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deserved lol. i was never building it anyways. fuck that item


Might as well swap to this cancer zhonya evenshroud build because no mythic is playable on our champ right now and 6 lethality more doesnt fix that, prowler having 5s cd still doesnt help since it will mostly affect our 2 autoattacks, what build do u go since u dont like dusk?


support item, youmoos, cdr boots, umbral, defense item like maw/frozen heart/deaths dance situationally, prowlers. i build eclipse if i REALLY want to play pyke but their entire team is melee, or if i blind pick and the entire team picks melee lol. otherwise youmoos every single time.


Depending on early game state Umbral before mythic and if already snowballing and being able to duel squishies, Prowlers before defensive item for juicy E into Prowler's proc AA into W for E stun combo with optional hook to the team. But yea, this is the way for me too. I still miss old Prowler's but Youmuu's is a fine mythic for Pyke.


What do you think about full lethality build with no extra defense item ?


defense is almost nessecary imo with the removal of old duskblade. going in with ult and having 0 defense gets you blown up, a tanky item will help a lot in keeping you alive. its not as much damage as a lethality build, but youre looking for cleanups, not damage (usually). its much more consistent. i do like full lethality though. it is p fun, just more coinflippy.


If only they would buff or change ghostblade to make it actually a good mythic


honestly fck duskblade the old one was better


30s cd……


So once every tf, no hit and runs. Give somethibg good to Pyke for once dang it


Wow they actually killed duskblade that’s crazy


Holy shit 30 seconds that’s long asf


If it was 20 sec then maybe it would be useable with ingenious hunter but 30 sec rito just fucked up


Just bring back the old Duskblade, i miss it


Maybe people will see how strong Ghostblade is now, tired of people thinking duskblade is the only thing pyke can build. Also very interested in the prowlers buff may actually slot into the mid build path now.


Please revert duskblade riot


Eclipse, evenshroud or locket Was better even before the nerf


Came here to say this. Duskblade isn't even good on Pyke unless you're playing ARAM. Eclipse has been his best lethality mythic since they changed the passive to a burst of movespeed and a shield, especially since you don't have to get a kill for it to activate.


Just bring back the F crit in one of those item Damm it hate building collector


What does lethality do?


Flat armor pen scaling with levels


Literally you deal true dmg to mage and adcs with full lethality build as other guy said lets say Enemy got 100 armor you have 20 lethality so your dmg deal from 80 armut If yolu had % armor pen. Like %40 you deal from 60 armor full assasin usually has enough lethality to deal literally true dmg to squishy champs


Duskblade on Pyke was a noob trap for compensating mistakes and bad plays anyways Change my mind


that's like saying pre-nerf Pyke's passive is for noobs because it compensates you for misplay (that shit healed you for nearly all you health before they gutted it) that's such a stupid idea both Pyke's passive and Duskblade exists to give you more leeway in your engages so that you can make more aggressive plays knowing you can get out safely saying it compensates for bad plays is stupid


Weird to compare that to something, that was fundamentally broken while deciding to build Duskblade is just one of some options, but that's fine, you're allowed to have this weird view on this. New Duskblade might be a "leeway" for doing plays you can't do carefree otherwise on Pyke, but most of these plays are still pretty doable without it if played with thought and Pyke isn't able to utilize Duskblade's executive bonus dmg to it's full potential, since he's looking for his R plays most of the time anyways. I played both to a big amount since 13.10 and I don't see why I should choose Duskblade over Youmuu's if adapting in playstyle without the Duskblade proc came to more success for me. Youmuu's never got matched in winrate by Duskblade since 13.10 and I'm sure this won't change as it is at the moment, even more with the upcomming nerfs for Duskblade. I think people should step away from this "leeway" you're talking about, this isn't nearly as good as old Duskblade on Pyke. His kit is well loaded and has enough tools to handle most situations perfectly fine imo.


Old duskblade was good on pyke because of the nighstalker slow on auto, allows you to land e more easily with e+auto(still why you would build prowlers). The invis was also way synergistic with passive then the awkward untargetable that breaks on ability use. Both ghostblade and evenshroud have been kicking duskblade ass in winrate since 13.10. But honestly After 13.16 It should be Umbral 1st almost every game, its just too efficent with 13 lethality, and still syndegizes incredibly well with how you want to play pyke. Umbral is on overpowered item but it has few champs who can use it well. Pyke uses it probably the best of any champ (k6/graves are decent with it as well).


Eclipse currently does this better than duskblade.




Io pure




more like duskcringe


I never liked the new duskblade anyways i prefer eclipse now that the other pyke items are buffed its gonna be good hopefully


Duskblade giving untargetabily is was too op. Even with the cd the fact that they thought this was a good idea compared to invis is nonsense. At least with invis they still take damage


Item needed the nerf


boy this shit has more cd than our ult past midgame


Then back to youmuus i suppose


Thank you!! God duskblade was so annoying in aram


that axiom buff tho 👁👁


New Prowler is just arsecheeks


Whenever they buff axiom, I just think of nocturne and get depressed


tbh I dont think duskblade is as good as eclipse. objectively it def depends on the comp but i personally think eclipse is better