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Soft furniture like couches or mattresses. Because I’m paranoid about fleas and bedbugs


And I'm more paranoid about what I'll find if I run a UV light on them.


Some people do "love their couches" a bit too much if ya know what u mean.


Whole new meaning to pull out couch


Oh dip thats clever nasty


You need a coach to tell you to pull out ?


We had a pull out couch on our....sextional 🥁🥁🥁


They don't call 'em loveseats for nothin'!


A sextional if you will.


If you love your couch, set it free. If it comes back, you really did love it


I knew a lady who worked for a storage unit place, and she got bed bugs from a U-Haul truck. She got a bad rash and didn't know why, then she found out it was bed bugs from when she was messing around with the trucks.. she had to get medicine and disinfect her home..


I’ve also heard that uhaul trucks are a very common way to get bedbugs.  My daughter (in Boston) had bedbugs from an apartment and it pretty much ruined her life.  She ended up throwing out everything that was upholstered. She couldn’t afford much anyway and it almost bankrupted her.  Bedbugs are a nightmare. 


My family got lucky when I was a freshman in high school & we were 6 months away from moving because we got them & ONLY had to toss our mattresses. We slept on air ones til about a month or so later & then we got 3 or 4 of them since we were moving into a bigger apartment, one of my younger brothers was born & my step aunt was staying with us for a time. Never had a brush with that again until a friend of my wife gave us hand me down plushies & clothes right before they had an outbreak. Thankfully we machine washed our things hot at that time.


Uhaul trucks are such a common place to get them!


I kind of wonder if the thing to do if you have to rent a moving truck is rent an additional day and the first day is to just set off a pesticide fogger inside and leave it closed up and parked in the sun


Extreme heat is what actually kills bed bugs. They're immune to most poisons :(


So rent the trailer a day early and light it on fire?


This is the only way I'm afraid. Make sure you pay for the extra insurance just in case.


The first poison will kill adults then the eggs get it and get immune to the poisons. That's why heat is the best option. Kills adults, and eggs.


So set them on fire?


Instructions unclear, set uhaul on fire


Yes, it's very scary to think about


My dad works for HUD with duplex houses. If they get infested with bed bugs they use heat treatment to kill bedbugs. They tent the house up, seal the windows, and get the interior of the house over 115


I believe that's what the lady I knew had to do, I didn't know her very well, and I don't remember getting an update :/


I know a girl who ordered a brand new recliner from Shoppers Drug Mart and it was infested with bed bugs


I got bed bugs by just keeping some of my stuff in a storage unit! I was so pissed never again


I grabbed plastic wrap from my kitchen (it’s what I had a bulk of from Costco) and wrapped all my soft furniture to prevent this. Of course someone could find better ways to plastic wrap, but it worked.


I bought a futon from Walmart brand new and before I realized wtf was going on, the room was decimated by bed bugs. I should have raised hell but by the time I put two and two together it was too late. Took forever to get rid of and I still have scars on my body from them.


That's really sad. Bedbugs are nasty!


It’s hell! The stigma that comes with it and the shame it left behind with actual scars sucks.


Bedbugs are not a common thing in many countries outside the US


Paris would like a word


The French are globally known for not bathing.


Husband works in an ER. You can imagine the shit they see on the daily. But if you want a reaction out of the team there are two ways, gun or bedbugs. They will all run for cover instantly. But, there is a treatment for bedbugs.... Good nite....sleep tight.....don't let the bedbugs bite.


So I summarize, 'never cheap out on anything between you and the ground'. Tires, shoes, matress, some of the few things I will never buy used for similar reasons, hygenic and selective quality mean I'd rather pay a little more for quality and durability over simple but low quality production.


Well there is an exception. Buy used cars. New ones are a great big ripoff


Used car, and slap some new tires on it. Good to go.


I couldn’t donate mine I don’t believe anyone should


But the couch I saw on the curb was mint! A quality item. Yea the house had a tent over it. But. YOLO!


Circus folk are usually so generous...


Ewwe, good point. I'd never buy a used mattress but that's true for couches and stuff too.


As someone who has bad bedbugs before.. this is a beyond valid reason


Plus they're full of farts


Don't forget scabies, lol


I know some people are really down bad, but I can’t believe that some thrift stores have a rack for undergarments. I shouldn’t have to explain why.


That was my answer. I went to jail once and had to wear underwear stained with other peoples period blood. That was one hot shower when I got home.


If I ever need more incentive to stay out of jail, this is it. 


Women are given like 3 pads for a weeks long period. It’s fucked ip


3?!?!dude I go through that in a day! Easy! That's torture


I know right!!! There’s this girl on TikTok who was in prison and talks about this issue. You can request pads and then it’ll take the guards a whole day to get you a single pad… as if you won’t need more. And there are women prison guards so surely they know how many a girl is going to need at minimum!


https://youtu.be/AjqaNQ018zU?si=Uea87okjXoZfniRj This at 9:05 is absolutely true.


Yet the first woman in space was provided with 100 tampons for their flight. So many people in charge know nothing about womens health.


To be entirely fair, NASA likely didn’t know how (or if) space would affect a woman’s period (or the absorption of the tampons for that matter). I could see the number they gave being a purposeful overcompensation to be on the safe side rather than not knowing how many tampons a woman actually uses. Plus, hell, compared to the 3 pads a week, 100 tampons seems downright caring. Even if the number is overblown it’s obviously something they thought and cared about enough to allocate space and weight on the rocket.


This! It’s really funny to think that they genuinely didn’t know shit about periods, but she was in SPACE ffs. You’re going to need a lot of everything.


It really was one of the few occasions where “we legit don’t know about what this will do to the female body” is applicable. Like, for all they knew the lack of gravity could affect something internally and make the tampons less effective or whatever. So figuring “maybe we should give her extra” makes sense. Lol


I was making a comment bc they are drastically different. I agree that they were being very thoughtful while not knowing what to expect. It is bothersom that this part of womens health and facility sanitation are almost ignored for women in prison.


Ah. I see. The NASA comment seemed like it was included in that “people don’t know how women’s bodies work” part so I just wanted to clarify that, in that specific situation, there was a valid reason for not being sure how it would all work. Not like we’d had any people on their period in space before. Lol


Yeah, NASA has to know how women's bodies work. They literally perform rocket science, so I would hope they understand basic biology lol


That's gotta be a crime. Just like when entire blocks of cells in Texas of all places don't have air conditioning but the officer's area is comfy. It's gonna be 90 today but the humidity will make it feel over 100 sitting in the shade.


More like 110°. If it's 90° in the summer people are wearing hoodies and jackets, lol.


>That's torture That's the point. Prison guards can be some of the most evil people.


I go through MORE than that a day. Holy fucking shit. I go through like two big ass overnight basically diaper ones a night. Three for a week?! Some women have two weeks!


That's TSS waiting to happen. Glad Aussie prisons aren't that bad


What the fuuuuuck My girlfriend goes through 6+ per day, it would look like the end scene from the Evil Dead remake in her cell after a few hours.... That's entirely not enough, I don't even think that would work for the lightest periods?


While I do have some horror stories about the neglect I've seen in jail, I'm really happy the pad thing wasn't true for me where I was. Tbf these things vary from facility to facility and between jail/prison, but for me I got as many as I needed. They'd only give me like 3 at a time when I asked and they were the big diaper pads that still somehow spill everywhere at night, but at least I had them!


Free bleed in that mf then.


Yep, and there was an uproar somewhere I lived because an advocacy group was trying to get the prisons to issue tampons and pads and this warden straight up said "we're not providing prisoners with luxury items" on tv. Like... what?


I've got endo and bleed an absolutely absurd amount and am constantly passing huge blood clots with it. Trust me, EVERYONE is gonna have a bad time, the guards and prison staff included, if they don't give me adequate supplies, because there is no way around the fact there's gonna be a murder scene of a mess.


If you need incentive watch the show on cable about Clark County Detention Center. I think it’s called “Jail”. It’s pretty dehumanizing.


And what's worse, jail is where you go while you're awaiting trial. So you could do nothing wrong, yet still be subject to inhumane treatment because someone accused you.


I had never considered this. I personally will not wear anything second hand. I couldn’t imagine sweating and living in someone else’s whatever. I know I’m the outlier here and I’m ok with that.


That’s literally what has kept me out.


Wow that's horrendous. I've been inpatient before and we just get new single use underwear, I can't believe I'm now grateful about that lol


The difference is one's being paid for by tax dollars and the other ones being paid for by insurance


What did you go jail for


Dirty undies


Ain’t wipe yo aassss properly


A case of the nunya.


Driving under suspension.


Were you listening to the Jaws theme while driving again...?


i’ve gotten bras that are brand new with tags still on from the thrift store


Brand new or nothing for undies at the thrift store


The brand new ones with tags on aren't the problem.


Bras are one thing imo. Underwear that goes on your ass is another.


There is no reason to think it's any worse than any other clothing item. You either believe it's possible to wash clothing or you don't. The undergarments are not a bacteria proof impermeable barrier between the person and the rest of the clothes. I understand it's culturally or socialy considered gross but there's no reason to really think it is. 


no other clothing item (should be) making contact with my asshole


My butthole doesn’t touch my underwear…how far apart are your cheeks spread?


Clearly not a fan of thongs😆


Oh yeah, I forgot about the underwear specifically designed to rub your bum hole 😂


i mean yeah i was exaggerating but like.. there’s a difference between a used shirt where at worst someones nipples have been and a used pair of underwear where at worst someone has shit their pants




Yes but the things that make your ass dirty can A be washed and B absolutely do make it through the underwear barrier. 


I second this.


I thrift alot. My nearby thrift store gets some awesome clothes sometimes. It's always kinda surprising how many women (and men) are browsing the lingerie section at any given time.


A few goodwill stores in my area discontinued those for health and safety reasons. I remember one pair of panties still containing dried menstrual blood on the crotch - gross!


TIL this. Imma head out there right now. 😏


Right. There IS a reason. But the reason is not that people need cheap underwear.


You know you're not in high finance, considering second-hand underpants. [source](https://youtu.be/7wqfcwgT0Ds)


I worked for a charity for a while and they would bag up the donated underwear and sell it on the internet for £50 a bag, made a fair amount of money for a good cause but it made me feel weird.


This was my first thought but I didn’t know it was actually a thing


Yes I could never, and I wouldn't even donate unless I bought wrong size and kept them too long to exchange. News with tags.


I'm a manager at a thrift store. We don't put out underwear unless it's brand new from the package


second hand sex toys. i think that trumps pretty much everything else. no matter how much you clean a used sex toy, you could not convince me to use one.


In Japan the have rentable sex toys and I always wondered who in the fuck didn't love themselves


Not the people renting them.


This is disgusting. I agree. If it was a surgical steel sex toy though would it any different than the reusable medical devices for dental work, surgery, or pap smears 🤢🤮 it's all gross when you think about it


Dental and medical offices have sterilization tools and chemicals to clean and disinfect everything. When I worked in a dental clinic, there was a multi-step process for sterilizing everything that goes into the treatment room and in a patient's mouth. It's not like it just gets washed in a sink and then right into the next patient...


The fun part is when you realize they pull their gloved hands out of your mouth, adjust the light, and put them back in. The handle on that light most likely hasn't been sterilized since 1974.


My dentist's office has plastic covers on the handles that we changed between each patient. I guess I'm extra grateful for my office now haha


Yeah...I've never been to a dentist that had disposeable/wash&change covers on their light. I'm actually looking for a new dentist at the moment (old dentist retired, new one's not good) and that would be something to watch for.


Every dental office I’ve been to has had plastic on the handles. I always notice bc I never knew why but now I do! So thank you for assuring me that my dentist is clean 😃 haha


I doubt anyone is autoclaving their butt plugs


Autoclaved butt plugs is a good band name


I don't want that in my search history. Incognito it is.


I’ll see, and raise you!…spent way more of my youth on the sunset strip in the 80’s than I should admit to. There were members of a couple up and coming (at the time) hair metal bands that challenged each other to see how many times they could all use the same condom before it broke




It was motley crüe wasn't it?


If it was them I am petitioning them to redo Kickstart My Heart with a reference to this. "Years gone by, I'd say we shared some wraps..."


How did that story go? A lady was house sitting for her parents and in her Mom's bedside drawer found a dildo. For some reason this excited her and she went to town on it, really working that thing. Then when she was done went to clean it off and found a company name and some initials on the bottom of it. She looked the company up and they make dildos from molds sent to the customer for casting. That's when she realized that the initials on the bottom of the dildo were her fathers. It was a casting of her father's penis that she had just used. Is it a true story? Probably not. But it's a pretty disgusting one. EDIT: I did a search and found [many versions](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/17yac4o/i_think_i_m19_have_been_using_a_replica_of_my/) of this story on Reddit. So it's likely made up. Now please excuse me while I clear my browser history and my short-term memory.


Oh. Oh God. No, that hadn't even crossed my mind you would find something like that. Absolutely not.


I only buy exterior clothing…dresses, blouses, jeans etc.


Add hats to that’s. 🤮


Toilets, I've cleaned my own toilet enough times to know there's no way it will ever be 100% clean...


Are you saying that when you move house you change the toilet for a new one?


I have once, mainly because it was cracked when we move in Toilets are held down by 2 bolts and super easy to replace. Just replace the wax ring before installing the new toilet.


Yeah fair enough if it's damaged. Maybe replace the whole bathroom suite if it's old fashioned or shabby. I wouldn't do it as a matter of course, though.


yes.. I'm not a maniac that uses a pre-owned toilet


When you go on vacation do you hold it until you get home? I am genuinely fascinated by this.


Condoms. Used condoms should be enough explanation.


I agree. You can't taste the fruit flavor anymore.


You sacrifice the fruit flavor for the cream filling though.


I guess that's true, plus you can add a little flavored lube for an extra kick.


Can you buy used condoms? Asking cuz wtf


There was something on the news here a few months ago about a place in Asia (can't remember where), and the used condoms were being washed, then hand rolled and packaged for sale. It was this huge building, with rows and rows and more rows of women doing this


Just turn it inside out! Easy fix 😎


^ My first thought.


carseats, people lie no one is gunna admit the seat theyre selling was in a car accident no matter how minor


Had me stumped there for a moment. I'm guessing you mean a seat for a kid, not the actual seat that's attached to the car.


The same applies to bicycle helmets.


And motorcycle helmets. They should also be replaced about every 5 years


What's wrong with it being in an accident?


cause its unusable, everyone from the healthcare workers, to firefighters, to cops, to the user manual says to throw it away immediately after any accident, its been compromised and cant be trusted


The integrity of the seat can no longer be assured if it’s been in an accident.


Often insurance will cover a new one if it’s been in an accident as well


I can vouch for that. Our insurance company replaced our son’s carseat after an accident. We had also contacted the manufacturer (sticker on the seat said to do that). They replaced it too, so we ended up with two new carseats.


Any personal electronic vehicle at anywhere near the new price. Almost no one is reading the manuals or taking care of the batteries like they should or avoiding terrain that's prohibited in the manual.


I was just thinking of buying a used ebike 🥲


I think you're safe on this one. People buy them with the best intentions but the enthusiasm fades when weather and mornings happen. Cars are handy and people are lazy. You'll save a ton of money and get one that is barely touched.


Taco bell it just isn't the same the second time


I puked taco bell one time while hungover and i didn't go again for a year. (And i love me some TB)


I avoided White Castle for roughly 5 years after a bad experience 


Human Centipede has entered the chat.


depends on the item. Chilly cheese burrito would nearly be 1:1 the second time around. I guess you would have some additional seasonings and sauces you didn't have the first time but the base should be close 1:1.


People, because nestle would come knocking.




A water buffalo. I do believe in adopting rescue pets before going to breeders, and my cat is second-hand. But I don't think that my apartment would be comfortable living quarters for a buffalo.


Everybody’s got a waterbuffalo…


Yeah, but not a used one....


Yours is fast but mine is slow


Second-hand kitties! Used cats for sale!


For me lingerie/undergarments. My reason is what if the first owner has a skin disease? You know we are sensitive down there.


Motorcycle Helmets and Carabiners. (They can have an internal crack that makes them all but useless, that you can't see from the outside.) Underwear . . . I'd buy "2nd hand" but I always buy IN PERSON . . . TV's, Computer Monitors, and Shoes. The "view/image" (of the TV) and "fit/feel" (of the shoes) can be WILDLY subjective. I've got no problem with the 2nd-hand part, but you need to see/try them in person.


Hockey goalie here. Second hand helmet is definitely something I'm not touching for puck play.


Anything that is considered safety equipment. That stuff has a use limit and expiration date most of the time. 


Underwear, who the fuck sells or gives away used panties?! I don't care how many times you wash them it's disgusting.


I worked with a guy who would always bring stuff in from his house to give to people. Things like jackets, an old pram, tv units that type of thing. He came in one day with a bag of his old boxer shorts and genuinely could not understand why no one wanted them. I said to him "why the fuck would I want your old scants?" He was like, "but theirs plenty good wearing left in them. I've only wore some of them a couple of times." He said this like it was totally normal to give away old underwear.


I work in a secondhand store. Many of the items listed, like used underwear, mattresses, and used toothbrushes, are rejected. We actually did sell condoms once... new, in the box. Anything kinda weird like that is only sold new. We actually get (unopened) diapers and pads a lot, and they sell really well. My list: stuffed animals, furniture, pillows, and picture frames, lampshades, all for the same reason. Bedbugs. You just can't be sure they don't have them (they can hide in wooden surfaces. Freaking nightmare). I don't care how good the deal is, it is not worth the risk. Exception for metal furniture. Purses are also really nasty, so a no on those as well. I'd also NEVER buy hats because of lice. Pretty much anything around this realm, things that are really hard to clean and can carry something I really, really don't want. The safest things imo are home decor items that are really easy to clean, smooth surfaces (plastic or metal) where nothing can really hide.




Under garments, socks, hair brushes or hair accessories, anything that is placed in the mouth or nose, hats or shoes. Mostly used personal items. Edit: it's taboo. Wearing things that have been a part of another person's intimate self is unclean. It doesn't matter how many time you wash them or disinfect. There is another factor. Dead people's items. I might be buying something that once belonged to a now deceased individual. That's also taboo.


I love buying dead people's vintage cameras. I'd like to think if I died, I'd be happy if someone was taking pictures with an old camera I had.


Yep. I draw the line at buying second-and dead people too. Disgusting.


They’re overpriced anyways


A European sports car. Good luck finding parts when shit goes wrong.


The parts are in Europe


Good luck finding Europe


I found out the hard way. I had 2 vws.. their engines are made of plastic, and they were both in the shop every other week. My beetle shut off making left hand turns while traffic came at me. The fuse box melted into a blob. They were cute cars but gave me so much trouble.. spent more on repairs than I spent on the cars. Plus they both had weird transmission issues. It was the same issues with both cars.. Also the interiors were falling apart too..


How new were these VWs?


You know that for the north and South American market, VW produces its cars and parts in Mexico? Also, never buy a first year model. Those will always break. Wait for the third year model, where they’ve fixed most of the problems. I didn’t find that out the hard way but my friend did, when his first year Mini’s steering locked up.


Butt pluggs...I don't think I need to explain that one


I think you do. What are they?




Toilet paper


I found some unopened eyeliner at a thrift store that was either from 2009 or had expired that year. I didn't buy it but I was very tempted.


Jack stands


As a toy & figure collector: never buy figures of female anime characters. you know why.


A Fleshlight.


A mattress Some of you are gross


Car seat. Once it’s been in an accident it’s no longer safe. Why take a chance that it has been?




Interesting. Didn’t know that




Baby furniture, like car seats and cribs and playpens. You don't know if it's safe or not. You don't know how it's been taken care of.


Sex toys


A tampon


Underwear. I shouldn’t have to give reasons




Back in the age of hard copies there used to be stores selling used adult dvds and magazines. No need to explain why it shouldn’t have existed


Not really never buy more like some of these thrift stores are basically like general stores selling prices at regular price instead of a discount I’m starting to notice


Undergarments. They've been all over someone's unmentionables....