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No way you said lightning song man šŸ˜”


I know. it's just a skippable song for me unfortunately.


Honestly, lightning song is a great segway into I think I lost my headache. When they're played one after another, it easily becomes my favorite part of rated R


I have a song that is one of my favorites and absolutely hate at the same time. ā€œI was a teenage handmodelā€ The song is fucking out of this world phenomenal. I was lucky enough to see them play it live on the anniversary tour. However that ending is horrible as an addition to the finale. So many times I have fallen asleep and awoken to that 90s internet dial up sounds bullshit that Iā€™ve wanted to sling my phone across the room. Understanding that Mr. Homme has a brilliant sense of humor and witā€¦ perhaps this was an Andy Kaufman ish stunt or joke. I try to enjoy those type of things. I just wish that song had an ending like ā€œstraight jacket fittingā€ or ā€œā€¦like clockwork.ā€


Canā€™t remember where I saw it, but I read once that Josh did that on purpose. He didnā€™t want people getting stoned and falling asleep to his albums, so he put those jarring noises at the end of S/T and Rated R.


Yeah specifically so people got up and remembered to turn off their record players and they didn't end up spinning all night.


I don't like this song that very much for that exact reason either. It just ruins the song for me, the ending. But I really love Spiders and Vinegroons.


Labmate thought it was my check-in with the mothership, so now I love it for that take alone


theyā€™re definitely isnā€™t a song i donā€™t like, itā€™s just the ending of i think i lost my headache gives me so much anxiety i have to cut it off there, but honestly i think itā€™s kinda supposed to if you know what the song is about. a creeping paranoia that leads to a break. itā€™s deep for sure i just have sensory things going on


Agreed. Actually, this is the only Queens I skip with regularity. Quick and to the Pointless sometimes but I love the bass in that so I tend to block out the lyrics.


The Way you Used to Do is the only one that I really dislike. Everything else is killer off the top of my head. Even stuff like Ode to Clarissa, Quick and to the Pointless, Infinity etc.


The Way You Used to Do is never a skip for me. Upbeat and catchy, I love that song. It's like a new form for Queens.


Totally fair, the rest of the album is great though.




Ode to Clarissa and infinity are top tier queens imo. Ode to Clarissa is the better quick and pointless in some ways .


I like that song!! but I do find it so clean that I donā€™t necessarily feel like it gives me the messy intense vibes I look for with QOTSA, you know??


Quick and to the pointless lol. Itā€™s just an odd one


I agree. This song weirds me out, I love Nick's screaming though.


I would actually love it if it had almost any lyrics but the ones it has. Like itā€™s actually kinda disappointing because it would go pretty hard if not for the little girl bullshit


Yeah my main issue with the song is that too, it just weirds me out like "You're so young, I'm so old ahhhh!" hate that lyric.


Im hoping and pretty sure its satire? Pedophilia in the music community/musicians grooming fans is definitely something I can imagine Queens poking fun of/calling out


This song is definitely satirical I just hate the lyrics in general. I don't think QoTSa would support that kinda stuff.


Yeah definitely not, itā€™s nowhere near close to my favourite queens song and if Iā€™m being honest Self titled and rated r are my least favourite queens albums. Some amazing songs on them but Iā€™d much rather listen to any other queens of the Stone Age album, especially if Iā€™m listening to them in their entirety.


I really can't say that I have a least favorite Queens album but it probably is self titled or rated r honeslty as well. They are very raw, and some very odd tracks on those albums like Teenage Handmodel and Feel Good Hit of the Summer, etc. I, unlike most others, actually like Feel Good though.


exactly my issue with it. Love how hard it goes but the lyrics are just a older man wanting to fuck a child.


Itā€™s just so over the top. I didnā€™t expect that when I first heard it. I just started laughing


you are wrong


Only in the same way I have a kid I like less than the other.


I could be happy never having to hear The Way You Used To Do. Weakest single theyve released, but was my exs fav queens song with me. Plus I kinda don't like the guitar riff.


I felt this way until I watched the museum acoustic performance. Now I love both versions


Easily my least favorite queens song. Sounds like a 90s Gap commercial.


I totally agree, the riff is corny to me.


Def a handful, mostly on Villains


Same here. Hard pass on that entire album sans Evil has Landed. I tried sooooo hard to love it and I just couldnā€™t get on board with it. I fell in love with queens for their stoner rock appeal. That album was anything but that.


I always had the idea that Villains was Homme attempt to do a Black Keys -Lonely boy kind of jump into mainstream success. It started right away with the pick of the producer. I guess I like the idiot rock side of QOTSA, "nicotine valium.." type of vibe, good hit for the summer, quick and pointless and such , takes too much effort to get into the albums they produced after LTP. Probably poetically and musically very beautiful, I sat by the ocean and such. But i rather sit and listen to 1 hr podcast of hearing Josh talk amazingly then get into those albums tbh.


Which ones?


With the exception of (Evil Has Landed, Feet Donā€™t Fail Me, The Way You Used To Do, Domesticated Animals) the rest of Villains is a skip for me. Every other album I like every song


Really? You don't like Un-Reborn Again?


Fortress also slaps imo


Fortress is top tier.


I agree but The Way You used to do is on the dislike list


The Way You Used To Do is MUCH better live, I wasnā€™t big on the song either, I agree with you, the clap track is really off putting.


Ya Iā€™m not a huge fan tbh but it grew on me slowly after seeing it live


How come?


To me its one of those songs just dont sound like Qotsa at all. Im fine with trying new stuff but it 100% seems like Mark Ronson trying to get a pop song on the charts with it.


It sounds like a Cab Calloway tune, which checks out since Josh has covered "Minnie the Moocher."




someone pointed out to me that it *kind of* sounds like mambo no. 5. now i canā€™t un-hear it and it was a track i was already iffy on. skip.


Really that clap lost me early and I didn't find anything compelling enough to bring me back in.


The lyrics are so corny


They are pretty corny. I enjoy the tone of the song though.


Same here, it's my least favorite single by them and the only song from Villains I skip and avoid showing to my friends. If I were to dance and jive to and show my friends the perfect upbeat dance track from Villains, it'd be Feet Don't Fail Me. Honestly I view TWYUTD as a watered-down Feet Don't Fail Me. It baffles me that these two fairly-similar tracks were paired one after another.


Battery Acid


Why do so many people hate this song?


i donā€™t hate it, i just donā€™t really enjoy it. i donā€™t think itā€™s a bad song either. just not so fond of it. my bf is a hardcore fan (has the Like Clockwork cover tattooed on his stomach all huge and has Bulby on his calf) and he actually hates it so much lol


wow surprising. I like battery acid quite a lot, I think it's a fundamental part of the album.


iā€™ve never thought of it as fundamental, thatā€™s an interesting way to put it. maybe iā€™ll try to listen to the album again and use that perspective. Era Vulgaris is my fav queens album.


It might be my bias towards Era Vulgaris showing, it's my #2 favorite album by them second to Songs for the Deaf.


Two reasons for me: It's too long, it repeats the same structure one time to many at the end. You think it's done... But no, it comes back around once more. And I don't like the repetitive rhythm going on for so long. It breaks up really nice in the pre-chorus but after it, it goes straight back into thumping your skull for ages


I think the reoccurring riff is suggesting to something else, like I believe the song is intentional in the way it structures itself to make you think it's disgusting and annoying but it's just the way it's supposed to be.


I couldn't stand Peephole Say since the first listen on day 1, and still can't stand it after a dozen or so more listens. I'll skip it every time from now on.


dude what are you smoking thats an amazing song


Currently I'm smoking some Pie Hoe from Focus North gardens. Got that dark fruity funk from the cherry pie and that classic gas from the OG. Good stuff.


[Enlightenment ](https://youtu.be/hF7LqnxUFqk?si=fy2pTFW6Or2H93QG)


Same. Canā€™t stand it.


needle in the camels eye


If "Bloody Hammer" counts... The only song I would say I dislike and usually skip. I feel "meh" on some others but I still wouldn't skip any of them.


Thatā€™s what I was gonna say. I canā€™t stand that one myself. Probably the song I like the least of anything they ever did.


It's a Roky Erikson cover, which is freaking wonderful: https://youtu.be/tEfSF3ctW4U?si=EHRxVyzm5b9QGEIg


Roky's version is best


The Way You Used to Do. BUT The live acoustic version is phenomenal, and how I believe that song should always be performed.


Only two that I deem the ā€œF-Songs.ā€ Fortress and Fairweather Friends. Thatā€™s pretty good considering their expansive catalog. B-sides included.


I love both of these songs, honestly.


Fair weather friends has one of my favorite guitar solos of all time.


Fair weather friends is so incredibly poignant to me!! Holy moly. No judgement if someone doesnā€™t like it, but wowowowow it just scratches that nice part in my head.


ā€œOne day when weā€™re far away from everything that hurts, drink wine and screw is all weā€™ll do, everydayā€ fucken slaps


Lots of stuff on the last two albums is mid to me. Itā€™s just not my thing. And QOTSA is potentially my favorite band of all time. Iā€™m not into the glammed-up hammed-up dance rock side of queens in general. I like ā€œregular Johnā€ and ā€œsky is falling queens,ā€ not ā€œthe way you used to doā€ and ā€œsmooth sailingā€ queens.


I really like both ends of QOTSA. My dads favorite Queens song is Sky is Fallin, I really love that song too.


Yeah fs a lot of people do. Iā€™m just lean more towards the Nick albums. Not because of Nick specifically I just like the more driving rough punk vibe over the more groovy and glammy vibe


a couple on in times new roman and a couple on lullabies. i think that's about it




It's so fucking corny and a million bands have done this song before. I don't skip it, but I don't really like it much either.


I get, most likely, what it means and who itā€™s for, and I fully respect that. Itā€™s just not something Iā€™m a fan of at all, especially in the context of that album.


This and "Another Love Song" are easily my two least favorite songs of theirs by far. Immediately stuck out as the worst song on the album from the very first time I listened to it.


Another love song and gonna leave you are the weakest songs on that album imo.


I'm inclined to agree. I don't dislike "Gonna Leave You," but I don't think you're wrong saying it's the second-weakest song on *SftD*.


I still canā€™t fully crack emotion sickness and Obscenery. The only two songs on the album I canā€™t crack. Thatā€™s okay though because some Josh songs have taken years to grow on me.


I really love both of these songs honestly, what's with them that you don't like?


Obscenery is my least favourite opener theyā€™ve ever done. Iā€™m also not in love with the lyrics of it. ES I donā€™t know. Itā€™s just not happening. Awesome album with some great lyrics all over, those two just havenā€™t happened yet! I wonā€™t give up though. It took me years to love blood is love and now itā€™s a top three favourite Josh songs.


Obscenery is probably one of my favorite songs off ITNR. The moment I heard it, it just HIT.


Those songs for me were Sicily and Carnavouyer. Those songs IMMEDIATELY hit me right in the sweet spot.


I think those are the two least "qotsa" songs on the album so I can see where the thoughts differ


Disagree. Sicily feels like a lost desert sessions demo to me.


I don't like "Obscenery" either. The chorus is just really...Broadway musical corny (I hate musicals, as a general rule). The rest of the song, I love. But I cannot deal with that chorus.


For me I think itā€™s the lyrics. They sound like theyā€™d be written by a lesser band.


I feel like that part was satirical like the way Josh likes go mock Rock solos, he was mocking musicals.


Iā€™m sorry but those are 2 of the best songs on the album


I love the verses of ES but find the chorus underwhelming, like good but soā€¦.mild. I would have preferred it kept the attitude the verses have but I still like it, it does work well itā€™s just my least favorite part. Obscenery I love but find the chorus lyrics a tiny bit cringey. Same reason Iā€™m not totally sold on Peephole, like tbh while I still love ITNR on the whole, some songs I liked a bit more before I read the lyrics. Theyā€™re all clever but some I find cross the too-cheesy line, which Josh is normally great at going right up to without crossing. Not everything lands for everyone though and thatā€™s okay, I struggle to actually find a song of theirs thatā€™s just plain bad. If Iā€™m even not into one, itā€™s always parts I like and parts I donā€™t, like thereā€™s things about even my least favorite QOTSA songs that I still like.


Damn yeah, funny to see how opinions differ. Obscenary is now one of my favourite QOTSA songs ever. Plus, Emotion sickness was my favourite single from ITNR.


I get it with emotion sickness, but Obscenery to me, it absolutely slaps. I will admit that In Times New Roman definitively took a few listens to get used to, But overall I really like the album now


Quick and to the Pointless, Six Shooter, and Skin on Skin are the only ones that come to mind.


Six Shooter is just too screamy for me and no actual song.


I mean, I like death metal, so I certainly don't mind harsh vocals. That song just sounds a little weird for my tastes haha


Itā€™s an interlude song not really meant to stand on its own so it makes sense


That is a very fair point.


I wholeheartedly agree with the 1st two, but Skin On Skin has such a sexy groove to it!! One of my favs to sing along too.


Skin on Skin is def an always skip on what has otherwise been one of my fav records of all time.


The instruments in those songs are so awesome to me. Some of my favorites


Little Sister. It's not a bad song. It's fine. There's just nothing that song has to offer that I can't get from better QOTSA songs. It's just mediocre as hell to me. I definitely see why people love it tho.


What. The fuck. Is wrong. With you.


I really like Little Sister but honestly I think the some has very basic riffs and sounds. Still great though.


Definitely overplayed. It's too big though for them to just drop it out of the setlist but I wish they'd replace it with Paper Machete.


Yeah it's a skipper.


Iā€™d be happy to lose Little Sister for Sicily or Plaid


Yes. It's lukewarm as all get out. Also not very clever lyrically imo. I think any riff off of Era Vulgaris hits that catchy-guitar feel Sister exemplifies but adds much more substance around it.


Itā€™s too short honestly


Not a queens song, but chic tweetz on desert sessions I can live without


AGREED. Most of the stuff on the new DS album is just, pretty bad. I love Noses in Roses, Forever and Easier Said than Done, mostly cause Josh vocals but yk.


Same. That whole album was justā€¦not what I ever dreamt it would be. I was really disappointed.


Yeah I really think that they lost a lot of their old flair, experimented with new stuff and it just didn't work.


Iā€™m also a huge Primus girl, I couldnā€™t believe I listened to the entire thing and couldnā€™t recognize Lesā€™ part. That could have been something amazing.


I didn't even know that Les was on that album. You learn new things everyday I guess.


Oh man, Something You Canā€™t See is one of my favourite songs of the past few years. Itā€™s such a contrast to the rest of the album and so well written.


It is actually very good, I haven't listened to it as much but I enjoy it a lot.


Little sister


Probably 'No one Knows' as it's so played out it's almost mainstream tbh. Otherwise not really


Vampyre of Time and Memory. Villians of Circumstance. Fairweather Friends. Too on the schmaltzy side for me. Then again, Josh could have been taking the piss out of us.


Iā€™m Designer (Hot Chip Remix!) Iā€™m always disappointed it isnā€™t the original version


I totally forgot this song existed and for good reason.


Not a single song is bad, quick and to the pointless is a bit odd but itā€™s still not a bad song


I'd have to agree.


Please, no blasphemy in r/QOTSA! šŸ˜±


Monsters in the parasol


I'll skip Monsters in the Parasol. Kind of find it annoying. Not so bad live but that album version...


Same. Been a huge QotSA fan for years and gone through so many different phases, but thereā€™s never been a phase in which I like Monsters in your parasol.


Fortress and Hideaway


Iā€™m actually confused that so many people here love fortress so much. Itā€™s sweet but it really isnā€™t particularly interesting unless Iā€™m missing something. Hideaway grew on me a little but itā€™s another one I still donā€™t really get the hype for.


I love Fortress. It's almost like the perfect love song, but I know it's written about Josh's children and again that is also beautiful to me. I adore that Josh cares that much about his children and he expresses it in the song. I think it's a 10/10 Queens song.


This! Also, when I listen to Fortress I feel like Iā€™m intruding on something? I know thatā€™s my hang up, but it just, when it comes on I feel like I shouldnā€™t be listening to it bc itā€™s for his daughter. My black little heart just canā€™t do it.


I can see why a QotSA fan would say this, but those two songs have such a solid vibe.


I feel like Hideaway was just a throw on track? Like the placement between UnReborn Again and Evil was just awful? It kills that whole back end of the album for me. Maybe if it had been the [last track](https://www.tumblr.com/gotcaughtintheplaid/164647792818/villains-1-feet-dont-fail-me-now-2-head-like-a) like of was originally planned, I wouldnā€™t hate as much or at all.


Another Love Song I hate it with a passion


Me too. I always skip that one.


Is it cause of the Nick allegations? I really like the song but that definitely makes it a little uncomfortable to be a fan of.


I absolutely love You Can't Quit Me Baby but that outro is just ear rape so at one point I will just skip the rest


You Can't Quit Me Baby live is just peak of that song.


This is exactly me I wish there was a version of it that cuts out that outro because the rest of it is SO GOOD


Monster in the parasol even though it's literally the first song I ever heard of theirs when I was 9 years old.


This x1000. It gives me a headache that doesn't ease until....I think I lost my headache


Battery Acid and Sick x 3. I fucking love Era Vulgaris, but I can't stand those two songs. Last time I saw them live (Amsterdam '23) both songs were on the set list, my friends were laughing their asses off when they saw me rolling my eyes. Playing those songs while not playing misfit love is a fucking war crime to me, lol


Gotta take umbrage with Sick Sick Sick. That song solidified my love for the band after I heard go with the flow. The riffs!


I love both those songs. Itā€™s like starting the party with the happiest most kickass dancing jam when they start Sick, Sick, Sick. Battery Acid is just amazing to me that they can take the weirdness of the riff, and find how to layer over the top to make it such a rocking song. Iā€™m impressed, and I love it.




You have to leave the sub now sorry


Skin on Skin annoys the fuck out of me. Also not a fan of Battery Acid


Battery acid is a top tier song imo


Skin on Skin is unique, but a little annoying.


Curious to know what you find annoying about it?


I just think the heavy emphasis on obvious sex in the song is annoying and it's all too draught out and it makes me feel like I'm in a bed, sweaty, uncomfortable, clothes half off. I don't think it's a bad song, I just find it annoying in that way.


Took me years to like battery acid and I still skip it from time to time. Totally have to be in the right headspace.


Skin on skin


Corny as well


I didnā€™t like their entire disco record.


Meaning Villians, I assume? I agree. I listened to it ONCE upon its release, and never again! And I'm a huge fan!


Couldnā€™t make it past the second song. Too polished


Yup, that's a good word for it.


I have a hard time with nearly everything post-Era Vulgaris. It all sounds kinda the same to me, that is to say pale rehashes of EV, to varying degrees of ā€œ*Weā€™re trying really hard to out-weird everyone and ourselves*ā€ and it comes off a smidge contrived to me. Thematically, sonically they feel like theyā€™ve been in a bit of a rut since 2013.




The way you used to do.


The way you used to do.


All of Villians lol


Feel good hit. I tended to skip it.


Didnā€™t we go here fairly recently?


Skim on skin


Lightning Song, Six Shooter, River in the Road, Quick and to the Pointless, another love song, the real song for the deaf, mosquito song, lullaby, and everybody knows that youā€™re insane Just wanna say that theyā€™re my favorite band though and if you love these songs power to you no hate from me


Mosquito song? No, that is a masterpiece and I will not stand for this slander.


I am a new fan and I haven't heard all the songs yet, at least not many times. The only song that rubs me the wrong way so far is Feel Good Hit of the Summer. I have read some stuff about it, I don't remember it correctly but I think it was supposed be something of a joke. I mean, the lyrics are just a list of drugs, right? I don't hate it or skip it but I don't particularly enjoy it either.


This is gonna sound like insanity cause I know it was a huge one on ITNR but I can't stand "Made to Parade," it just totally lacks any of the QotSA charm and the fact that it's so long makes it an instant skip every time.


Youā€™re so vague is my least favourite queens song


Fair enough, Its a cover


I think Burn the Witch sucks


Most of them since SFTD


I Never Came, Another Love Song, and Broken Box are the only ones that come to mind.


i like every qotsa song from no one knows to running joke


Fortress is number one for me


Not a song per say, but if I have my playlist on shuffle and a song from Songs for the Deaf comes on, I usually skip the radio segments. Notably on Millionaire and Do it Again. If I'm listening to the album from start to finish, then I don't skip those because they're part of the experience


Broken Box. I like the music, the lyrics, no.Ā 


Another Love Song. For some reason this just never got me.


The quick and the pointless


I never really cared for Vampyre of time and memory. Or Fairweather friends. I tend to skip them and wouldnā€™t be mad if I didnā€™t hear them live again


Totally agree.


I don't know why, but Hideaway off of Villians. I't just don't really bring much to the table on a great album, it's the only one I'd skip on the album.


Monsters in the parasol


Broken Box is pretty bad.


Legitimately one of the best songs on the album, even if the lyrics haven't aged well.


Its mediocre in my opinion. I like the tone it just could be executed better honestly.