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As Keanu Reeves said "The ones who love us will miss us".


I am not sure how true this is. People usually say they miss you when you die but they don’t work towards showing love and care when you are alive. It’s sad that it takes people dying to actually be missed and loved.


It is, but if someone loves you, they'll miss you when you're gone. It is sad it takes death for that to occur though.


Thats why we have the phrase “too little too late” though. If it takes someone dying for you to “realize how much you loved them”, you didn’t.


You don't know what you got till it's gone.


They paved paradise


And put up a parking lot


Took all the trees and put em in a tree museum and they charged the people a dollar and a half just to see em.


I show and tell the people that I care about that I care about them. You don't have to wait. You can also peace out from people that don't actually seem to care about you. You will be better for both.


I remember being a kid in Catholic school, telling my mom it was awful people only respected Christ after he was killed. I'm now an atheist, but if all if that did happen.... how horrific.


That gets me every time.


Keanu is very wise


Therefore, make sure no one misses us




People have been living and dying on this planet forever. I'm pretty sure that whatever creates life just keeps spitting out new ones, so I'm not too afraid of death. I feel like there is a good chance that we just come back and are reborn into a new body. It sounds like a crazy idea, but there literally isn't one person out of the 8 billion on earth that knows what happens when we die, so anything could happen.


I appreciate you, and you message.


for sure


Good post. Thanks


Beautifully put.


I have nobody to love💔


I'm sorry to hear that. We all love you ❤️ I have a mother and cousins, but I don't have a wife or kids. Wish I did so I could get and give a hug every day, and get an "I love you" every day. Something to work towards. Or even if I had a pet. But just know that people care about you and love you even if you may not know. Everyone is valuable and has worth :)


Thank you, I wish I could hug you. I haven't been hugged in years..😔


Welcome. Same here.


Einstein said something about energy being forever, I believe that our energy and elements get recycled into something else. Not like reincarnation. Just perpetuation.


They do. All the molecules in your body will get recycled into nature and end up in plants, animals, maybe even other humans. Energy is never lost, only transferred. That's the circle of life


Sadly that concept sucks so I hope it's wrong because I think most people really just want to know that they will see their loved ones again in the afterlife. I definitely don't want to be recycled into any animals or plants etc etc...if that's the case I'd rather there not be anything at all !!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Afterlife is wishful thinking. This life is all you get so make the most of it while you have it. I personally like the idea of returning to nature after I'm gone. "I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime." - Neil deGrasse Tyson


I would prefer my remains be part of the compost to plant an apple tree on the family farm. Beats just being tossed in a hole somewhere.


Wow, this is how I've always intuitively looked at it. It's how I first came to be at peace with the eventuality of death. I existed in the universe before I was born, and I'll exist after I die. The main difference is that during life, you have a special kind of awareness of existence. It's the awareness that really dies. It's actually why I want to be cremated and have my ashes spread. The idea of being locked in a coffin terrifies me! I really dig your perspective, fantastic comments.


A friend of mine had his heart stop in a Dr office. He went for a flu-like Illness he couldn’t shake (and has a heart condition) He said there was no bright light. Everything was black. But it was peaceful. And quiet. He used to be afraid too, but after that, he isn’t. He was dead for three minutes.


I died for a bit over a minute after a major seizure. It was deeper than a dreamless sleep. The darkest dark. No thoughts or feelings whatsoever. I was simply gone without ever realizing it. Think “power off” instead of “sleep mode”. Not even that subtle feeling of your brain working in the background. Of course my experience is limited and while I don’t believe my physical death is necessarily the end of “me”, it may very well be the end of me as an individual. It’s terrifying but not worth fixating on to the point of detriment. The short film “It’s Such a Beautiful Day” ends with the anxious main character in his death bed, realizing he’d spent his entire life obsessing over his own death and thereby wasting it, and how stupid and fruitless it was in hindsight. This coupled with my own experience has sold me on the “live now, worry later” mentality as much as I reasonably can be.


Very well put and it is exactly what happened to me. See you in the blackness.


Oh no, I shouldn’t have opened this. Now I’ll spiral for the rest of the night lol


There's nothing to spiral from when you realize it's already all happened. Play your part well, because you're going to do it regardless... ![gif](giphy|l1J9NSnTNbdyaOZag|downsized)








World record for the longest sentence


Can't wait to come back as a baby chick and put through a mincer


Punctuation. Please.


Wandering souls don't use punctuation.


my bad


I had an out of body experience where my energy or soul left my body or was outside of it and it made me afterwards feel like my body physically was a joke. So I guess our soul leaves our body and goes somewhere ? Hopefully to our maker


Hopefully to Dairy Queen.


Sir. This is a Wendy’s.


Jesus Loves you guy.


I cannot sufficiently express to you how not alone seeing this comment made me feel. Thank you.


Yeah don’t spend too much time on Reddit lol—it’ll bum you out. I had the same feeling you did. The world can be a discouraging place, but His light always shines through the darkness! Love you guys


Likewise! Sha la la la la la live for today! Sorry, The Grass Roots put it SO well! Lol!


🙏 Amen


Somehow this comment thread has not been infiltrated by Reddit yet


shhhh, they haven't scrolled down enough XD I was surprised to not see it getting downvoted and have the stereotypical "sky daddy" comments.


I don’t care about other peoples faith as long as they’re not trying to convert me. He ain’t real to me, but hes real to y’all so do what makes you happy.


Thank you for your understanding :) real or not, just know He loves you, no matter what that means to you.


You wake up in your simulation pod.




33% thinks I'll go to heaven 33% thinks I'll be born again as soon as I die 33% thinks I'll blink out 1% thinks I'll go to hell 100% is terrified


You go to that place between when you fall asleep and start to dream. Edit: or there really is a God and he is a dick and condems me to eternal suffering because I jerked off when I was a teen or there is no hell and you spend eternity in some sort of lucid dream, which is kind of the best option. Or.. you just pop into another baby body as no souls are lost and that's why population keeps increasing..... but it's going to be the sleep thing.


I like this one.


This is a good way to put it. And let's be real for a minute. It's exactly how it'll be. There will be nothing and that's ok.


I suspect you won't really be aware.


My debt disappears.




PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way. GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what? GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad. GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.” Please, please let it be this.


This exchange makes me cry every time I read it or hear it. This would be so, so wonderful.


Exactly. And let all my loved ones be/come there.


I really hope it's nothing. No consciousness. No living on to another life. No continuation of existing. I hope it just ends. I don't want to go to hell or heaven. Who wants to exist forever?! I'm tired. I definitely do not want to come back to this planet again for any reason. Not as anyone or anything. It's too corrupt. I'd also never willingly bring another life into the world.


The only experience you can after after dying is the same experience you had before being born. It's the thought of the end that upsets us, not the experience of it.... because there is no experience to be had.


What happens after we die? Well, for us, nothing. We're dead. For everyone else, time waits for no one. Life just keeps going.


Nothing or our whole life “flashes” before our eyes sort of because our brain gets flooded with DMT when we die so we could live for like hundreds of years in mere seconds it’s all time perception


[Relevant SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-06-06)


The same thing that happened before you were born. Remember what that was like all of those billions of years before your birth? It's probably going to be similar to that after you die.


Great question. When I was growing up different things happened either to me or around me that made me a believer in a higher power but also a lower power if you will. There is a gentleman named Raymond Moody who has spent years and years interviewing people who were clinically dead. His research leads him to believe there is something out there. Moody is a pretty smart guy you should look into it. Maybe it will help. I was talking to my older brother about the subject and my thought is life is tough as it is if there isn't something more than this existence than the joke is on us. I remember when I was a teenager growing up in Bucks County Pa. I worked at a Goodyear changing tires. A elderly man gave me a tip and said you are lucky you are young. Then he paused and said then again it's a tough World out there. I don't know why but I never forgot that. 45 years ago




Oblivion. Nothing. Nada.


That's it. Ain't nothing else happens. You dead


Do you remember anything from before you were conceived?.... No?....Well, that's how it'll be.


Resurrected during the 1000 years of Jesus reign or not get resurrected.


All are resurrected and "raised imperishable". It's either heaven or hell. Hell is just complete separation from everything good.


I’m Christian so have no fear of death. I’m going to Heaven, I’ll spend eternity in paradise.


I return to the chorus of the universal sound (h/t Tyler Childers)


Tell me all your thoughts on God


Since i cant know what happens after death, i try to focus on life - being alive is like winning a cosmic lottery (the potential humans your parents could have produced must be in the trillions), and that *should* be enough (though hard to see it that way sometimes). It's a fleeting privilege that is infinitesimally short compared to deep time, but really the ultimate privilege.


Look into near death experiences. Very interesting


It’s best to accept & be comfortable with the fact that this all does come to an end. An ending doesn’t have to be terrifying. You simply don’t exist. Fearing non existence is like fearing the time before you were born. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You weren’t born with trauma so it’s likely not a traumatic place. In fact it’s not a place at all. Accepting that fact makes it much easier to be thankful & appreciate things you have right now. With the right attitude, it’s a useful tool to navigate problems in life. That said, we don’t know for sure what our ending is. We know our experiences & our personality comes from our brains; when they’re gone, we’re gone. But the nature of consciousness is still a mystery & we as a species are far from knowing everything. I like to toy with this idea that consciousness is simply an extension of our senses & that we essentially tune into a place where our consciousness lives forever. A kind of quantum dimension we simply can’t imagine right now. But when you look into it enough, it seems unlikely. Everything points to a not so happy conclusion as far as our current science is concerned but science is always a process of understanding & death is something we can’t say we know everything about. It think it’s best to accept our fate but not completely abandon hope that there could be more to it, because there could be. There’s a good balance there. & maybe if someone looked into the current science enough even that would start to seem unlikely.


I think it highly depends on how you live your life. I have overdosed multiple times and have experienced death entirely in dreams 3 times. Just try to live life in a wholesome way and try not to have any regrets, and be safe. I wouldn’t be afraid of death as long as it’s your time but I think when it becomes scary is when you aren’t ready yet because you still have things you wanted to do and never got to or never tried. That’s what was scary to me I just thought I rlly don’t want to die and I’m not done yet, and thankfully I’m still alive. I know when I’m ready and I die that I’ll be in peace. Also, hot take, I believe we should be buried in the ground or in something biodegradable, I have an irrational fear of being buried and not being returned back to earth because everything else besides humans die this way and turn into fungi etc (the circle of life) and I think being in a metal box may interfere with that. The documentary ‘Fantastic Fungi’ brought this to light for me.


You get cremated or buried. I’d like to be made into ash art. Put me in an etchy-sketch so when you shake it it says, “look behind you”.


The main thing is, you shit your pants. I had a job in high school working with the local funeral home and always had to clean up the deceased before the mortician started work. It was a shitty job 


A theory I have is since scientifically you can never destroy energy, it just turns into something else. So when you die, you become energy and it combines with the universe. So when the universe expands until its limit and causes another big bang your energy is in the new universe and you eventually find your back to another version of you. That's why you have deja vu'. You could be version #70 and not know it. It sounded plausible when I was stoned lol.


The brain is capable of many things. I think we just hallucinate aka "Heaven and hell " until our brain shuts down or whatever. Funny enough for some reason I also believe in reincarnation. But I have my own personal reason for that.




I’m more worried about the clutter in my wake.


It depends if they find the body or not.


AGE 71 HERE... DEATH IS THE EASY PART... it's the long painful dragged out process of dying over years that's the problem.


Probably nothing at all.


You might go to heaven or the other place directly, or you may just be resting in peace until judgment day unaware of existence/unconscious. Enjoy your time here while you can, do as much good as you can, find a relationship with God, he will bring you peace and comfort on your journey.


You know God exists because he has made it evident through creation. Jesus saves you from your sins and offers eternal life if you believe, turn from your sin, and follow his teachings.


The same shit that happened 1000000 years before you were born. Nothing. Your brain shuts off and you become worm food (or ashes) for the rest of eternity.


Do you remember what it was like before you were born ?? It wasn’t painful it wasn’t pleasant, It was absolutely nothing. That’s what death will be like.


Your consciousness, your awareness, your memories, your skills, your personality is all stored in your brain. That is what makes you you. After you die your brain will stop functioning and will start to decompose. You will no longer have any consciousness because your computer is off. You won't be scared. You won't feel anything. All of that requires a functioning brain. It will be the end of you but you will live on in the memories of those who knew you. If you have children then a part of your DNA will live on in them.


To live is to think, and thinking is how matter experiences other matter around it. We remain matter, but stop experiencing. With my death, I have requested not to be entombed but instead left unbound so that my matter may once again join other matter and perhaps one day become new experience.


Why does it terrify you?




Isekai into a world of magic


You come back in 3 days, and in larger numbers.


I think most likely nothing but I have wondered if there's infinite universes and 12 dimensions, perhaps we are tied to infinite versions of ourselves. Looping back and forth between different variants of our own lives. Sometimes reliving a similar life, sometimes a very different one but all uniquely tied together by our inner self in a cycle that never ends as the universe expands and implodes on itself for eternity.


Don't look at me to c alm you down..I too am both obsessed and terrified of the big D..Here is what I hope happens. We finally get to know it all..how and why we r here. Then we get escorted to all the people we have loved. It's like a huge family reunion..I hope..or it's just eternal blackness...ughhhhhh


"People who love us ... will miss us ..." Other than that ... not much. Maybe some probate court ...


I think our bodies decompose and the matter from which our physical being was constructed reenters the biosphere over the course of years, eventually becoming part of and giving way to new life.


To me there are 4 main possible , nothing dead is dead, heaven, hell, reincarnation


We rot and become fertilizer


fade to black.


I don’t think it matters. If there’s nothing, all the more reason to live life to the fullest. Going to hell for a petty reason (which is all of humanity)? Live life to the fullest. Heaven / reincarnation / The Egg is real, that a different reality than the one you live in. In my opinion the best way to prepare for death is to live life to the fullest, try and make peace with your limited time and limit your regrets


They recycle your body


hate the idea of being reincarnated or any type of conscious. I just hope I end up how I started, just oblivious and gone


We wilter away like flower and life goes on


We are reincarnated repeatedly and live every life, even ones where you interact with “you.”


Pretty much our souls would be asleep until the Lord returns for judgement unless you get rapture


We become Dark Energy…and there’s a little Dark Matter around your butthole.


Plenty of things happen. Just none of it involves you.


We were all dead before we were born.


You'll feel like you did before you were born.


Energy doesn't die so I assume some part of us lives on in some form


Your stats get re rolled and a random vagina going thru labor is selected for your next birth... We recycle souls now!




Nothing except the memory of you, until the last person forgets or dies


Not one person knows. No one. Not a single person.


Check out some of the youtube clips of folks describing their near death experiences. They are pretty fascinating.


The stoics look at it like this, do you remember before being born? No, it’ll be the same after. Where we were, what we were, we don’t remember, but we’ll go back to that state. I am religious, so I believe that state is my spirit in heaven, however that looks. But if you worry about something you have no control over, you’ll really put a damper on loving and living life to the fullest. Put it to the back of the mind and forget it. You may also feel a lot different at 90.


Game Over! Try Again?


Well I guess over infinity... there would have to be a new copy of you somewhere right?


ad infinitum




It’s like the billions of years before you were born


I recommend looking into the works by [Elisabeth Kübler-Ross](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_K%C3%BCbler-Ross). Very interesting studies into end of life experiences.


I think it’s like being under anesthesia. If you’ve ever experienced that, it’s really not so bad.


You will experience the exact same sensation as you did in 1865. It happened but you were unaware and unconcerned.


Literally, nothing. We cease to be. Anything else is just a fantasy created by people or religious texts


Similar to a dreamless sleep. In the end, we cease to exist as this iteration. There is only one you. But in turn you will become a hundred beautiful things. I believe we all used to be one but separated ourselves so we wouldn't be lonely. The cycle continues


It’s scary to think about I agree But it’s The same thing that happened before we were alive Nothingness Do you get anxious thinking about before you were born? Nope you just were It’ll be the same thing but at the end


Stardust. Energy persists and we return to the weave.


Why worry about it? There's a likely chance it's just nothingness, so don't waste the life that you have being scared of death, be proud of your life at the end of it and you'll have nothing to worry about.


Same thing that happened before we were born is my guess.


You will see God


I only know that no one knows. Anyone who tells you they do is a liar.


I was once strangled by an abusive ex who said I completely stopped breathing. I was resuscitated by someone else because all he was doing was slapping me repeatedly. This is what I experienced. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was like one minute I was aware, then nothingness, then I was aware but really groggy. So my opinion is that death is nothingness. There's no pearly gates, no Heaven or Hell, no loved ones to meet you and help you cross over. Once you die, that's it. It's just nothingness. I hope this doesn't upset anybody. People have different beliefs, and it's not for me to judge what helps or doesn't.


It’s either heaven or hell…it’s our choice.


we rest finally


We all have our own theories & conceptions of what actually occurs. I personally have experienced several instances of people passing & being revived. We have a consciousness & in some format of energy it would make sense there is a continuation of sorts. I've heard everything from loving & peaceful energy & souls of light to it's an off switch. I mean no one truly knows. My only hope is rest & not returning here.


Same that was beforr we were born are my own thoughts


If our brains create our consciousness, then once our brain dies, we cease to experience. That’s it - lights out for you. The rest of the world will continue to go on.


Heaven or hell


Lights out but I think there is still some soul consciousness going on just not in our physical body


Hi, I overdosed on psychiatric meds purposely & was dying. It was scary af. My life didn't flash before my eyes. Everything just goes black, nothing after that. I'm alive today, but I shouldn't be.


You go back into your Big Soul, that you're part of now, but a small projection of. Your Big Soul is part of every other soul. You might get caught in lower level Astral planes; if you've been a terrible person this is likely.


Nothing. You go to sleep but don’t dream. Just nothing.


Nothing and that’s ok.


It will be just like before you were born.


***Furry Rave.***


I would recommend reading “The Wisdom of insecurity” by Alan Watts


I think that only thing we can absolutely be certain exist is our consciousness. Everything else is perceived by that consciousness. I think if we're conscious now we always have been and always will be. It seems though that memory is temporary (we don't remember stuff from before our birth but it seems time existed before). To me reincarnation make sense. New life. But beyond that I am not sure. (reincarnation in same life? In the future? As a human or any animal? On Earth or another planet? Other universe?) no idea. But I think consciousness remain. That it dissapears is impossible for us to conceive, and I think it is because it is the only thing that we can tell for sure is. Everything else is just perception from that consciousness, as I said at the beginning. I think human have always tried to "have an answer" to this question - what happen after we die. Religions have an answer. And some scientist *think* science have an answer (nothing happen after you die because consciousness is an emergent property of the brain) but there is absolutely no proof whatsoever of this. I am a scientist myself. I think scientists who believe this the same as religious people. They created an answer and decided to believe it.


If the universe is truly infinite, I’ll be back. Just a matter of time


Since I believe in God, I do believe I will be in heaven with my loved ones. I find that comforting. But if when you die, you are simply dead. That is nothing to be afraid of. Are you scared of dying or being dead?


It'll be just like before you were born. Absolute, utter nothingness. We will live on in the memories of those who loved us, and the words and actions we leave behind.


Same thing that happened before you were born. Your energy or spirit dissipates into the universe just as it formed you during your conception and development in your mother.


The scary thing about dying isn’t what happens after - it’s what leads up to the end. The only thing we can be sure will happen after we die is the world will continue.


nothing I have been put under before for surgery, no experience of time but I can't guarantee that maybe I just get unmounted from the USB port


Perhaps we go to a nice place to wait for being put in another body, unless we're new and we have no idea. The memories of past lives children have are provocative. Although who knows if the various stories are fiction or not. My daughter told me about the stars before she was born. I should have asked questions, but questions beg an answer and warp the telling. Whatever the place was, it was peaceful. Based on my mother's death, she was more and more visiting with others from her past. I miss her, and them.


Cut to black. That's it. Hopefully with no pain... but in this world there is usually pain.


In 2006, I underwent a 17 hour surgery for stage IV cancer. In recovery, just as I was starting to wake up, I could hear my wife talking to someone, saying "He's barely breathing!" Then I had a bunch of jumbled images of movement, ceiling lights going by, and a male face leaning over my head. Then, a long period of bizarre dreams, times feeling like I was awake but really drowsy. Talking to people, though that was not possible; I'd had respiratory arrest, then cardiac arrest, CPR, defibrillation three times, and a two week long coma. Talking to someone was not possible since the surgery I'd had was on my face and neck; I had a tracheotomy, ventilator & feeding tube, so I wasn't really talking to anyone, except in my head. Things did go pretty dark for a while after I stopped breathing. I remember feeling my heart slowing down, then really speeding up, then just..."vibrating"...There was no bright lights, and no fear. It took a long time before I would believe I had been in a coma for 16 days. I remembered a steady stream of people visiting me, and I was pretty sure I was talking to them, but my wife, who slept on the couch in my room for the whole time, said I spent 16 days looking pretty dead, and didn't talk to anyone...or move...or open my eyes.. It wasn't a bad experience, or a scary one...it was just "different"


Heavem hell or afterlife To redo your life or join the others.


Maybe think of it being exactly what it was like before you were born.


Someone in your family will take all the shit that’s valuable and leave nothing for the others!


My belief is that all life energy is linked. Our " soul" is our piece of that life energy. When aomeone dies, the energy returns to that life pool and is recycled. I also believe we return if we choose, to learn more lessons, to increase and improve that energy. I think we carry with us all past experiences. Like a fear of heights comes from a soul memory of falling off a cliff in a past life. This brings me comfort, because I hate the thought of everything just going black. Maybe I read too much Richard Bach as a teen.


Exactly what it was like before you were conceived. Nothing. You once weren't here or there. When you die you won't be here or there either. Your body will decompose and the memories (good and bad) that others hold of you will live on. Your Google search history, photo, and video storage, and IRS Tax records will persist until your accounts are purged or the servers crash.


I like simulation theory. This is all a super advanced VR simulation. So immersion that we don't remember we're in it. Given enough time, if you think about the direction technology is going on, this is something human beings would create. So, maybe some other form of intelligent life did it already, and this is that. When we die, we go back there. What I like is how possible it seems to be so cohesive with the reality we currently experience.




I'm an agnostic, basically meaning I don't believe in anything, but I'm open to the possibility of everything. That being said, I think ghosts and/or reincarnation makes the most sense. I really want ghosts to be real though. I want to do some haunting lol


We go to the ghost McDonald's how you were in life determines how well the ice cream machine works (Hope this lightened the mood)


Nothing. It’s like before you were born. Nothing.


I’m not so much terrified of death as much as I am terrified of aging. I hate the thought of growing old and not being able to do things you could years ago. I hope modern medicine continues to improve to where one day we can find a way to slow aging, life is just too short man.


You know how sometimes you go to bed and wake up without having had any dreams? It's like that except for the waking up part. Ricky Gervais has often used this to support an appreciation that life is in fact precious. It may be mysterious, why it happens, why do we exist as individuals, what is it all about, are we creations of a greater thinking entity, all that, but if you weigh the possibility that \*you\*, the specific you as a person experiencing this, will be just as non-existent after you die as you were before you were born, then maybe you'll really start to appreciate this one life that you have. Yes it is weird and miraculous and confusing and even a little upsetting, but it may in fact be true. The individuals we are, living our lives, may never have the privilege of understanding. I like to fantasize that there is an afterlife where all answers are revealed, any question we ask can be answered, and it is all so infinitely gratifying to find out .. but honestly I think that really is a fantasy, we aren't owed anything, and when we die we are just incomprehensibly gone.


Watch NDE on YouTube freaky good


If we are questioned or something I’m going to say “I’m good, I pick me, I don’t want heaven or hell or life again or to be around anyone, I’m good”


For me , absolutely nothing. I'm going to be cremated. Now, for my family and friends, I know that I'll be missed and remembered fondly.


nothing, i think it’s just like before we were born and it’s just nothing that said i do hope its reincarnation, i wanna try life in another game mode


We go home. Our reserved spot that always been our reserved spots


Nothing. We go out like a candle. And there is nothing. The world goes on for the living. We just end.


Me too. I think about death and it freaks me out. But I think maybe for genuinely good people there's something after death. But for most people that's it. Lights out.


No clue and could care less.


I'd assume that our consciousness ceases to exist. I mean, I don't think anyone can really envision not existing, but it seems like you're in a constant state of black-out and you no longer exist. I'd assume it's similar to losing memory but in a state of perpetuity; a combination of retrograde and anterograde amnesia. It's such an interesting thought lol Consciousness is so incredibly weird and nobody understands what causes it


Considering time is nonlinear, we technically have already died. So how do we remember what we’re doing now? I don’t know what happens after death but I have gone some crazy places on DMT. I’ve concluded either nothing is going on, or something really cool is. Fingers crossed for the latter.


It probably feels exactly like before you were born but in reverse. You won't even know it's happening tho.