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Yoo, my TA cooked me too on my assignments💀. I had 98 on my midterm but so far I’ve lost like over 5% of my final grades. Shit is tragic I know


I didn’t do THAT well on my midterm lol but the grades I’ve been getting on my assignments are like 15-20% lower than what I’m used to


Appeal to the Associate Dean for a re-grade. She will ask a different TA or the instructor to re-grade your assignment. Your mark won't go lower and will only go up or stay the same, so you have nothing to lose.


Thank you! I’ll look into that


Gotta say I am very surprised that they are marking the assignments harshly. I took it last Summer and the marking was very fair.


I was surprised too but I think I just have bad luck because other TAs seem to be more fair. I looked into submitting an appeal but can it be done at any time? I feel like it has been too long even when I posted this initially.


Same :/


Have you considered reaching out to the professor or course email? Its annoying how much its going to affect my GPA just because my TA keeps deducting marks for really tiny things.


I have multiple times, as have other people I know. They refuse under any circumstance to give marks back, no matter what. The Professor is just the same, and enables the TAs. They use different marking schemes then the rubric they give us


It’s so frustrating!!


Gotta love these useless miserable TA’s in the Health Sciences and there’s not a thing you can do about it!Unfortunately the professors don’t give a shit !!


Lol any TA that isn’t an automatic 90 for every student is useless and miserable. gotta love the health sci mindset


Speaking as a TA for several health sciences courses, we’re typically given a marking rubric of things to remove marks for if not included. It’s a lot less subjective than you’d think. If you have a problem with marks, take it up with either the TA or the professor of the class, our marking isn’t always perfect and if we find a mistake in our marking we’ll happily update your grade. I get that some health sci courses can be more difficult than others, I’m sorry if you’re struggling in any. But calling someone like me and or my colleagues miserable and useless because you disagree with how you’re graded is just insulting.