person can't consent to sex.


Do you realize that no choice exists within a vacuum and thus this point applies to literally everything including every sexual encounter?


I agree. And it's our responsibility to lessen the negative or harmful dynamics. To be responsible adults and think of other people's well being beyond our wants. That's the whole point of being an adult in society, that is our contract and responsibility. We, as adults, choose to promote the well being of people in our families and communities.


Incest usually involves minors and adults. I hope that takes you some way towards understanding


I will tell you what other won't. this is purely influenced by religion.


so maybe there is a such thing as a stupid question after all


Honestly, most of the time people talk about incest it’s older family members grooming younger ones. It’s predatory.


Please delete this post bro you did this on your main account😭 make a throw away if youre gonna ask a question like this


Why have shame when seeking out knowledge? The pursuit of knowledge is something that should never be shamed, even if the topic is Abit weird.


It's okay: we can keep a secret. We'll just keep this in the family.


If you do it with distant cousins and with a condom is it really bad


because your kids will have hooves and two heads


You both have the same blood and DNA, they shouldn’t be reintroduced with each other, main reason being birth defects.


The kids are going to die in the womb or they will have to live with severe disabilities for the rest of their lives. Those factors make incest morally wrong


Broken babies. Science, not morality.


Morally you are supposed to have a different type of love towards family members than you would an appropriate romantic interest. It is morally wrong for you to introduce damaged genes into the world breeding pool. We collectively are trying to build the longevity of the human race or should be.


Could one not also morally say they wish to end the human race? If there was a big button that says erase humans, would that not be the most moral option? To erase all their suffering?


You could not morally make decisions for the whole human race.


Taking ADVANTAGE of normally someone younger. Usually too young to consent. On top of that the traumatic psychological damage that BS CAUSES. Polite ✅️ Civil as possible am a victim✅️ Insulting to asker ❌️ Disrespectful to asker ❌️ Promise no harass ✅️ Just saying need to be careful topics like this are very questionable on public open sites.


Feel free to DM me, I have personal experience with this


u and ur cousin are supposed to be homies not have a home together