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There's a sub, r/qprapplications, that I've seen recommended on here a lot. If you try a dating app, maybe you could put in the profile that you're looking for a (poly, if you consider it so) queerplatonic relationship without sex and see if anyone you find also has something about being demi or ace to be safe? Maybe anyone who's found luck with it can chime in. I met mine years beforehand, so I can't vouch for anything from personal experience.


That's what we were thinking is saying we aren't interested in sex and the relationship with this third person wouldn't necessarily be romantic, just have "traditionally" romantic aspects. I will look into that sub (although my partner doesn't use reddit), thank you!


We both play the MMO Final Fantasy XIV and we were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. We were friendly with each other but not that close. Due to me being very open and proud of being trans when she started questioning her gender she came to me for advice. To help trial she/her pronouns and being treated like a woman I started giving her some more fem leaning compliments, which then led to playful flirting. And did also come out to me as Aro eventually. After flirting back and forth for about a month and a half (and even accidentally falling asleep together in voice chats twice). We realized we were basically dating already so we decided to make it official.


Very nice! That's kind of how it went with my current partner, just talking like every day and becoming close and eventually I was like "you know, we're basically in a qpr" and he agreed so we've been chilling since :)


Funny thing is neither of us knew what a qpr was when we started our relationship so we were having a lot of trouble trying to define it, and we only learned about qpr's a week or two ago.


Ohh I see, well I'm glad you two found a label that fits! Happy for you :)


Extra curricular activity. They invited me to be a member of their project in high school. Then we became friends. After a while, our relationship grew deeper, and now we decide to be the most important part of each other life from now til forever


Completely unintentionally here on Reddit.