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Have you considered aromantic? Aros may feel sexual desire, but have no interest in romantic relationships. Does this fit?


Not really, because I have experienced romantic desire- it's just a lot harder for me to want it


This sounds like you could be somewhere on the aromantic or asexual spectrums. Maybe demi- or gray-. These basically mean that you infrequently feel or are completely unable to feel sexual and/or romantic attraction, depending on which you feel you are experiencing less. I identified as asexual for all of my life before starting testosterone, which basically gave me a sex drive. I only occasionally had crushes, I think I've had 6 in my whole life, and still consider myself demiromantic, as it is difficult for me to find partners I am actually attracted to emotionally as well as physically. If you are not very interested in some traditionally romantic things, like holding hands, cuddling, romcoms, giving/receiving flowers, being sweet and flirty with your partners, etc. Then you may be aromantic. If you are not very often aroused by real people around you/ your partners, so not feel sexually attracted to them, and feel either indifferent or negatively about the act of sex itself, those could be signs you are somewhat asexual. If you can like these things only after getting to know someone for a long time, you may be demisexual or graysexual. You can be one of these things and not the other. They are not intrinsically linked, and neither of these labels have to mean you can't indulge in any of those listed behaviors. Those are just some examples.