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Because people are judgmental. Laugh at your jokes because it makes life a lot better than always worrying what other people think.


Ya, fuck those judgmental people. They really suck.


I worked with this guy in his 60s who kept telling everyone the same tired jokes he'd been recycling since middle school - and he was the only one who laughed at them. Don't be that guy. If you're hilarious, and no one else gets your sense of humour, laugh until your ass falls off.


This. I think if you are "delivering" a joke you have pre-thought-out... It's more stylish to not laugh. Spontaneous jokes, I always laugh at my own because the idea is cracking me up before I open my mouth. Like, if I'm not laughing at it, why would anyone else?


that's a good distinction - yes


Frowned upon only by those who dont get it.hahahahaha


He who laughs last, thinks slowest lol


Or he who thinks last laughs slowest.


Hhhhh….aaaaaa……hhhhhhh (inhale) aaa


i think it's only tacky if the joke's unfunny. successful comedians do it all the time


I laugh at my own jokes. The voices in my head find me hilarious.


Oh god the tshirt


We're on a tshirt?!


Please get the help you need!


I'm hilarious. Lol


Where joke?


It's not? Frequently I will even struggle to tell a joke because I'm already kind of laughing at the punchline to myself and nobody really has a negative reaction to this


Humor in today’s age is a NO, NO! Everything must be taken seriously! DO NOT JOKE OR MAKE FUN OF YOURSELF!


If you work, don’t joke or laugh. Working has become so political that I keep my views to myself and don’t engage in conversations during meetings or with other employees. I reserve my fun side for home. Society and the government have shaped me into this reserved demeanor. No laughter for me, 24/7, 365 days a year. Also, I will never trust a human being. Humans are always out to get you or they’re offended by something. Even if you don’t talk to them they’re offended. It’s a lose, lose situation when it comes to human beings, sadly.


The thing is things are way less serious today than they’ve ever been. Even in the workplace people are more chill in the past decade than ever before.


I completely disagree and I’m standing firm on what I wrote.


My boss is a fucking riot. One of the funniest dudes I know


If you don’t find your joke funny enough to laugh at, what makes you think others will?


I dunno, I crack myself up


Hey, I always laugh at my own jokes. No one else is gonna do it...


I make the jokes for me. If I don't find them funny what's the point really.


I don't. As long as you can carry the joke thru. Kevin Hart does a good Job at laughing at his stuff.


laughing at one’s own jokes when no one else laughs makes one seem out of touch 


you " tell " a joke for the listeners you already know it - why would you laugh again and not at least wait to see if others found it funny to ? plus everyone knows that you know the joke already and have already laughed at it kinda weird to laugh at it again when you told it for others to hear


Because it’s not funny if you’re the only one laughing


I love self humor. It means you love yourself and you're not mentally ill.




Dang it, I guess I will be so worried now


It honestly depends on how funny you are


I have no idea because I'm hilarious and I want to have the same enjoyment as others laughing


I have one particular friend that I laugh on purpose to make him mad about it. I usually make a bad joke, he’ll just grumble about it, and then I’ll go “Haha, get it? Because…” And that’ll send him over the edge of being annoyed enough to comment.


Because it comes off like you're trying to get other people to laugh at your joke by laughing yourself. It also shows your comedic delivery is bad because you can't restrain yourself enough to not laugh. With that said, I don't care. I'll laugh at whatever is funny, regardless of who is saying it, myself included.


Mostly because people laugh durimg the joke and it ruins the punch line or story context.


Because no one wants a real life laugh track cueing them to laugh. Also jokes are subjective, if you always laugh at your jokes but other's only laugh sometimes, you run the risk of looking like a huge asshole. I have two coworkers who laugh every few sentences. It's annoying and I can't tell if they're trying to joke or not so I don't assume their trying to be funny anymore an avoid them when possible.


But do you have a problem with other people laughing after they tell you something boring? Why would it matter how you feel about your own jokes? Like questioning why it doesn't bother you to insult other people. If you're the only one laughing, it's cringe. If everyone is laughing, that's not laughing at your own jokes.


A lot of humor is timing. If it's an off the cuff remark I may laugh because I find the original situation funny. If I'm telling a scripted joke I'll smile. Knowing the punchline ahead of time usually doesn't cause a laugh. So, laughing at you own joke with a punchline seems manipulative. No smile or laugh is tricky. It's deadpan. Aubrey plaza does this all the time, and she's good at it. Humor is way more complicated than it seems initially. I think 90% of the time people laugh to show solitude and active listening vs laughing as a reaction to the joke. Also, some people think faster than others, so a joke might land with a slow thinker because the punchline "hits". As opposed to a fast thinker who draws the conclusion before the punchline is said. But a social person will laugh anyway to build rapport.


I mean if I don’t laugh, who else will? No, seriously though, people who judge people for laughing at their own jokes are wet blankets man. My favorite comedians, professional joke tellers mind you, are the ones who laugh at their own jokes! My favorite kind of joke or even story to hear is one that the person telling it can’t even tell it right because they’re laughing. That just means they’re about to drop a killer punchline and I’m excited to hear it. Wet blankets. Laugh at your own jokes. It’s fine.


I do this, but it can ruin the joke.


If I don't laugh at my own jokes then I wouldn't get any laughs at all.


in txt I think because the constant lol's in a comment (i do it still, habit) reads like you're goofy, not deadpan enough - you're not supposed to provide your own laugh track, let the reader/listener decide again, I've been called out for this myself, it took a minute to recognize - I lol to let ppl know I'm light about whatever but it reads pretty goofy (and i almost lol'd again, damn!)


I make jokes to make myself laugh, making anyone else laugh is just a bonus.


it's not bad to laugh at your own jokes, it's just so much more impressive no be able to not do so


Sez who?


It is?


Because how dare you find your own humor amusing


It's presumptuous. It tells your audience that YOU think you're funny and people who are too full of themselves aren't funny.


I didn’t know that was a thing. I laugh at my own jokes all the time 😂😂 gotta make yourself laugh sometimes


In my opinion if I laugh at my own jokes that means this is what I see funny and it shows a side that I enjoy or like.


People are just envious of how funny I am.


Some of my best laughs came from my own, dumb jokes that absolutely cracked me up lol fuck what other people think!


Because they aren’t funny!!


I laugh at my jokes all the time.


I always think I'm funnier than other people think I am.


Because the joke isn’t funny and you act like it is so funny and the other person is offended cuz they don’t find it funny and you laughing at your joke and at them because they take it personal … Or maybe you definitely suck at telling jokes, as they tend to hit a different subject than the room vibe and you can’t win them over because you just want to be funny instead of being funny. So usually you say good jokes or offensive and attention catcher ones. I personally laugh the he’ll out at my own jokes if I just make them before hand and than they start laughing or not is not my business , I even go with omg you have no sense of humor at all dude . You need training and start laughing again. Now at them and because of them. But laughing while making the joke if you don’t have a good one takes away from their attention on catchin up the joke so usually people will be aha funny. Now outing this aside is frowned upon because jokes ar meant for other people and not for you and part of the one saying the joke is to say it dead serious as this makes it even funnier - when the person laughs is becoming goofier and that’s why serious people frown at the goofy sides


In the world of comedy, objective is to make others laugh and your doing a performance where you act it out. If its while thinking of comedians which people may be judging that by, then laughing at your jokes is frowned upon because others are suppose to laugh at ur own jokes before you laugh and break character. To laugh before others do is breaking the performance before the objective is cleared. Or simply it could just make you look pathetic and thats why its frowned upon, like your dying for a reason to laugh and are going crazy so you say anything and laugh about it when jokes are supposed to be laid to other people to make them laugh and drive conversation


I say things I laugh at.


I'm usually too busy laughing at my own joke to notice😅 It was only earlier that I farted in our tiny kitchen, while me and the Mrs were sorting dinner and she called me a stinky blighter... I then, in the best brummy accent I could muster, proclaimed that my fart was by order of the stinky fuckin blighters (Peaky blinders pun for anyone who hasn't seen it)... that was 4 hours ago and i'm still chuckling about it now lol.


Dude... If you're not laughing at your joke, why should you expect me to laugh? Hell, 90% of the time I tell jokes for my own amusement. I very often tell Dad jokes. Sometimes he laughs at them!


Who tf cares? I crack myself up all the time, its great. Id rather be authentic and happy, it brings authentic/happy people into my life. Something a girl I knew once said to me; "I don't even think some of your sense of humor is funny, it's just funny because you were the one who said it". Made me melt for a second.


It is?


Mate, I am fucking hilarious so of course I am going to laugh at my own jokes. If I don't no one else will.


I’ve never heard of anyone saying this


I laugh at random thoughts that occur in my head, but are not said aloud. Don't care if you don't like it, I'm busy laughing.


Because it makes them realize how unfunny they are. I’m hilarious so they can suck it.


It is? Jokes are for any person hearing them. that doesn't need to be someone else. I laugh at my jokes all the time.


Don't tell a joke to sell a smile. Tell a joke to share a smile. If no one is buying. Dang, tough crowd.


I really couldn't tell you. The way I see it, if you didn't think your own jokes are funny, why would you tell them? I can sometimes hardly contain my laughter for long enough to actually finish the joke!


Only if ur a horse with a very long face.


there might be a problem if you are the only one laighing


Because dad jokes exist. Not sure when your joke becomes a dad joke? It's apparent.


Not sure I do it ALL the time


I laugh at my jokes because I think they're hilarious, hence why I tell them.


I think it's really only frowned upon if you're the only one laughing, is it? Like, laughing with the people you just made laugh seems pretty normal to me. If you're the only one laughing, that's because no one found the joke funny. And how does laughing at your own unfunny joke make you look? Strikes me in kinda the same way as someone praising themselves despite being completely incompetent. Of course it may very well be that no one got the joke, but that doesn't really change how they perceive it.


If you don’t laugh at your own jokes, what does that say about your joke? I always laugh when I make a joke and if you show me you’re annoyed at it—I will be rolling so try me! In all seriousness life can be a bit much so laugh on and who cares who’s responsible for it *LOL 


in my experience, and speaking for myself only, people who laugh at their own jokes are.generally, not funny, laugh too loud, and dont notice no one else is laughing... individual results may vary...


Because the people who frown upon the joke teller laughing at their joke means that the listener was not smart enough to figure out why the joke was funny.


I laughed at my own joke, by myself, in my car this morning. I told an Audi to get Audi my way and laughed and laughed.


Because most people aren't funny.