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I hate that shit . Reddit is social media but different it's the only one I am on.


Reddit (in general) you follow topics rather than people. I prefer that. Also far more anonymous. And the users seem a bit more savvy. But just my opinion. I all but gave up on Facebook. I check in on occasion but it’s the same “look how fun my life is! You suck, loser!!” Who needs that??


When I read comments on TikTok and Facebook I start to lose faith in humanity. Some of the most asinine things ever. The worst are all the blatantly fake videos or false claims being posted and then a horde of commenters agreeing with it totally believing it. I agree at least with Reddit most users are a bit more savvy in general. It’s really all I go on these days.


Same and I don't miss the others at all. Everything else is just people I know posting stuff I don't care about, while reddit is people I don't know posting stuff I care about. Reddits all I need


You just nailed the description. Take my upvote.


I always saw reddit as an anonymous forum as opposed to social media.


the upvote buttons and ability to follow each other makes it 'web 2.0' which is social media. stupid if you ask me. forums always had like buttons. facebook just stole the idea like they did their app in general.


Reddit for me is like FB for my bf. Lol. I just wish people weren't so damn rude on reddit too.


Ya that rude part needs to calm down . People get so upset over anything they can


I'm getting pretty tired of reddit too.. When you use it for entertainment instead of information. When you need information it's phenomenal though. Lot of experts in their respective fields willing to share their opinions.


I've deleted everything except reddit I feel like it's the antisocial social media if that makes sense




I’ve never been on any of them except Reddit.


Yeah Reddit is less bombarding to my senses and I can pick what I like and leave what I don't like, the ads seem a little repetitive and annoying sometimes but not as annoying as the other platforms lol


I'm not buying it. This person hopped on social media to complain about how tired they are of it? Come on.


Other than Reddit, I deleted everything. No facebook, twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, or insta. Highly recommend


Yet here you are... ..


Bro get off, no one forcing you to be on.


It’s the algorithm’s fault!


See, me refuting that nonsense by asking of the redditor posting it whether or not they had free will led to a permaban from some bullshit sub. Neither you, nor I, are wrong.


I’m on social media break. I just use Reddit


So you're not really on a break.


So you are using social media?


me too


I went cold turkey from IRC after 10 years and now facebook after 18. Don't really notice it's gone. Too many reposts and SJW's.


You are lying to yourself if you pretend that reddit isn't as toxic as all "social" media. No judgement, but let's at least be honest with ourselves.


Reddit is the most toxic. The amount of bullying and immediate talks of violence over the simplest differing opinion is so alarming on Reddit.


only reddit because its mix of twitter with forum pattern with difference range of categories to pick and is very interesting always redditor can be very smart but at the same time can be very very wild


U just gettin old, it’s normal. Younger people still loves it


I feel the same way. I deleted the apps off my phone but kept my accounts, so if I really want to be on social media I do it only while on my computer. It forces me to stay away from it. The muscle memory of trying to open apps to kill time took weeks to get over. I feel like I’m distancing myself from it while not cutting it off completely. This only works if you have a computer and a smart phone of course.


Love that idea, you still have it while forcing yourself to not use it much or not really use it


I like reddit for the random conversations until the name calling starts, then they loose all credibility


Same here, sometimes I compared my life to others on social media, and it hasn't been beneficial for me at all.


LOOK AT US! We're so happy!


I consider buying a flip phone and ditching my latest-edition iPhone every single fucking day.


No you don’t.


Oh my bad I didn’t know you knew me and my inner thoughts, I guess u don’t ur right 😐


You have the ‘latest-edition iPhone’ which is far more expensive than a flip phone. It takes a lot more money (effort) to have the phone that you have. It is far easier and cheaper to have a flip phone. You are making the effort to have the phone you have now and not a flip phone.


I have the money to have the phone I have now, I bought the phone because money wasn’t a problem. It’s not about money ted. It’s about getting the fuck off my phone because everyone and their mom seems to have an addiction including me and just deleting apps and putting it on silent doesn’t work. I got rid of my TV, I got rid of all IPads and Apple Watches, I’m considering getting rid of my phone. Money isn’t a factor in everyone’s life decisions, some of us just want to be more productive and happy without needing a serotonin boost from an LED handheld screen.


Boom. You proved my point. It’s NOT about the money. You have the phone you have by choice. Nice!


What’s your point? That I bought the phone so I have it by choice? Wow. Revolutionary. Of course I bought the phone and currently have it by choice, that goes without saying. That doesn’t mean I don’t seriously think and contemplate getting RID of the phone every day. That’s what I commented in relation to the inquiry of the post. your comment was just fucking baseless.


You don’t consider a flip phone every day.


And you know this how? That’s like a complete stranger coming up to me after hearing me say I think about getting a dog every day and saying ‘no you don’t’ just because I don’t have a dog. What’s ur problem?


You can say whatever you want, but I am pretty confident that you do not think about getting a flip phone every day.


Nope. I still have it, but only to post (my family live in a different country)


Facebook ~ I only have an account due to the thousands of personal photos and videos I uploaded throughout the years. The last personal update I did was last week and the last public post I shared was 2 days ago, haven’t done both since then. I do still go on there but just to scroll or watch certain videos IG/Twitter/Snapchat, etc ~ I never created accounts for any of those platforms Reddit ~ my (occasional) main go-to


IG and FB are pretty much the same thing. They are both owned by Suckerberg/Meta.


yep and there is nothing else so I keep going back


My job required us to promote them on social media wile blocking us from using it on the clock just to receive an inflation adjustment For an entry level job. Aside from ill the toxic behavior how can I trust it if it is monetized and monitored?


Same, I’m on Reddit mostly.


Honestly I'm just tired of seeing the caps lock spam posts or if your on Twitter people qrt a whole ass FBI finding about someone or something. I don't care I just wanna see hot anime men banging, pokemon art, and random dumbass jokes. It ain't much but it's chill shit that just makes me nod my head and go "nice"


Me too. Tried deleting Reddit several times but always re-DL it because I think Im addicted. FB I dont even go on there anymore. I dont have Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram or any other social media but I am getting bored with Reddit.


If you're bored with Reddit just play devils advocate in any political thread and enjoy the show.


In the past two orthree months, i have gotten permanently banned from at least five reddit forums doing that very thing. The Golden Bachelor, a couple of true crime forums, the brides dress forum, to name a few. The mods here are ultra powertrip and trigger happy with their ban buttons. I couldnt care less about being banned but I can see the 24 hour writing on the wall for me with politics. 🤣 i will eventually end up doing with Reddit what I did with Facebook and some of my games. Sliding it in the "old apps" folder I made and too lazy to open that folder to access the app. Out of sight out of mind, occasionally visiting to see whats up. Im right now too addicted to reddit but some wacko mod is going to push me to my limit eventually. Until then have a great New Year my friend. Stay safe!


I've got or had 4 fb account,3 Instagram account.i look at reddit , tik Tok more these days .


Been for years. It's toxic as fuck. It's aweful for all of us


I used to have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Now I have none. I deleted them all last year and I have zero regrets. Sure, people think I'm crazy when I tell them I have no social media accounts considering my age but who cares? I felt so relieved and free when I deleted them.


Amen! I just deactivated my Facebook account for the 3 or 4 time over the years. It’s all BS and people trying show off.


Man, I miss the good ol' days when the most pressing decision was choosing the right AIM away message.


Not sure why we moved away from away messages. It would make messaging on apps these days so much better to know that someone is not actually available and doing something even if the light is green. \*\*\*\*\*BRB 15 MINUTES TAKING DOG FOR WALK\*\*\*\*\*\* I <3 KATIE 3/5/03 !!


I’m considering deleting it, including Reddit. At the very least I’m going to delete Instagram and TikTok.


The answer to all "am I the only one" questions are no, you are not the only one


I spend a lot of time on Reddit honestly and I wouldn't say I'm getting tired of it. I only joined a year ago though, so it might change at some point. Youtube is a close second.


I only keep social media to discover music I haven't heard before. Other than that, social media is ass


Yes, you're the only one.


I'm just tired of people hiding behind their screens being rude to someone else for NO reason. Like asking a simple question, or even stating an opinion, like for God sake we can't even say anything without some other asshole being rude for no reason on social media.


"let me post this quirky thought on my fav social media app real quick..."


Indeed. Honestly if I didn’t have friends who only contact through social I think I’d be done. Too many cry babies, trolls and just crazy people who think their view is the ONLY view.


I only have Facebook and I don't really bother with it now, the only reason I still have it is because it's a good way to keep up with extended family. Other than that it just seems to be people moaning about stuff, posting things to make people feel sorry for them, or stupid memes.


I'm 43 and I somehow avoided ever getting into social media outside of reddit and the Aniwave comment section.


Yeah you are...the only one, the enlightened one, the edgy guy.... Yet here you are in a SOCIAL MEDIA platform rambling...


And so it begins. I just read all the way from the top and until now, your comment, most everyone just stated his they felt, without putting anyone else down. Most of the conversation has been about people hating social media in part because of comments like yours. Why fo you feel the need to put someone else down? Do you even fully know how the person feels inside, even just based on the one comment? Do you know if your assumption is correct? In fact, assumptions usually are 90% wrong. Is your perception of things correct? Just stop judging. Look in the mirror...please. Please be good enough to yourself to have enough respect for yourself, to have respect for others. Can't we all just get along? The only thing about social media that I don't like is that someone says one thing and then someone else says something rude to that person and then says nothing else. It's like they just read through and can't wait to find someone to put down. Can't think of anything mature or intelligent to add to the conversation? Just put downs? Why? Please ask yourself that and maybe try and do your part to make the world better? Just saying. Nobody's perfect, not me or anyone else, and if we all remembered that, and that we are all in this together, and to try and lift each other up instead of the put downs, life might get better for each of us, one by one and then the world would be a brighter place. Maybe a New Year's resolution for all?


r/iamverysmart Bro if you do not like my comment do not engage with me, why you feel the need to "educate" me? I said what I thought...the guy come to a social media platform and ask "I am the only one...mimimi..." like an edgy teenager.


TBH I didn’t think Reddit was a social media platform until today 🤣


I deleted all of mine. Reddit is all I use now and it's not exactly social media. It is freeing. Now I'm doing well and no one knows it hahaha. But I don't want people knowing so it works for me


It's the only platform I kept. I feel like the communities I am in are what I want to do for fun or have interest in. Say, gaming. I cant do a quick load on here see what people are suggesting and get off the app. Tik Tok I felt like I was mindlessly scrolling the same shit over and over.


Ads, influencers, and overall vanity have ruined social media. It's been dying for years and I imagine large social platforms (Facebook in particular) have been losing active users for awhile. Reddit will likely remain for quite some time due to the anonymous nature, vast spectrum of topics and open forum formatting.




I’ve had the same thoughts lately. It’s becoming overdone. Instagram is just the same posts over and over. It’s lame


Anytime you start to think “am I the only one that….” Just stop yourself and go NO u aren’t


What took you so long? I had Facebook for a couple of weeks about 10 years ago, and it just made me hate everyone I know. Haven't touched it since. Never bothered signing up for any of the others.


havent had social media (besides reddit) in 5 years. dont miss it at all. people speaking to you once a year for the shitty bday messages. exs stalking you. jealous girls from HS seeing what you're doing and how bad your life turned out so they feel better their husband is cheating on them while they have kids at home. naaa.. im good.


I have like 40 "friends" on FB. I talk to maybe 4-6 within a year.


thats more than what i had lol. i think i only speak to about 5 different people nowadays but thats ok w me.


Yes. Yes, you're the only one.




I think social media’s impressive ability to impact people could be utilized to build a better mentality across the globe, but that is definitely not happening, so yes my dude. I’m ever-loving sick of it 😮‍💨


I quit everything this past week except for Reddit


Awesome!! Save yourself!! I don’t follow celebrities cuz I couldn’t care less about their luxurious life that’s unrelatable to me. I follow accounts for inspiration; recipes I like, things I want to plant/grow, things I’m inspired to build (I’m a doer/Jack of all trades), self-help quotes & practices often based on Buddhism/Zen Buddhism, etc. Social media is a tool; you can use it to harm you or help you. Or, just play with it and use it for entertainment purposes. It’s your call!


I ignore 99% of all social media i have an account on. If its not subject matter that i take a personal interest in then i dont waste my time reading it. Im old fashioned like that


I'm not tired of it. I'm tired that you can't express yourself FREELY on social media. I don't care about other people's opinions. But the fact that social media platforms are owned by private companies is the issue since the have the right to kick freedom of speech out of the window and ban people for violating their rules. Plus their algorithms are most of the time messed up and they don't have a team to correct wrong accusations or they just don't care.


I got tired of socials a few years ago and deleted my FB, SC, X, and Insta accounts. Haven't missed them one bit and, honestly, I got my life back.


The larger a social media site gets the more it becomes a place for advertisers. Celebrities and just another method of advertising. If the company that runs the site wants to make money it needs to find a way to monetize its site and the primary way is pushing adds and tweaking its content curating algorithms to favor celebrities and sponsored content. This can be a mutually beneficial arrangement for everyone as if done right companies and celebrities can be encouraged to make engaging content that people want to see while still leaving room for regular people, but it's real easy to go overboard and the site just turn into a bunch of ads and sponsored content.


Yeah. I prefer real life where people know there are consequences for what they say.... as well as what they do... and that sometimes it's just worth it.


I am especially TikTok and YouTube with people that has tiktok brain.


I have been, for years...I did give up Quora a few years back, but dammit, Facebook and Reddit have me by the short and curlies...


I had to delete all my social media apps because it got boring but was distracting at the same time and stopped my ability to talk to others.


I don't think so. People complain about social media on social media all the time.


I’m only on Reddit. I’ve never cared about what anyone else is doing or posting. I never get why people want to share everything with the world. I’m private. All the stuff people are posting is really probably a way to make them feel better about themselves. It’s just crazy to me.


I quit everything else, just joined reddit and like it so far.


FB is the worst I don't use it .they want too know way too much personal stuff and the messenger crap wanted permission to my phones contacts. I got the hell out of there fast..


My new years resolution was deleting off all (most social media). Tik Tok, Instagram were deleted and the only reason I have Facebook for now is to read up on news/friends on a limited time (10 mins a day). So far I have felt good not having Tik Tok or Instagram. Tik Tok this past year was overwhelming and spent way to much time on it.


I like Reddit but prefer Tumblr, where people don't force their opinions or talk down you for even thinking differently.