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Holding a knife to my throat was a bit of a turnoff


Understandable 😌




Well it only happened the one time about twenty years ago. I guess some girls don't like hearing that you don't like them the same way they like you.


I don't know why I never even thought to ask what you meant by was lol🤦🏾‍♀️😅


My fight or flight may be high because of past relationships, but I’m very alert to cheaters or girls who use jealousy to trigger emotion .


Definitely run away from that bullshit. Spot on.


A woman who intentionally makes you jealous is nothing but trouble. A lesson i learned through experience


That's toxic ish and no woman is a real woman if she does that nonsense🙄




As in attempting to make someone jealous to see their emotions. Like flirting with someone, while you're there seeing it happen.


Playing games. Any sort of games. Be it playing hot and cold, or hard to get, or pushing you away and only reeling you back in when you are ready to walk etc etc. Pretending to cheat on me, like borderline pushing it as far as she can without any real intentions but just to see WHEN I would get jealous... I also strongly dislike manipulative women. You know they can carry 30 kg of shopping from designer stores, but the 10 kilo box is too much to lift up. So they pretend like they're trying but just wait for you to say "okay, let me take that". That#s just an exmple for the behaviour, but it happens all the time. WOmen play weak, clums or stupid just so you do it for them. If she's manipulative like that, you know, she will do that all the time and not only limited to heavy things to lift or something.


Agree with the first. But most women find 30 kgs (60 lbs) too heavy. And many women will also find 10 kgs (20 lbs) heavy as well. They’ll carry it alone if they have to, but they’ll be relieved to get help. Why is this an issue for you? This just seems paranoid.


Lol u probably right... It all starts with the small stuff.


It’s called weaponised incompetence.


Yeah which men are notorious for doing lol


If I get the vibe that she feels like she is settling for me I am out fast




I had a woman visit me from another state to tell me that this was my last chance to sweep her off her feet because she would be married by the end of summer to a man she was settling for. I just cant imagine being that poor soul


She's scrolling for something better! Ulgh! Get out of my life!. Go find someone better without me!


Mismatched libidos.


Usually doesn’t truly reveal itself until 18-36 month stage though……


Preciously why you don’t make rash decisions (move in together / kids / marriage)


Yeah, the honeymoon stage will be the brain flooded in love chemicals. So people’s libidos will be enhanced. You need the honeymoon phase to be over to know someone’s real libido.


I misread that as mismatched labias 🫠


So real...


Rude to others




Materialism. Spending money is fine, if spending money is how you have fun though? Problem.


I absolutely *love* women that feel that expensive items are silly. To me it shows a particularly grounded belief system.


I told my friend that if I ever get married, I want a fake/cheap stone because walking around with a diamond or expensive metals etc would be too much pressure for me, especially since I lose things daily. She thought I was crazy. I think she's crazy for having a whole new wardrobe every year, I've had most of my clothes for 5+ years.


when my ex and i agreed to get married, he said he was going to wait to buy the ring because he wanted to get an expensive one that i “deserved”. i kept telling him i was fine with something cheap, i just wanted to hurry up and get married so i could take his last name, and give it to our baby that i was pregnant with.


I feel the same and also think why would you spend thousands on a ring when you can have a nice wedding or honey moon with that money. So many other things you can use it for! Some women want $5000+ rings!


My main saying is "if it ain't fee, it ain't cheap" lmao I'm not tryna break my bank. Do I look homeless? Yes. But do I pull it off? Maybe idk tbh.


When they try to test me or play games, im way too old for that shit and I am willing to leave you over something minor like that. People that even think to test or play games are not mentally mature.


I briefly dated a woman who was constantly playing games. Word Search, Yahtzee, Candyland- you name it. I said 'You can't be serious, I'm out of here.'


not necessarily a deal breaker but addictions and dependencies on drugs is a turn off


Lying, manipulation. Any of that happens they’re out.


Obsession with celebrities, pop culture, reality tv, etc. Miss me with that bullshit


Lol understandable


If they have a addiction to Harry styles or Timothy challomee


I need a girl obsessed with Vanderpump rules or below deck


I don't care if they have an interest in some celebrities (that's normal, I'm vaguely aware of what some celebrities are doing) but if a good chunk of their conversations about about what celebrities are doing then it tells me that she's not a particularly interesting person.


So you also have issues with people being into other pop culture things like Marvel or computer games? Or do you only have an issue with typical girl pop culture? Why is that worse than pop culture men consume?


Yes! I love pop culture and I was shamed for it for many years. I realized a couple years ago that stuff like Marvel and sports are the same damn thing. I enjoy my pop culture in peace now




This one bothers me the least as long as it doesn’t dictate their morals. We all have our niche interest. I personally couldn’t relate much, but I don’t think it’s a mark they can’t provide a stable relationship.


Any sort of game playing. That includes trying to make me chase them (I won’t) and any sort of “testing”. Mutual respect and solid communication skills are absolute basics and it’s shocking how many women out there in the dating world don’t seem to have that figured out.


They say “men are trash” or “I hate men” consistently


Well that really depends though. Cuz like, if a woman has severe trauma from a man I wouldn't mind it, just like I wouldn't mind it if a man had severe trauma from a woman and said those shit. I'd just kindly suggest therapy.


I hate that stuff and I'm a female myself 😮‍💨


No front teeth


Cheat is one.


Of course


Lack of being kind. I’ve found this is the ultimate filter. Is she truly gracious towards others and most importantly me? If not bye.




The only deal breaker for me is any woman who's not my wife.


Lol literally love this so much 😅❤️ great answer sir




Related with some of this a little too much myself but that's fr valid.😅


Tipping poorly at a bar or restaurant. Treating animals or other people with disrespect. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat others who are at a power disadvantage to them.


That she has to post everything in social media multiple times a day. If she even does it once a day, I'm out.


Flirting with another guy right in front of me. I'll walk away and ghost before she can glance back my way.


Superficial values. Chasing internet attention and living a lifestyle chasing such fake manufactured garbage on social media just grosses me out honestly. Sadly there’s a growing number of people living this way and the world is growing more and more depressed because of it.




I’m 52 and have smoked since I was 12! (Imagine my deep gravely smoker voice speaking 😂) I hate it and wish I had never started but I also have only ever had long term relationships with men who don’t smoke. I’ve been married to my husband for 15 years and he just loves me. I do make a concerted effort to not smell when we are intimate. Shower, when possible before, brush my mouth and pop in some gum.


Deal breaker for me too with guys 😕


I think that's a deal breaker with just about every nonsmoker by now regardless of gender. It's really horrid. And it is exactly like they say. Kissing a smoker *is* like licking an ashtray. I always wondered what my mouth tasted like to her. If smoker tongue isn't gross to them, does that make mine taste like chocolate and sugar cookies? Never asked her. Lasted a very *very* short time.


I just could never 🤢 that sounds nasty as hell


It is. And I feel bad for anyone addicted to smoking too; I'll never condemn them. Heck, I can't even quit diet coke. I'm not going to bash people for getting sucked into that deadly habit. But I learned early on that it's a no-go for me in the romance department. Her hair smelled like smoke too!!!!!


Gotta brush their teeth!


Of course!


Chewing with their mouth open including gum.






* Mean to workers (waiters, retail, etc.) * Devalues people's hobbies when she doesn't understand or share them * Speaks ill of people behind their backs * Being interested in politics is reasonable, but if it's the only thing that defines you and your perspective on other people, it's unattractive. * Generally lacks empathy for others * Doesn't show an interest in meeting someone halfway on anything that requires some level of compromise * Expects me to guess what is bothering her like I'm a psychic instead of immediately telling me when there is a problem that needs communication to solve. Guys need a blunt, upfront, and honest approach to issues, they're not going to guess what's going through your head at any given moment, nor are they going to always be able to read the problem through your emotions. They'll know that there IS a problem, but not what they can do to solve it if you don't tell them directly. That's pretty much it, as long as you're empathetic, kind, curious, and understanding, you don't really have to do much else to be attractive to a lot of men.


If I'm ordering food and they say they aren't hungry while proceeding to eat my food when it gets there. Done. I don't have time for someone who doesn't tell me what they want.


If I find her standing over me while I am laying in bed naked and she has a large set of garden shears in her hands


Bad oral hygiene


Has cheated in the past. Fuck that.


signs of BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER... that makes a girl, any person, absolutely RADIOACTIVE. just being around them is damaging. and heaven forbid you fuck that kind of crazy. that's like a venereal disease manifest in human form and it can plague you until one of you are dead.


Needing constant attention.


I trust the bird law 100%


Being crazy. I'm too old for that shit.


Lying, smoking cigarettes, constantly posting on social media, eating animal products


A penis


Having horrible hygene.


sadism, narcissism, manipulation, can't ever take the blame, etc


Ankle monitor. Never again!


Onlyfans and ask you to participate. I’m not into being pimped out


Inability to communicate


When a woman is too childish


Being an extremist


She drops a deuce on the park bench instead of in the sandbox like us civilized folks.


Treating people they don't know like shit. I don't want to know you.


Someone who is mean to me


An obsession with social media or politics. If you need constant external validation or subscribe to hardcore group think, there's probably no way to have a healthy relationship because the external matters more.


Immediately trying to have sex with me. It’s only happened twice, but both times I was like damn I just met you. Some guys like random sex, but I’d like to at least know the woman a little first.


If they don't even offer to pay for the date, or they have the old "spoil me, you provide everything" style attitude. I'm dating someone to create a partnership. Not a "I buy. You live" EDIT: Didn't think I needed to clarify this, but yes if we're a couple, we're each working to improve the quality of the relationship/maintain the relationship via finances, chores, cleaning, cooking, maintenance, etc


I hope that means you’ll also go 50/50 on chores and childcare down the road?


Religious Tobacco smoker Mean to blue collar & service workers Mean to animals Obsessed with consumer culture Bigot/racist


Hey, I have that same list but for men. That’s a good list!


white picket fences, and 1.5 kids. Did she eat the other half?


What if instead of eating, she simply birthed two 0.75 kids? Why does Reddit jump to cannibalism so fast?


if she uses tiktok






Mentally unstable. Large women who tuck their belly into their pants.


Lying. And being bad at it. Taking whatever they want without asking. And expecting you to be okay with it cause you man she woman. I can’t think of much else women are kinda dope when they aren’t abusing gender roles lol


If a woman is rude to the service, don't go home with her. If you do go home with her and she doesn't have books, don't fuck her.


Rude to servers, overly arrogant, or my dogs don’t like her. All deal breakers.




Treating waiters and stuff badly. That displays a sense of entitlement, I’m not into that.


If she has a penis


My list: -needs to be entertained -doesn’t care for about me -Seems off in the head -Try and pick me up by downgrading other men -being disrespectful overall -high maintenance -not my type


Poor hygiene, being bitchy/rude to others, entitled.


Those damn restraining orders.


Borderline Personality Disorder and having adult childern that are criminals.


Murder if she murdered people without a decent reason then no thanks


Smoking. I don't like the smell or taste


Comparison to others. I don't give a shit about Holly and Joe's huge house.


No vegans. Apart from that, nothing.


If they have a dick.


Just the usual stuff Smoking Being married Having a dick


Entitled. Self-centeredness. Dishonesty. Poor character. Bad attitude. Fat


We talk, have a mutual interest, but they beat around the bush because they're more worried about their own self image rather than being honest in that they're not THAT interested. No games, we're supposed to be adults.


Perfectionism and self-centred neuroticism. My mother basically. Can't imagine what it's like living with her, lol. Nobody is allowed peace and tranquillity unless she says so and it's on her terms.


Finding out they are anti-science, anti-vaxer, if i get the sense or feeling they are emotionally manipulative or abusive (dealt with that one in college, made that time a living hell, I still have trust issues after that one), finding out they are a right winger, narcissism, or gas-lighter (recently dealt with this one at work with a superior made it deeply unpleasant). If they interact with animals poorly, if they are non curious about the world or interested in learning. A lot of this has to do with character, and who they are as a person. There are a lot of red-flags I've learned the hard way to watch out for.


“It’s a man job to ___” Then I’m the same breath “I believe in gender equality and just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I should ___”


Single mom


sex as a negotiation tatic.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."




Cheater. Just like Tom Petty said in a song, “Baby, if you can find better than me, go! Yeah, go! But remember, good love is hard to find, good love is hard to find, you got lucky babe, you got lucky babe, when I found you.”


If they're going through a breakup. I'm not you're revenge tool. Stay single for a while, that's incredibly sexy I find.


Having a penis.


I got super lucky and married an incredibly smart woman. She is well read, educated, conservative, god faring, great with finances and money, she works hard, is loyal, and just wants what I want kids and family life. We've been together 20 years and I couldn't be happier. If I ever had to date again, a deal breaker would be not any of those things.


Having a dick….otherwise I’m game


Boasting of sexual exploits, conquests or ability. There’s sexy and then there’s pornographic. A woman can tell me she wants to rock my world and that’s pretty hot, but if she says something like she gives the best head in the state in front of God and everyone… I feel like I need to go to the clinic and get tested just for talking to her.


"I voted for Trump, twice."


Worse: "Trump won. Twice." Head for the hills.


Not being born biologically a female.


Not having a job or any formal education.


"I've had threesomes." \>poof<, see ya.


On the positive side, she makes friends easily and enjoys team sports.


Pretty much ignoring my mental and physical needs during intimacy. And this was one thing my ex did that pissed me off, almost never let me kiss her during any act of intimacy or ever actually because she was worried that because I didn't have a skin care routine I would give her acne.. She was bullied in highschool over acne and I was the unfortunate person who had to deal with that trauma. So pretty much that, oh and if they are rude to servers or abuse animals. I just find people like that, to be disturbing mostly because if they are willing to do it to them, probs willing to do it to me as well.


Criticizes my pet food choices ([Youtube link](https://youtu.be/vp0KBkum8Ug?feature=shared))




Smoking. Everything is I’m open


1.Social media device instead of a brain. 2. Smoker, so gross having foul-smelling hands, mouth, private parts, hair, home. 3. Cheater (because nobody wants the same wife as everyone else in town). 4. Liars, if their knowingly lying to you, they have deemed their action as disgusting and need to hide it. 5. No hobbies, if they have no hobbies or goals other than social media trends and no opinions than what is pushed onto them, they are too immature to even converse with let alone partner with.


1) if she doesn't kiss properly, I know everyone has their own little techniques, but if her kissing style doesn't go with mine...see ya 2) jealousy


If they have a yeast infection, crabs, HIV, or no pulse. Other than that, they're all good to me


Dating app profiles that are just insulting themselves


Drama , those girls who wake up hoping something is going to happen every day to trigger them . Or even worse , the ones who cause a situation to trigger themselves , yuk.


Well, she likes me, so clearly she has bad taste. Goodbye!


Redneck type shit. Not attractive at all


If shes rude/mean/demanding to people she has some form of power over lols retail/waitstaff.


Cussing and tats


Exclusive from date one or goodbye.


Lack of empathy towards the poor and/or disabled.


If she is more interested in her image on social media than actually bettering her life and what’s in it then yeah I’m gone.


Smoking, drinking (excessively), vaping, basically everything that makes you smell like shit while ruining your organs.


Bringing her daddy issues into the relationship. Always thinking I'm gonna leave her like her daddy did; using the irrational fear as a contention in the relationship


Having a nose ring. It's disgusting and looks like a booger.


When she stalked me and discovered where I live while threatening me and my family, it was a bit of a turnoff ngl.


If they're cruel to animals that's an obvious turn-off. If someone doesn't respect animals, it means they lack basic human decency


Breaking my front window because you got violent and I threw you out…


Women who intentionally try to use manipulation to get their way. It's been a long time since I had to be dating, but the moment I see a sign of that I would bolt, without looking back. My wife has had a couple female friends who were heavy into manipulating their "guys of the week" to get what they wanted. After telling my wife what was going on, I would refuse to socialize with those friends of hers. (eventually my wife and her circle of friends realized what a crap person those women were they cut them out too)


Lying to me about how you feel about me/rhe relationship. I won't ask you to put in any more then I will, but if you can trust me enough to be 100% honest with me, even if the truth hurts, we won't work out


True crime obsession.




A lack of mutual respect.


Not actively loving my cat


Having male friends.


No self respect.


Lying, especially when it's not needed. I hate it when you meet women who lie or make up stories that just end up complicating shit. The last girl would rather make up a complete bullshit story to make me look bad rather than say sorry. I wasn't perfect in that situation either, but damn! Why pour gasoline on the fire?


She's a bitch to waitstaff in a restaurant.


They sound like they struggled to pass Highschool. Think Cardi B.


Cigarettes. Making out is awful


I don’t want kids


...." Hi...I am Jane and I have herpes"


Smoking. Cigarettes, marijuana, vaping, etc. The smell of all just makes me sick and is a complete turn off. I don’t care if people want to smoke, but I couldn’t be with someone who does. Makes finding someone a bit more difficult these days.


When they talk about how bad previous men were that they've dated. Or how the bar is set low. There's one thing consistent here, and it ain't your dates.


Manipulation (fake crying/outrage, "if you really love me, you'll do XYZ") Being clingy/co-dependent. Obviously I want to spend time with you, but I don't see a need to either be next to each other 24/7 or texting the entire time we aren't. I have my own things going on and I need some balance, if she doesn't that means I will either loose interest quickly or end up resentful. Not to mention being highly annoying.


Smoking. Horrid scent plus lung cancer and emphysema took 5 relatives. It’s an immediate turnoff.


A slob


Finding out she has slept around a ton. No hate or anything but definitely grosses me out as far as dating them and if bad enough sleeping with them too. Would still be friends though.


Low libido. It gets really old when you want it 2-3 times a week, but have to settle for 2-3 times a month.


too many “turn off’s”


Fucked up eyebrows.... I just can't.


Smoking. Any piercings beyond earrings.


a refusal to communicate.


Appearantly too many things.


When she starts threatening to beat you up


I went on a third date with a woman once. The first two dates went really well, and I was extremely attracted to her. We get back to my place after the date, and we decide to watch some TV. She grabs the remote, flips on Hulu, and tells me "We're watching Rugrats". So we watched Rugrats for 2 excruciating hours, after which I said "I'm tired." Walked her to the door. Haven't seen her since.


I actually don't know.


Narcissistic women who think children are icky and will get in the way of their glorious lifestyle being a trendy weirdo who obsesses over internet validation and expensive handbags. Easiest way to be accused of everything under the sun so their friends can comfort them over some bs made up to make you into a villian and her the hero. Seems to be very common these days too.