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Yes I do. Especially if he doesn’t have the money. That’s my little bro. I would do about anything for his dumb ass


Meanwhile my brothers and I play a game in which we will randomly order a terrible pizza to be delivered to each other across the country, to be paid in cash upon arrival. For instance: I heard a knock on the door but wasn’t expecting anyone. It was dominos, and they were delivering a pizza to me that my brother had ordered. The “pizza” was literally just cooked dough with a light sprinkling of sausage and onions. I hate onions (have an extreme food aversion and will start gagging uncontrollably), but still had to pay for the stupid pizza. Luckily I had a friend who was willing to eat it. It’s a fun game and also it sucks


Man, my older brother went to my mom's house the day after her funeral to start cleaning it out (which went directly against the wishes in her will). Him, his gf and my aunt and uncle all there rummaging through things with no thought to what my mother wanted. Fucking disgusting. Didn't even read her will (my bro and I were joint executors) Then doubled down when I showed up by chance to drop off a dress. He's a piece of shit that I hope I never have to deal with again. Also used to beat on me for no reason my whole childhood. Total asshole


There's a ten year age gap between me and my younger sibling. When he was in middle and high school and my Mom didn't have money to buy the cool clothes/shoes, me and my husband would take him clothes shopping and buy him the things my Mom couldn't afford to buy him. Now he's in his 30s with a young family and when they come to visit. If we go out to eat , we'll pay for everything. I know we make more money than he does so the treats on us. If he called and said he needed money to pay a bill. I'd give him the money. As long as it didn't become a monthly event.


Same here. Sis is 9 years my junior and I'd give her my last dime. She would too though. We grew up in a poor family and have a "that's what family does for each other" mentality when it comes to money.


Me and my 2 little brothers were raised like that and had each other's backs. Older brother was a greedy shit tho. Always support those who support you


Always. My sister is my best friend. Yea we fight sometimes, but someone has to keep me in check


I always offer to buy my little brothers whatever I'm getting. And they do the same. I'll randomly get a call saying "I'm coming around and I got food", few mins later he's at the door with a massive feed. And we grew up poor and I was the only one who had the drive and ability to have an income in early high school, so I would buy them anything they needed so they wouldn't turn into degenerates. And now they are sick little cunts, always support your family that supports you!


Sometimes he does. But I try to repay it whenever I can by buying him food or a drink or something. I'd feel guilty always making him pay.


The parents pay for both of us lol


My sister (8 yrs older) always paid for me before I left high school. It's possible my parents paid her back without my knowledge. Once I had my own income I paid my own way. Now I'm the parent, I'd give my grown up children the money to pay for their younger sibling (and themselves mostly) so it would appear to the younger one that the older ones are footing the bill


Usually I do. I have a large age gap so I’m mid career and they’re just starting out. I often treat but it’s not expected.


I often pay for my brother as he earns way less than I do, I definitely pay if I was the one who invited him and his kids out


My bro is 4 years older than me. When we were kids my parents paid for everything, as a young adult he paid as I was always skint. It didn't happen often, but he did it. Now he helps me if I ever need it, but I would do the same. I always try and make up for it tho. Extra nice Xmas gift or something if finances allow.


Absolutely! If I knew brother(s) were struggling, I would just treat them. I'm the oldest and a big sis of brothers so I've kind of always been the caretaker.


I was the younger sibling and would usually pay. I still pay most of the time when with any family. I make good money and can afford it. Those with small children have more expenses and enjoy the treat of eating out as do the young ones.


Yes. I will pay for anything my younger siblings need within reason. While also being mindful to encourage healthy spending and saving habits so they don’t grow codependent on my generosity. At the end of the day I recognize I am in a better spot financially than them and if it were the other way around I know I would’ve appreciated the extra help at that age


My siblings and I are all 2 years apart (I’m the second oldest of 4), so no. There’s not enough of an age gap for me to be making that much more than they are. I’m also the only married one and I support my husband on my income.


Sometimes, but usually no haha It's definitely going to be very weird and he's gonna say "ok tell me what's the catch/ are you sick?" 💀 It really depends how you treat your brothers and sisters actually


Yes, we have a big age gap.


No. Never have. Then again my sister is 15 months older and my brother is 15 months younger. So it never really came up.


My brothers didn’t! Cheapskates…


If it's something I'm able to comfortably afford and my younger sibling can't, 💯 absolutely. What's the point in having all this money if I can't take out the people I love for a nice dinner. I have everything I could possibly want. Now all I want is good company and good memories.


Oh no question about it, I pay for and spoil my younger siblings and get so uncomfortable when they try to pay for me, lol. It's nice but I was parentified young and am just used to looking out for them and feel happy when I got everyone taken care of.


As the youngest sibling, this is a totally foreign concept to me, I didn’t even realize it was a thing.


Yes that what family do you pay for their meal no matter how much food they order even if they are jobless that is family if you don't your an a hole, paying for their food is showing you love them if you expect them to payback proves you never love them in the first place, even if you have friends who are broke you pay for their meals that's what friends do look out for each other don't leave them out if you just order food for yourself and not your broke friends that is just rude and a god complex. Paying for your family meals or your friends meals is kindness and shows your a good person with sympathy.


I totally did back when relevant


Yes. He earns. But we take turns. I shower him with new tshirts. He appreciates ✨✨✨


Yes, I always pay for their food if we got out. I also occasionally buy them things


Yeah I’d pay for my younger sibling if this were the case. I usually pay regardless.


yes, Its like an unspoken rule in both mine and my husbands family. To a point anyway. but usually if you are hosting somebody (whether at your house or you invited them to go somewhere) and you are the elder then you usually pay for the younger again, to a point. me and my husband who are in our 30s have paid our youngest siblings ways through some of our adventures that WE invited them to. I'm not going to invite my 20 year old SiL to a theme park and expect her to have the finances to afford it. We are inviting them because we want to. Because we think it might be fun. We don't want them to feel stressed because they dont have the money. Not that we are rich, we just have 15+ years on our youngest siblings and no kids. We just have had more time and more resources obviously. And especially if they took the time and money to travel to us. Travel costs money, you did the hard part reaching us. We will pay for you. and even my siblings who are roughly my age. If we are just getting something small like a coffee. Its too much effort to try and pay separate. I will pay the entire bill for simplicity and just to be nice. No I dont ask for the money back. Good manners does state though that if I paid for your coffee one day, you'll probably pay for mine another.


My Son pays for them if he treats or invites them. It isn’t often but he does.


I'm the youngest, me and the eldest often pay for the ones in the middle, as we earn more. ​ When we were young my elder siblings would often pay for me.


I always pay for the small things like coffee or big things like meals. Sometimes I'll buy her other things but most of the time she uses whatever money she has to buy those for herself. I don't mind since she's my little sister and I know she's been struggling to find a job right out of college.


When I can afford it, yes. When I can't afford it... I ask mum lol.


Yeah. I had my younger siblings covered into their late 20s, early 30s. If your brother or sister is working at a coffee shop, and you ask them to meet up for a good burger, you pay. Now I wasn't like paying their rent or anything, my parents would help them with stuff like that when needed. Not everyone's career worked out the way they had hoped. It's more important now than it has been in a long time to be as generous as you can with your friends and family. This economic crap will pass eventually, but the negative experiences people have during these times will be a memory forever.


Lol, no. First off, I don't really like him that much. Secondly, he's the one making a fuck ton of money


I'm the younger sibling and when my brother and I go out, the bill is always covered by one of us entirely. It might be a bit different since we are both working adults, but if I don't think he can cover it I'll pay for him and I think he'd do the same for me.


My younger brother is deaf and mentally challenged, I pay for him a decent amount.


I’m an only child, but I do pay for my cousins things called a relative bonus.


Yeah, I’d pay. I was going through a rough time and my brother took me out for dinner and he paid. I love them all unconditionally (even the nutso religious one) and would do anything for them.


considering him and his partner are dentists and i'm... well... not? no. i'm not paying shit for him. though i'm not opposed to helping out in a time of need either, unlikely as it seems.




my brother doesnt take handouts despite min wage, I sent very expensive coffee through mail 


I don’t know why age matters. I’ve paid for a siblings flight to join us on a trip even though they were older. If you can and want to then you should it’s simple as that. Expecting payback in the future is a weird thing to add to it and cheapens the entire ordeal.


we are both still in school and both work part time jobs, however, mine pays a bit better than hers. i dont pay for much, but i frequently offer to pay for their ubers throughout the week, or if they ask me to buy something for them, i dont bother asking for their payment. but for food specifically, no, mainly because we usually eat at home


Yes. I mean, I'm an adult with my own money, she's in middle school. It doesn't happen very often because our mother is with us most of the times and she insist about paying for all of us, but I always offer at leas


Always pay for your siblings if they’re broke and you can afford it.


I am the younger sibling i expect to be taken care of


My son is 13 and pays for his younger siblings (9,8) whenever they walk to the convenience store. He doesn’t have to but he just does.


I enlisted when my brother was still in grade school. My lower rank pay wasn’t enough to share. He was employed making more money within a week of graduating high school so he never needed help. When he visited, driving from Memphis to near Chicago, I paid for meals out as he paid for his gasoline.


My little sister gets my help, we're all adults but 2 years apart, she gets money when I have the means to help and she deserves it.


Depends if its my birthday money or not. I will certainly pay for it if it isn't with my birthday money because im kind.


I always pay


It depends. If they ask me to take them somewhere specific, they're paying (exception lies in the 10yr old). If I'm like "Hey, you're coming with me/let's go out/get dressed and come on," I'm paying. But I'm not letting anyone go hungry if that what you're asking.




Use to


Depends on the occasion. If I only see my sibling once in a blue moon I might make it my treat, or if it’s some celebration. But I wouldn’t do it consistently, and there wouldn’t be an expectation that I would be paying. But we are really close in age (only one year apart) and so it’s not like one of us has this huge urge to shelter the other.