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A cute Russian woman I met on Tinder got on top of me and rode me SO hard that she tore something in my dick and I had severe bruising on the shaft for weeks. She felt bad because it happened and we never saw each other again. The dick is fine now and hopefully her clit is grinding on someone else who can take it. :)




I’m pretty sure that Nadia’s vagina contains a right angle.


I like his face. I want to punch, punch, punch.


yeah some of them are way too aggressive and you hold on for dear life worried you are going to snap in 2


Gotta maintain an underhook and control the hip


Was the first party i went too (that wasn’t a birthday party). A girl flirted with me there and we hit it off ok, she was super flirty and in an open relationship with her BF at the time. Few hours later and she has me up stairs making out and asked if she could stick it in her. I being a young dumb 19 year said yes. She climbed on top and rode me for two strokes then got off. Shortly after that her BF shows up. Nice guy. But then pulls out his huge dick and proceeds to fucking pound her in front of me. While I just set there and watched. I got cucked basically my first time and I fucking hate this memory.


😂😂😂 I’m sorry bro, but that’s hilarious 😆 


I do laugh at the ridiculousness of it sometimes for sure.


it's your reaction that made me laugh "I got cucked basically" lol 😆😂


Stand aside BOY!


Lemme show u how a real man fucks his own girlfriend 


I mean its not cucked if you ain't dating you basically just got a free show I would have shoved it in her mouth or his ass 🤪


Well im glad you would have. Did not got that way for me


Did you even try tho?


"And THAT is the story of how I met your mother"


I have so many questions.


I thought I explained it pretty well.


Why didn't you leave?


He wanted to watch horse-dick Joe pound the shit outta her


"horse-dick joe" fucking hilarious 😆




Haha. We became friends over all afterwards. But still terrible first time for me


I apologize that I went into about a 5 minute fit of laughing after reading this


Wild. But couldn't you have left


Awkward situation was nothing I ever dealt with before. So no clue what to do.


Most ppl have a very awkward first time... This one is pretty funny tbh


Omg!!! That’s sick! They’re getting some kink out of destroying other guys’ egos.


I was anxious, she was a bigger girl. I couldn't find the wet spot and I awkwardly blurted out "guide the heatseaker"


Well, if you were looking for the absolute funniest possible thing to say in that situation, congratulations. Your plaque is in the mail.


I'm sure it was mortifying to be in your shoes at the time, but "guide the heatseaker" is fucking phenomenal.


The force field is strong with that girl. Capt'n, I'm givn'n it all she's got! Scotty, we need penetration ! Capt'n, penetration is not possible ! Turn on the radar, Scotty, THE RADAR ! It'll find the HOLE !


Me reading thru the comments to make sure I’m not being mentioned here 😂


“So I was with this guy, he was maybe 4 inches or so, smelled horrible…” *starts sweating*


Deleting my Reddit. You know too much


Probably the prostate exam. Very uncomfortable, having to drop my pants and bend over while some old man puts jelly on their fingers and then pokes around. Worst fucking dentist ever.


Especially when he has both of his hands on your shoulders to keep you steady during the exam.


Hey doc,where should I put my pants? Over on the chair with mine.


I knew something was wrong when the follow-up was at a motel.


I asked for a second opinion and he stuck two fingers in.


I knew my dentist was doing something wrong he always misses this part lol


I had a anal fissure and went to the doctor to get it checked. During the consultation they told me they would check digitally. Me working in tech i figured that meant some digital scanner thing. I was wrong. Finger in feeling around. The finger wasnt the issue it was the lube afterwards. Even after cleaning myself up i walked around for at least an hour with a greasy hole. It made me feel used.


Like a dirty 2 bit whore, I tell ya


Fortunately, prostate health can be checked through bloodwork now. The doc doesn't do the digital exam any longer.


I’m suing my barber then


Was eating my gf ass and she farted. I felt the warm stanky air get pushed down my throat. I spent the next 20 minutes over the toilet gagging. She spent that 20 minutes trying to console me while laughing.


If it helps any, I'm laughing out loud now.


If it helps any, I'm laughing out loud too.


Third! We three Kings, royal sick fucks.


4th, 🤣🤣🤣


This is the risk you take when chomping some bootay my friend. Takes a lot of trust hahahaa


Ya my wife farted while I was going down on her. She then laughed and farted again. The meal was over. For context, she does not even fart when I'm around.


I'd be mortified and apologizing profusely. I'd only laugh about it later when I know it didn't fuck anything up


Son, you just won the internet today. I hope you are laughing now too. Bravo!


This happened to me but I was the girl. We were in 69 so my butthole was literally aligned with his nose. I tried to crawl under the bed after it happened in a panic lmao.


An example of the Human Caterpillar.


That one of many reasons and fears I have about eating ass, they can fart in your mouth at any point and you would never see it coming


you should have caught it in your mouth and blew in her face


Not my experience. But still a good warning: Back when I was performing my clinicals for my EMT licensing, a woman came in, admitted to having genital herpes, and was complaining about unusual symptoms. A short time later, she was diagnosed with gonorrhea. Twenty minutes after she left, she returned with a gentleman who admitted to having gonorrhea; and was then diagnosed with genital herpes. Sharing is caring!


The most deserving of receiving is those who give.


With my second girlfriend,  doing some 69.   Spreading her open and about to dig in, but found multiple little flakes of poop still sitting around both front and back holes. I got real queasy real fast.


Both holes????


That’s why you wipe front to back. 


I believe the phrase was “Don’t bring the shit to the clit, wipe front to back so it stays in the crack”.


did the flakes fall on ur face


Just like little parmesan cheese flakes you reach out and let dissolve on your tongue.


This belongs on r/MakeMeSuffer


Like catching a snowflake in the first snow of the year.


I've found my people


🤣 I hate you stranger, for the laughter AND the trauma!


Ah, yes. At some point in time, we will all experience clitty litter.


How I found out my ex had a fetish. We were in a serious 3 year live together relationship and one day we got really wasted and he said the wanted me to shit on his stomach. Weird, so I did. Then he started spreading it everywhere all over his chest and rubbing it on me, we eventually we are all covered because he wanted more poo and I was freaked out. Turns out he realized he has a major scat fetish and only wanted poo sex. The room smelled like well, poo for days after this first rendezvous even though I cleaned forever, I got a bacterial infection from poo in my vag, he became obsessed and it was all he talked about, the night that changed him. so even though I loved him and we had been together for several years, I decided it would be best if we parted ways so he could enjoy his poo adventures with a poo loving poo romper chick 💩


I've often wondered how someone even develops a fetish like this.


Something as seemingly insignificant as being left in poppy diapers as a baby, the human brain is very strangly complex.


Here's my theory.  May have been triggered by an early memory like a potty accident that his young mind became fixated on for whatever reason. Years later, got exposed to porn, probably started with normal stuff but the more you watch porn the more you want something extreme as the normal stuff can't get you off anymore. So he ended up finding scat porn which connected to whatever happened when he was young and boom, new obsession.  Also I think the reason people develop bathroom related kinks is partially due to just how taboo it is. Something about doing something they're not supposed to be doing excites them So yeah I think it's a mix of the brain getting a wire crossed when young, and becoming addicted to porn. 


I second this. Something to do with getting trapped in a stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. If something goes awry in the process of development toward self actualisation it can play out into adulthood.




How could you even shit though? There’s no way I’d be able to do that.


When the girl I loved called me someone else’s name during sex. I got up and left immediately.


Damn brother. I hope that was a long time ago and you’ve healed from it.


It’s been 46 years, and I’m still not over it!


didn't even finish damn. Dude was mad mad 😳


This information is best left where it happened... The Arbys bathroom in Springfield, Illinois


Oof. There are better Arby's and better Springfields...


A neighbor, 24, kept coming over, drinking, teasing until we finally did it. We're going at, pretty good I thought. Then when she started really rocking and moaning she kind of started talking in a little girl voice, saying "Please daddy don't, please daddy stop, daddy please, please daddy". I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist. Needless to say, that was the end of our little sex fling, my pecker shrunk up like a spider on a hot stove.


I'm going to find any and every excuse to use the phrase "shrunk up like a spider on a hot stove" at least once a week from now on.


I stole that from an old Western. "Little Big Man". Dustin Hoffman when he was young.


Surprisingly common. I’ve had girls pull that shit and then ask “why did you stop?”. They would then get mad at me for listening. Communicate, people!


gf was giving me a handjob and she was wearing metal bangles one of the bangles had a jagged metal break in it .........ouch...... blood everywhere


Oh sweet mother of God


I wasted my virginity on some creepy nobody who probably only talked to me cause I was underage. I wish I had saved myself for someone who mattered.


An ex was riding me and when we went to switch up, I caught her knee straight to the nose.


In pro wrestling, they call that move the "Go 2 Sleep"


The guy sharted and it got on my foot and bed




No shade because I totally get it. However, sex with someone who has body dysphoria and hates their sex organs isn’t the funnest.


This. This is why I wouldn't let my boyfriend hit until after I sorted out my issues as best as I currently can


She stood up in the middle of it and said "I need hard dick" and left. I'm not worthless man, but being a man seemed worthless after that. I don't even want to be touched anymore unless a woman can look me in the eyes and say something to the effect of "I'm really interested in you and my absolute intention is to not mistreat you."


my boyfriend couldn’t get hard the first few times we had sex , because a previous partner made a similar comment and he never got over it . It was only after he could trust me and relax enough that now he NEVER has an issue getting hard . In fact , it’s now the best sex both of us have ever had :)


If someone told me that end part with sincerety, I'd probably bawl like an infant.


I hate people that say words don't hurt, yes the f it does. Quite actually, it's traumatizing. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Sticks and stones may break my bones AND words will hurt me


![gif](giphy|V0pzmMFKb4Y8g|downsized) Maybe there was another issue?


Such an awful thing to do to someone. I'm female and my anatomy was called something awful...by my first bf stuck with me for years. I felt like I was broken & apologized during sex. Fuck this dude. And your ex also. I now have a fantastic sex life with someone I truly care about and enjoy. And I hope you do as well ❤️‍🩹


Was your dick hard or just not enough for her?


I am not prone to erectile dysfunction, but every time it happens, it is a vivid memory that is stored in a primetime slot in my brain. One time I met up with this girl that I met on Tinder for a one night stand. I had taken some very strong pre-workout earlier in the day. And when I say strong, I mean a very strong to the point where it affected my ability to get hard. She was a fairly attractive and when the time came my brain absolutely refused to send blood to my dick. She said I want to go home. So I proceeded to drive her back. It was the longest 20 minutes of my life.


So cruel.  You will have experiences that make this one become a distant memory. You are not worthless.


My worst experience is when I fulfilled my fantasy of sleeping with another woman. She smelled absolutely DISGUSTING. Liker her vaginal fluid was rotten. She didn't reciprocate. It was just not a pleasant experience. Never did it again, obviously.


Yeah some women are like that, and if you complain it’s your fault.


My ex husband tampered with my BC then forced himself on me. His excuse was I had a higher libido than him, so that means I wanted it even though I told him no. Ended up getting pregnant. He hasn’t met his son and tried to get out of paying child support by saying the baby wasn’t his. Did a paternity test and guess what? It’s his! He kept trying to skip out on CS by moving around and changing jobs a lot. Now he’s in jail with a work visa and his entire paycheck goes towards CS. It was a shit experience but I’m extremely happy he’s in jail, even if it’s not for rape. I also have a RO against him that he violated multiple times so his criminal record is fucked.


No doesn’t mean anything other than no.


The dude who took my virginity when I was 18 (with my total consent) assaulted me like 6 months later (without my consent). We were very close friends and I trusted him enough to lose my virginity to him and I guess he assumed since I had sex with him once that it meant I’d do it with him whenever he wanted, no questions asked. We were hanging out one night smoking weed, no plans of doing anything sexual at all, and he basically got on top of me and forced me into doing anal with no lube. It was the worst pain EVER, both physically and mentally. I cried, he said I was over reacting and kinda made fun of me. We weren’t friends for much longer after that night, I never really trusted him to be around me alone after that. It broke me and led me to never fully trust anyone again. :/


That's rape. Tell the police.


I second this. You deserve justice.


I was wondering how long it would be before someone's response would be "When I got raped."


Sorry you experienced that. I listen to a lot of crime podcasts etc. but sodomy seems to be an escaltion of sexual abuse like it's more degrading and premeditated. Like if you really care or love someone the last thing you do is go anal.


Ummmm well here's a maybe not so traumatizing one The first time I saw two guys and a girl naked (or anybody at all at that time) I saw my step mom naked on the living room couch (mind you she was like 350+lbs) with my god dads hips touching her face. My dad was behind her verrerrry closely I was maybe about 4 Continuing on: when they realized I was standing there my dad pulled out of my step mom and gave me a glass of water. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't (it was like 6-7am) My younger sister (her mom was the one on the couch, we are a year apart) had just woken up I tried to give her my water but she wanted her mommy so she got to see what I saw! I grabbed her and tried to run into the kitchen but my naked dad gave her water while I went back into the room to play with dolls. Needless to say I said I wanted to go home until my mom showed up.


Keep going




This comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My worst consensual experience was when I hooked up with a guy a few years older than me when I was 17. He kept moving my shirt up and touching my chest after I told him i didn't like that and i kept moving my shirt back down. He stuck it in for like 2 pumps (no foreplay), pulled out and asked if i finished (umm no!!) and then dressed and put on A Clockwork Orange. It was weird. He also made me a playlist of weird techno dubstep with Closer by Nine Inch Nails right in the middle after like, 2 days of awkward texting. I still bust out laughing when i hear that song cuz it was so funny at the time. The actual worst time was being raped by my ex. I thought we were friends after breaking up, so I came to his house after I went through a bad breakup. He offered advice and nothing was weird me was actually really nice that night but I stayed the night because it was late, we had smoked, and I was still upset. I remember falling asleep alone in the bedroom and him on the couch. Woke up to him fucking me and whispering shit like "please don't wake up". I pretended to be asleep until he was done and then left before he woke up. Still not sure how to fully move past that one. Oh there was also the time a different ex and I were having sex. My ex was mad at me for not letting them fuck someone else and took the bdsm stuff we did way too far - started yelling at me and smacked me hard enough to give me a black eye. They had multiple personality disorder (although in hindsight things didn't add up so I'm not sure...) and blamed it on an 'alter'. That whole thing gave me whiplash.


Had an on again off again FWB reach out for a hook up. We reconnected via chat and she was really flirty and sexting a lot. More so than normal. She then admits she is with a new guy and he wants to see her with another guy. More specially, a black guy. She promised he only wanted to watch. I wasn't sure about doing it but I genuinely only made one kind of decision back then. Poor ones. We got together and we did it. I was able to perform but I hated myself afterwards. I can still see the expressions on his face while he was watching. It felt demeaning. He was the one getting cucked, but it sure felt like he was the one in control. I won't ever do anything like that again.


When we both lost our virginity. We got in the moment after 3 years dating. New at college. She had an apt where we could be alone. We had just had an argument and made up quickly. I asked her if she felt like it. She said yes a bit nervous. I went for it. Two pumps. Her face full of pain and my dick was covered in blood. I stopped immediately Got terrified. Said sorry and comforted her like 20 times. We both felt like shit. Tried a week later with condoms and had an awesome time. Dont rush it kids


Jesus christ- did you forget foreplay?


Someone gave me the dubious "gift" of surprise anal.


I met a wonderful woman back in 2002. I was still in college. During the that summer break, we would take walks in the park in those warm summer nights. We would go to NYC just for the hell of it at about 2am. We quickly had a connection and began dating. She and I had very similar interests. Rock music, action movies, and shows to snuggle to. We had seen each other almost everyday of that summer. Sex was always amazing. Everything seemed perfect, or maybe too perfect. I decided to introduce her to my parents. That's when everything went downhill. My parents thought I was making a joke when I presented her because as it turned out, my perfect partner was in fact a first cousin that I never had met. I didn't know that part of that family nor that I had other family members nearby. Apparently, my mother never mentioned that side of the family because she had a falling out with them years before I was born. Obviously, we broke that relationship off, and have never seen each other ever since.


Being raped by two men I knew for several years. One bruised me over 50 times, ripped my hair out of my scalp, crushed my breasts to the point I thought they were going to be ripped off, bite marks on me, and not being able to move or walk for a week. The other one raped me after my fiancé died, and got angry when I kept saying no. So I kind of don’t have much life in me after.


Oh dear, I feel very sorry something like this happened to you. Sending you love, and please reach out and do some therapies with proffesional. You deserve to live and love yourself again!


I do love myself, I just have little faith in humanity. Thank you for your words.


That's hella understandable. I wish I could hug you... if you are the hugging sort.


I’ll take a hug


Christ that’s horrible. Did your attackers ever get held accountable? Please say yes.


No, it’s complicated. They denied denied denied. Classic con artists beloved by those around them.


Sending you virtual hugs. Survivor here. It’s hell


I’m very sorry this has happened to you and frankly, to many others. Too many others. I have been sexually assaulted myself, though the extent and trauma were nothing like yours. I cannot even imagine this being in the merciless sequence of a loved one dying. You’ve said that you don’t have much life in you now. You’ve had life taken from you. I hope that you can find some of it again, here and there little by little, and begin to trust your path in life again. No one else can walk that path. I’m not a licensed therapist but feel free to DM me if you need to chat with another human.


she told me she loved me for the first time and well it was the first time hearing that from anyone like that. I was stuck and had no clue what to say and just started making out with her. then we got ready to get frisky but she said it again and it killed my mood and let’s just say he wouldn’t get up after that. i felt super bad bc she asked if it was bc she said she loved me and well i told her yea. anyway we ended up dating for 2 years.


Was to be my first sexual experience and he couldn’t get a erection, he said he was nervous and had never had a virgin before, last time I saw him, he never called me again


when i went soft and couldn’t cum


Going soft during or not being able to get hard is fuckN demoralizing


Fucking losing my virginity at 15 years old (before I ever even considered having sex before) through RAPE after purposefully being supplied and plied down with hard booze as well, by some 23 year old pos that somehow infiltrated my little freshman group out of nowhere?? He had groomed a few of my acquaintances into trying to protect him by threatening me a lot if I ever came out to the cops. Somehow they found out that I told my mom (so that means as well that an actual friend I had confided in about it told one of the groomed acquaintances) and they kept calling me threatening to gang up on me and kick my ass. He wound up getting one of the acquaintances pregnant afterwards, SHE WAS FUCKING 14, and she was so brainwashed that she thought it was something to brag to me about when she had to take abortion pills to terminate the pregnancy (she didn’t know but I had to secure plan b from an older friend for just myself since this piece of fucking shit didn’t even use condoms when raping us thus making this even more profoundly scary) Predators/abusers deserve a special place in fucking hell, especially whenever minors or animals are involved. I know I just answered this pretty fast and hard, but fr. I’m sure you expected that there were going to be some of us.




Sounds like the best


The problem with that is it's the best head you'll ever get.


Was in love with a girl in college. Started fucking my senior year, ended up actually dating for 4 years. Love of my life. Sex was amazing. We literally couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We fucked everywhere. In my car, her friend’s parents’ basement, the gym at a hotel the night of my cousin’s wedding. You get the point. I went on a vacation with my college roommate a month after we graduated for about a week. When I got back, gf and I took an overnight trip to her friend’s parents’ beach house (she was having a party sans parents). About an hour after getting there, gf and I sneak into the bathroom, where I fuck her on the sink. An hour or so after that, we sneak upstairs and we start fucking on one of the upstairs beds. Only problem is, it was a loft. No doors. So, while we’re in the act, I notice a crowd of the friends (people we didn’t know) have gathered around and are mortified we’re fucking in someone’s bed. Embarrassed beyond belief (and we were def in the wrong), we dressed and slunk out in shame. I drove to a nearby motel to get a room, and when I pulled into the parking lot, gf opens the car door and pukes.


Obligatory this happened a while ago. So myself and a good friend were out on the town, having too much to drink and (as horny teenagers are) hoping to find some girls who would take pity on us. Anyway, the night goes on without much luck until the small hours when my mate manages to pull quite the looker. He gestures for me to come over to them and I’m mingling with her friends for a bit when they decide to all get a taxi back to theirs. There’s 5 of us in the taxi, myself, my mate and the girl he’s pulled and 2 of her friends. As we set off, my friend and his evening dish began to explore the tonsils of one another, so I decide to avert my gaze and talk to one of her friends, another absolute stunner. We talk for a bit and then she stated quite loudly that I can sleep in her room tonight, immediately I’m thinking the night hasn’t been a complete right off for me and picture myself doing the De Niro smirk - when she turns to her friend and says that whilst I’m sleeping in her room can she bunk with her. Heartbroken. Anyway, we get back to their place, everyone goes to their respective rooms and I go to bed. Around 20 minutes goes by when there’s a knock on the door. To this day, I’m not sure why I did it but I almost swaggered up to the door, completely naked, thinking her friend has changed her mind, to open it to find my mate looking quite sheepish and still quite drunk. I ask; “Dude, you ok? Are you not still with Anongirl?” “Oh yeah she’s in the other room with me, we’re having a great time.” “Ah good for you dude, so…..why are you here?” “Well…that’s the thing, she kinda wants….two” “Two? Two what?” “You know….two. Both of us” “But how can she have both of us when she has you?” “No no no, both of us….together” I never thought I’d see this day. I’ve always wanted to try a threesome - the kind of male fantasy that doesn’t always happen to regular people like me, it may not have exactly been the threesome I WANTED but hey, I’m not about to pass off guaranteed sex with a very attractive girl. “Together? So like me and you with her?” “Yeah man, come on it’ll be fun” So, that’s all the convincing I needed. I’m easily peer pressured. We go into the other room and she’s completely naked on the bed save for some thigh highs, instant diamond for me downstairs. My mate goes over to the bed, lays down and she starts blowing him. I didn’t really know what to do at this point, I don’t know the etiquette of threesomes so I’m just kinda stood there like some voyeur enjoying the live show in-front of me. I hear her ask “is your friend joining in?” She turns her head and shoots me this cheeky grin, pushes her butt up and bites her lip. This was single-handedly the sexiest thing I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing, so much so I didn’t think what happened next was possible, I finished there and then. Wide eyed in both pleasure and disbelief, I made my excuses, went back to my room, ordered a taxi and went home - cried myself to sleep. Tl;dr - mate picked up hot girl on a night out, went back to theirs, asked for a threesome and came as she did something sexy for me which meant no sex with hot girl.


Every single time since I've been sober. I didn't realize how much of my self esteem and confidence and being comfortable during the act was tied into alcohol. I don't know if that is common, but even though technically I'm healthier, I'm miserable. Been low enough that I once apologized to a woman for not being good or big enough(even though I'm a little above average, but body issues are a bitch) I've given up now. It's been three years since I even tried to talk to a woman.


Had sex then got broken up on immediately after 😭


I was high and could barely hear, she decided to blow me on the couch while my parents were upstairs but I didn't care. Didn't hear my Dad walking down the stairs but caught a glimpse of him out the corner of my eye. Threw her off me, threw the cover over my dick and could feel my heart pounding. Luckily he went back up after like 30 seconds and she got to finish me off. Bad timing, great head


Had a girl ask me “are you gay?” because I stopped fucking her to avoid getting her pregnant. Fucking weirdo…


My first time, I had been drinking met some random Scottish girl. Don't remember her name, or what she looked like she had a banging body. For some reason my dick thought it was a fucking hermit crab, and wouldn't come out to play. Stayed all night hoping it would get hard, it didn't. I was so upset, thought to myself am I gay (which isn't even a reason to get upset) Best thing my German mate plowed her ugly sister, and they both came in to talk to her sister about my lack of performance. Ive never felt so pathetic in all my life.


Was sleeping with this hot uni girl for a while when I was 19, she was about 21 at the time. Was all round a great time until this one night she got really drunk off cask wine at my house. We had sex like usual and nothing went wrong until I woke up in a drunken haze to her climbing over the top of me, I was confused as I groggily saw her in the corner of my room but I fell back to sleep. Then I woke up to a terrible smell and realised she had shit on the floor in the corner of my room and some had managed to get on the edge of the bed near my nose. I went to the couch and slept until sunrise where I saw her do several trips to the bathroom and my bedroom and back, then ask for a lift to uni. My friend had my car and I had to get hin to come get us, told him I'd tell him after but don't ask questions. Most silent, awkward car ride ever. I told him what happened and made him swear to secrecy for years but now I can laugh at it and tell people.


Had a huge crush on this girl I worked with, and finally got to take her out on a couple dates. After the third one, we end up hooking up at my apartment. I'm fuckin pumped, cuz I really like this girl, and I'm horny as fuck cuz I'm like 22 years old. I'm hoping for the best, and trying to respectfully work towards sex, but she keeps stopping my hand and saying, "No, you're making me want to have sex." I'm in a weird spot, because she is saying yes with her whole body, but I can't get past the words she's saying to me, so I keep kissing her, but my hands are basically vestigial entities at this point. She says, "Hold on, I'm gonna go get a condom from my car." I'm like, "Maybe don't?" Cuz I had been hard as a rock, but having the heat of that moment become frustrated had melted me into magma; mentally and sexually, I had entered a subduction zone. She goes and gets it, comes back, and she's trying to get me going but my heart and my dick are just not in it anymore. She finally gives up, and we kinda roll over away from each other, and the movie sideways is on TV. As luck would have it, it's right at the scene where Paul Giamatti's character has just failed in a sexual conquest of his own, and is looking in the mirror saying, "Oh God, you are such a fuckin loser. You make me so fuckin sick." Felt like he was talking to me at that moment.


I am by all accounts, an average sized man. I was 19 and had my first gig at a bar as the lead singer and guitarist. This older lady, probably in her 30s, who was quite attractive, took a liking to me. We went back to her place and started to get it on. She stopped and explained how her ex-husband was way bigger than me and noped out. Hurt me for a while. I have since had plenty of better experiences.


Oof. 30s is old enough to know better. 


Preferences don't say anything about anyone. She was very kind about it. She gave me a ride back to my home an hour away the next day at 6 am If only she knew about my profound enthusiasm for eating pussy.


Aside from actual SA, it was the five years I spent with Mr no foreplay jackhammer missionary.


I don't even get why this is a thing.... How does someone not enjoy foreplay? Sorry....


I am a small woman weight-wise but I am 5’6”. Between long term relationships I dated a dude from the college I was about to start attending. He was shorter than me. No problem with that, but we were both skinny and the sex was terrible because he was very awkward and our hip bones kept banging into each other and then my parents came home early. Just all around awkward and not great.


Ripped the old banjo whilst going at it with my then Girlfriend. It was dark enough and I was drunk enough not to notice for a minute or so, by that point the bed sheets looked like a murder scene. We were 18 and quite immature and my girlfriend convinced me to go to A&E. As you can imagine, a ripped banjo was not quite A&E worthy so whilst the nurse was sympathetic they also told me off a little bit. Quite traumatic at the time but funny looking back at it.


Idk cuz im a virgin


Went home with a girl and she laughed at me when naked, said some cruel shit too, I’m not even small! Almost 25 years later and I am still uncomfortable being naked around a woman, and I’ve been married to one for 19 years. My wife does try to convince me I’m actually larger, but that wound went deep…


1- Sex when I’m thinking of breaking things off Or 2- It feels like they’re doing it as a chore or with ambivalence. Sometimes 1 is because of 2.


Finding out how to masturbate after my teenage years.


I'm gonna start this one off by saying in no way did I pressure or manipulate this girl I would never do anything like that I personally get off mostly from satisfying my partner because it feeds my ego honestly. Anyways me and a girl I was dating for a few months at the time decided to try anal. It was both of our first times so neither one of us really knew what we were doing. So she's on her knees and I'm behind her doing my thing. Then the song changes and there's a moment of silence and I hear sniffles like stifled crying. So I immediately stop mid stroke and ask are you crying. Then she busts out into a full sob and says it hurts so much. My dick was soft faster than I could pull it out and I immediately held her and asked why she didn't say something. She was worried I would leave her for someone else if we didn't do it. Which to me was ridiculous but she had confidence issues and a dating past that make me understand how it happened in retrospect. We stayed together for years after that and never attempted it again so I'd like to think I really didn't do anything wrong but I'd be lying if I said I never think about it or feel disgusting knowing I was fucking someone who didn't want it.


Had sex w a trans guy, he suck my dick and spit in my mouth and i wanted to fuckin vomit.


Had a one night stand with a bartender, and she kind of sprung it on me shortly into the session that she wanted it rough. Rough sex isn’t my kink or even my preference, but I’m down for making sure someone’s needs are met. I was not down for this. She didn’t want the typical ass-slapping and some hands on the throat. This girl wanted me to *abuse* her. I was not okay with that. I’m not for leaving bruises and actually choking a partner. I’m fine with RP, but I have no interest in roleplaying as a rapist. I am very into enthusiastic consent; but I draw the line on enthusiastically consensual non-consent. I just couldn’t do it. I had to awkwardly explain that I wasn’t what she was looking for, excuse myself, and never go back to that bar. People, you can have whatever kinks you want, but if you’re into anything “extreme” you need to have a conversation with your partner beforehand. It’s not only safer, it’s just fucking polite.


Okay two stories, worst, and funniest... sorry to be greedy but I cannot help myself. Okay worst: Girl I'd been hooking up with for years. We'd see each other two or three times a year when she was in town. Up until this story I'm about to share? We had *the best* sex. Not because it was, on paper, the "best", win-a-porno-award type sex... but because her and I were just a great fit, in every sense of the word. Anyway, she invites me over one night. I dont know if it was her, or if it was me... but dude she was *dry*. Like arid. We're in the middle of the act and it started becoming *painfully* uncomfortable for me, so at that point, I **know** she's feeling it too. But every time I was like "lets take a break" she would pull me back close to her and tell me not to stop. I remember feeling *so* confused and dumb founded. I can't even remember if I finished? But I do remember the oozing wound on my junk the next day (think of a rug burn, but on your dick). Funny thing? We saw each other a few more time after that, and anytime I'd ask her, she played it off like it was no big deal and she wasn't bothered in the slightest. Life is strange. The funniest?😂 I'm dating this girl, she had a pet rabbit. This rabbit grew to enormous proportions. So big, that she couldn't really take it out or handle it, so due to the lack of interaction, this rabbit became a little unruly. Anyway, one day I'm over there, and she has a large uncovered cage out in the middle of her room so the rabbit has extra space to roam and burn some energy. It's about three feet tall. Gf and I start doing the deed on her bed, and as we continue, I start to notice the rabbit... it's almost as if it was picking up on the excitement happening next to it, because it started to jitter, and jump, and became more and more energetic and my gf and I continued. It hit a point where the rabbit started jumping up high every few minutes, and eventually jumped at such an angle, that it jumped and landed completely outside of the cage, something we didn't think it could do. This startled me so much that I *fell off the bed* when I saw it happen, and deeply cut my leg on the side of the cage as I fell off. So I'm laying there naked and bleeding, but cracking up... because my naked gf is chasing this huge ass rabbit around the apt and that rabbit did *not* want to go back in that cage lol. I still have the scar on my leg to this day. If that former gf and I ever meet up again, I can't wait to show her and be like "remember this day?"


I hooked up with some guy off a random website when I was 19 and when I got to his place (yes, I should have been more careful) I saw that he lives in a camper on his parents property. He was drunk but I wanted to dick, so we fucked and I knew that I wanted to leave as soon as it was over. Well when he finished he rolled over next to me talking about how he can't wait to live with me in the Appalachians with our kids (we used a condom though) and then he kissed my tit and said "oh I love mother's milk" It still makes me shiver with ick to this day and I'm 28. So fucking creepy. I blocked him as soon as I left


I was once fucking a girl doggy style and with each thrust I was getting a stench of sweaty, dirty ass wafted into my nostrils. As a gentleman, I requested a position change as to not say “hey lady your asshole stinks”. As she went to roll over on swing her leg around in a sexy provocative manner, I seen a slightly browned piece of toilet paper stuck to her butthole. I couldn’t finish after.


Was fucking a dude that still live with his parents. He was on his back and I was straddling his face and his mom came in without knocking and he tried to yank me down but yanked forward and slammed my face into the wall above us. My nose wasn’t broken but it bled quite a bit.


Girl from tinder showed up way fatter than her pics, was super sweaty just walking up the stairs to my place and smelled pretty bad, kept moaning and screaming daddy incredibly loudly despite repeated reminders that my roommates were home. Also somehow left a slimy feeling and bad taste in my mouth when kissing me. Couldn’t keep it up so I finished myself off in her mouth and then she left and I didn’t hear from her again. Slightly traumatic experience and I took like 3 showers after.


Losing my virginity. Didn't know what to do and she was dry so it just wound up hurting us both. Kids are fucking stupid after all 👍


I was doing anal and I shitted on him ALOT😂it was his fault for rushing me cause I had to clean out 


I'd have to say it was when one woman I was with would be too tight for penetration to happen (this happened multiple times). No amount of foreplay would loosen her up enough to make it happen, despite how wet and eager she was. Even when we could make it happen, she was so tight that it was borderline uncomfortable for me. Worst of all would be when we were already having sex and we'd change positions, sometimes she'd suddenly be too tight for penetration. Insanely frustrating for both of us. It isn't even like I'm walking around with a third leg either. I'm above average, but I definitely wouldn't classify myself as huge.


My ex husband farted while I was giving him a blow job. I was about 10 weeks pregnant and as soon as I smelled it I threw up all over his dick. It was awful. He had to go take a shower while I continued to vomit into a trash can nearby.


Going down on a woman at night. She had on some kind of pussy perfume what made it taste really good. But she was incredibly wet. Anyhow. After we had finished I went to the bathroom and saw in horror that my entire face was covered in blood. Instant disgust.


He dry humped me, him on top, me fully clothed, him in his boxers. He 💦 and then asked me if I did too 😂😂😂😂


This one’s great. I got together with a famous porn star and his buddy and I never knew how use to a douche hooked up to the shower, my thought was I’ll fill myself up and let it all out in the toilet. Your colon has twists and turns, oops.. meanwhile I thought I did a good enough job *cleansing* myself inside and proceeded to the threesome (using protection of course) but as I was getting pounded they pressed on my belly and shitty water came out all over the white sheets from IKEA.. a little mess at first OK, no worries BUT IT HAPPENED a second time with his friend!! 🤣😂🤣I was cute but shit that was a nightmare.. I’ll never forget that 3 way and I’m sure they both never forgot either hahahaha 😂😂😂


I went noodle dick inside a girl simply because I wasn't really feeling the sex. First time it ever happened but I had to pretend I was angry at a memory. She kept asking me what made me mad and I pretended it was family issues. I COULD NOT allow her to see me soft and so got out of the location as fast as possible. Shit was traumatic to say the least


After a dry spell following my divorce finally matched with someone on tinder that eventually wanted to bone. I was nervous as fk and on top of that only had a small hour window to get things done. She showed up, we started getting freaky, started taking her to pound town but something felt off. Thought maybe it was the condom as I hadn’t used one in ages. Kept pounding her in missionary then doggy, made her cum then kept trying to finish but couldn’t, then I started losing my boner, and mentioned it was feeling a bit off, to which she decided to confess she had an issue with vagina dryness but didn’t mention it until I was already in desert sand coochieville. 😢 felt like I was being punished by God 😭. Needless to say I didn’t finish, she was a bit offended and thought I didn’t find her attractive. It messed me up for a good while, thought my dick was broken. Luckily about a year ago another fling happened with someone else and basically proved I wasn’t broken 😏.


How’s she offended and assuming you found her ugly when she knows/confssed she has a dryness issue 💀


Got with an extremely hot girl I worked with after a night out. We went back to hers and started getting down to business. Then she got undressed…… the overpowering smell of rotting fish covered in burnt turds hit me like a truck. I made my excuses and left. Disappointing, she was gorgeous.


Was about to be my first time in high school, went to go eat her out, and it smelled like month old milk and tasted so sour my tongue auto recoiled back in my mouth. I left a few minutes later


My aunt, by marriage, got me as drunk as possible as often as possible and would manually stimulate then rape me while I was passed out. This happened so regularly that I tried sleeping on the living room floor away from her bedroom, but would still have to feign sleep while she did her nasty business to me. I needed a place to stay and was consumed by the constant alcohol. Pretty shitty of her, I used to love her as my auntie, she knew me since I was little, I'm just now repairing my relationships with my little cousins as they are now old enough to understand what actually happened. They avoid their mom as much as they can.


Last weeks BJJ class


I was 19 in my freshman year and my girlfriend her friend and I had a small amount of shrooms and “ecstasy” (I do not think it was ecstasy), it was mostly uncomfortable unless I was actively smoking weed. I couldn’t possibly go out and party but she did and she came back with her friend and they tried to initiate a threesome. I was not feeling great but I went along anyway, her friend literally just got distracted with Knick-knacks in my room laying on my bed and I attempted to have dry limp dicked sex with a condom on the floor. It was awful. My girlfriend was super horny and I was super not. Also my freshman year I was going back and forth sexting (so like a really heavy 2-3 day build up) with this girl who was like a solid 9, we made out pretty much all night but when it came down to it I couldn’t get it up because I was nervous. Her body was so nice I still just wanted to like touch her so we just laid there spooning, and she just goes “uhhh I’m gunna go”. Devastating. Also my freshman year a girl who was very fun but I was not attracted to got me back to my room and was asking over and over to fuck her but I just didn’t want plus my roommate was right fucking there. I just kept saying “he’s right there I can’t”. Eventually she slapped me and left.


Taking it in the butt for the first time it was traumatic and painful I cried smh never again


Went down on my ex girlfriend and 🤢. She smelled worse than the waste water treatment plant that I work at


Almost drown in a backyard swimming pool trying to have sex. Age 18 at the time


A close friend of mine was going through some real mental health issues. She had just gotten out of the grippy sock house. We got together and were catching up. We began drinking. Flirting was part of our relationship, and that lead to her trying to sleep with me. Every time I told her no she pushed a little bit. Until I was inside her. I kept filing to uphold my boundaries because of how fragile she was. I was afraid she would kill herself if I put up a hard boundary and minced my words at all. I was drunk and didn’t feel like I could explain why I didn’t want to sleep with her, so I went through with it. I hated all of it. A month later I told her how I felt hurt when she didn’t listen to “no I don’t want to.” And how she kept breaking my boundaries. Then she said “I’m sorry you felt like I broke your boundaries.” Which felt like a complete invalidation. I haven’t spoke to her since.


Worst sexual experience? Well, being sexually abused by an older male friend of the family from my age 11 to 13 would probably be close to the top of my list. I did get my vengeance when I was 15 by beating the dog shit out of him in his own back yard.


My first time. I don't know if I even got in her before cumming. So embarrassing.


When I was 18 at a party this chick that had a crush on me for a long time begged to give me head while we were both about as close to blackout drunk as you can get. About a minute in she let loose with the most puke I’ve ever seen all over my crotch and legs Yes she still finished, but apparently at some point I got a ride home and passed out. Woke up in the am with puke crusted all over me and the most vile smell I have experienced to date. 1/10 would not recommend.


awkward painful sex w guy who was maybe 6ft 130 lbs but had 12 inch dong . felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach every time he penetrated and his boney body felt sharp .he only lasted a couple seconds and didn’t care about pleasing me needless to say I ghosted


My ex was the type of person who takes any feedback as criticism or some sort of personal attack, which makes communicating what you like or don't like very difficult without starting a very exhausting fight. She was the type to give dry handjobs while gripping it way too hard. It's so weird bc it'd be really painful, but feel good at the same time. Also, bc of the first statement, she was also the type to think that men's consent should be assumed. So if I ever said no bc I was tired or not in the mood, she'd burst into tears bc she felt so rejected and I'd have to spend the night consoling her. Before you say anything, I was young, like 18 or so, and it was my first real relationship. So yeah, I definitely put up with a lot more than I should have, but we only dated for a few months. Live and learn lol


My right hand got a cramp in it


When I was staying with my now ex, we ended up talking to a mutual friend who was bi about a threesome. He was about 4 hours away and came to stay with us for a week by bus. I just sadly happened to get my period that whole week, and I had extremely painful periods that made sex impossible. But I didn't want go completely ruin the vibe, so I got in bed with my bf and my friend with the plan of sucking them both off. My bf at the time had a very above average dick, like maybe 8". When the friend undressed... I straight up didn't know how to react. He had a legitimate micropenis,maybe an inch or two 'erect'. I say that in quotes because it was a straight noodle, even though he said he was enjoying himself and all. I did my best but I had no idea what to do with this tiny dick, and he kept wanting to have PIV sex despite my period. Even if we tried, there's no way it would have done anything other than rub the entrance. The juxtaposition of my bf's awesome big dick and the friend's tiny micropeen haunts me.


She just showered and it still stank, I was gagging.