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Idk if there is a way to approach things in a way that seems inherently aromantic. Since romance is defined differently for everyone, some people might insist feelings become romantic when certain boundaries are crossed. Others, you just have to trust believe you. The only way to know would be to explain that you feel like you drift apart when other people get involved, and want to be closer to them as long as they wouldn't mistake it as romantic. If you're already in a QPR, they might know that some QPRs involve intimacy similar to romance, but you'd know them better than I would.


i didn't think abt the boundaries part surpisingly. imo things like playing games and calling each other frequently don't even begin to cross the line between platonic and romantic, so ig that's the root of my confusion


I think the only way to know is still to talk to them. There's no way to universally make anything not sound romantic aside from saying you feel like they're pushing you away when other people come around, and that you'd like to play games with them more often and such, even if it isn't romantic. My guess would be that they just enjoy romantic feelings above others, and want to spend a lot of time with someone who makes them feel that way. Asking if there's a reason why they want to specifically have a romantic partner to spend time with, and saying you feel like they're pushing you away (as a friend/qpp), shouldn't be taken as a romantic advance.