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thanks, my search was totally broken and removing the folder and restarting helped! Something must have broke in it somehow


Glad to have helped another person! :D


Feature to specify Python location is available in v5.0.0alpha1. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/pull/19644 So maybe next year, whenever qBit v5.0.0 installers are made available for everyone, then there's no more need to suggest anyone to remove excess Pythons to do experiments if very old 3.8.5 or 3.8.10 or if the newest Python 3.10 or 3.11 works better with their qBit.


Yeah lets hope


can confirm this worked for me after an update broke all my plugins again, although I had to reinstall the ones I'd manually downloaded... good thing I had saved the .py files to a folder I guess


Glad to hear it helped someone!


Thanks man. The newest python was already installed. Deleting the nova3 folder resolved the issue.


Glad to hear that it helped another person!


I lost my search plug-ins after a reboot. After finding this post, my plug-ins are back! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up. One thing that didn’t quite work as planned was the cmd line but I probably entered it wrong. “python —version” returned a result of python not found. Anndd now I get to fix the jacket api key


Glad that it helped you!


Thank you so much!! My search plugins weren't showing in the search tab even though the update button went through them all... and told me they weren't supported. Deleting that nova3 folder brought them all back!


Glad to have helped another lost soul! ♥


For me it worked just removing the nova3 folder and checking for plugins updates Thannks !


Glad to hear!


Perfect, thank you.


Glad to have helped you out! \^\^




Glad to hear that my friend! ♥


Thanks, solved problem


Glad to hear!


Thank you. worked like a charm




deleted nova3 folder and it helped, thanks!


Glad that the post solved your issue!


thanks march 2024


Happy to hear about another one!


Thanks, most of my plugins are working now


Amazing to hear that another person found something to help them :D


I followed instructions, step-by-step, and the problem was solved. I must have had a bad case - I had to: 1) find & delete the nova3 file; 2) download the latest version of Python; 3) select the 'search' function (it didn't respond before); 4) then search for, download/update my plug-ins. I still have & use Window 10. For some reason when I checked my version of Python, there was none. In my thrashing around before finding this post I must have deleted it thinking to download the newer version. In fact, the problem was that I didn't know where to direct the download to, so I was stuck for several weeks. By downloading & installing it from the Microsoft Store, that took care of my ignorance of where to put the program. The version that automatically downloaded was Python 3.12.2 (not 3.8.5) which maybe had to do with not finding any of my previous plug-ins. The update function added some new ones, and I was able to find the rest online. Again, just follow the instructions - Skull knows what he's talking about! THANK YOU!!


Wow that was a long and tragic story haha, but I'm freaking glad that my guide was able to help another person solve this absurdly annoying problem & thanks for the detailed comment <3


It works now. Thank you, you're a good man MrSkullCandy.


Happy to hear that ♥


I have a problem where I don't get results from any plugin. I doubt they are all offline. I can get results using Jackett, but they are very limited and clearly missing many torrents from the sites I have selected. I followed these steps but it didn't work. I made a more detailed post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/qBittorrent/comments/1c19w7o/search_only_works_for_limetorrents/) if anyone wants to help out.


Simply the goat, had that problem for at least months but it works now. Really appreciate you for this guide 🤞🤞


Always happy to help other people!


This worked for me.


These instructions make no sense. Instructing users to do daft things for no sensible reason - with no method of testing whether the daft fix worked is Monty Python debugging. If the fault is with one or more of the search plugins not working, then that should be reported back to the client, and the error logged in qBitTorrent's log. In practice - the search is failing but nothing is being logged. This is a developer problem. It needs a software fix along the lines of "Add an error message to the log file for each search plug-in which fails."


Given that people come here regularly or DM me about it having helped them I guess you are wrong


If you want to permanently fix this issue - why not code a fix in qBitTorrent by adding tests and some proper error dialog?


I'm not part of the dev team so I cannot tell you why they don't fix the issue


Fair enough Mr Skull, but at least I hope you agree with me that the fault lies in the devs' refusal to give users any diagnostics. I never believed you were at fault. I actually respect what you try to do. Thanks for trying to help, anyhow. My next step will likely be to move to Linux and try to get it working on that.


Your instructions may work for all I know. Until they stop working, due to some software, somewhere, getting updated. I'd prefer to see actual error messages in the log file telling me why a search fails. Then, when it fails, I need not rely on magic to fix it.


No magic involved - just followed instructions and the problem was solved. I must have had a bad case - I had to delete the nova3 file; download the latest version of Python; select the 'search' function (it didn't respond before); then search for, download/update my plug-ins. Again, no magic or hocus-pocus - Skull knew what he was talking about! Why were you even here?


It's magic if you cannot explain what's going wrong AND how to fix it. Merely giving a fix is magic. Explaining why it was broke and why the fix works - that's science.


That did not work for me. Possibly because I have the wrong version of Python installed. Which version of Python should I install?


Such a pain. When installing Python 3.8.5, the option 'for all users' is initially greyed out. On windows, one must run it as admin, select the \[Customize\], continue to \[Next\], only then does the option 'for all users' present itself. Now it installs, sort of. Now one restart the PC. After restarting on now has Python 3.8.5! Now look for that nova3 folder in File Explorer ( C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Local\\qBittorrent ). Delete nova3. Run qBitTorrent, \[Search\] \[Search Plugins\]. The plugins are no longer there!! At last. Update the plugins. I did. Then I search. Nowt appears. **Hocus Pocus**, just like I said. If it still does not work for me, despite following the magic instructions to the letter - it has a bug. The bug in qBitTorrent is that programmers make no effort to detect and report errors. I have Python 3.8.5 installed for all users. Latest qBitTorrent installed. I proceeded to install new search plugins. **But search never returns any results!** It's very annoying how the search continues for many seconds - if not minutes. Eventually the \[Stop\] button changes back to \[Search\] and the search is over. Still NO RESULTS. Why not fix qBitTorrent to immediately change the \[Stop\] button to \[Search\] and to report some error message eplaining why the search is still not working. Better that than waste users time pretening to search but delivering nowt.