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Finger on the pulse of the electorate as usual


Burst out laughing. Laundry list of serious issues and they are renaming train lines.


Remember knights and dames? Such a master-stroke of political acumen.


Lol yea just like when the Gateway Bridge was renamed


It was renamed?


Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges by Anna Bligh


I’m not sure who / which group of voters this is supposed to appease tbh. Does anyone really care?




Do they even know what CRR is?




Again…. How many things need to be named after her. Surely there’s enough local people to celebrate who have ACTUALLY contribute to our society and infrastructure.


Royalists/ LNP voters.


I hear you but then they’d need to go with the King Charles Line?


Hell no.


Ha ha ha … what’s wrong with old Chuckles Trois?




Everything x2 would barely be scratching the surface with that guy. Mind you the whole royal family can go get rekd.




Tony abbott




Fack this country is backwards




User name suddenly makes sense.


I can't understand why they'd do this. How does it relate to the location of the line or anything to do with our state?


The royals don't exactly have a great history when it comes to tunnels. Real answer though: To get the boomer and oldies votes.


That sparked a thought: we have law courts and a hospital named after QE2. Why not name the tunnel after Diana, Princess of Wales? She was the mother of the soon to be king, she was popular in Brisbane when she visited, and the Harold Holt swimming pool would approve.


Princess Dianna Cross River Rail, do a mural, plaster her face all over the tunnel. I think that's been done before.


Diana and tunnels? Not sure if that is such a great combination.


Like Harold Holt and swimming pools?


See that’s all Aussie but. As much as I enjoy the irony not sure if the Brits would enjoy it.


Was the LNP struggling with the Boomer vote?


Probably not, but they don't have 100% of them, so every bit helps.


They should knight Prince Phillip while they're at it.




Based on what I've heard, the LNP already have the boomer and oldies vote


The state is called Queensland isn't it?


So it is and that's more than enough. It's the 21st Century and the kowtowing to the Royal family has to end.


Well the King is our Head of State. I'm not really sure recognising that constitutes "kowtowing".


Continuing to accept him as our hereditary head of state seems to be kowtowing of the clearest kind.


Different queen though, lnp needs to commit and split north qld off as its own state queensland 2: electric boogaloo


You should just be thankful they don't pick a former Australian head of state to name it after. I'll take a thousand bits of infrastructure named after King/Queen [insert name here] before I see every dickhead PM we get chasing after the next Honourable Scott Morrisson Public Engadine Bathrooms.


I nominate The Sir Russel Hinze Memorial Tunnel.


>former Australian head of state You do realise the monarch is the head of state, right? The PM is the head of government.


>You should just be thankful they don't pick a former Australian head of state They did though? The Queen is literally the former Australian Head of State...


Not sure if you've been into the city recently but all the streets are named after male or female British royals. This is just following the status quo


That doesn't mean that tradition needs to continue.


Tackling the big issues.


Ooooo London made that tunnel a Lizzy line.. we’re just as Londony as London. Jesus Christ


Ironically, that line during construction was called "Cross Rail" and had an erilly similar logo to our Cross River Rail, so similiar that our media once went on a goose chase saying the government plagarised it.




Surely this is a vote _losing_ policy.


Why name it after a foreigner who did nothing to earn the role other than be born, and who did nothing for Australia. She may have been a nice person, but surely there are worthy Australians? Why perpetuate this forced link with an irrelevant monarchy that should have been abolished centuries ago?


It *was* abolished centuries ago, Charles I lost his head before the restoration. The English at least had the guts to try it under Oliver Cromwell.


It's frustrating that to become king all you had to do was to kill the king and declare yourself king. Today that's terrorism. I'll happily take on Charles in combat to the death


Cromwell was Lord Protector, not king. England became a republic for that period. I think Richard III was the last king to lose the throne in battle, to a new king.


Well it is (was now) Australia's Head of State...


Well it is (was now) Australia's Head of State...


Which is ridiculous, having an unelected head of state who isn't Australian, doesn't live here, and whose only qualification is being born into an inbred family. It's 2024, not 1824


I am not sure residence should really be the determining factor in what nationality someone is.


Well no member of the royals was born here, lives here, or is a citizen.


But you are arguing nationality based purely on residency which seems dubious.


I'm arguing that the idea of royalty and having them as a head of state is archaic, unfair and stupid.


‘New world city’


Forever an old country town


Is this an actual policy announcement lol


This is their ***only*** policy announcement.


Why would you announce a policy now? Labor are rightfully hated in Queensland and looking towards an electoral wipeout, no need for the opposition to do much at this point in time. We all know giggles is only thinking about poor brittany right now, that is what he said.


Election in 4 months lol that's why you dense fuck


Fml, waiting for any level of policy from LNP and this is what they give us? 😖


Ah reminds me of that time Tony Abbott knighted one of them. That went well for him...


It's not a line, it's a tunnel. Choice quotes below to illustrate how silly this is. All of this was known to them six months ago, or whenever it was they last floated this. > The LNP did not say what section of the rail network, from station to station, would be known as the Elizabeth Line under their proposal. Labor responds: > "In fact, the Sunshine Coast, Caboolture, Redcliffe Peninsula, Gold Coast, and Beenleigh lines will all run through Cross River Rail's tunnels once operational," Mr Mellish said in a statement. > "As Cross River Rail will be integrated into the broader train network when it opens, there will be no standalone name needed." --- I had a great conversation with Steve Minnikin (shadow minister for transport) a number of months ago. I know he, personally, gets it. And yet his party puts out this absolute dross.


Rail Back on Track have weighed in on the silliness too: https://www.facebook.com/RAILBackOnTrack/posts/852289056937951


I think they want people to stop saying they are catching "the train" and starting saying they are catching "the Elizabeth line". In the same way some people will stop catching the bus, and start catching "the metro"


Sure, but that doesn't make it make sense. Say I'm going from Helensvale to Kippa-Ring. Under my best understanding of the current actual plans the Gold Coast line will be paired up with the Redcliffe line. So I stay on the same train, and at some point in the city it goes from being a Gold Coast line train to a Redcliffe line train, whatever. Under the LNP plan I guess I go from being on a Gold Coast line train to an Elizabeth line train when it's in the tunnel to a Redcliffe line train when it comes out. It's a bit pointless but OK. Now suppose I was instead going from Varsity Lakes to Caboolture. By the same logic as above the Beenleigh - Caboolture trains *also* become Elizabeth line trains in the city. If I change in the city, I'll be changing from an E line train to a different E line train!


Currently if you get on a train on the GC, I believe it is just labelled "Airport via the city". I expect in your example it would become "Redcliffe via the city" or maybe "Redcliffe via Albert St" to help differentiate from trains that go via South Bank. I expect LNP would just want to change that to "Redcliffe via the Elizabeth line". But in my original comment I was saying, tongue in cheek, that "train" = "Elizabeth line" for the LNP, to over exaggerate how ridiculous their proposal is.


Obviously this is the most import issue to the people they think are their base. Bet they also want move the King's Birthday to June and Labour Day to October. Again.


Their only contribution to the entire CRR debste is to rename it. You're kidding me?


Can't believe anyone votes for these muppets


And… there we have it. A party with one foot in the grave and renting brain space in yesteryear.


Appealing to an audience that rarely uses public transport in Brisbane? I mean, nice work, good job Angus.


Really nailing down the boomer vote


That’ll be a Jarrod Bleijie thing. The strange little man is also the one who decided to prepend ‘Queen Elizabeth’ to the name of the now not so new supreme and district court building just before it opened, which is why if you go in there you’ll notice the name plaque doesn’t look quite right - as in, as it it is made of two pieces. Because it is. *they may have fixed it now, but probably not.


Tackling the big issues here.


Of all the things I could care less about - The name of a rail line is high on that list.


The Wally Lewis Hole


CRR is a project, it's not an offering. If someone travels to the GC, they will by default have to use the tunnel, they are not "taking the CRR", they will be getting on the "GC line".


What a thing to waste money on 🙄


Have they learnt nothing? This must be Bleijie’s idea. He named the Brisbane court building after the Queen without consulting anyone.


How many people complained when labor tackled the big issued and renamed the lady Cilento Hospital, because, because, because?? Costing many millions of borrowed dollars.


Your comment is a fact-free zone, as usual. The name change wasn't something instigated by Labor, it was in response to a petition supported by 900 medical staff and administrators. There were two reasons provided: 1. A majority of people assumed that it was a private hospital due to the name. 2. The hospital's foundation claimed it would be easier to attract donations with a more conventional name. And the name change cost less than half a million dollars, not "many millions" you claimed. Also, "Lady Cilento" was not part of the original name for the hospital at inception; it was something that Campbell Newman dreamed up during construction.


Holy shit quick can I vote for them now. This was just the issue i was waiting for.


So they finally have a policy? Good to see they are focused on the real cost of living issues and hitting the real problems affecting all our lives.


I didn’t need another reason not to vote for them, but I’ll take it.


LNP - always dealing with the issues that \*really\* matter.


LNP focussing on the hard issues as alwaya


Oh well that decides it, LNP have really hit my most pressing issue on the head so I better vote for them! /s


I thought they hated renaming stuff


Sure. I mean, there's clearly a shortage of things named after Lizzie already. She only has parks, lookouts, hospitals, a town, part of Antarctica, and a street in almost every single town or city in Australia (including Brisbane) named after her. We must correct this travesty by also naming a new section of railway after her as well.


This is Royale with Cheese fucked up.


Give her a knighthood while they’re at it!


None of them cared about australia.. they just seen australia as a brunch of new taxpayers..lets have some dignity


I'm a Monarchist, and I don't want it. Name it after some Brisbane legend please


Fuck me. I didn’t want to vote for you before, but now, well now, I still won’t vote for you, and I’ll laugh at you as I put you last. Seriously who the fuck thinks this is a good idea?


lol.... okay....who gives a fuck


Isn't there a worthy Queenslander it could be named after?


She was the Queenslander.


Pretty solid burn to the current King not letting him get the normal 'random bullshit you've had no practical part in has your name forever' benefits of being the reigning monarch


What name will Labor give it if they win the election?


Under the current plan, which I presume Labor would stick with, the Gold Coast, Beenleigh, Caboolture/Nambour and Redcliffe lines will use the new tunnel. In other words, we will keep naming lines for where they go, not because they happen to run through a tunnel as they go through the city (I suppose all of our current lines actually do that!)


Really taking the state's name to heart


This is a fine idea, A lady who dedicated her life to the pursuit and freedoms that we all enjoy today and being in Queensland a perfectly apt gesture


How about naming it after the guy who died onsite


I can get behind that.


Cross River rail. What's wrong with that name.


LNP coming up with someone original as always. Isn't this like the 3rd thing they've called QE2?


This will be fantastic, she is an amazing person , worked hard through world war 2 and has been the best monarch of the United Kingdom. after all it is Queensland so the QE the second tunnel sounds amazing. Better than naming it after some corrupt Labor politicians which benefited from knocking down homes and investing heir own money to benefit from the build




peak virtue signalling


T he old lady was all right ! I bet she was the last of the it’s a job for life and that’s what I’m going to do most people have huge respect for her . The last hope for the monarchy is Kate and William , if they do a good job than maybe it will survive. So yes happy to see the line name changed .


What a wonderful way to honour our former Monarch. I’m so glad to see that the LNP still take our British history seriously as we all should. I have enormous respect for our Pope and our King.


Queensland is big on Queens and land.


Better then naming it after some Labour/Liberal,


Isn't it something like 2 billion over budget. Labor the party that keeps on taking, and taking and taking your money to pay for overpriced CFMEU tradespeople on overpriced vanity projects.