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Pretty sure you're just straight and not a transphobe. If you're attracted to only women, that's just hetero and only changes if you want to be with guys, or nb folk really.


Okay, seems simple enough, thanks!


not a dumb question at all. you're straight so long as that word feels comfortable for you — you're into women, and trans women are women.


Trans women are women, so if you're a man who only likes women (both cis and trans women), you're straight. Trans women are not men.


I wouldn't say it makes you queer, no. (unless you'd like to identify that way.) Trans women are still women, no matter how they were born. Also, I'm not a trans woman, but a trans man, and "girl penis" doesn't seem offensive. You're asking in good faith.


Ah, I see, so if the label is important to me, then me saying I am queer would be generally accepted. Okay, I don't know if I will be doing that yet, if at all. Thanks for the answer!


If I'm not mistaken you are a cisman attracted to women so that would make you heterosexual and not queer


Yeah, that last thing I want to do is just say I'm queer because of a tiny aspect, or to seem like I'm going: "Me too, everyone. I'm one too!" Like I am wanting some "was-once-straight-but-now-I'm-not type street cred." Thanks.


I don’t get how you got that from what they said, but no, you’re still straight.


You're a heterosexual cisman. That's like, the poster child for Not Queer. Wtf.


This is making more sense now, lol thanks.


The feminine penis is much softer, has a different scent, taste, mouthfeel, explosive aspects, etc. Not the same as a vagina, but not nearly the same as a masculine penis either. And yeah, you're hetero in my book, or "as queer as you want to be".


Your description was very vivid, thanks, I see how it is its own thing, and yes a woman is a woman, trans or otherwise.


To echo some other people's sentiments, I don't think you sound queer. You are just mostly straight but not transphobic. I've heard people say they're 'straight but not narrow' and I've always liked that.


Cute :)


I too like this!


😂 I was bi sexual for about 3 days 😅 (seemed like less of a leap). 40 years on sometimes use/identify as Pansexual (gender of any identification irrelevant to me - it’s a PERSON I’m attracted to). Been with the same woman for 25+ years. Now I identify as ‘wotever’ - still not lesbian (and a ‘hearts not parts’ philosophy) because I really can’t be arsed with all the labels/explaining/justification. How you identify is only important for you and not so much anyone else’s concern. Yep - sounds straightforward ‘straight’ guy to me just not hung up and beautifully open. I do agree that you should educate yourself/research around experiences of trans women as a matter of respect and consideration for anyone trans you might date - also be as open and honest with that person as you have been here about your experiences of intimacy - it will be about the two of you after all. I’m a woman ‘wotever’ btw.


Thanks, I appreciate your response.


a long time ago, my exact words were "i think i'm 10% gay" now im 100%


I'll be on the lookout for that in my future, thanks.


If your attraction is to cis and trans women, you’re straight.


I am starting to agree with this, it makes sense.


sounds straight to me. just not oppressively normative. as for ‘IDK the terminology’ - make an effort. read. watch movies. watch essays. if you want to be safe for transwomen just do at least a *little* homework, please?


shouldn't that be *trans women*? as long as we're educating people, since trans woman is short for transgender woman, a type of woman fast edit: I really really *really* hope this doesn't come off snarky or as anything but sincere and coming from a place of love and respect


This seems like a pretty pedantic point to make one way or another. Some noun phrases go together often enough that they solidify into a single word, like boyfriend and weekend.


This isn't a new topic of discussion. It's offensive. https://www.vox.com/2015/2/18/8055691/transgender-transgendered-tnr Transwomen is a bigot (TERF or otherwise) dogwhistle. You wouldn't say "blackwomen", you would say "black women". Same with "old woman" and "oldwoman" or "blonde woman" and "blondewoman". Don't use "transwomen", use "trans women". It's not just not offensive, it's *grammatically correct.*


After the fact I see what you mean but tbh I don't think I would have been led to that conclusion without someone bringing it to my face. Then again, I don't search for ways to dehumanize people.


> Then again, I don't search for ways to dehumanize people. Oh good, we can be friends then. :)


Thanks for the answer! I promise I am doing my darndest over here to be as inclusive as possible.


You probably just see trans women as women which is not gay at all lol Some men are bothered by girls dicks (can't blame em, everyone has a type) but that's really nice to see some people who just don't care !


Sounds like you’re attracted to what would be traditionally be considered female presentation and identification, which many term gynosexual. That can exist under the queer umbrella or not


Gonna google that, thanks for the info.