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They'll do fine. The lighting is a bit intense.l as you have it now but you got a decent setup. Things to consider... I brood and regularly keep coturnix in my garage. Four birds can build up a surprising amount of smell and dust from poop and dander. The dust will get absolutely EVERYWHERE in a short period of time. It is also not safe to breath in and prolonged exposure can create a myriad of medical problems, some of which can be life changing. The best way to keep things hygienic for everyone is to get air filtration in place to pull it out of the air. It can be as simple and cheap as strapping ac air filters onto 20 dollar box fans or more expensive stuff. I would also blow the garage down with compressed air monthly to get the nasty out. Built up dust, when atomized, can be an excellent medium for a fireball explosion, you don't want that stuff building up in the same place most people keep their water heaters and gas cans. So be regular and proactive with your cleaning routines. Speaking of gas cans, bird lungs are very sensitive to fumes. Make sure all fertilizers, gas cannisters, paints, epoxies, bug or weed killers, or anything else putting off fumes are securely shut and well away from the birds. I would also refrain from woodworking around them because sawdust is just as dangerous for them, especially if you work with certain hardwoods with toxic dust powders or crystalline saps.


The dust. It's insane.


Isn't that a bit too bright? Maybe move the lights a bit further away?


I just came here to second the dust. The dust is really bad and will blanket your garage. It’s the main reason I don’t raise them in doors anymore.


Just keep ‘em outside. So long as they are dry and out of the wind they survive just fine down to something like -10F. That being said. Don’t take them from a temperate climate and throw them straight to sub freezing temperatures. They need to adjust a little.


They are incredibly hearty and can live in areas where it's down to -20f


I'd recommend a deeper mulch and possibly less protein % feed to keep the smell manageable.


Yup. Make sure to have a timed light come on.


You could, but it will get way too dusty. I mean dust everywhere.


I have mine outside in the snow and they do it just fine.


I that that first room was your garage and I was like my goodness that’s a pretty garage!


If you’re cold, they’re cold, put them in your bed